Friday 8 January 2021



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"Pray for the Electoral College," said a holy priest to me, a few days ago. "I just pray for Donald Trump."

Well, history today records Trump's defeat - a defeat that, in view of Our Lady's prophecies of a world chastisement for sin, just had to happen.

In case you were in any doubt about our need of chastisement for sin, take a gander at today's Dominion Post front page: 


"It's mockery," says a rad trad (as in faithful, orthodox) reader of this blog. "God will not be mocked."

"Oh," says an Novus Ordo (as in confused) type, "there are lots of images of Trump wearing a halo. Just google them." So I did, and this is the first I came across. It will serve:  


Trump's Russian Policy:Outright Collusion ... or Baffling Incompetence?

The pic was published by something calling itself 'The Gist', which today proclaimed: "The Capitol is breached by pro-Trump extremists". Enuff sed.

The usurpation - because that's what the protest amounted to - of the Capitol comes just two days after this event:

"People of various genders (sic) were laughing at U.S. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat (natch) and ordained minister, leading the House in a prayer during the swearing-in of the 117th Congress on Sunday, concluded with "Amen and A-women".

The Congress is located in the Capitol. Enuff sed. God will indeed not be mocked. 

Now take a look at the woman shot dead by police in the protest at the Capitol:


Ashli Babbit RIP

Ashli Babbit, aged 35, was an Air Force veteran who’d served on multiple missions in the Middle East. Her Twitter feed included several photos of herself at pro-Trump rallies wearing a MAGA cap.

Does she look or sound like a mindless rioter? Like one of the BLM mob? She reminds me of a friend in my erstwhile yoga class whom I dubbed 'the rubber woman'. Strange to say, there are no pix of Babbit to be seen in the Dominion Post. Instead we’re fed images like this:



Oh, now that’s more like it. That’s what the toadying NZ media and its mindless readers expect Trump supporters to look like, so that's what they want to see and so that's what the DomPost shows them. "Meet the Americans who believe Trump's US election fraud lies", said the Dom Post headline. Well, I think these guys rock.

"Abbitt, wearing a Trump flag as a cape, tried to climb through a smashed glass pane in one of the doors.

In the chaotic scene, a US Capitol Police officer in a suit and surgical mask pointed a gun in her direction and fired a single shot.

What is the catastrophe that the Blessed Virgin Mary says is about to happen, as a consequence of sin and evil in the world? 

For starters, 2021 has opened with a self-proclaimed Catholic - who wants to kill babies up to birth, who presents himself sacrilegiously for Communion with Christ at Holy Mass, who will receive Communion from a cardinal of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, who is applauded by Jorge Bergoglio, the man fraudulently elected to lead the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church - being declared President of the world's most powerful nation, the USA. 

That’s catastrophe enough for any faithful believer in Christ and His Church.  

It was nearly 2021 when Bergoglio named Archbishop Wilton Gregory, above, a cardinal

Who's surprised that rushing today to join UK's Boris Johnson's condemnation of the protest at the Capitol is none other than Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago? It “should shock the conscience of any patriotic American and any faithful Catholic,” he said, adding that the “eyes of the world look on in horror”- Cupich himself being, in offering Holy Communion to same-sex couples, about as faithful a Catholic as Martin Luther. 

He has equated racism to COVID-19 and commented that “[r]acism is the red thread that runs through the binding that holds America back from reaching its promise: equality and justice for all.”

If racism is holding America back from that (impossible) promise, your Eminence, it is the Catholic Church who more than any other party is responsible, for failure to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ which saves us all regardless of colour - and regardless of the colour of that tiny Baby who accepted the adoration of the Magi and opened their eyes to His Mystery. 

As for Boris - now unrivalled among world leaders for bad hair - he has "unreservedly condemned" Donald Trump for inspiring the dramatic assault on the Capitol building, making the British Prime Minister the first world leader to directly blame (sic) the United States President for the riot.

May we remind Boris, Stuff and the Demoncrat Party that in the words of Dr Martin Luther King, "a riot is the language of the unheard".

For the supernatural perspective so lacking in all the commentaries, even or especially from the Catholic Church (we anticipate with dread the contribution, sure to come, of Jorge Bergoglio) we may turn to the messages received by Luz de Maria de Bonilla from the Archangel St Michael, from the Blessed Virgin Mary and from Jesus Christ. These messages have an Imprimatur from the Catholic Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata of Nicaragua, who after reading all the content from 2009 to September 2017, and prayer books, found nothing against the Faith or sound doctrine, recommending the reading of the revelations to all Christians.

The times are serious, although those to come will be more so, when what remains of what has been announced in the Revelations given by the Queen of Heaven will be fulfilled. You must prepare yourselves spiritually, firmly maintaining the Faith necessary for you to confirm your Faith in Our and your King and Lord Jesus Christ.

The son of iniquity is sending out orders so that his followers cause instability in the world through direct confrontation with the Divine Law, so that his followers revolt against the Sacraments, rejecting the Divine and accepting what is of man.

He will take possession of the mind of man, deforming education to the point of making it inadequate and immoral.

To wit, the testimony of a Scottish headmaster posted on this blog yesterday.

The fact that the majority of the world's governments belong to great world organizations ...

... Like the UN ...

is one of the strategies of freemasonry, of the illuminati, of the world’s powerful who are pursuing goals in order to implant the New World Order, where the religion will be that of the antichrist : "satanism".


The world economy will be that of the antichrist, health will be subject to adherence to the antichrist, everyone will be free if they surrender to the antichrist, food will be given to them if they surrender to the antichrist ... THIS IS THE FREEDOM TO WHICH THIS GENERATION IS SURRENDERING: SUBJECTION TO THE ANTICHRIST. 

That the world order is taking possession of future events and controlling humanity is no secret, and within this process, it is unfortunate that some consecrated to God are capitulating, accepting the deceptive innovations of the shameful modern trends of the false church.

For example, I was reminded today of "the profanation of the holy sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes", Palmerston North, once an orthodox community, achieved by its current overlord, Fr Joe Grayland. 

"The so-called altar has been shifted right down to the midlle of the main body of the church. The lectern is placed illicitly behind the "altar". All the seating encircles this arrangement. The tabernacle is in a little corner right beside a noisy thoroughfare. Everyone in the congregation has their back turned to his Divine Majesty, the Prisoner of Love and King of Kings and Lord of Lords in the holy tabernacle. 

I honestly could never go back to this church." 

This is not atypical and goes a long way towards explaining the nosedive in Mass attendance since Vatican II which Dr Taylor Marshall laments in the US. He points a finger also at the "Peter Paul and Mary" type N O Masses beloved by "bishops in their 60s and 70s" but so disliked by young people, who are flocking instead to parishes featuring  the "ritual, the incense, the mediaeval, Byzantine reverence of the Traditional Latin Mass", where the birth rate is high. Marshall predicts an upturn in priestly vocations and a revitalisation in traditional priestly societies and parishes.

The antichrist has his tentacles with which he has imprisoned My children, and My children live in error because they are not alerted in My Temples. They must be alerted NOW!

Consider yourselves alerted! 

And the lowdown (it will go lower than you ever did, doing the Limbo) on the 46th president of the US, 'Catholic' Joe Biden:

Indeed, the Democrats could win the runoff Senate elections. The radical left would then have a blank check to push through its legislative agenda: amnesty and citizenship for anywhere from 16 to 29 million illegal immigrants; the Green New Deal; Puerto Rico and D.C. statehoods; a climate hysteria revolution that upends the American way of life; and packing the Supreme Court.

... Even under his “moderate” persona, Mr. Biden has promised to roll back all the changes implemented under the Trump administration. He will return America to the disastrous Paris Climate Agreement.

In all the important social issues, Mr. Biden will oppose the moral law governing human actions. He will upend abortion restrictions, even until the ninth month of pregnancy. Thus, he will fight the efforts of countless fellow Catholics who have worked so hard to eradicate this great sin against God’s Law. Indeed, as vice president, back in 2016, Mr. Biden officiated at a newly legalized same-sex “marriage.” If sworn in, he will be among the country’s most anti-Catholic presidents.

... There is nothing moderate about Kamala Harris. She will always favor the most radical position.


No need for words

The Biden Option carries the real possibility that the 78-year-old president, who has shown signs of mental weakness and confusion, might not reach the end of his term. Thus, the radical vice president could well take the place of the “moderate” president. A communistic leader will then rule America following the Democrats’ Marxist platform. Those who sought to avoid radical Marxism by taking the Biden Option might suddenly find themselves in Communism’s nefarious grip.

The Best Option

Regardless of the election outcome, the undeniable fact is that millions of voters took the Biden Option as an easy way out of the present crisis. The possibility for leftist power plays shows that there is no safety in mediocrity. Wishful thinking is not a viable and stable strategy for America’s future.

"A president that ignores the moral law to promote his party’s political program will always end in disaster because immoral laws work contrary to human nature."




  1. Bob Gill says:
    I'm laughing at the picture (of Harris, Biden and Obama) but realistically it's a serious situation I'm not looking forward to in the coming months.

    Adelie Reid says:
    I assumed it waS already planned that way... I watched a couple of YouTube clips showing how that scenario will play out...

    Ray McKendry says:
    Some dogs are dogs and some are bitches.

    Piripi Thomas says:
    A rabid bitch, a creepy cur and a mongrel went into a Xi's Chinese takeaway, expecting to be served hot dogs. They were minced and turned into dog tucker.

  2. Let's not forget all those who endorse the clowns you list...Pope Francis, John Cardinal Dew etc... How many in this diocese alone have let Joseph Grayland mock Our Lord unrestrained? Who has and has not stood up to him and thus defended Our Lord? Why aren't clergy and faithful out protesting at OLOL, doing least Babbit did something - heroic!
