Monday 27 July 2020


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So Billy Te Kahika has thrown his lot in with Jami-Lee Ross. Te Kahika's NZ Public Party has morphed into Ross's Advance NZ. 

Billy Te Kahika and Jami-Lee Ross looking like a couple of spivs speak to media after the launch of their hybrid party Advance NZ yesterday

When I heard that yesterday I thanked God. And His Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Victory, who in 1571 beat back the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto with the weapon of Her Rosary.

For New Zealand's faithful Catholics the Rosary is also the weapon of choice in election 2020, as the 90% of voices ignored in  submissions to a rigged Select Committee prepare to speak again at the polls, calling out and ridding our Parliament of every MP who voted for the ghoulish Abortion Legislation Act, and praying for defeat of a thoroughly evil socialist government into the bargain.

The spectacle of the demagoguish Te Kahika climbing into bed with the roguish Ross was an answer to prayer. Two birds, I thought, with one stone. 

You'd think no one seeking a Parliamentary seat would touch Ross with a 40ft barge pole, but it looks like Billy fetched up with Jami-Lee after none of the other minor parties would play ball. 

Of Billy's courtship, New Conservative deputy leader Elliot Ikilei said, “we were presented with a proposal that would dissolve our integrity, support and values foundation, therefore have respectfully declined”. 
At the stand-up with the media after the Advance Party launch yesterday (the deal being it would be Ross's party but with Billy TK as leader), Geoff Simmons from the Opportunities Party was blunt – “no way would I ever stand on a stage and shake hands with those snake oil salesmen”. 
Alan Simmons, co-leader of the Outdoors Party, was particularly interesting. He said their party would have nothing to do with it, after also attending a meeting with Ross and Te Kahika, coming away from that deeply suspicious.
“We find it wrong that the Electoral Commission is considering registration of a party of which Jami-Lee Ross is both leader and secretary when he is facing Serious Fraud Office charges of election fraud. Large sums of money have been collected as donations by the NZPP and need to be accounted for under the Electoral Act.”

The Public Party is also anti-1080, and according to their website are sceptical of "5G, fluoridation, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, poisons... electromagnetics, industrial products and waste, consumer products, food products". Advance NZ only has one policy area detailed on its site, aimed at implementing "constitutional reform". 
Hmmm. Advance NZ is yet to register with the Electoral Commission, but Jami-Lee says it will, "soon". When he's talked his way out with the Commission over the little difficulty of Serious Fraud Office charges, we suppose. 
Te Kahika will stand for the Maori electorate of Te Tai Tokorau which is held by Kelvin Davis, babykiller deputy leader of Labour. Ross is currently MP for Botany. 
Now although we may think Te Kahika and Ross look like a couple of wide boys and hope they cancel each other out electorally, so to speak, we need to have recourse to the Warrior Queen, the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Before the famous Battle of Lepanto, one man foresaw the danger with great clarity. As the Turkish menace moved ever westward in 1570, Pope St Pius contacted the chief rulers of the West to unite against an enemy that threatened them all. In vain. Philip II of Spain was a bit busy with his new American empire, but he sent dozens of ships with his young half-brother Don Juan of Austria, who mustered a fleet from all the countries of the Med, 80 fewer however, than the Turks.
Genoa's flagship carried a mysterious, miraculous image: Our Lady of Guadalupe, copied from the tilma (cloak) of the Aztec Indian to whom she had appeared. And every sailor in the fleet of the "Holy League" had a rosary, sent into battle with Our Lady of Guadalupe by Pope St Pius - who on October 7, 1571, rose from his chair, stared intently at the sky from his window and said, "Make haste to thank God, because our fleet has won a victory over the Turks."
Spain would never again be invaded by the Muslims. Europe would be safe from Islam for centuries.  But now we'd better watch this space ...
Bishop Robert Barron of Word on Fire says:
“Mary is a warrior opposed by the dragon and she commands this impossibly powerful army of angels. That is very good news for us. She’s more powerful than the dragon…let’s join the struggle with her. We fight with love, justice, compassion, and forgiveness. We fight with the Rosary. The ‘Hail Mary’ calls upon the Warrior Queen, the Commander of the angels.”
But, why and how is She so powerful?
She is the new Ark of The Covenant. She is filled with grace. She is the wise woman who observed and collected into Her mind all the ways in which Her Son fought evil and all the ways in which evil attempted to fight Her Son.
Blessed Columba Marmion, a 19th century Irish monk, says: “Mary was associated so intimately with all the mysteries of our salvation that at her Assumption into heaven Jesus crowned her not only with glory but also with power.”
Blessed Pius IX in Ineffabilis Deus teaches that Satan has no power over Mary. He said, “Enmity exists between the Woman and the serpent only because She is never under his power through Original Sin.”
Dr Peter Kwasniewski reminds us that “Our Lady stood under the cross when nearly everyone else fled, and in the darkness of faith offered up her most precious treasure, Her own flesh and blood, to the heavenly Father”.
St Therese of Lisieux: “In trial or difficulty I have recourse to Mother Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear.”
Joelle Mellon wrote in The Virgin Mary in The Perceptions of Women: Mother, Protector, and Queen that during the reign of Elizabeth I English Catholics, who faced death or imprisonment for practicing their faith, gave Mary a new title: Mother of Power. “English priests presented Mary as accessed through the Rosary as a warrior. The beads began to be thought of as a holy weapon that could set Satan’s armies to flight.” 
St. Louis de Montfort saw Mary as a spiritual warrior whose efforts could be intensified according to the needs of Her children and the will and redemptive plan of God.
“In these latter times Mary must become as terrible as an army in battle array to the devil and his followers, ” he said. “She must shine forth more than ever in power and grace; in power, to combat the enemies of God who will rise up menacingly to seduce and crush by promises and threats all those who oppose them; in grace, to inspire and support the valiant soldiers and loyal servants of Jesus Christ who are fighting for His cause." .
The Blessed Virgin Mary, Warrior Queen
My parish farewelled a valiant trooper, Lesley Nash, just last week. Lesley fought long and hard for the unborn, a veritable bulldog on their behalf, but it seems she literally represents a dying breed of Catholic. 
Some of those whom I call Rad Trads (Latin Massgoers), faithful Catholics like Lesley, remaindered from the legions who once formed the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child, are disillusioned with the apathy of Novus Ordo Catholics in regard to the terrible plight of the unborn and their mothers - an apathy reflecting that of our bishops, and in stark contrast with Pope St Pius, of our current Pontiff who instead of rallying the Church Militant with the Rosary states that we've paid the abortion issue too much attention. All of which may be sheeted home, to a very large extent, to the Freemason Bugnini's Mass.
One Rad Trad said to me, sadly, "New Zealand isn't the beautiful country it used to be", and I agreed. But we shouldn't overlook those disgruntled pro-lifers, the 90% who submitted to the Parliamentary Select Committee opposing the Abortion Legislation Act and were ignored by the brutish pro-abortionists who were running the show and carried the day and that evil Act. 

New Conservatives have vowed to repeal the Act. NC is the only Party willing to stick its neck out to that degree, and for that deserves our support. One Rad Trad I've spoken to says that's pie in the sky, but nothing is impossible to God. I told another I'm praying for defeat for Labour, victory for National with New Conservatives as their coalition partner. He said he was more generic: "I'm praying for  victory for Our Blessed Mother."

And that's all right by me. Amen to that.

Catholics and Christians are called to carry the Cross of Christ and bear witness to His truth to the end; but while Catholics are granted exclusive access to the infinite Power of God Himself and His Blessed Mother in the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Novus Ordo or no), going by social media it's Protestants in the van now, in the fight for life. 
Which makes me think what a tragedy it is that they advance without the Warrior Queen to lead them. I was offered a glimpse into Protestant thinking on the Blessed Virgin Mary in this comment from a non-Catholic friend: 

"The Bible is the sole infallible source of authority. If Mary is saved, it’s by the same faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as I am saved and anyone else is saved; none of our own work or merit. (Acts 4:12), (John 14:6),(John 11:25), (John 6:68)." 

I think it would surprise my dear friend to know that together with almost all the big Protestant founding fathers like Calvin, Zwingli and Cranmer,  Martin Luther believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary and her status as the Theotokos (Mother of God):
Christ ... was the only Son of Mary, and the Virgin Mary bore no children besides Him ... (Sermons on John).
He, Christ, our Savior, was the real and natural fruit of Mary's virginal womb.. (Ibid.)
God says... "Mary's Son is My only Son." Thus Mary is the Mother of God. (Ibid.).
God did not derive his divinity from Mary; but it does not follow that it is therefore wrong to say that God was born of Mary, that God is Mary's Son, and that Mary is God's mother...She is the true mother of God and bearer of God...Mary suckled God, rocked God to sleep, prepared broth and soup for God, etc  (On the Councils and the Church, 1539).

Above all else what would surprise my Protestant friend perhaps is that Luther believed in Mary's Immaculate Conception, which even the Catholic Church didn't proclaim as dogma by the Catholic Church until 1854. In a sermon "On the Day of the Conception of the Mother of God," (1527), Martin Luther proclaimed that:

"It is a sweet and pious belief that the infusion of Mary's soul was effected without original sin; so that in the very infusion of her soul she was also purified from original sin and adorned with God's gifts, receiving a pure soul infused by God; thus from the first moment she began to live she was free from all sin." 

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