Sunday 26 May 2024



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New Zealand said "No!" to the World Health Organisation's infernal Pandemic Treaty. And although Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus would have had his fingers firmly in his ears, someone heard New Zealand. Maybe God did. 

How many petitions went the rounds? How many times were you asked to sign? How many prayers did you offer for the Treaty's defeat? Because on Friday the WHO's two years of negotiations came to an end in ignominy. The world's nations couldn't agree on how to manage the next pandemic which 'experts' say is sure to come. 

Tedros is still in the business of telling porkies which worked so well for the WHO during the Covid plandemic. He's trying to save face and failing at that too. "This is not a failure," he said in Geneva after the talks ended. "We will try everything and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty."

"Uncle Ted" is reckoning without God and His loyal foot soldiers such as the redoubtable Ken Orr, of Right to Life. And credit must go to Winston Peters of NZ First for valuing sovereignty over any highly dubious tactics against further viruses, whether gain-of-function or occurring naturally. We need to note Orr's arguments against any such pandemic treaty, because the WHO will trot it out again before too long.

Right to Life calls upon the government of New Zealand to uphold our national sovereignty and to oppose the World Health Organisation's (WHO) proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. The National-led coalition government should not sign it.


This opposition is rooted in our commitment to safeguarding New Zealand’s medical and health sovereignty, ensuring that decisions affecting our nation's health remain in the hands of New Zealanders.



Some people are on their seventh clotshot


The COVID-19 pandemic exposed significant flaws in the controversial WHO approach. The organization advocated for lockdowns and vaccine mandates, policies that had devastating economic and social consequences for the international community,including our own.

The WHO has not taken responsibility for the damage caused. Moreover, the WHO's lack of critical investigation into the Chinese government's actions in early 2020 in the creation of the Covid virus in Wuhan raises serious questions about its accountability and transparency.


The WHO's proposed treaty would grant this unelected body unprecedented control over our public health policies.This includes the ability to monitor and address what it deems misinformation and disinformation, an authority that carries authoritarian implications.

Such measures threaten to erode the scrutiny and oversight that pharmaceutical companies and health policies desperately need.



Right to Life supports the democratic right of New Zealanders to make decisions about their own health. The community should be concerned that the World Health Organisation [WHO] is seeking to impose a pandemic treaty on our nation, which will enable the global elitists who wish to suppress our human rights, to make decisions concerning our health and that of our families.


The proposed  [WHO] pandemic prevention, preparedness and response treaty will delegate all authority to the Director General of the WHO, there is no right of appeal.


Right to Life shares these concerns with the Deputy Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Winston Peters, who stated: “New Zealanders will be highly concerned that the World Health Organisation proposes to effectively take control of independent decision-making away from sovereign countries and place control with the Director General of WHO”.



Dr Anthony 'Faust' Fauci: "Something clearly went wrong". Yes, he did. 

Right to Life believes that developing cooperation and options is not what the WHO intends. They envision a top-down imposition of authoritarian control, with major penalties for non-compliance.

•         A New Global Authority could call any health scare a pandemic.

•         Force Vaccines and Quarantines even if you're healthy.

•         They want to check on you and silence any questioning or dissent.

•         Travel restrictions to stop you from crossing borders or even moving around town to visit family and friends.

•         Global lockdowns, where national governments will no longer have a voice about their imposition

•         Closing of churches and forbidding public events for sports or entertainment ad prevention of public protest gatherings

Right to Life believes that the WHO has forfeited our trust, to protect our health and human rights. This is the organisation which:-


•         Refuses to recognise the unborn child as a human being with a right to life


•         Is aggressively advocating for international recognition for the killing of unborn children as a human right


•         Wants to redefine nature and biology with "trans guidelines” that may irreversibly damage children's schools, threatening workplaces, public life, and family values.



Lest we forget

Additionally, the pandemic treaty is in danger of being pushed to undermine health freedoms and national sovereignty, putting health decisions in the hands of globalist organizations and not to elected representatives.


UN globalists are just days away from voting on the UN Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly, threatening to dictate your health and freedoms.

The treaty grants unprecedented powers to enforce vaccinations, control movements, and silence dissent, stripping away your personal autonomy all funded by millions and millions of taxpayer money.

This is our last chance to stop them! Act now — sign the 3 million citizens' petition to halt this overreach and safeguard your rights.

SIGN THE PETITION by clicking on this link here


Ken Orr,


Right to Life New Zealand Inc.

The CitizenGo petition is appended for signing by anyone who hasn't yet, to make amends as it were - and to bring CitizenGo, a stalwart campaigner for good against evil, to everyone's notice.


The Holy Trinity

 Glory be to Thee, O Trinity in Unity, one Deity, before all ages, now and forever

- Antiphon, Lauds, Feast of the Most Holy Trinity 



  1. Victor Ethridge26 May 2024 at 16:14

    I support hanging him on national TV

    1. W h o wouldn’t
      (Exceptions - those on their 3rd, 4th, 5th 🥕)

  2. Yes a very dangerous man

  3. Frans Van Schie26 May 2024 at 16:18

    Yes evil man

  4. Lincoln Cobham26 May 2024 at 16:21

    "Link doesn't exist" already Julia, they've sent it to Facebook purgatory already. But that is great news, the pure evil has been thwarted.. for now at least 🙏🙏🙏

    1. I didn't really expect that. For goodness' sake. Although it's only days since they last purged one of my posts. I'll try it on X (Twitter).

  5. Christine Burne26 May 2024 at 16:25

    He should be in jail he is nothing but a criminal

  6. ...a firing less..🫵🇮🇱🇺🇲🇳🇿

    1. After a fair trial and conviction yes, that or hanging.

    2. ..and FORFEITURE of alllll assets & finances.. and other anomalies..

  7. I would do more than jail this evil lying little p***k .

  8. Nick Tomlinson26 May 2024 at 16:29

    Everyone involved should be jailed including those in nz. Doomfield, wiles, baker, jabcinda, media and others.

  9. Lorraine Stowers26 May 2024 at 16:30


  10. Thanks to the truth of God.

  11. James Brett Harold26 May 2024 at 16:31

    Lucky some of us voted NZ First

    1. Sadly a lot more would have …. but at the time of voting many believed it was more important to just get Labour out …and seriously didn’t believe any party could topple National too Next time round us voters will be in a better position And Yes … as much as many don’t like Winston …. I’m very pleased he and Shane Jones are in there battling for us !!

  12. If he is indeed guilty I would seek the penalty for treason..

    1. Luxon and the Nats MPs are donkey deep in this crime. They ALL need to be gone!

    2. ya don’t have to tell me..I would pull the lever.

    3. We all know that … but who is the worst … National or Labour??
      I think so many just believed Luxon was the least of the two evils

    4. Shirley Hooton Walker26 May 2024 at 16:36

      Danny Bennett, whattt

  13. Mauriina Franklin26 May 2024 at 16:39

    What is the purpose of this post - the link leads to a petition?!
    Comments appear to be reactive to the one question highlighted in the picture ….
    Here’s a question …. Has the pandemic treaty been rejected by the world?

    1. As the post states, the petition link was included for people who hadn't already signed. It was a bit of a joke, to make them feel better for not having signed already. Yes, the draft pandemic treaty has been rejected.

    2. Riaan Van Schalkwyk26 May 2024 at 16:42

      Mauriina Franklin yes it has

    3. Mauriina Franklin26 May 2024 at 16:43

      Thats great - now to find proof, doing ma homework

    4. Owen Williamson26 May 2024 at 16:44

      Dont forget to research who (excuse the pun) is funding the WHO. Last time I looked is was vaccine pusher and IMO worlds biggest slime ball behind Klaus Schwab and his nutcase advisor , Billy Gates the money nutter.

  14. Dugout Dave Osborne26 May 2024 at 16:44

    Genocide is not a wrist slapping offence.

    1. Shirley Hooton Walker26 May 2024 at 16:45

      No I would support death penalty for these criminals no jail for murderers

  15. Gwynna WhiteOwl26 May 2024 at 16:46

    Yes i would. Should have already happened.
    He is the scum of this earth

  16. why should we have to pay to keep them in jail, a swift trial & immediate death penalty is the only way to rid the world of them all.

  17. Execute all guilty in playing a part in SCAM.

  18. Mike Gavin-Williamson26 May 2024 at 16:48

    Lock all those up that instigated the scamdemic and throw away the key. Don't let them see the light of day again.

  19. More like the Death Sentence Including Bill Gates Along with All the Others in on The Global Plandemic Scam of Genocidal Depopulation Agenda 🇳🇿NZ ie: Helen Clark, Jacinda Ardern, Chris Hipkins, Bloomfield, As Well As All Others Involved etc.

  20. Has NZ officially rejected it yet though?

  21. Dont worry about fauci or schwab they're gone

    1. Their foot soldiers are not though. They have been implanted into all our govts and councils etc...

  22. I think ALL those who pushed this experimental Gene "therapy " need jailing for life from Fauci to The PM of NZ, Canada, Australia , France, England etc to their "advisors" like Baker, Bloomfield etc ,from the WHO, UN WEF, Blackrock etc , the drug companies involved and ALL Employers who forced their staff via "no jab no job" and the rest of the mongrels who pushed this crap!!! Their crap has killed many, maimed many and illnesses are escalating amongst the jabbed so more/worse is yet to come .... I hope I can be proven wrong but the data from the heavily "jabbed" countries is not looking good for the "jabbed"

  23. Vaughan De Adman26 May 2024 at 16:56

    I put this issue in Gods hands he will judge the guilty

  24. Fauci needs to meet satan his boss.

  25. Wendy Belworthy26 May 2024 at 17:03

    This is really shiitty when we supposedly live in a "first world country".
    I believe the pLandemik made this problem far worse than before, however the system has been sliding downhill for a number of years now.😔🤦🏻‍♀️
    I feel so sad for this family.😪

  26. Don't for one moment think we've won...this is just round one with many more rounds to come. We need to get out of UN, NATO, WEF, WHO

  27. God will sort all the evil out. He's been giving man a chance to repent. They have now shown who they follow. To us it seems like forever and many question if there is a God. Yes there is. Never loose faith. 1 day to God is like a 1000 years to man. Satan will be abolished forever soon along with all who follow his worldly temptations and deny the return of the Son of man. They call themselves Christian but deny Christ like in the age of Grace how many denied Jesus...

  28. Why should we have to support Fauci in jail. Try him in a state that has the death penalty. Gates can keep him company. TEdros should be taken back to his own country to face the genocide charges that have been laid against him.

    1. William Wallace26 May 2024 at 20:15

      just another beaucrat whanker. spent all his time as a beaucrat, and BELIEVES that it is only a beaucrat solution, that could ever work. whanker.

  29. I'd support sanctions against China for screwing up everyones lives and allowing the virus to be let out.

    1. Fauci was involved in that too

    2. There has been proof of gain of function...but there has been no real evidence supporting the origin of the so called covid virus

    3. Christopher Reid27 May 2024 at 00:36

      I don't believe we shud blame China, I believe they were innocent party/scapegoat, Fauci/Pfizer (Pfizer being a shareholder in the Wuhan lab) are the real criminals, the virus being bred in the US, but released in Wuhan, to take the heat away from the real crims ... notice how the story disappeared quickly/you never hear of, the "bats" being the culprits that transferred the virus to humans, because it was just a BS cover up for the deliberate release of the virus from the Wuhan Laboratory.

  30. Any govt that signs up with WHO will never get elected again

    1. Robyn Vintiner27 May 2024 at 16:26

      Unfortunately there are too many asleep for this to be a reality.

  31. Trumps administration funded the labs. But I would not blame an individual person

    1. post the proof backing your statement Biden supporter,!!

    2. Chris Hardwick27 May 2024 at 00:44

      it goes back further than that, Fauci would be involved with SAR, AIDS, Bird flu from decades ago, swine flu. All the viruses going back 30+ year's he'd been involved

  32. Chris Hardwick27 May 2024 at 00:45

    So it's a definite No from NZ on the WHO pandemic agreement, just to be sure

    1. There seems to be nil information on the Coalition Government's stance on the Treaty. By "NZ said "No" " I was referring to the thousands who signed the petition opposing it.

  33. I don't understand why this post this here on this page.
    Why are we judging Dr. Fauci?
    And more so do not understand the comments about hanging him on national TV ?
    How does this align to this page, to our faith, our worship, our salvation?

    1. The business of the pope is saving souls, not bodies. But Francis peddled the vaccine. He told Catholics worldwide it was "an act of love". There's plenty of evidence in stats on excess deaths to show he has endangered the health, if not caused the death, of millions.
      And the post is not judging Fauci. It invites readers to judge his actions. Since Vatican II Catholics have been so poorly catechised, they don't know the difference between judging people and their deeds.
