Saturday, 14 December 2024


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Two sodomists pretending to be parents 


As nauseating as these two sodomists pretending to be parents may be, the possible future for the newborn baby in its 'mother's' arms is too awful to contemplate. This is not to suggest that these individuals (above) are pedophiles, but there is a horrifying new trend for homosexuals to adopt children for sexual exploitation and to 'share' them with other vile perverts.

O please, any rainbow-tinted readers, spare us the cries of "judge not" or the Ardernistas' "be kind". Christ Himself was not afraid to call the scribes and pharisees nasty names and neither should Catholics hesitate to call a spade a spade. In California two sodomists whose hired surrogate mother gave birth prematurely refused to pay for a baby with potential health problems, and refused medical assistance for her baby boy. Effectively, they murdered him. However, better murdered than sodomised.

Sodomy is seriously disordered and pretending to give birth and breastfeed is fetishistic. It's evil, and evil is insidious. The L A Dodgers'  Pride Night ceremonial first pitch was done by gay married couple, Olympian Tom Daley (29) and Film Writer Dustin Lance Black’s (49) son, who was purchased via surrogacy, while Tom held their baby boy also purchased through surrogacy. Sodomites are exploiting women, sometimes for unspeakable reasons.

Gay men like coloured babies. Virtue-signalling - or should that be vice-signalling? 

So, there are frightful implications for the Church and the world in Antipope Francis' LGBTQ pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of St Peter's in 2025's Holy Year Jubilee, which bills the Mystical Body of Christ as "Home for All, LGBT+ Christians and Other Existential Frontiers”. It's further proof that the apostate Bergoglian sect is no longer Catholic: Holy Mother Church is a home for celibate homosexuals, yes, but she cannot be a home for sodomites. 

They're shopping for a baby

The children who are up for adoption represent one of the most vulnerable demographics in any country, relying on the government and various bureaucratic agencies for the entirety of their welfare. The way they are treated is thus a reflection of our societal values, for it reveals our true priorities.


Russia has made the decision to forbid the adoption of Russian children to citizens of foreign nations if those countries allow so-called “gender transitioning.” The bill was signed into law after it passed both houses of Russia’s parliament. We can infer, then, that it had majority support among the political class—something that certainly wouldn’t be mirrored in the United States. 


Russia is often villainized to fantastical proportions; but on social issues, the nation so often reflects where we ought to be. Protecting all children from the evil that is mutilation is a noble goal. Yet, American news outlets condemned Russia’s new law as “anti-LGBT legislation.”


To be clear, Russia has denied adoptions to America since 2012, allegedly due to mishandling of child abuse cases and the scant prosecution of its offenders. Regardless, the revulsion at Russia’s latest law shows that it is no longer self-evident in America that protecting children from mutilation is obligatory. A case could be made that protecting children in America is no longer the priority that it used to be.



Increasingly, children who are up for adoption are being placed into the arms of homosexual men. Sometimes, such men purchase children outright via surrogacy. All of this we allow, and some even encourage it.


Christians and conservatives have long since warned about the risk of child sexual abuse in these scenarios, in addition to denying the child of a healthy family dynamic through the absence of a mother. These concerns have been dismissed and ridiculed, and we are beginning to see the results.


There is a horrifying new trend in which homosexual pedophiles are adopting children for the sake of sexual exploitation and then sharing them with other homosexuals.


Cody Richison is a teacher who was recently arrested by the FBI for child pornography, at which time it also emerged that he had raped a child. His 10-year-old victim was a friend’s foster son, and he had talked about becoming a foster parent himself. Texts between himself and fellow-pedophile Joseph Sampson revealed Sampson asking, “You really want to do the pedo family thing?” to which he replied, “Yes, I do.” Cody talked in the same text exchange about a “guy in Henryetta that has a 3-4 year old.”


What we’re seeing is the emergence of homosexual couples acquiring children for this explicit purpose and then “sharing” such children within organized pockets. A similar situation occurred in Georgia, when Zachary and William Zulock repeatedly sexually abused their adopted “sons” and filmed the acts to share with others. They even sold one of the children to another man so the boy could be sodomized for profit. That nightmarish situation continued for years before they were apprehended.


Zachary and William Zuloch with their sons 


Allowing gay couples to adopt children is a relatively new phenomenon, but it has already become unexceptional (or even unquestionable) to many. There was once at least a tacit understanding that children need a mother and a father; and for that reason alone, a homosexual couple would not suffice. It was also once common to admit that pedophilia is more likely by people who have disordered sexual impulses, but nowadays, that’s a verboten topic.


Defenders of homosexual adoption often make bold statements about how “loving gay homes” are better than being in “the system.” They do not realize that such residences exemplify the specific context to which the phrase “the system” refers disparagingly. Houses that do not provide adoptive children with loving families are “the system.” 



They're shopping for a baby


We should not be so quick to dismiss the woes of the foster care system as a mere heartless institutional building but, instead, as an institution that is neglectful and reckless about where it places children. From the outside, sometimes children who are placed in homes look like they are in “families,” and it is therefore easier for our sensibilities than something that looks and feels too close to a prison or a hospital. Yet, a home is not inherently better than communal housing.


To answer the loud objections: yes, heterosexual pedophilia exists and even sometimes takes place in adoptive homes. Evil finds many quarters. Yet, pedophilia is much less likely to be the reason for such adoption, at least because it would be statistically improbable for both mother and father to have sexual attraction to the child. 


While we cannot prevent every case of abuse, we should do everything possible to reduce the chances of it occurring, which includes not placing children in the homes of those with disordered sexual appetites.


Our reluctance to talk about these issues represents our placement of cowardice over the lives and welfare of some of the most vulnerable children. Being pro-life was never limited to ensuring children’s birth, and fighting against these injustices must be a segment of that movement. 


Giving children in foster care and those up for adoption the best possible chance ought to be among our highest priorities. We can accomplish this by working to remove financial barriers to adoption, encouraging married couples to have children (naturally or via adoption), and ensuring that those most likely to be a threat to children are not given custody of them. It is what we can do for the least among us. The Ugly Truth About Gay Adoption - Crisis Magazine


  • Sarah Cain, known as The Crusader Gal, is a political and cultural commentator who makes videos about the decline of the West, and she writes Homefront Crusade. She is the author of Failing Foundations: The Pillars of the West Are Nearing Collapse.

Jesus on the Cross, Salvador Dali (after a drawing by St John of the Cross)

The road is narrow. He who wishes to travel it more easily must cast off all things and use the cross as his cane. In other words, he must be truly resolved to suffer willingly for the love of God in all things

- St John of the Cross, Confessor and Doctor of the Church


  1. You have got to be joking ...sick, sick, sick!!


  2. That poor child is doomed. Surrogacy should be banned for gays.


  3. They don't stop to think about emotions of the child well being and future and destress it going to bring

  4. Mike Gavin-williamson14 December 2024 at 14:00

    We live in very sick f*cked up world


  5. Perversion personified.

  6. This is how far the human race has fallen.. there's a reason God gave us the 10 commandments


  7. Life sentence for these child abusers when we get our government back

    1. Jenne Achilles-Collins14 December 2024 at 14:07

      Very well said. Breast/chest feeding that child means it gets a huge load of hormones etc every bloody day. It's child abuse!!!


  8. PRAY for the Church because once we get our enemies out of power the revial of the Church will slow this down, it isn't going to stop, this has been going on since we arrived. The prince of this world, not the King, the prince is the devil and he wants us in Hell, He wants to spite his Maker the King.


  9. Angela Dunn posted an image of a 'trans' man chestfeeding.

    1. OMG … that’s truly horrific!!!


    2. Jan Haslam yes, it's mental illness but it's also gravely sinful. Where are the asylums, and where is the Church that would have treated these sick people before the world forgot God?


    3. Julia du Fresne Exactly… how this insanity has been “normalised” is the worst I just cannot believe how perverse our world has become … and how the government has not stepped in to prevent this madness 😱


  10. Stoning doesn't sound that bad for this kind of vermin


  11. They said Hitler burned books, what they don't tell us, the books he ordered burned were all filth, pornography, the lgbtq+ rubbish...


  12. You know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah !


  13. Do we have any actual statistical data as opposed to two anecdotes that are being labeled a “trend”?

    1. r
      Matthew Hill, a reasonable question.
      "21% of same-sex couples with children have adopted children versus less than 3% of opposite-sex couples with children. Same-sex couples are seven times more likely than opposite-sex couples to have adopted children. The number of children living with LGBT parents has risen tremendously"
      "Same-sex couples are four times more likely than opposite-sex couples to have adopted children or stepchildren."
      "(T)he Archives of Sexual Behavior also noted that homosexual pedophiles are significantly overrepresented in child sex offence cases"
      There are lots more stats if you care to look.


  14. Surrogacy was always going to lead to this.


  15. It was supposedly strait people mum and dad type that attacked me and like the Epstein case they have women groomers make ya feel all safe and then attackn


  16. These people are mentally ill. How can authorities even consider them as adoptive parents.

    1. Murray Dennis you are exactly right. It suggests the authorities are mentally ill too, does it not?


  17. Your fascist lies are showing....


  18. I personally know two gay men who had an adopted child and they are both wonderful fathers with an extremely happy young son. You can’t say because a person is gay they are a pedophile.

    1. Carol McCracken no you can't say that and I didn't.


  19. All scripture is God breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness..... (Teaches us our errors, rebuke us for them, instructs concerning the true way to be.).....that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. Pedophiles and all unrighteous workers are already judged, that's one aspect of what Christ achieved on the cross, the defeat of Satan, sin, the world and death. Unless they repent of these works and love God, they will have an eternity in the Lake of Fire.


  20. Parents Child trafficking has exploded since mobile phones which easily track and locate - even when switched off using "find my phone"

  21. Lynnette Erickson18 December 2024 at 12:47

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  22. I don't believe this. I don't agree with all this men can have babies and breastfeed rubbish but gay men wanting children are not pedophiles. Neither are they child abusers. I do not know of any gay parents who have neglected and abused and murdered their children. I know about plenty of straight parents who have though.

    1. Gail Oats I agree, 'plenty of straight parents' neglect, abuse and murder their children'. But ... 'the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.'
      ... 'while homosexual men make up less than three per cent of the adult male population, they commit a disproportionate number (one third or more) of child sexual molestations.'
      'pedophiles have long existed as a subculture within the gay rights movement'.
      Gay parents abuse their children simply by their example of a seriously disordered sexual lifestyle and their failure to provide their children with both mother and father role models.
