Thursday 21 January 2021


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Not only has the US Bishops' Conference waited until after Donald Trump had been hounded out of Washington DC before they criticised President Joe 'Bidden' Biden (in the nicest possible way, of course), but then they waited until after Jorge Bergoglio had had his say. Because they'd been told to.

And what did the erstwhile Vicar of Christ (a title he's rejected) have to say to the new President of the United States, to a so-called member of the Body of Christ who fervently espouses the murder of millions of babies? 

He extended to him his 'cordial best wishes'.

What does Bergoglio mean, "best wishes"? We hope he wishes that Biden will repent of his evil intentions - and deeds, even, in regard to the unborn (having already appointed many would-be baby killers to significant positions in the new Administration) - and so avoid a not-untimely death (Biden is 78) and eternity in hell; but given Bergoglio's entirely this-worldly perspective of events, he's more likely wishing Biden a jolly good time in the White House.

The Vatican ordered the U.S. Bishops’ Conference (USCCB) to hold back a statement it had prepared for incoming President Joe Biden. The statement was mostly positive but did include some criticism of Biden’s pursuit of policies promoting “moral evils.” It was postponed until a statement from Pope Francis was released earlier today. In contrast, (Pope Francis') statement contained only praise and blessing for Joe Biden, without a single word of criticism.

The statement by the USCCB’s President Archbishop José Gómez was to be released at 9am today but bishops were informed by USCCB officials that the statement remained embargoed.

The Pillar, a new website by JD Flynn and Ed Condon, who were previously employed by Catholic News Agency, reports that “sources in the Vatican Secretariat of State, others close to the U.S. bishops’ conference, and sources among the U.S. bishops, confirmed to The Pillar that the statement was spiked after intervention from the Vatican Secretariat of State, hours before it was due to be released.” 

The statement from Gomez read:

"I must point out that our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender. Of deep concern is the liberty of the Church and the freedom of believers to live according to their consciences.

“For the nation’s bishops,” it added, “the continued injustice of abortion remains the ‘preeminent priority.”

So how come the USCCB kept their anti-abortion sentiments under wraps, and their mouths shut, while Donald Trump, the greatest champion of the unborn in US history, was fighting for re-election as president? Either they thought he'd make it back to the White House without the help of the Catholic Church, or they didn't want him to make it back. 

The Pillar reports that three sources close to the bishops’ conference informed them that objections to the statement’s release came from Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey and Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago, Illinois, among other unnamed bishops.


Cardinal Joseph Tobin with Bergoglio


Cardinal Blase Cupich - with Bergoglio

The statement by Gómez was released later this afternoon after the release from Pope Francis lauding Biden and ‘willingly’ giving a blessing to Biden and his family, without a word or hint of criticism for Biden who claims himself to be a Catholic while pushing abortion, homosexuality and contraception.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York has been quoted as saying all Catholics need to pray not only ‘for’ but ‘with’ Joe Biden.

And Cardinal Timothy Dolan - with same

“I don't care where you stand on the political spectrum. We owe it to our new president to pray with and for him. We pray that he will do his work with honor, integrity, and justice. We ask that Almighty God bless our new president.”

We need to pray for him, yes, but not with him. Scripture tells us that those who partake in evil – such as abortion, the LGBT agenda, and homosexual “marriage” – are to be scorned.

Romans 16:17  says, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”
1 Corinthians 5:11  states, “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.”

2 John 1:10 adds, “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into [your] house, neither bid him God speed.”
2 John 1:11  says, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.”
We need to pray for the conversion of Biden, in addition, since the bishops of the United States have already appealed to him many times to amend his ways and he has refused; it is time he is excommunicated for his own good and that of the Church.
Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson’s segment on Fox News last night gathered some of the latest statements from the Democrats that show they are on the war path against conservatives concerned about election integrity. They want not only a 9-11 commission but deprogramming as well.

Things are getting very scary if you ask me."

We'll ask Bishop Athanasius Schneider instead, shall we? 

Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, gave the keynote talk at The International Conference on Population Control in 2017, 
which addressed the threat of population control and examined how radical enemies of life are working to undermine and subvert the Catholic Church.

The Bishop said faithful Catholics should not be alarmed to see that “fidelity in the Catholic faith remains usually a minority phenomenon.”

Of the minority, some might be called to martyrdom as a witness to the truth of the faith. 

Some martyrs are called to witness to the truths of the faith before other Christians who have abandoned the faith, he said. 

“The fidelity to the Catholic faith and Christian martyrdom not only demands the fearless confession of the Divine truth before the pagans and unbelievers, but even before heretical Christians.”  


  1. ''Anon' says:
    Yes, the position of the US bishops is beyond bizarre. Before the US election there were 2 candidates, one profoundly pro-life and one profoundly pro-death. If abortion is the "preeminent priority" the bishops say it is, then they were duty bound to publicly support the pro-life candidate, ie Trump. But they save their strongly worded statement till after the election. If the US bishops had come out with such words sooner it could have tipped the election the other way. And Pope Francis has no strong words at all.

    And these strong words mean nothing, Biden still gets Communion.

    I think it is clear the Church hierarchy's support for the far left is their "preeminent priority", and abortion is far down their list of priorities. As our Lord said "Hypocrites".

  2. 'Anon' adds:
    The US bishops' statement points out that President Biden's social policies are basically evil, especially in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender. Their statement is 3 months too late to save the election (deliberate you may ask?).

    But Biden's social policies are basically the same as our own Jacinda Ardern's. Are our New Zealand bishops going to release a statement that is at least as strong, pointing out to Ardern the evils of her social policies?
