Tuesday 28 May 2024


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Francis with CBS' interviewer Norah O'Donnell

Sunday before last, in Florida, a priest bit a lesbian's arm to stop her desecrating the Most Holy Eucharist. She was at Mass for the First Holy Communion of the niece of her female partner and had told Fr Fidel Rodriguez she'd not been to Communion or confession for many years. "I just wanted a cookie," the lesbian told police."She grabbed all the hosts  because she wants to receive for herself. She is not permitted. And she break all the hosts," said Fr Rodriguez.

Anyone who watched 60 Minutes with antipope Francis won't be surprised at this debacle. In 60 Minutes the 'Vicar of Christ' mentioned Christ just twice; His Blessed Mother and God, not at all. He calumniated conservative US bishops who uphold the Deposit of Faith as 'suicidal', and 'closed up inside a dogmatic box'. He implicitly contradicted Catholic teaching on nationhood and explicitly contradicted his own Fiducia Supplicans. 

Ergo, Catholics - like the Florida lesbian who'd "done everything I needed to do as a kid" - are confused, disoriented and ignorant in regard to the staggering mystery of love and mercy which is our Faith. But Francis remains pope and popular, at least in the US and in New Zealand, and we see partly why in the way he buttered up the interviewer (a Mottramist of the first water) and her purring responses. Norah O'Donnell courted his apocalyptic pronouncements on 'climate change' as if any pope could or should pontificate on this invented topic, any more than Joe Biden could advise on how to save our souls.

It's the Novus Ordo effect. This is why the Church was visited with the Freemason  Annibal Bugnini's New Mass: to ensure, by texts simultaneously multiplied and dumbed-down, that the knowledge of God and therefore love for God would be steadily attenuated from its promulgation in 1969 to the present day. 

With Fiducia Supplicans Francis is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to bless sodomites without the overt change to Church doctrine which would provoke not just confusion and chaos but global uproar and his deposition. Francis has a task in hand, given by his global overlords at Davos, and he can't afford to upset the apple cart completely. Asked by O'Donnell why he's allowing priests to bless same-sex couples, he jesuitically changes the subject to unions. And instead of reminding him that in FS he authorised blessings “of couples in irregular situations and of same-sex couples”, the seemingly papolatrous O'Donnell lets him get away with it. https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/pope-francis-60-minutes-interview-is-a-classic-exercise-in-modernist-deception/ There have always been blessings for individuals; if FS isn't about blessing couples, why was it written? As yet another paving stone in the path to full acceptance of the sodomitical lifestyle, to a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah, that's why.

On April 22, 2024, Fr Joseph Williams conducted a 'marriage' of two lesbians in St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, adjacent to de Paul University in Chicago (under the aegis of Francis' protege Cardinal Blase Cupich). Fr Williams declared the lesbians to be 'spouses' and blessed their rings - two ceremonies reserved to marriage in the Catholic Church.


To the public scandal of blessing sodomites, in 60 Minutes by ducking the interviewer's question Francis added a further dimension of deception. Scandal is “an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil” (CCC 2284).  St. Thomas Aquinas called scandal “something less rightly said or done that occasions another’s spiritual downfall” (Summa Theologiae II-II, Q. 43, A. 1 s.c.). 

"But blessing every person, why not? The blessing is for everyone. Some were scandalized by that." Yes, probably millions were scandalised, Holiness. And scandal, even the mere appearance of scandal, is always to be avoided by the Church. "Why? For everyone. Everyone!" said Francis. It's surely common sense and also, some would argue, canon law, that no one living in a state of unrepented sin can seek the grace of a blessing; they have placed themselves outside grace and are impervious to it. 

If not in the US then at least in New Zealand, where the Conference of Catholic Bishops by its document Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools implicitly encourages sodomy for teenagers, NO Massgoers are not just uncatechised and confused, but like O'Donnell they are misled and easily duped by a fox like Francis. =

Many, many Catholics (including not a few clergy) are by now material heretics who don't recognise his 60 Minutes as the exercise in sophistry and modernism that it is. They don't realise that his modernism ("the synthesis of all heresies" - Pope St Pius X) makes him a formal heretic, guilty of mortal sin by which he is automatically self-excommunicated. "The denial of only one article of faith will make a person a heretic and guilty of mortal sin, because the Holy Scripture says: 'Whosoever shall keep the whole law but offend in one point is become guilty of all'" (Baltimore Catechism, Q. 1171).

O’Donnell continued: “You said, ‘Who am I to judge? Homosexuality is not a crime.’” To which Francis replied: “No. It is a human fact.”

No, homosexuality per se is not a crime. Yes, it's a human fact. But the practice of homosexuality, although no longer a crime in the eyes of the world, is a crime in the eyes of God which if unrepented merits the death of the soul in hell, for ever - and it's that fact, not the fallacious 'fact' of climate change, that is the business of the Church.

But according to Francis, it's "climate change (which) at this moment is a road to death." And there the faithful Catholics all were, thinking that the business of the Church is the death of souls, not the death of the planet. Ah, but they're "in a dogmatic box".    

Then Francis went on to deny Church teaching on nationhood. "To close the border and leave them there, that is madness! The migrant has to be received", he said. Whatever happened to the Catholic principles of common good, subsidiarity and a just self-defence, which applies to nations as it does to individuals (especially when Islam is colonising much of the West)? St. Thomas Aquinas speaks of the virtue of piety as a debt to God, to one's parents and one's country, which justifies citizenship and borders. “The native land is the common good of all citizens and as such it imposes a serious duty” (Pope John Paul II). Borders establish limits to a community, and the obligations, of those responsible for a national community, to the common good.

Francis talked like a globalist who wants to eradicate nationhood and borders to facilitate enslavement of mankind to a central, unelected authority - vide the attempt of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to sign up the entire world to their Pandemic (read 'plandemic') Treaty. https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/is-nationalism-consistent-with-the-catholic-faith  Francis' is the agenda of the international left.

Having already influenced so many Catholics to desert the Church, in 60 Minutes Francis talked like a stumbling block to belief in the Mystical Body of Christ as the divine institution that it is. On Facebook for instance, Protestant trolls love to quote Francis' statements and actions as proof that the Church is 'the whore of Babylon', the 'harlot', the 'scarlet woman' etc, ad nauseam. The best response to these Proddys is that Francis is demonically possessed, and that as an antipope he heads the 'Ape church' prophesied by Venerable Fulton Sheen rather than the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which in spite of his best efforts is growing in Traditional Latin Mass communities around the world. 

There would be childless 'cafeteria Catholics' watching those 60 Minutes who were considering surrogacy, which has consistently been opposed by the Church - and by Francis himself as recently as January this year, when he called surrogacy “deplorable,” and a “grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child.” 

"For some women it is the only hope," said O'Donnell (cue violins). And lo and behold, Francis replies, "It could be. You have to go into each situation. You have to be open to everything." Even something "grave" and "deplorable", your Holiness? Is that not an open invitation for childless couples to commit grave sin? Francis was playing the Peronist which in his native Argentina he's known to be. "Peronism is a question of the heart rather than of the head. Peronism is not learned, nor just talked about: One feels it or else disagrees" (Juan Domingo Peron). "You feel these things very deeply," he told O'Donnell, who was obviously feeling so deeply that she forgot the facts of the matter.

But it was when 60 Minutes got to sex abuse that it turned to custard. "Not only not to permit (sex abuse), but to put in place the conditions so that it does not happen. It cannot be tolerated. When a religious man or woman abuses, the full force of the law falls on them." Ms O'Donnell, did you not think, when you heard that Francis flight of fancy, of the disgusting Fr Marko Rupnik? Or like most Catholics (or once-were-Catholics which we take you to be) have you never heard of him? 

Francis and friend +Rupnik

Despite multiple allegations of sexual abuse and being removed from the Jesuit order, the disgraced Father Marko Rupnik continues to live freely at his Rome-based Aletti Center where his alleged abuses took place. Rupnik was automatically excommunicated in 2020 and found guilty of absolving in confession a woman with whom he had sexual relations by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s court.

The penalty was swiftly revoked, leading to much speculation over whether Pope Francis personally intervened to lift the excommunication. In October last year, it was revealed that Rupnik had been incardinated into the Slovenian Diocese of Koper, without any restrictions on his ministry. Rupnik had requested to be incardinated into the diocese.

One of Rupnik’s alleged victims, Gloria Branciani, gave details of the abuse, stating that events which included threesomes “in the image of the Trinity” took place “even in his room at the Aletti Center.” But Pope Francis announced that he had asked the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) to “review” the case into the disgraced priest. The move was widely labelled as a desperate attempt to save face on the part of the Pope.

Perhaps the most notable aspect of the Rupnik saga is that it is marked throughout with allegations of ecclesial inaction and papal coverup. https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/disgraced-fr-rupnik-continues-to-live-at-his-rome-art-center-where-alleged-abuses-took-place/

So much for "the full force of the law" falling on Fr Rupnik. 

And one more thing from those 60 Minutes of misinformation and disinformation: "Yes there are some rogues and sinners but the heart itself is fundamentally good,", said the Peronist, betraying a clerical tendency widespread in the Novus Ordo Church, of wanting to be liked, to be popular. The same tendency leads bishops and priests to avoid three of the Four Last Things (death, judgment and hell) and concentrate on heaven, specially in homilies to elderly congregations (which in the NO Church is most of them). 

Yes, God made us good but when we choose to live in sin, as sodomites do, we are good no longer. Not until we repent. It's surely common sense and also, some would argue, canon law, that no one living in a state of unrepented sin can seek the grace of a blessing; they have placed themselves outside grace and are impervious to it. 

"There are some rogues and sinners." Holiness, we are all sinners. That's Catholic 101 and to say otherwise is yet another heresy. Are you saying that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered, was crucified, dead and buried only for some of us? Christ died for all. 

St Augustine will help recall this: "You see what He hath given; find out then what He bought. The Blood of Christ was the price. What is equal to this? What, but the whole world? What, but all nations? They are very ungrateful for their price, or very proud, who say that the price is so small that it bought the Africans only; or that they are so great, as that it was given for them alone."

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us


  1. The post provides an in depth analysis of the 60 Minutes interview of Pope Francis. To the minority of Catholics who think hard about these things, he is clearly twisting and using doublespeak.

    The majority of Catholics will form only a superficial view of the interview. They will see him as open, transparent and purposeful.

    Much will depend on whether the reader supports the Pope's radical reform agenda, or not.

    So it's all a political exercise, much more than one of faith. And politically the Pope appears to be winning, for now. But is he saving souls? What does the head of the Church think (ie Jesus Christ)?

  2. Noellia Nellie Salazar29 May 2024 at 16:22

    Can you believe Fr Fidel Rodriguez, 66, was charged with one count of battery stemming from the incident, which occurred during the noon Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.

  3. Jackie Olexa White29 May 2024 at 16:22

    why do people think they can come in our church and do as they please??? It is outrageous. I stand with the priest who was saving Jesus from who know what this lesbian wanted.

    1. Robin Moma Lynch29 May 2024 at 16:23

      He wasn't charged. A police report was filed and sent to the state attorney's office in Orlando. They are reviewing the case. The 25 year old woman could be charged with a number of things. This isn't her word against his. There were plenty of witnesses in that church. The Mass was livestreamed.

  4. Robin Moma Lynch29 May 2024 at 16:24

    The media are lying. He was not charged. A police report was filed and the report was sent to the state attorney's office in Orlando who is reviewing the case. They will decide who gets charged in this case and that may take a few months.

    1. Noelia Nellie Salazar29 May 2024 at 16:25

      all we can do is pray that the police will have some common sense.

    2. Robin Moma Lynch29 May 2024 at 16:26

      it is up to the state attorney now.

  5. Debbie Mudd Noriega29 May 2024 at 16:27

    for our beloved church

  6. I hope that he didn't catch anything!
