Saturday 19 August 2023



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Labour might be gender-neutered but all NZ's major parties are just neutered, period


New Zealand is dying and it's like we don't care. Not only are our national customs, values and cherished habits vanishing, but fewer babies are born and more adults die - to the tune of 90 excess deaths every week.

"She'll be right" is one national attitude which is still very much alive and global forces are betting on the phlegmatic nature of Kiwis for success in their plot to neuter the nation.

It's echoed weirdly in the Church where NO Catholics still sit limply in the pews, accepting that bishops have a right to lock their buildings, deny them the Sacraments and preach heresies according to the gospel of Francis, and accepting the predictable result: their souls are moribund or dead already and the pews emptying week by week. 

Would it help arrest the trend if Catholics had a Dr Guy Hatchard equivalent - a priest or bishop who loves the Faith and the Body of Christ, his Spouse, enough to risk his living, his following and his reputation? Maybe not. But at least in regard to Dr Hatchard's grim prognostications we'll know by the result of October's general election whether New Zealand is paying them a blind bit of notice. 

Ain't that the truth


Stats New Zealand released the official figures for births and deaths for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023 today. The short summary accompanying the release of the horrifying figures compares these to the previous 12 months and reports increases in deaths and reductions in live births. 2022/23 figures would have best been compared to the July 2018 to June 2019 totals, the first available pre-pandemic period. We report this comparison below.

There were 38,442 deaths among all ages for July 2022-June 2023 compared to 33,753 deaths in the 2018/19 comparable period. This is an increase of 4,689 deaths (up 14%) which occurred at a rate of 90 excess deaths per week.

Working age people were also affected. Deaths among 15 to 64 year-olds were up by 6%. Figures released by the Household Labour Force Survey reports rates of disability sufficient to preclude joining the workforce among this age group has increased by 37.5% over the same period and now stands at 14.3% of the workforce. That is huge. Why?

Alarmingly, natural live birth increase (births minus deaths) fell from 26,500 in 2018/19 to 19,185 in 2022/23 a decrease of 7,400 or 28%. This is an absolutely unprecedented drop. Nothing even remotely like this has been recorded previously.

Covid deaths over this whole period reported by Our World in Data appear insufficient to explain the increase in deaths. Nor is an ageing population sufficient explanation for the figures that is a long-term gradual trend. This is a sudden rise.

We have been aware of data like this for some time now, but there has been deafening silence from our politicians who are currently running for re-election. We are heading into this election under unusual and coercive constraints that have no precedent in our history as a nation.

Due to the events of the last three years, the machinery of government has assumed more control over our medical and food choices. The concerning birth and death figures must be regarded as a verdict on policies which have enjoyed cross party support.

As a result of government policies, we have lost many of our rights as NZ citizens. None of the parties currently elected to Parliament has any plans to revoke this government overreach. So what has gone wrong and how will this affect us if we re-elect the same group of political parties to power?

Pandemic policies have established a precedent allowing the government to enforce compliance with its medical rules. They coerced almost everyone to take specific injections with high rates of adverse effects. Restrictions on social movement and communication have been normalised. Agreements with social media providers and the mainstream press have censored the availability of independent information and hampered scientific dialogue. Access to official public health data has been limited.

The government has also passed the Therapeutic Products Bill which has legitimised the substitution of thousands of natural ingredients with untested synthetic alternatives without requirements for clear labelling. The Bill also facilitates dose restrictions and banning of many traditional herbal products and supplements at the whim of a government bureaucrat.

The government has authorised the addition of chemical fluorides to public water supplies. It has mandated the addition of chemical supplements to staple foods including a synthetic form of folic acid to flour which is hard to metabolise and a synthetic form of folic acid to flour which is hard to metabolise and inhibits some metabolic pathways vital for health.

Re-electing sitting members of parliament from any party is a prescription for more of the same. Our current politicians are refusing to face up to some hard facts. We are in the midst of a medical emergency of unprecedented proportions. Our hospitals are overwhelmed, our politicians are silent.

Unbelievably, our politicians and medical tsars continue to ignore accumulating evidence being published in learned science journals pointing to adverse effects of mRNA vaccines. Despite this, the government is still funding advertising encouraging the population to receive further booster injections. They don’t work and they endanger health.

There are no plans to investigate what has gone wrong. It is time to say goodbye to 120 MPs from across the political spectrum who have spectacularly failed our nation in its hour of need. If they are re-elected our ability to manage our own health choices will be gone for good.

The judgement on their competence is there in black and white from their own statistics—deaths are up 14%, net live birth increase down 28%, disability up 37.5%. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know where this is going. Mistakes were made, and now they cannot be hidden or denied any longer. Some hard questions must be asked and answered.

Ardern's Apartheid by Stealth


Our media is compliant and lazy in a cover-up. They have enjoyed government support.

None of this is in the character of our nation or in its history. It is time to wake up.


The Vision of St Bernard
Fra Bartolommeo

 I believe though I do not comprehend, and I hold by faith what I cannot grasp with the mind

- St Bernard of Clairvaux (August 19)


  1. And almost everyone carries on with their life as if it is normal again! Yes, phlegmatic is a good description of our nature. We are living in an unprecedented (dictionary meaning: 'never done or known before') time. This is when unity and love becomes vital for our species to survive.

  2. Makeup artists do a wonderful job. A silk purse out of a sows ear no less...

  3. They should all be held down and forced to take the vaccines,they pretended they have but it’s a sure to be sure thing,hmm,I wonder how much they will scream,what sort of side effects will they get,we will make sure their kids get it as well,hmm that would be interesting.

  4. They only care about queers.

  5. I can't believe some Catholics are saying two months out from the election they don't know who they'll vote for ...

  6. There have been calls for an independent study into how effective our covid response was. Of course these calls have been ignored, because any objective research would show the government botched the covid response. However, they can't stop the statistics and they are damning—deaths are up 14%, net live birth increase down 28%, disability up 37.5%.

    I did some calculations. From the graph of covid deaths in NZ over the period (1 July 22 to 30 June 23) I calculate there were about 2,225 'official' covid deaths. But these were deaths 'with covid', so the number 'caused by covid' would be less. So if the 'excess' deaths were 4,689 this means far over half were not covid. It was surely the vaccine that caused the extra deaths!

    The Pope told us it was our "moral obligation" to have the vaccine and our bishops went along. They were leading Catholics into an area where they had no authority or expertise. This is another major botch-up like the sex abuse crisis, but their covid mistakes almost certainly killed far more people.

    1. Yes, our bishops would have killed - are killing and will kill - more of the faithful via vaccine than by clerical sex abuse. But it's the souls they've killed, are killing and will kill by their failure to preach the Gospel and Magisterium that should be their chief concern.

  7. For goodness' sake, Hatchard received his doctorate from the University of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he avers that world peace will come about only from yogic flying !!! Please don't give him any credibility.

  8. I spotted your attack on the Church Christ has and is continuing to build. It is one universal church throughout the world made up solely of the elect. It may not look like what you expect but the 66 books comprising God's final revelation give ample proof that you will miss it if you think in mere human terms. For the church of Christ though small and dispised in places and seemingly weak has been purchased by the once for all time ofeering (NOT offerings) of Christ who IS the perfect Head of His church. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against her. This is the Christ and His church as seen in the Scriptures. It is not a perfect people for they are a work in progress. Are there tares among the wheat? Of course. But the tares are exactly that until by the grace of God they become His true people. The RCC and every human invention is but that!

  9. This photo is the problem.

  10. Scum vote them out

  11. They should all be held down and forced to take the vaccines,they pretended they have but it’s a sure to be sure thing,hmm,I wonder how much they will scream,what sort of side effects will they get,we will make sure their kids get it as well, hmm that would be interesting.

  12. Sadly, two people with papal knighthoods I know vote ACT. One is very connected into the Diocese of Auckland. Seems to be they want bulk funding or direct resourcing of teacher salaries to be back open for debate. It was, of course, nothing but an attack on teacher wages. Their attitude is 'look, we have lost on the abortion issue. Just move on. Anyway, if you don't like abortion, don't have one."
