Friday 24 July 2020


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“I’m a life-long Labour voter.”
“What? Even after they’ve passed that Abortion Legislation Act?”
“I’m not a single-issue voter.”
“But it’s the most basic issue.”
“Nup. I’ll always vote Labour.”

If ever I needed more evidence of the disastrous effect of the New Mass (Novus Ordo), this little chat I had the other day with a ‘good Catholic’ is it.

How can a good Catholic, a cradle Catholic – a kind, generous woman with big clout in her parish - vote for a party that legislated to kill the unborn right up to birth and abandon babies who survive botched abortions to die alone, without painkillers, uncared for? A party, moreover, who deceitfully smuggled this heinous Act through under cover of Covid-19, after they’d scared everyone witless?

I’ll tell you why. Fifty+ years of the New Mass (1964) has produced two generations of Catholic priests and people who’ve forgotten - if they ever knew - Church teaching on contraception and abortion and the eternal punishment that awaits those who reject it. The Novus Ordo Lectionary excised almost all the scriptural texts referring to hell; priests stopped preaching on hell; and priests stopped preaching the Church doctrine which tells us how we avoid going to hell.

As Sharon Crooks of Palmerston North commented to Cardinal John Dew on Facebook this week: “Vat2 may have been well-intentioned but given the spiritual degradation since, including lack of devotion and vocations, Vat2 is a stain forever marking the Bride of Christ and generations of Catholic souls who have wandered off the narrow road.”

It’s no coincidence, believe me, that the rot started to spread soon after the insinuation of the Novus Ordo and sacrilegious Communion in the hand, when bishops worldwide rejected Paul VI’s 1968 Humanae Vitae in which he forcefully reaffirmed the Church’s position that artificial birth control is “intrinsically wrong”.

And now we see the logical fruition of the demonic invention of Communion in the hand in certain dioceses in the US where the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist is left on a table in plastic bags for ‘communicants’ to help themselves. God help them! Stand back, United States of America, you deserve what’s coming to you.

St Padre Pio receiving Communion on the tongue

Another conversation, overheard yesterday, confirmed my impression of socialism's malevolent influence in the Catholic Church in this country. Another woman (not a Catholic this time), when asked, "Who are you going to vote for?" gave the same answer as our cradle Catholic. "I always vote Labour," she said.

She was asked why.

"There are many issues," she said, "there are many issues." She refused to be drawn any further. Her interlocutor and friend, a Toastmaster, was flummoxed: this woman, she told me, is also a highly rated Toastmaster, verbally very skilled. But she couldn't explain why she always voted Labour. (I suspect the cradle Catholic couldn't either but I hadn't given her the chance; I had to get out of the room before I said something ungracious.)

I believe both women have been brainwashed by employment in the education sector, the Toastmaster’s indoctrination having been aggravated by acquisition of academic qualifications, and my journalist brother Karl du Fresne agreed.

“The vast majority of teachers and uni lecturers,” he said, “are left-wing – the latter even more so than the former, and sometimes to an extreme degree. Conservatives do exist in academia, but they keep their heads down. The far left set out decades ago to capture the education sector, with particular emphasis on universities, and they’ve been spectacularly successful.”

Behold the noxious nexus between the education sector and the Church, witnessed in socialism's malevolent effect on our formerly Catholic, but now state-integrated, schools - which have been spectacularly unsuccessful in inculcating the Catholic faith.

The ideology of the left is utterly incompatible with Catholicism. One after another, beginning with Pius IX (1846-1878), popes have condemned socialism: Pope John XXIII even, who ushered in Vat2, declaring: "No Catholic could subscribe even  to moderate Socialism."

Make no mistake, the 2020 NZ election is a straight-up choice between good and evil. Labour’s leader and deputy, neo-Marxist Jacinda Ardern and Kelvin Davis, have innocent blood on their hands. Ardern is the sugar coating on the pill of Marxism, and going by the polls and the media, New Zealand has swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Although not so socialist, so not so ideologically driven, National’s Judith Collins is tarred with the same bloody brush. In voting for the right to life her deputy Gerry Brownlee was a standout, and like all pro-life MPs deserves our thanks and prayers.

NZ First's men likewise; they all voted in defence of the unborn but not so, to their shame, the two NZ First women MPs. And who can forget Winston Peters' grooming of pro-life voters before the 2017 election, only to desert them by getting into bed with arch-babykiller Ardern? Anyway, the general consensus seems to be that Winston and his cronies are gone geese.

Act’s David Seymour’s anti-life record makes him a man no Catholic can vote for. For the same reason, the Greens are a total write-off.

The Rogues Gallery above, of 10 MPs who voted to kill New Zealand’s smallest citizens and have since departed the corridors of power - an answer to prayer! - was displayed on the website of a good Protestant, Selwyn Stevens, and brought to my attention by another same. I’m happy to say the list is already out of date, the number having climbed, with the sacking this week of disgraced Iain Lees-Galloway (another Labourite), to 13.  

Thirteen, interestingly, is the number scripturally denoting lawlessness and rebellion, which by Catholic reckoning is what these Parliamentary representatives actually represent, by passing an “unjust law (which) is no law at all” (St Thomas Aquinas), and rebelling against the law of God.

Jesus said: Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Mt 5:19). Note that murder tops His list. When did you last hear that verse or any like it, preached at Sunday Mass?

So who’s a good NZ Catholic supposed to vote for in the 2020 election?

All the parties currently in Parliament – Labour, National, NZ First, Greens – rate abortion as a conscience issue; they have no policy on abortion. We have to wonder whether in exercising their ‘conscience’ vote, MPs take into account the cost to the taxpayer of legal abortion.

Because it's reasonable to postulate (the overall cost seems hidden from public view) that in 2019 legal babykilling cost NZ taxpayers $26,000,000.

And as I suppose we all know by now, during Lockdown when this Government shut down all the honest business they could, ‘health professionals’ were still paid to kill babies as an ‘essential service’, to the tune of $700 (early medical abortions) to over $2,400 (surgical abortions) – and of course, prostitutes were permitted to ply their sad,vicious trade.

The parties who do have a policy are in theory all opposed to babykilling, and that may be why they’re not in Parliament – yet. Here, Catholics do have an ethical choice.

NZ Public Party, registered only in the last week, is led by Billy Te Kahika. ‘Billy TK’ has branded Ardern a Communist (which is fine by me, but I don’t know about her Dr Bloomfield, who Te Kahika called a Commie, too). The two are complicit, he says, in a global agenda of state control that involves construction of the coronavirus “plandemic”.

We at New Zealand Public Party do not support abortion but recognise this as a ‘right to choose’ issue, however, we are against using abortion as a method of contraception and a means to justify the killing of babies for fetal tissue and organ harvesting.
We also understand that there could be reasons for abortion such as rape, unsafe pregnancy and health reasons but recognise the law as it currently stands is inhumane, therefore we are dedicated to repealing it.
We want to make sure the rights of the unborn child are protected right from conception, along with the rights of the mother.
People have the right to prevent unwanted conception, regardless of religion or creed. We will fully fund contraception and further contraceptive research.

In other words, NZ Public Party doesn’t support abortion - but on the other hand they do. This policy is an oxymoronic pick and mix. And note they want Catholic taxpayers, who should in conscience oppose contraception (hello, NZ Bishops, are you there?) to foot the bill for everyone else’s contraception injections, pills and condoms. There are so many fishhooks in this policy it would give a Great White indigestion.

One New Zealand Party tells me it "does not have a specific policy for abortion. We are not like some small parties who feel the need to bark at every passing car. We recognise that there will from time to time be exceptional circumstances. Therefore safe and regulated abortions should always be an option. We believe that the law as it existed (prior to Labour's introduction of the most liberal abortion reforms in the entire world) was completely fit for purpose.

I attended a New Conservatives meeting this week to meet the Wairarapa candidate, Warren Butterworth. Everyone there, myself and one non-practising Catholic excepted, sounded like a genuinely Christian Protestant. The image below is taken from the New Conservatives’ website, the most workmanlike of the three parties’.

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New Conservative is committed to saving both lives. The life of the baby in the womb, and the life of the mother from complications arising from surgery, serious mental health issues, medical, etc.

The taking of another’s life is a crime, not a health issue, and must be considered as such. The child in the womb must be given the same human right to life as the mother if a heartbeat is detected. Protections will remain for doctors who cause the death of an unborn child while acting in good faith for the preservation of the life of the mother.

New Conservative will ensure that anyone seeking abortion is given sufficient factual information through compulsory independent counselling and a minimum of 48 hours reflection time to enable them to make an informed choice as to whether they continue to seek an abortion or not. Such advice would include information regarding Pill Reversal for chemical abortions, alternative paths such as adoption with prenatal and postnatal care and support.
New Conservative will ensure that the matter of coercion and other factors that may render an abortion illegal be addressed, and that ‘persons of influence’ in such cases could be liable under the Crimes Act.
New Conservative will ensure that, except in highly exceptional circumstances, parental notification occurs regarding abortion procedures for children aged 16 and under.

Good Catholics, take your pick.

I might tell you I’ve tried to post this article three times. Three times it was deleted. I suspect demonic interference.

So as an antidote, the first verse of a hymn which I bet you won’t hear in any Novus Ordo parish but mine, when I inflict it on the congregation as organist. It’s attributed to that mighty warrior St Francis Xavier, co-founder of the Jesuit Order. Imagine the Jesuits singing it now!

“My God I love Thee, though there were
No heaven for me to win.
No hell to punish those who dare
Against Thy love to sin.”


  1. Adelie Reid says:
    Lucky to have Harete Hipango representing Whanganui.

  2. Teresa Coles says:
    The only ones worth a vote are New Conservative..

  3. Stella McLeod:
    List of registered parties ( scroll down the page). NZPP isn’t registered yet although they are making an announcement this Sunday afternoon - possibly joining with an existing party?… See More
    Register of political parties | Elections
    Our local Rotorua NC candidate has the support of several Catholics to help increase the NC party vote. Our local National MP voted against abortion and hopefully will still win the electorate seat.
    Yes NC party vote!

    1. Waste of vote, such a shame.

  4. Jan Stevenson says:
    Yes NC Party vote!

  5. When interviewed at the Auckland March for Life, the leader of the NC Party Leighton Baker said 'we just need better, more comprehensive contraception - then we won't need abortion'. Wrong, contraception has been the definitive pathway to abortion. There is no question there in practice and in theory. Weak, simplistic, lukewarm. Will never vote NC. Only in National (albeit in the lower ranks) do you find MPs with real understanding of the issues involved. And the motivation to help society to see these clearly and calmly. For that reason I am voting National for my party vote.

    1. You're a maniac, Anonymous.
      National M.P's who will effectively oppose contraception ??? Are you out of your mind ?
      There is not a Party let alone an M.P. who will oppose contraception.
      Yes, the contraceptive mentality has been the cause of most of our societal ills. But to think that voting for National is the solution is downright crazy.
      Jim Bludger, supposed committed Catholic, boasted that he had made contraception more readily available. His parish priest, Cardinal Williams, backed him up.
      See any opposition to contraception from Bill English, another so-called Catholic leader of the National Party ?

  6. Leo says:
    Yes, the contraceptive mentality is to blame for almost all of our societal ills, but a few National Party backbenchers are not gonna change that. Vote for the only Party that’s vowed to repeal the recent abortion legislation, if you’re a Catholic concerned about what matters. New Conservative.
