Sunday, 29 December 2024


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TPM's Rawiri Waititi, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer   

Tatts! Tattoos are rife in Western culture. Is there a single Kiwi family that's tatt-free? The dark art of inking the body - in living memory done only by side-show freaks and low-lifes - is now so embedded (pun intended) that even devout Catholics, even priests, are showing them off, usually as the Jerusalem cross.

A current, slightly hysterical FB post (below) rather overstates the case against tattooing by calling it a portal to the demonic - a theory supported by facial evidence in Te Paati Maori's Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer (above), influencers whose racism could be described as demonic. The 'mental stress' of Labour's fallen Kiri Allan, whose backside tattoo is repulsive and the Greens' Chloe Swarbrick, a lesbian and rabid Hamas supporter, likewise. With the eclipse of the Catholic Church now led by the pretender pope, Francis, a case could easily be made for tattoos as symbols of a resurgence of paganism, and a New World Order. 

"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh"(Lev 19,28.) You could argue that in going beyond the Natural Law (e.g. prohibiting certain foods), this Old Testament law is no longer in force. But it is fulfilled in Christ, Who came to perfect the Law. Tattooing is certainly an offence against the Fifth Commandment and opposes the first  inclination of the Natural Law, which is to preserve our being as it is (Fr Chad Ripperger, exorcist). 

And as a wise old Jesuit priest has said, “No one changes externals without having changed internals.”  As an antidote to the FB post below, please read Morality of Tattoos and Body Piercing by Father Peter Joseph.

Chloe Swarbrick's predatory wasp tattoo

A few decades ago, there would have been no need to debate tattoo morality. Previously, they were common among rebellious, low-conditioned or mentally unstable people and were generally considered a sign of moral degeneration. Behind every tattoo is Satan.


Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, called tattoos a “declaration against Christianity” and, as early as 1990, stated that Satanism is behind every tattoo, whether it is a rose or a dragon. This alone provides reason enough to condemn tattoos in opposition to the census catholicus (sic).



Pagan tatts worn by Balkan Slavs to avoid forced conversion to Islam, 1930-1940.


However, as with many other controversial issues, progressives have claimed that the Church has no official stance on this issue. Some have falsely hinted that rare exceptions (such as tattoos received by Eastern Catholics during times of persecution) rule the rule.



Despite this confusion, the teaching of the Church is clear and unchanging. The matter is drawn out by the Scriptures, which say: "YOU SHALL NOT MAKE STRUGGLES ON YOUR FLESH BECAUSE OF A DEAD; NOR PRINT TATTOOS ON YOURSELF. I AM JAVHE” (Leviticus. XIX:28) Monsignor Straubinger, The Holy Bible. "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh, for the dead, neither shall you make in yourselves any figures or marks: I am the Lord" (Douay- Rheims).



This prohibition cannot be dismissed as a mere ceremonial law, as it belongs to the Fifth Commandment. Tattoos entail self mutation (sic), which can never be tolerated. Furthermore, according to the Catholic tradition, it is not permissible to artificially alter one's own appearance in a significant way, as it is a sign of vanity. It implies that permanently coloring the skin with drawings and figures of ink falls into this category.


Even more worrying is that tattoos violate the First Commandment because they are inseparable from pagan spirituality. Just as yoga or witchcraft cannot be Christianized, neither can modern tattoos. Regardless of the intention, they serve as a conduit to the false gods.

Steve Gilbert's book, A Tattoo History: A Source Book, notes that in ancient times, the actual process of tattooing, which involved complex rituals and taboos, could only be performed by priests and was associated with beliefs that were secrets only known to members of the priestly caste...



Fr Dwight Longenecker's Jerusalem Cross

The tattoos originated in connection with ancient rituals of scarification and bloodshed that were associated with religious practices intended to bring the human soul into harmony with supernatural forces and ensure continuity between this life and the next. ” (p. 158)

Ancient Egypt, sadly famous for its hidden practices, placed heavy emphasis on tattoos. Historians have noted tattoos on some mummies. They often contained symbols related to particular gods or rituals. Tattoos were considered a “amule” that could provide protection. Furthermore, certain tattoos were thought to have the spiritual power to alleviate pain.

Since the practices of Ancient Egypt have provided the basis for secret societies and false religions that endure to this day, it is almost certain that these tattooing practices have also continued with a hidden meaning.

Contemporary tribal cultures still openly use tattoos for spiritual purposes. Among them, the Maori tribe (sic) uses them as good luck charms. Each symbol contains its own spiritual meaning which is not evident to the casual observer. Could the designs offered at western tattoo parlors contain similar symbols? Seems like it.

Although some tattoos may lack explicit pagan symbols, they are nonetheless a portal into the demonic.



For this reason, the Church systematically banned tattoos whenever it was established in a region. Emperor Constantine set this precedent after his conversion, banning tattoos throughout the Roman Empire. For many centuries, Western European rulers maintained restrictions on tattoos.


She loved Harry Potter so much she inked her whole arm; when JK Rowling called out men in dresses she inked it all out again

In addition, missionaries in foreign lands made efforts to end the practice when they found it. That's why, until recently, we didn't see Catholic tattoos even in areas that were previously tribal, such as some uncivilized parts of Latin America.

Exorcists have expressed concern about the spiritual dangers of tattoos, and there are no shortage of scary stories about them. Exorcist Father Stephen Rosetti admitted they can cause demonic infestations. On one occasion, a deacon poured holy water on a woman's tattoo. She screamed it was burning him (sic), even though the water was cold. This is remarkable because the tattoo was simply of a rose, not a devil or any other hidden image.

Long-serving Vatican exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, also criticized the tattoos. Once, during an exorcism, a demon confessed to him that tattoos are imbued with evil symbolism and are a powerful tool for his use.

And what about "Catholic" tattoos? According to Father Chad Ripperger, they are the worst of all. Far from providing spiritual protection, they invite demons. In an interview, he said: "The worst tattoo I've ever had to remove... "It was a tattoo of St. Michael the Archangel."

These tattoos are a form of sacrilege that offends saints and angels rather than honoring them. In a sense, it’s understandable that some may think that “Catholic” tattoos could be a way of remembering God. However, it is a cheap substitute for engraving His memory in our hearts, which is much more necessary.


He raped 2 women in Scotland, then said he was a woman and is now in a women's prison.

Those who wish to honor Our Lord through physical symbols can do so by wearing escapulars (sic), blessed medals, cords of saints (such as the cord of Saint Philomena or the cord of Saint Joseph) and, most importantly in our days, modest and counter-revolutionary clothing.

We can also consecrate ourselves, in body and soul, to our Blessed Mother, so that our own being becomes a reminder of the God to whom we belong. All of this is a more effective way to get closer to God.

Tattoos should always be avoided. Instead of joining the Cultural Revolution, Catholics should fight it and cling to the good customs of bygone eras.

The Martyrdom of St Thomas Becket (Albert-Pierre Dawant)

St Thomas Becket, please pray for us


  1. I thought they only tattooed the faces of those to be beheaded and sold as trophies!


  2. Top excorsist claim every tattoo has a demon assigned to it by Satan

  3. I think referring to the fifth commandment is stretching things a fair bit. I know of several people who got tattoos as an act of remembrance after the passing of a parent. The reference from Leviticus also seems odd. For a religion that promotes circumcision to be against cutting yourself is a little bit nuts.
    Personally, no tats or piercings for me, but that's only my choice rather than invoking any ideology.


  4. Hill tribe & Celtic people share many cultural traits. Tattoo. Totem. Carving on skin wood & stone. They worshipped "gods" depicted in totems that looked similar. Large elongated heads. Heavily carved faces bodies. Blue eyed. 3 fingered.


  5. I also disagree cultural tattoos are significant to the person as is the ceremonial part. While I don’t have tattoos I appreciate the artistry of it and I’ve seen some beautiful tattoos.
    Freedom of expression who are we to dictate what others do?? As long as it is not harming others..

    1. Ginny VE but if it's demonic it IS harming others


    2. Worse still, wearing a hat inside let alone the beehive.

    3. It harms us all, because it's visual pollution regardless whether it's cultural dark ages stuff or not.

  6. Jeffery F Petersen29 December 2024 at 18:15

    Ginny VE Up to a point I agree with a simple tattoo, but to defaced how you are created & born is simply antichrist behavior. These people will go down in history as plain foolish want too bes.


  7. A type of branding


  8. Personally I don’t really care what anyone else chooses to do to their own body
    But it’s hard to not notice how many ladies have goatys today.
    Very masculine look, kinda woke if you will…
    Just glad my wife likes to look like a lady!
    Again none of my business though…


  9. Let them tattoo their faces, it takes the guess work out of who the idiots are amongst us in society.


  10. Totally disagree but we are all entitled to our opinions


  11. Perfect for identifying criminals

  12. John Wesley Hardin29 December 2024 at 18:21

    The Demons wouldn't want these 2 drop kicks hanging around waiting for a handout šŸ¤£


  13. Interesting article. If it is true then it doesn’t matter what culture we are or our history where it might have been ‘normal’. Something to think about.


  14. you need to do some more research on Ta Moko Julia. Tāmoko can serve as reminders of strength, resilience, love, or loss, becoming visual representations of the journey one has traveled and the person they have become.

    1. It's a return to dark ages. All races and cultures did this stuff if you go back far enough but we've moved on. Maori are not decolonising they are simply devolving back to the dark ages.


  15. Debs only likes one side of her bloodline


  16. I have a seal on my forehead that identifies me as a citizen of the kingdom of god


  17. Makes the idiots easier to recognise. Some might call Tatts a bullshit detector


  18. My late step daughter had tatts, she contracted blood poison plus meningococcal meningitis, I saw some tatts that were infected, okay you may say that the equipment not being clean, she was done at home by a tattooist. These two idiots stick out like a sore thumb and so do others when you go through customs, easily identified by those markings just like animals that are tattooed to show who they are. Your choice, however as I have saod mho its up to you and does having a tatt make you some hero or special,

  19. Wendy Robbo
    Personally I'm more concerned about the toxicity of injecting ink into the largest organ of the body, your skin. Skin is an organ full of cells, living , breathing, renewing, carrying away toxins etc etc. What really happens if you fill it up with ink? What ingredients are really in the ink? I feel like the trend now for fully blacked out sleeves or legs could lead to toxicity. Would people be comfortable blacking out their other organs with injectable ink? Eg heart, kidneys, liver - why is skin different? Are these new tattoo trends ( not traditional ones) another way to keep us sick & unhealthy? Just some thoughts... šŸ¤”


  20. They look terrible


  21. I bet Catholic priests don’t get WINZ barcodes tattooed on their chins.


  22. Yep, true as F! This pair are the living proof that we are a tolerant society and humour disgusting creatures to the point of even allowing them to think they are important.


  23. I think the latter


  24. I would imagine that once this current fashion statement….goes out of fashion…..some of these people are going to regret disfiguring themselves…….


  25. What’s inked into your skin imprints on the spirit.


  26. What a load of nonsense. Tatts arent demonic. The actions of some people however are and often they hide behind religion. As for these two they are from a minor party and as ridiculous as they are its the main two parties, red and blue (labour and national), that you should be worried about. Both work for the same team.


  27. Ahhh not these two. Te Partly Maori šŸ˜‚ Get these grifters out of parliament


  28. I told my wife if she had tats I would not have married her.


  29. Two very ugly individuals.

    1. Frankie Bullen not by nature. God made them good-looking. They've disfigured the temple of the Holy Spirit which was their priceless gift from God.


  30. I don't promote tats but can anyone tell me how tats break the 5th commandent?

    1. John Cee, "The fifth commandment not only forbids the killing but also the mutilation and other bodily harm done to the neighbour or even to self. It forbids dangerous drug use and heavy use of tobacco to the point of endangering your health.
      A typical example of mutilation is sterilization, not only permanent but even “temporary” such as contraception: it destroys the natural ability to have children and as such is a kind of mutilation, and is forbidden by the fifth commandment. Such mutilation contains therefore two mortals sin, one against the fifth commandment because it is a mutilation and one against the sixth commandment because of its motive which is the abuse of the powers of transmission of life.
      The fifth commandment forbids drunkenness and family violence: not only physical violence but also verbal violence.Notably, it does not forbid the death penalty. " (Translated from a sermon given by Fr Francois Laisney SSPX in Korea).


    2. Jon Cee not related to that, but yiur body is the temple of the holy spirit. Thats enough reason for me


    3. Jon Cee Your body is a Temple. You don't defile a Temple of God.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    5. Alan Griffiths I know that but the article specifically states tatoos "violate the 5th commandment".
      To be clear, I agree that we shouldn't defile the temple of the Holy Spirit which is a major reason NOT to take any mRNA injection (Cov jab) or load up with unhealthy food causing obesity, or take so many pharmaceuticals, or take ANY vaccine with animal or aborted foetal cell lines.
      Anyone that took the Cov jab defiled the temple of The Holy Spirit.
      As "people who are called by My Name" ,
      there are so many "wicked ways" that we believers need to "turn from".

    6. Jon Cee
      Julia du Fresne What fifth commandment are you referring to?
      Are you talking about something other than the biblical 10 commandments?
      Because the Fifth Commandment in the bible is about honouring your father and mother.
      The writer of the article is confused.
      Do not murder/kill is the 6th commandment.
      Our children memorized the 10 commandments when they were little.


    7. Jon Cee I refer to the Ten Commandments as they were established by St Augustine and followed by all Christians until Martin Luther broke away and set up his own church. Catholics have never deviated from the original numbering and the fifth is "Thou shalt not kill".
      Well done, ensuring your children memorised the Ten Commandments! I wish I'd done the same!


  31. Just another way to reduce Maori life expectancy injecting toxins and blocking UV?

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  33. BS I have a total heart and soul belief in christ and the Creator. I have archangel Michael, Gabriel and Rachel tattooed down my spine in angel script. Peddle your small minded cynicism somewhere else my dear.
