Thursday 16 May 2024


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With apologies for reminding decent Kiwis of her existence

Tomorrow morning four individuals will stand around the Stortford Lodge intersection in Hastings holding placards. Since Ardern's Safe Areas legislation, this is the closest they can get to the hospital, a block away, on babykilling day. "Doctors are killing babies at Hastings Hospital today", says one sign. "Smile: you're made in God's image" says another. 3 are Latin Massgoing Catholics, the fourth a Catholic priest, in civvies. 

Where are the other Catholics? They drive by, some tooting approvingly. Where are the Catholic priests wearing clericals - Roman collars? They won't even give space in their parish bulletin for fear of being "divisive". 

Forget genocide in Gaza: think genocide in New Zealand. This is the business of the Catholic Church - saving souls. Not the planet, Pope Francis, souls! Millions of women are killing their own children and you're fretting about 'climate change'! Four people are in prison in the US now for protesting against abortion, for trying to do your job for you, Holiness. It's only a matter of time before Kiwis are sent to jail for it too.


Pro-life advocate Johnathan Darnel: 2 years+ for protesting abortion

The Biden administration has thrown yet another pro-life American in prison for protesting abortion.

Thanks to Joe Biden’s politicized Justice Department, pro-life advocate Herb Geraghty has been sentenced to 34 months in prison under the FACE Act just for engaging in a peaceful protest inside an abortion center.


Herb Geraghty (real name Rosemary)

Like fellow pro-life advocate Lauren Handy, Darnel was found guilty on all counts the Biden administration brought against them for allegedly violating the FACE law.

In a previous interview, Darnel called it an “honor” to be arrested for saving babies from abortions.

“FACE is a crime, but it shouldn’t be a crime because abortion shouldn’t be tolerated,” he said in an interview with Catholic News Agency (CNA). “Except for the unjust execution of Christ, abortion is the worst thing that’s ever happened in the history of the world.”

Darnel said he lives in “a nation that murders kids” and attributed his 14-year “quasi-full time” pro-life work to his evangelical Christian faith. “How can I say I love Christ and not respond with extreme zeal, extreme action, and drastic measures to this holocaust?”

Those pro-lifers on trial conducted a rescue at the Washington Surgi-Clinic operated by the notorious late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo who was busted by a LiveAction undercover investigator for admitting that he would not help a child with life-saving efforts if he or she survived a late-term abortion. He emphatically stated that a nearby hospital’s efforts to save the life of a child he was trying to abort was “the stupidest thing they could have done.”

Lauren Handy, Herb Geraghty, Darnel and others cited those videos as the reason for the rescue and protest at the abortion business because of the concern babies might be left to die. They chained themselves to the entrance of the abortion center in an attempt to stop abortions.

The rescuers were given 115 aborted babies by the driver of a medical waste van outside Santangelo’s late-term abortion facility. The babies were well-developed – second and possibly third trimester. Their remains are still in a vault at the D.C. medical examiner’s office.

In October 2020, about two months after the remains were obtained, the nine pro-lifers blocked the entrance of the abortion facility and protesting abortion. Darnel filmed the protest he participated in alongside Handy and the other convicted activists.

However, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, a Clinton nominee, would not allow the video to be used as evidence. She also prohibited the defendants from arguing their actions were protected by the First Amendment or were committed in defense of a third person, unborn children.

“This is a clear abuse of power and a sign that the Biden administration is using the Department of Justice to attack political targets—particularly those of us who believe in the right to life for all human beings,” Geraghty, a member of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, told The Daily Signal late last year.


John Hinshaw: told the judge off for ignoring babies: "How can you allow this?"

Yesterday, another pro-life advocate who participated in the protest, John Hinshaw, was sentenced for 21 months and will get credit for 9 months served. And pro-life advocate Will Goodman was sentenced to 27 months in prison for his role in the 2020 protest.

If the pro-life advocates were environmental activists or a leftist supporting Hamas, their sit-in at an abortion business would have earned Handy a misdemeanor charge and maybe a small fine. But because she is a pro-life advocate protesting abortion, the Biden administration used the FACE Act to prosecute her for supposedly blocking access to abortion.

Even though the law, which abrogates the free speech rights of pro-life Americans, has rarely been used, the Biden administration pushed for putting several pro-life advocates in prison for over a decade for protesting abortion. Biden officials misused the law to push for the highest penalties, reserved for violent criminal behavior, to prosecute peaceful pro-life Americans who merely exercised their free speech rights.


Lauren Handy, a Catholic, with a real priest


Handy, a Catholic, is a well-known pro-life voice on the political left. She was the primary organizer and leader of the peaceful protest sponsored by  Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising that led to the ongoing court cases.

In a statement before the ruling, Handy shed some perspective on being jailed for her pro-life activism.

"I will go into court with my head held high and my heart open.”

“Today’s outrageous 57-month sentence for a progressive pro-life activist is a stark reminder: Biden’s DOJ is fully weaponized against pro-life American citizens, and they are using the FACE Act to do it,” Rep. Chip Roy said in a statement. “House Republicans should defund the DOJ weaponization, repeal the FACE Act, and stand up for the freedoms that we campaign on.”


Outside the US Supreme Court the day Roe v Wade was overturned


Caroline Smith, Executive Director of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising said, “The abortion industry wants to scare, intimidate, fear-monger, and isolate us. But what they don’t know is we have a radical hope that goes beyond the concrete walls of both prisons and abortuaries. I believe the oppression that the DOJ is expressing right now will absolutely backfire on them in the near future. Oppression always backfires, especially when your motivation is blood money. Abortion is murder, and fetuses are people, and nothing will stop Rescue.”

A total of 10 pro-life advocates face the federal criminal charges after they were arrested and indicted for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) in 2020 at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, DC. That’s a late-term abortion facility suspected of breaking federal law by performing partial birth abortions and illegally allowing babies born alive after failed abortions to die.

Allowing such babies to die is legal in New Zealand -

The defendants – often called “rescuers” by fellow members of the pro-life movement – partook in a 2020 peaceful protest against a notorious Washington, D.C. abortuary that performed late-term abortions.


Also on the day Roe v Wade was overturned 


Last year, all nine were found guilty of violating the controversial Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. They each face a sentence of up to 11 years in federal prison. The FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act prohibits individuals from attempting to injure, intimidate, or interfere (by use of force, threat of force, or physical obstruction) with anyone obtaining or performing an abortion.

FACE is the US equivalent of New Zealand's Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion (Safe AreasAmendment Act 2022 which came into force on 19 March 2022. "Safe Areas" is Ardern's idea of a joke at the expense of unborn babies for whom the 'safe area' is the most dangerous in the land.

The indictment in the case says that on Oct. 22, 2020, 10 individuals “conspired with one another and with others known and unknown to obstruct access” to the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.

“It was the purpose of the conspiracy to create a blockade to stop the clinic from providing and patients from obtaining reproductive health services,” the indictment alleges. The indictment says the defendants used “deception” to gain access to the clinic, used “force” to enter, and barricaded themselves inside with “ropes and chains.”

A video of the rescue shows the pro-life advocates praying and singing inside the abortion facility and refusing to leave so abortions could end the lives of unborn children.

Stephen Crampton, senior counsel for the nonprofit legal firm Thomas More Society, says the cases are clearly political persecution.

“They waited a year and a half to file this action,” Crampton said. “If indeed this was some sort of dire offense and the defendants ought to be incarcerated, why in the world, does the government wait a year and a half to file the charges?”

“The climate activists were out there [in D.C.] gluing their hands to the streets, shutting down traffic and everything, you think there’s any chance the feds are going to prosecute those people or try to put them in prison for 11 years?” he asked.

He also told Fox News that finding a fair jury was practically impossible considering that D.C. is the “most pro-abortion city in America.”

Caroline Taylor Smith, executive director of PAAU told LifeNews, “This overreaching of power and authority by Biden’s DOJ is egregious and must be stopped. Nonviolent prolife actions should not be a federal crime, and peaceful people with a desire to save lives should not be jailed for over a decade. Some of these Rescuers could be facing death by incarceration. We must repeal the FACE Act now!”

Last year, former President Donald Trump promised to support “political prisoners” if he’s elected president. During the Family Research Council’s “Pray, Vote, Stand Summit” in Washington, D.C., Trump vowed to get innocent Americans out of jail for standing up for their beliefs while criminals run rampant. 

“I am announcing that the moment I win the election, I will appoint a special task force to rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration,” Trump said. 

That was last year, mind you. Trump's middle name is not consistency. He has flip-flopped on abortion. However, faux Catholic Joe Biden is the most murderous president in US history.  He wants the absolute right to abortion up to birth. He and VP Kamala Harris are fully endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Enough said.

Trump referenced the convictions of pro-life advocates who now face as many as 11 years in prison for rescuing babies from abortions at a late-term abortion business in Washington D.C.

“If we stand together in this fight, we’re going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden; if he runs — will he make it to the starting gate?” Trump said.


Pentecost (Crispin van den Broeck, 1524-1591)

 Come Holy Ghost Creator come, 

from Thy bright heavenly throne; 

come take possession of our souls 

and make them all Thy own.


  1. Executions is what it is, isn't the first time the Roman church has been quiet during executions. Vengeance is Mine says the Lord, I will repay. In the meantime, in this age of grace, and in accordance with God's Word, He is desirous that all men be saved. The gospel may be foolishness with fallen mankind, but for those who believe, it is the power of God unto salvation. Repent of your evil works and turn to Him.

  2. Sydney 70's 80's aborted pregnancies near full term was the patients choice.
    Also mini hysterectomy.
    Another method when 3 mths pregnant injected saline into womb to cause abortion.
    EAS think abbreviation.
    This would hve been highly criminal in NZ at that time.
    Now legal here.
    I think some of these procedures produced babies breathing.
    Nurses took attitude that their job was to deliver full term babies not assist in aborting pregnancies.

  3. Therese Muggeridge16 May 2024 at 22:39

    By all accounts J Cindy is a tranny!!! Now at Gitmo!
    Vengeance will be God's.
    Let's not forget the others that signed off on this Satanic Bill.
    They too will be held accountable. Crimes against humanity.

  4. Wayne George Stevens16 May 2024 at 22:39

    that's right, you get 10 out of 10. top of the class for you.

  5. Wayne George Stevens16 May 2024 at 22:40

    Crimes against humanity,she knows her soul cannot be saved.

    1. No soul is beyond redemption. Even Judas, if he had repented, would have been saved.

    2. Lorna Keith Leggett16 May 2024 at 22:51

      She has no soul. There is little human about anyone who can advocate for abortion under these circumstances, when a child is born near due date and is healthy.

    3. Wayne George Stevens16 May 2024 at 22:52

      She is a child of Satan,evil, she creeps from below.

    4. demons don't have souls

  6. Bruce BJ Leeming16 May 2024 at 22:42

    I was born with a cleft pallet. If this was the case I would have lost 82 years of living, loving, working, fathering a family, making and sharing music and the list goes on. Cheers

  7. The mosque killer holds nothing on DameInsane

  8. Eeek She is possesed

  9. Julie MacPherson16 May 2024 at 22:44

    If its anything like America, those late term babies will be used for organ harvesting...
    Organs can only be harvested from a live specimen...
    Billion dollar industry...

    1. Indeed. As I have posted on this page more than once.

  10. I bet her uncle Klaus is really proud of her evil

  11. This is the shocking reality of what has happened in our once amazing country!!😪

  12. Stewart Chapman16 May 2024 at 22:46

    The evil of the WEF has no bounds

  13. Abortion up to birth for any baby, if born alive? Zero assistance, zero pain relief.
    That’s what this woman bought into our country. And we will pay for what her grubberment brought in.

    1. And we will keep paying until we unite and stand up to them with a single voice: ‘Enough, this is our country, not your social experiment. We want to be a country with a government and not the other way around.’ Whatever the cost, we must take our country back, because if we don’t we will pay a terrible price indeed. Everything.

    2. I actually would like to see New Zealand without a government. They are all corrupt.

  14. I'm not anti abortion in the early stages of pregnancy, but i am anti murder of full term babies.
    I'm not a catholic either or religious, but crimes against children must be stopped and so should men of the cloth, who are some of the biggest sinners against children.

  15. she's advocating to murder babies, but could be if someone hates her for it, she wants hate speech punished?

  16. Alastair Wright16 May 2024 at 22:54

    And this former PM wants to be remembered for being kind??????!!

  17. She’s still getting harassed on the streets where evert she goes

    1. Stephanie Harrison16 May 2024 at 22:55

      and she deserves to be. I hope she never lives a life of freedom.

    2. she has to walk around with security consistently so I think she’s lockdown now

    3. Stephanie Harrison16 May 2024 at 23:01

      I hope the lying evil tyrant is paying for it herself now.

    4. Don't forget that actually sell the organs of the babies look at project vertos

    5. Does that, and her enforcement of the coVert laws she put in place,, make her a murderer ????


    6. Not technically because murder is a crime and killing babies isn't a crime in this country now. But morally of course she is a murderer.

    7. Raelene Beth Wendi Wilson17 May 2024 at 15:10

      James Clark yes that's the worst of it really, I don't judge the woman taking this path, I'm not wearing their shoes, but imagine if they knew about the organ trade (which I am sure they don't) it would be enough to tip some people up.

    8. You've given me an idea for another placard ...

    9. Raelene Beth Wendi Wilson17 May 2024 at 15:11

      be gentle, not sure how, but these woman are walking a path where for whatever reason this is the only choice they can see, we are lucky we are not them

    10. Raelene Beth Wendi Wilson17 May 2024 at 15:20

      Also not sure if anyone going to an appointment really takes in what's on a placard, they more likely just feel the scorn. Not sure how we reach those who need to know. I guess the placard message may be a seed planted, but probably won't change the immediate 😥

    11. These women are walking a path where this is the only choice they can see because for over 50 years the Church has not loudly and clearly taught the Gospel. I agree with your sentiments but we are not "lucky" we are not in their shoes; we are blessed.
      The placards are a block from the hospital (by law), on a busy intersection. They're designed mostly to awaken the consciences of people driving by and with our prayer we hope, stirring the passersby who have killed their babies to repentance - and other Christians/Catholics to join the pro-life movement, to save babies in the future.

  18. Cruel and inhumane

  19. I protest in front of a local abortion clinic from time to time, joined by other fine people who I am proud to stand and pray with. But I must say these people being arrested in the US are brave and they are pushing the limits, and clearly breaking the law. Laws that sanction murder must be protested, whatever the price.

    While I applaud my fellow protesters in this country, I will say we seem currently too timid to go all out and deliberately break the law. Perhaps someone will take a lead. If they do, I will have a difficult decision to make about joining them. I'm told prison food isn't too bad, but the company is downright dangerous and the prison wardens aren't above looking the other way.

    1. Yes, I hear you loud and clear. This issue should be debated. I take you to mean pro-lifers should not just protest but actually attempt to prevent doctors and nurses and their patients (mothers and babies) killing their unborn children.

      The mind boggles at the mechanics of it, the logistics. But the first step (and perhaps the only step) would be to ascertain that it was God's will.
