"A print of a Black Jesus painting", trumpets Central Hawke's Bay's 'The Holy Trinity Parish Voice' this morning, "will be installed in one of Britain's oldest churches as a tribute to the Black Lives Matter movement."
A Last Supper 'A Tribute to the Black Lives Matter Movement' |
I suppose we should be grateful it's hanging in an Anglican church and not a Catholic one. 'The Holy Trinity Parish Voice' goes on to quote Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury (is this really a Catholic newsletter?) tweeting, "Jesus was Middle Eastern, not white".
"Black Lives Matter", as I have pointed out to our parish secretary, Donna Te Amo, is Marxist, terrorist, LGBTQ, police-predatory and in the final analysis revolutionary and racist for its hijacking of the murder of black felon George Floyd as a wedge to dis-unite the United States of America.
In every way, Black Lives Matter opposes the teachings of Jesus Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Black Lives Matter, it seems, only when whites are ending them.
The greatest danger to blacks is found precisely where we ought to be safest: in our mothers’ wombs. In 2010, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 138,539 black babies were aborted. Last year in New York City, more black babies were aborted than born.
But 'The Holy Trinity Parish' isn't the only Catholic 'voice' speaking, oh no. The July issue of Welcom, the official organ of the Wellington Archdiocese (aka the Land of Mordor), trots the Black Lives Matter warhorse over six pages.
Not only BLM, but false gods: on p 9 PN Diocese Deacon Danny Karatea-Goddard unblushingly introduces Welcom readers who don't know their Maori history to Tanenuirangi, who 'helped separate Rangi-nui and Papa-tu-a-nuku so the sun would shine on their children. He also ascended Te Toi-o-nga-rangi to bring back the three kits of knowledge'.
No hint here of myths being dispelled by the 'cruel, colonising' (as a liberal, modernist Catholic might call them) missionaries who left their homeland of France, First Daughter of the Church, to bring the light of Christ and His Gospel to Aotearoa.
On p 5 we have - guess what? "Solidarity" Lockdowns and Black Lives Matter", this time from the pen of Monsignor Gerard Burns, Vicar General of the Land of Mordor, who bleats about 'a national solidarity to stop the spread of the virus. A solidarity bred of a hope to save lives and protect so many personnel involved in the general health care of Aotearoa as a country'. (as opposed, perhaps, to not being a country?) He repeats the word 'solidarity' nine times. He quotes Pope Paul VI's Populorum Progressio and winds up with the somewhat astonishing claim that 'this promise of equality is written into the charter of the UN and is at the heart of the Gospel'.
Going by the UN's performance there might be all sorts of rubbish written into its charter, but on what does Mons Burns base his claim that the promise of equality is at the heart of the Gospel? Seemingly on the 'the scriptural image of the poor man Lazarus. Paul VI asked all to recognise each people's right to sit at the tble of the common banquet of life, unlike Lazarus who lay at the rich man's gate, with 'dogs coming to lick his sores'.
Excuse me, but where's the 'promise of equality' in that parable? It certainly exposes inequality and injustice, but its only promise is eternal joys for those who bear inequality and injustice with longanimity, and eternal hellfire for those who inflict it.
On p 14 the eminence gris (or should that be noir?) of Palmerston North Diocese, Bishop Peter Cullinane, tells us NZ has a Need for a Different Economic Order and admiringly quotes 'our Prime Minister' who 'speaks of New Zealand's relative success in getting the coronavirus under control (and) refers to 'our team of five million'. That's a way of referring to solidarity and the common good."
Dear Bishop Cullinane, are you suggesting that 23 deaths, of people who in the normal course of events would have died very soon anyway, means that in New Zealand the coronavirus was ever somehow 'out of control'? The truth is, more likely, that the 'Need for a Different Economic Order' dictated, according to the socialist playbook - in which 'solidarity' and 'the common good' are writ large on every page - a crisis, and Ardern's socialist government created a crisis ('tens of thousands of deaths!') out of the coronavirus.
Bishop Cullinane repeats the phrase 'solidarity and common good' three times. Brainwashing. That's out of the socialist playbook too.
The bishop wants "a new economic order in which governments would get a proper return for what they have in invested in wealth-creating initiatives" (my emphasis). More power for government - which ends in totalitarianism.
The bishop finds it 'interesting ' that the virus 'has thrived so much in the nation (USA) most committed to free-market ideology and least committed to the common good'.
What I find interesting is that the virus has thrived in the nation which once was solidly Christian and now in states like New York leaves babies to die after botched abortions (just like NZ), a nation where Catholic bishops and priests have consistently failed to preach the Gospel of life. Dear bishop, God does not sit idly by. But Welcom doesn't so much as hint at the coronavirus being a divine chastisement.
The bishop quotes nations like Japan as getting the virus more under control because 'they are culturally more self-disciplined and less given to self-indulgence'. I find it interesting that pagans are held up for emulation by a Catholic bishop in a diocese and nation which once was Christian, where once Christ's Gospel of "deny thyself" and "take up thy cross and come, follow Me" was preached but no more -no more than Catholics hear preached any more the Commandment "Thou shalt not kill".
The bishops and priests of the US and New Zealand have sowed indifferentism - the heresy that no matter what religion a man professes, he can be saved (a denial of extra ecclesiam nulla salus) - and have reaped the whirlwind of parishes amalgamated, churches closed and priests imported.
"Lifestyles are connected to spreading the virus and recovering from it", says the bishop, and of course he's right: look at the number of international synods, councils and conferences to which Catholic bishops are regularly summoned, world-wide.
On p 6 the headline reads, "Trump seeks Catholic voters". And he'll find them too, but only if they're genuine Catholics, that is, Catholics who care about the sanctity of life, because it's a matter of public record that Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in US history. And if Trump doesn't find those voters, and Joe Biden who will 'support abortion under any circumstance' is elected US President, then the USCBC will one day individually be called to account for that by Almighty God. Just as NZ's bishops will one day be called to account by God if babykiller Ardern and her hitman Little get re-elected.
Of course Cardinal Dew doesn't get into Black Lives Matter. Oh no. He didn't get to where he is today by mentioning things that are not nice, like "Fry 'Em like Bacon! Pigs in Blankets!" (one of BLM's stentorian slay-the-police slogans).
Instead, the cardinal wants us to focus and develop new ways of thinking and praying. He actually parades, from an Archdiocesan Synod three years ago, 'new and inclusive (read feminist) forms of liturgy - worship (other than the Mass)' - and then quotes St Paul who 'talks a great deal about God's plan being to restore all things in Christ'. But the cardinal seems to think that restoration will happen through 'new ways of praying ...do things differently ... do something different ... a new approach to life, to prayer ... , quoting Isaiah 43:19 as I am about to do a new thing ...
What God says through Isaiah is actually Behold I do new things. That surely means that God Who is always in the present moment always does 'new things'. That verse is absolutely no justification for changing our 'worship' (a nice Protestant word, note) to 'other than the Mass'.". Restoration actually means 'returning something to a former owner, place, or condition'; it's the very opposite of something 'new'.
On p 3 there's dear old Father Ron Bennett who once got lost on Mount Taranaki, now finding himself at St Paul's Anglican Cathedral Wellington (not Cardinal Dew's Basilica, closed for earthquake strengthening but never in +Dew's tenure a place for anything in the slightest bit risky, except it seems for earthquakes - which would never be a divine chastisement) in response not only to the death of George Floyd but "to protest Donald Trump's provocative use of the Bible at a photo opportunity".
Fr Bennett goes on to praise Canada's President Trudeau, who "expressed his horror about what had happened, then rather than criticise another country, he talked about his own country's imperfect response to racism".
But, hello, dear Father Bennett:
A leading African pro-life advocate says Canada’s prime minister should not have been allowed to speak in her continent because of his commitment to funding the killing of pre-born African babies.
“Simply put, Justin Trudeau is not a friend to Africa,” says Culture of Life Africa founder and president Obianuju Ekeocha. His trip comes after a number of years of Canada’s Liberal government implementing “reprehensible anti-life and anti-family foreign policies,” said Ekeocha.
“As an African woman, it has been painful to watch this Trudeau tour through my continent, making speeches at our most important Summit of the year -- the African Union Summit -- endearing himself to African leaders by donating even more million of dollars, having get-togethers with our leaders, and even doing photo-ops at a former slave trading post in Senegal,” she said.
“Given his unapologetic anti-life, pro-abortion legacy, Justin Trudeau should not have been given the platforms and special treatment that he got among African leaders, because this is a man whose policies have directly supported the killing of Africa’s youngest and most vulnerable -- our preborn babies -- and a man who is responsible for bankrolling the importation of a toxic form of feminism from the West."
Fr Bennett's account, endearingly naive as it is - as Fr Bennett always is - has been corrected by Vatican whistleblower Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who has said the "deep state" is "fiercely waging war against" President Trump amid the coronavirus pandemic and riots following the death of George Floyd.
Archbishop Vigano of Rome urged Trump to fight against the so-called "deep state," mainstream media, and the "deep church".
"In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness," Vigano writes, adding that the deep state has "decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans."
The former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States slammed Washington, D.C.'s Archbishop Wilton Gregory (reported on this blog), who had claimed Trump "egregiously misused and manipulated" the Saint John Paul II National Shrine by visiting it last week before signing an international religious liberty order.
He believes investigations will bring to light mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis as well as what was behind the riots in several cities across the nation after Floyd died while in police custody on Memorial Day.
Vigano said Gregory and other religious leaders aligned with him "are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of schools, out of families, and perhaps even out of churches."
From first page to last, the July issue of Welcom illustrates what Vigano is talking about and what the late Servant of God Sr. LĂșcia of Fatima once warned of: a time coming when people would experience a “diabolical disorientation”:
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Sister Lucia of Fatima |
People must recite the Rosary every day. Our Lady repeated this in all her apparitions, as if to arm us in advance against these times of diabolical disorientation, so that we would not let ourselves be fooled by false doctrines, and that through prayer, the elevation of our soul to God would not be diminished…. This is a diabolical disorientation invading the world and misleading souls! It is necessary to stand up to it…
She lamented those who “let themselves be dominated by the diabolical wave sweeping over the world… blinded to the point of being incapable of seeing error!” What she saw beginning to manifest was foreseen by Pope Leo XIII the century before:
…he who resists the truth through malice and turns away from it, sins most grievously against the Holy Ghost.
"In our days this sin has become so frequent that those dark times seem to have come which were foretold by St. Paul, in which men, blinded by the just judgment of God, should take falsehood for truth, and should believe in “the prince of this world,” who is a liar and the father thereof, as a teacher of truth: “God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying (2 Thess. ii., 10). In the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error and the doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. iv., 1). —Divinum Illud Munus, n. 10
Populorum Progressio was issued by Pope Paul VI.
ReplyDeleteFr Bennett, as you intimate, has always been a drongo. I don't know of anyone who takes any heed of him.
Burns has always been a racist, an advocate for apartheid in New Zealand. Ask Raymond de Souza for a graphic demonstration of that.
Oops, my mistake on Populorum Progressio. Thanks for the correction.
DeleteThanks Julia. It is very disheartening, we are so badly let down with their false SJW religion. At best, it is such a flagrant attempt to appear relevant, to have a 'message' they can agree with the world about. As if the world needs them. At worst, apostasy.
ReplyDeleteI was just incensed at how many leftist talking points were printed in a single issue! I don't particularly mind that Catholics can have a healthy disagreement on matters of social concern that aren't doctrinal issues. The relevance of racism on the part of the officers who murdered Floyd is a current affairs topic and one that's great to see discussed. But the talking points just went on, and on, and on, without any sign of rebuttal. At the end, I felt I'd been to a very one-sided sermon, rather than being reliably informed. I certainly didn't see my views represented. And what relevance do those BLM talking points have to the Church in New Zealand? Anyone of any race is welcome in our Church, it's hardly a matter of consternation for anyone, is it? If anything, I find the Polynesian members (in particular) of our churches absolutely outstanding members of the congregation, who aren't willing to mince words about pro-life and pro-family issues, expect and contribute to reverent liturgy, and more often than not actually raise well-behaved and un-entitled young adults who keep attending the sacraments. The Church in Africa is going gangbusters in terms of vocations and orthodoxy. BLM on the other hand, at the small danger of being to generalising, is openly neo-Marxist and openly hostile to Chuch doctrine. All lives matter to Jesus; He doesn't care about your race or ethnicity, just whether or not you repent of your sins and follow Him.
ReplyDeleteHannah Dawson says:
ReplyDeleteOh dear.. I should find a copy to show my spiritual director and see what they think.
Monica Devine says:
Only useful to start the fire in the wood burner, not the soul.
Hannah Dawson says:
Unfortunately ours is gas đ do we start an alternative publication?
Monica Devine says:
NZ Catholic pretty good. Wellington is a haven of lost souls.
Philippa O'Neill says:
ReplyDeleteSame with Dunedin... politics for all to see. Awful. Not a peep about the extreme abortion law but George Floyd.. well he got a mention.
Bruce Tichbon says:
ReplyDeleteThe July Welcom is a watershed, it markedly tilts towards the 'new normal' as it seems to be called. Strong support is shown for the Marxist, pro-abortion Black Lives Matter organisation. Maori (indigenous) spirituality is now openly stated. The far left economic agenda is given plenty of column centimeters.
Should we be surprised? Our Pope openly supports all these new progressive initiatives.
How does all this save souls?
Marilyn Beaucariche says:
ReplyDeleteSo where is the faith ...Worship a false Prophet
Hannah Dawson says:
How wouldn't integrating Maori spirituality into the Catholic thought in NZ not save souls? Mother Mary Joseph aka Venerable Suzanne Aubert is a model and example. Did not Jesus say when you do it to the least of his brothers and sisters you do it to Him. Just a thought.
Bruce Tichbon says:
DeleteThanks Hannah Dawson. The first Commandment is that there is only one God. If we mock God by worshiping other gods our souls are at severe risk. Can you please produce any Scripture or Church doctrine that says Catholics can have many gods. You say that Venerable Suzanne Aubert integrating Maori spirituality into Catholic thought in NZ. Can you give examples of this please? Was it Maori spirituality, or Maori culture, or Maori politics. I would really like to see the evidence please?