Thursday 2 May 2024


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Dear Bishops of New Zealand and the whole world: why didn't you know - or at least suspect - the truth about the Covid v^ccine-that-wasn't? Remember the faithful Catholics you excluded from the rest of your congregations because they resisted your blandishments and refused to take it? They knew. Why didn't you? Or did you know, and had ulterior motives for pushing the potentially deadly J^b on your flocks?

Now the WHO is poised to coerce the entire world into bondage with its perfidious Pandemic Treaty, and traditional Catholics have that sinking feeling of expectation that NZ's bishops will go with the world again rather than shine the light of Christ upon it.  Lay people need to step up to the firing line and RESIST, and show that divine Light to those who don't know It. Depressed by nightly news of war, corruption and died suddenlys, many are groping their way through the dark of our latter-day Gulags towards the Truth.

People like Russell Brand and Candace Owens, influencers and new converts to Christ, have sought and found Him - Owens in the Catholic Church and Brand, teaching his millions of followers to pray the Rosary, surely will soon 'fess up the Faith too. The Vatican's persecution of the Body of Christ will bring in many, many more converts who right now are in need of Catholics loyal to the true Church to show them "the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven" - the Latin Mass.

Russell Brand teaches 11+ million followers to pray the Rosary

That's why Pope Francis has tried so hard to cancel the Mass of Ages. He behaves as a man possessed, intent on saving the planet, "our common home", instead of saving souls which is a pope's work. But Michael Matt of the Remnant, who forcibly poses the questions asked above (video. is assailed by traditional Catholics decrying Owens and Brand as "fakes" - as this blog also has been attacked - by Protestants of course, that's par for the course - but also by Latin Massgoers who deny lay Catholics any right to criticise the 'Pope'. 

Candace Owens: her voice "that cannot be silenced" got her sacked from the Daily Wire

How dare one say that Francis is an antipope? they cry. They believe the lay faithful should put up and shut up. 

It has become an increasingly common problem in the Catholic world these days to find ourselves in the unenviable position of being afraid to say what we really think. This is both institutional — imposed as policy (whether written or unwritten) on those who work for Catholic organizations — and personal — through the various mechanisms of self-doubt. If we notice patterns, problems, and consistent deviations from the mien of previous pontificates, who are we to raise such questions? To borrow a phrase, “Who are we to judge?

We have become accustomed, sadly, to having low expectations of our bishops. And further, when their bad judgment is manifest, we’re not unused to calling them on it.

People ... are so distressed by the normalcy bias that they’re seeing when faced with troubling words or actions on the part of the pope that they have given voice to their own desire to leave the Church, or not to join it as they had previously intended. They want to know that what they’re thinking — that there are real problems being manifested that go against their understanding of Catholicism — doesn’t make them crazy. It’s absurd to believe that reassuring these people by asserting the unchanging truths of the faith — and contrasting them, when necessary, against the present situation — would somehow have a deleterious effect.

St. Paul publicly reprimanded the very first pope, the one chosen by Christ Himself.

But when Cephas was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. – Galatians 2:11

A pope is still a man — and thus, a sinner — and can make mistakes. Paul withstood Peter for the simple reason that he was “to be blamed” – in other words, culpably in error. 

The Apostle opposed Peter in the exercise of authority, not in his authority of ruling. Subjects have an example of zeal and freedom, that they fear not to correct their prelates, particularly if their crime is public and verges upon danger to the multitude - St Thomas Aquinas.

St. Thomas makes the important distinction between an exercise of authority — a papal action — and authority of ruling — the power and authority inherent in the papal office. He asserts that if public actions of a prelate — even the pope — cause “danger” that is “imminent,” then the “truth must be preached openly” and “the opposite never condoned through fear of scandalizing others.” Further, if it is true that these prelates must not “disdain corrections from those who are lower and subject to them,” then any argument that the faithful and clergy must not publicly address a pope’s public errors, misleading statements, or actions for fear of scandalizing the faithful is without merit.

The Spiritual Works of Mercy include “instructing the ignorant,” “counseling the doubtful,” and “admonishing the sinner.” At various levels, any (or all) of these three works of mercy might apply in a redress of these errors.

Popes like Stephen VI,  Benedict IX, Sergius III, John XII, Alexander VI, Innocent IV, and Urban VI come prominently to mind. These popes — all of them valid — were reported variously to have taken part in scheming, simony, murder, adultery, rape, torture, sodomy, bestiality, desecration of the corpse of a predecessor, and other horrific crimes.

As cited by Pope Leo XIII, Pope Felix III admonished:

“An error which is not resisted is approved; a truth which is not defended is suppressed…. He who does not oppose an evident crime is open to the suspicion of secret complicity.”

We must resist error — even from a pope, who may fall into such outside the parameters of the infallibility of his office and most particularly in his personal judgments.

Melchior Cano, Bishop and Theologian of the Council of Trent, who .  “in the estimation of some critics … (is) worthy of a place next to St. Thomas Aquinas,” writes:

“Now it can be said briefly that those who defend blindly and indiscriminately any judgment whatsoever of the Supreme Pontiff concerning every matter weaken the authority of the Apostolic See; they do not support it; they subvert it; they do not fortify it… . Peter has no need of our lies; he has no need of our adulation.”

 Learn your faith. Understand it. Apply it. Live it. Pray for the Holy Father and the bishops who surround him. Pray for the restoration and reformation of the Church. Where we correct, we should do so in charity, out of a love of souls, and for the faith. (Redacted.)

Almighty God created us as lay Catholics at this time in history to be lights for Christ in a benighted world, to raise the standard as Candace Owens has done, for Christ the King and His Social Reign as Sovereign. Maybe Owens and Russell Brand are "fakes". Or flashes in the pan. Let's prove that we are not - that we are soldiers for Christ, out there in the public square to proclaim His truth for the lost and the lonely.

God gave us our most precious, inestimable gift - the gift of faith. "Are we going to keep it for ourselves," asks Michael Matt, "or take it to others?" If we don't take the faith of our fathers to others we're just dogs in a manger. Because if we keep the faith to ourselves we're not using it, and Christ will be our judge. 

Pope Francis isn't going to do it. He's too busy looking after "our common home". Our NZ bishops aren't doing it: they're concentrating on the " special Week" of Prayer for Christian Unity - and using the "gruesome" (to quote the Jesuit procurator general) Fr Marko Rupnik to advertise it. They've been taking part in this "special week" for over 50 years (in other words, it's a Vatican II innovation). "Now more than ever," the bishops say, "the world needs us all to come together in unity and share a message of love and inclusion to all of our neighbours around the world." 

"Inclusion." Code for LGBTQ+, which the bishops have brought into NZ's Catholic schools via their non-Catholic "Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools".

From the studio of Fr Marko Rupnik, whom even the Jesuits disowned 

This is the darkest hour of history for the world and for the Church. God needs us. 

He needs more heroes like Blessed Martin Martinez Pascual, martyr of the Spanish Civil War, who having taken all the Hosts from his church into safe-keeping went into hiding himself.  He was caught and imprisoned. He spent his remaining time ministering to other prisoners, hearing confessions, and distributing the Eucharist he had rescued.

When the time of his execution came, asked if he would like to face away from the rifles during his execution, he said “no”. Asked if he wanted to say anything, he gave the soldiers  a blessing and said “I only give you my blessing that God does not take into account the madness that you commit.”

Then he smiled at the camera, shouted “VIVA CRISTO REY!” And died for Christ.

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