Friday 1 February 2019


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Because I shun violence in any form I had no idea who Ted Bundy was, until I read Siena Yates confessing she's been “beating a dead horse at best and voyeuristic at worst”, for viewing The Ted Bundy Tapes.

Yates equates a teenager defending himself for smiling at an old man with a guy who went on ‘a killing spree’, then asks, re the latter, “why are we still turning this into entertainment?”

Partly because women like Yates want it and watch it. Because it’s about ‘toxic masculinity’. It’s about blaming men. It’s about women projecting, in Bundy’s case onto an “attractive white man”, the punishment they believe men deserve and subconsciously think is due to themselves too, for the horror of the daily slaughter of unborn children.

The success of the genre which Yates “truly hates”, which after 40 years of abortion logically and ‘terrifyingly exists in 2019’, is down to guilt.

Its effect is the desensitisation of our natural human abhorrence of violence, and the corruption of the human faculty of reason - as demonstrated clearly by Yates herself.

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