Wednesday 29 July 2020


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Evil - aka this Labour Coalition Government - is obviously a hydra-headed monster. 

While unborn babies up to full term can now be wheeled into theatre in our so-called 'hospitals' to be murdered by so-called 'health professionals', Labour MP Louisa Wall is trying to shore up her Party's ghoulish legislation by setting up 'safe zones' outside so no one can offer these desperate women any help.

Labour MP and chair of the Health Committee Louisa Wall

Labour MP Louisa Wall who has 'a lucky touch' with her bills (e.g. Gay Marriage)   

Wall's Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion (Safe Areas) Amendment Bill would allow the creation of "safe areas around specific abortion facilities, on a case-by-case basis".
"Safe areas." Don't make me laugh - or cry, perhaps. The unconscious irony of the term 'safe areas' betrays a total lack of conscience on the part of these feminists. 'Safe' for whom? Not for the baby who will be killed off in the womb designed by God to be the safest place on earth, and deprived of the God-given life that the baby's murderers enjoy. 

Not 'safe' for baby's mother either. Quite the opposite. Without His power to heal, she who may have been coerced into murdering her child by the father, or reduced to desperation by lack of support, will certainly suffer mental, physical and spiritual consequences for the rest of her life on earth and if she dies without repenting, for eternity in that place which no one, even the Catholic Church, likes to mention now because it's not nice.

However, the term 'safe area' is reserved to hazard areas so in that sense at least, it's logical.

"No other group is subjected to protest simply for going to their doctor, nor should these people be," Wall's bill states. 

There's a tiny difficulty with this seemingly ingenuous statement.  No other group, Ms Wall, goes to their doctor to procure the death of another person, no matter how legal Labour (with help from feminists, male and female, from other parties) has made the act of murder. 

"The area would be 150 metres around an abortion facility banning "intimidating, interfering with, or obstructing a protected person" in a manner that could cause emotional distress. 

Prayer vigils or pro-life outreach - whatever you like to call witness to the sanctity of life outside hospitals - never 'interfere with, or obstruct a protected person'. Of course Ms Wall would never have taken any part in such activities; for Ms Wall and her cabal, ignorance is obviously bliss. As for 'intimidate', the effect of a peaceful vigil, even a protest, on others is purely subjective. Lots of people are intimidated by the presence of patched gang members in the street, but thank God they're still allowed to strut their stuff.

Abortion was removed from the Crimes Act earlier this year. During the process, MPs made changes which saw the provision for safe zones scrapped, after a confused vote in Parliament." 
(Very likely, after the timely intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Warrior Queen).
More unconscious irony is revealed by the term 'hospital', the place where this state-sanctioned massacre of the innocents takes place. The word "hospital" comes from the Latin hospes, meaning a stranger, hence a guest. Another word, hospitium came to signify hospitality.

Fine hospitality, indeed, is offered by the hospital  performing abortions which kill one guest and leave the other maimed for life. 

Wall has what's been called 'a lucky touch' with getting her private member's bills out of the 'biscuit tin' ballot. I say there's no such thing as good luck, only divine providence, so I have to call it something else. I call it demonic, because "Satan has no power over human beings unless they allow it, by for example consenting to radical evil" (St Thomas Aquinas).

What can be more radically evil than Wall's same-sex marriage, if not Wall's defence of babykilling?

"All New Zealanders deserve to have the right to access health services with their safety, privacy, and dignity protected.
Yes, Ms Wall; it's agreed surely by any decent Kiwi that the 'safety, privacy and dignity' of the unborn - the most vulnerable, most innocent of this nation's citizens - should be protected most of all, and most of all by their mothers.
"Many people have spoken about their experiences accessing abortion services where they have not been afforded that protection...."
If the unborn could speak "about their experience of accessing abortion services, what do you think, Ms Wall, they would say? In trying to prevent their mothers' changing their mind and giving them life, you're an accessory after the fact of their murder. In your heart of hearts are you not afraid that one day you will hear what they have to say, at your particular judgment?

And, Ms Wall, nearly 23,000 people spoke about their opposition to the Abortion Legislation Act - to be precise, 91.6% of 25,000 submissions  - and your Government ignored them. I have no doubt that those 23,000 will speak about their experience of being ignored by your Government at the ballot box on September 19. 
"Right to Life wrote to the Prime Minister on 13th March and asked her ... why she voted against the amendment of Agnes Loheni MP, that sought to provide pain relief to babies being killed post 20 weeks. There has been no response.
"The Prime Minister stated in 2018 that she was going to lead the most transparent and accountable government that we had ever seen. Prime Minister, why then are you refusing to tell the people of New Zealand why you voted to oppose these pro-life amendments? We live in a democracy not a dictatorship, we have an absolute right to know. For a doctor to withhold treatment and care or to deliberately kill the child born in an abortion is the serious and heinous crime of Infanticide. The charge could be homicide which on conviction could result in life imprisonment.
Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister Ardern and her partner, Clarke Gayford react to the question, "Do you know the date your baby was conceived?" 

Yesterday in an item revealing Radio NZ's leftist, feminist leftist bias Injustice Minister Andrew Little is reported as saying, "There's no such thing as full-term abortion."
"... (A)nd he is calling out MPs who are claiming there is. National MP Harete Hipango has come under fire for a Facebook post accusing Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of supporting abortion up to full-term.
National leader Judith Collins voted in favour of reform and said MPs were allowed their own views. Little said Hipango's comments were "silly".
"If Judith Collins is happy to have a bunch of radical, anti-abortion extremists running the show on social media, that's a matter for her. If she wants to rein them in she should do, if she's happy to let them go then no doubt she'll do that."

National MP Harete Hipango gives her maiden speech.
National MP for Whanganui Harete Hipango 

The Abortion Legislation Act sets no gestational time limit on abortions. There's nothing to stop a baby being killed at nine months' gestation; that way it can conveniently be called an abortion instead of murder, for which the penalty is mandatory: a sentence of life imprisonment with a non-parole period of at least 10 years.  The crime of killing a full-term baby by abortion could hardly be called infanticide (3 years maximum), as the mother would have to show she was temporarily deranged by childbirth or breast-feeding. So who does the Dishonorable Andrew Little think he's kidding?

We can be assured that Wall has total support from her leader, the 'Honorable' Jacinda Ardern. She tried to save the government's face on their failure, in March, to remove safe zones from the bill.
"I would have preferred that those safe zones were in place ... but that hasn't been the result of the House in this debate and that's democracy."
But the architect of the infamous Abortion Legislation Act, 'Justice' Minister Andrew Little, admitted at the time it could be a waste of time trying to put safe zones in place.
"Well you've got to be sure to go through the procedural hoops to get there that you've got the numbers to do that and I'm not sure that they're there," said the Dishonorable Andrew. 

Those procedural hoops include three readings and a couple of Select Committee hearings. But after Labour's sleight-of-hand in getting the Abortion Legislation Act through Parliament in the week before lockdown, would we put it past them to push Wall's bill through somehow before Parliament rises and the election brings, we hope and pray, a resounding defeat for this gang of crooks?

And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell (Mt 10:29).


  1. I add:
    Dear Ms Wall, nearly 23,000 people spoke about their opposition to the Abortion Legislation Act - to be precise, 91.6% of 25,000 submissions - and your Government ignored them. I have no doubt that those 23,000 will speak about their experience of being ignored by your Government at the ballot box on September 19.

    Monica Devine says:
    If only.

    Dawn Bedingfield says:
    yes well there's only one way to get them out and it's to vote for a main party.... it's much to dangerous to let them back in.. this bill wont get through before the election so our votes will count.

    Norman Sutton says:
    Dawn Bedingfield the Nats needca coalition partner so give your party vote New Conservative and we'll put abortion to a binding referendum
    Abortion legislation: information for health practitioners

    Dawn Bedingfield adds:
    Norman Sutton I'm just a bit concerned that New Conservative put a candidate here in Napier which could split the vote and let Nash in . National have a chance here.

    Stella McLeod says:
    Dawn Bedingfield People can always split the vote by supporting an existing prolife electorate MP and giving their party vote elsewhere.

    Dawn Bedingfield again:
    Stella McLeod if the current lot get in by default then we lose everything, the freedom to give information to women seeking abortion etc, the bill to stop it is going through and they will suceed after the election should they win. we have to remember that over 65% of national MP's voted against the bill and now they have got rid of Amy Adams and Nikki Kaye so thats a bonus. There was a considerable amount of support from a large number of their MP's and I should think anyone of them could raise a referendum on the abortion law to repeal it, especially with enough pressure.

  2. I say:
    At what point do we refuse to pay tax that funds state-sanctioned murder?

    El Ramondo says:
    Perhaps we should insist that the taxes of pro-life people should be channeled into a separate fund which could be used for pro-life purposes, or at least not used for supporting anti-life purposes.

    Karri-Ann Vercoe-Black says:
    This must be next steps - petition against supporting murder

    El Ramondo says:
    I agree.

  3. Lorene Neilson says:
    Praying for NZ'ers to wake up.

  4. Bruce Tichbon says:
    It is a members bill, not a government bill. But for sure the government will support it.

    It does not seem to outlaw peaceful protest or quietly holding placards inside the 150m zone, but it could be interpreted to do that. That will certainly be the intent of those behind the bill.

    On the surface it appears to target truly abusive behaviour, which I am sure we all would disown.

    Will a safe zone include private property? We could all hold placards on the front lawn of St Mary's church facing the hospital main entrance, I am sure the Church hierarchy would support us fully. Would the Police come onto Church property to arrest us? Would the Church hierarchy use trespass laws against us?

    I repeat as I have recently said. With such a large electoral majority the far left will go all out with their anti-Christian, anti-the-family agenda. This is just the first battle of many.

    God permits this war, he will be victorious in the end, but will it be in our life times? I will fight for as long as I have the strength.

  5. Stella McLeod says:
    Dawn Bedingfield, last election, the National Party aimed to govern on its own and got the highest party vote and the most MPs but still needed to rely on NZ First to go into a coalition and of course Winston chose Labour and the Greens. I think it highly unlikely National will be in a position to govern alone this time round. I hope they do well enough to be able to form a coalition but they need more coalition partners than just Act. I will not be voting for Act.

    Monica Devine says:
    Dawn Bedingfield the face of parliament will hopefully change for the better with the National exodus.

  6. Michael Fitzgibbon says, in reply to Bruce Tichbon:
    vNot sure whether to read it as sarcasm or serious. So I reply with either serious sarcasm or sarcastic seriousness. (Just in that mood tonight).

    It is a members bill, not a government bill (In no way would our government put forward a member's bill to undo their mess up and avoid a political hot potato, and yes months after messing up the "safe space" amendment this spontaneously gets pulled out of the bag). But for sure the government will support it. (Let the virtue signing begin).

    It does not seem to outlaw peaceful protest or quietly holding placards inside the 150m zone, but it could be interpreted to do that. (In this woke world everything can be a trigger, so yes it can and yes it will. Once passed they will try and have it interpreted that even signs outside the 150 meter safe zone aren't allowed if they can be seen from inside). That will certainly be the intent of those behind the bill.

    On the surface it appears to target truly abusive behavior, which I am sure we all would disown. (No, definitely going after all forms of protest and free speech).

    Will a safe zone include private property? (Yes) We could all hold placards on the front lawn of St Mary's church facing the hospital main entrance, I am sure the Church hierarchy would support us fully (like everything that the Faithful do, Yes the hierarchy would totally support us. Just no signs in Latin).
    Would the Police come onto Church property to arrest us? (Yes) Would the Church hierarchy use trespass laws against us? (Only if the police don't arrest us. remember its about 'Accompaniment').

  7. Justine Vollert says:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Justine Vollert adds:
    We need to pray for this woman. What has made her so hateful of life?

  10. Janet Susan Nicholson says:
    Praying for repentance
    A large hail storm will be coming from Heaven on New Zealand

    Barry Dohnt says:
    Forget about the desperate women. They are already at a clinic . What about the innocent LIFE of the baby. ?
    Save the baby . Kill the mother. They want a body and blood , take the adult. Bet it stops real quick.

    Janice Nihoniho
    1d ·
    While the roadside drug testing bill is blocked. Death at every level

  11. Ray Thomas says:
    A nasty devil-lead piece of work with probably a dead conscience but miracles can happen, may she have an incredible awakening and Christian rebirth.

    Brian Veale says:
    It just pisess me off. This is not the NZ I grew up in and worked to build 😭🙏
