Thursday 10 August 2023


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Joy Cowley, who tells Sloppy Catholic Bedtime stories

When media darling neo-Catholic Jolly Joy Cowley was a teenager, "being Christian was a serious business". But no longer. Now, "Age ennobles us (sic) to laugh at the seven deadly sins". 

Ah - the Athanasian Creed proclaims that "Whosoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic Faith; unless each one preserves this Faith whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish eternally". 

So why is this woman leading retreats for Catholics? She's done it for years, at heaven only knows what injury to souls. But Cowley is of course only adopting - as in the Arian Crisis - the mass apostasy of  Bergoglio and the majority of the hierarchy. 

We could pray that she's still laughing when in a comparatively short time (she's a great-grandmother) she finds herself in the "Sacred Presence of Jesus" at her Particular Judgment. Maybe Cowley has never rejected that Sacred Presence of grace by committing serious sin, as probably most of us have in this Novus Ordo regime. Otherwise, she'll see just how often and where and how that Sacred Presence was not with her, except in the sense that It sustained her physical existence but not the life of grace. 

However, in Cathnews (always a sucker for modernist unburdenings, e.g. Joe Grayland's), Cowley admits she taught her children "There was only one rule. You can do anything you like as long as you don’t hurt anyone. And the person on top of the “don’t hurt list” is yourself." 

As parental guidance for children that sounds like a grievous offence against the First Commandment to place God above self - and the Second, which requires that we love others as oneself.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment. And the second is like to it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself (Mk 12:30,31). 

Were her teenagers so precociously mature and so much more likely than anyone else's to realise that sex outside marriage actually hurts yourself, your  partner - and Our Lord Jesus Christ? Or that using condoms is just as harmful, in the spiritual sense, because using condoms  also breaks the Sixth Commandment?

Oh, wait. "That worked well when the children were very young, but eventually, their Dad and I had to agree that the only authentic instructor was experience.

That was true teaching."

So has this woman, so much in demand for interviews - and worse, for running retreats - been prating this sort of "true teaching" all along? Do you know where this kind of teaching leads? Eventually, to 'Catholic' primary schools where the principal and deputy principal are married. To each other. Oh, you say, isn't that nice?

No. Not when the principal and deputy principal are both women. And the bishop of their diocese says he's powerless to do anything about it. And all the children at the school know about it. And the parents who care for their kids have removed them and are home-schooling.

'Catholic' schools are no longer Catholic because they've been sold to the State for thirty pieces of silver, and because since the Second Vatican Council the Church has increasingly betrayed her Head, Our Lord Jesus Christ, by misrepresenting His truth and His Gospels by false teaching like Cowley's. She and her husband apparently abrogated their responsibility to hand the Catholic faith on to their children. As she tells this story, they deserted their post; they created a vacuum which must have provided a golden opportunity for Satan to fill.

It sounds like it, anyway. "As parents, our job was to provide encouragement and band-aids." So they encouraged their kids to get experience. When it was a bad experience, apart from kisses and cuddles, just what were the band-aids? One would rather not know.  

“God puts us in “Life School” to grow, which we do through success and failure. ... (S)in” is not failure but teaching. Sin always has an indicator that points to what is right."

So sin is not bad for you! Sin doesn't mean loss of grace and virtue, sinning is really good because it "has an indicator that points to what is right"! So why does the Catholic Church - the One, Holy,  Catholic and Apostolic Church, that is, not Francis church - bother to give us a catechism? Can't we all just go around sinning and getting indicators?

"We try not to preach and teach." Oh, no, heaven forfend, we don't want preaching! In Francis church not just parents but priests and even, or especially, bishops, know better than to preach! Neo-Catholics don't want your St John Chrysostoms, your Venerable Fulton Sheens, your St John Henry Newmans! They want Joy Cowleys! "Iconic" Joy Cowleys!

"With age, we realise everything that has happened to us has been about spiritual growth. We have been prepared for the greater reality."

Oh, isn't that just heart-warming? Like, we've been prepared by all the accidents, illnesses and sad losses we've suffered no matter how we reacted to them with resentment, by complaining, by making other people's lives a misery - or by accepting, even embracing them for love of Christ; and we've been prepared by all the sins committed against us, no matter whether we forgave them or sought revenge or became embittered by them; it's "been about spiritual growth".

And nothing can prepare us for "the greater reality". Cowley is coyly referring to God, revealed to us at our Particular Judgment in all His glory. She reminds one of the supposedly converted Protestant who, when asked what he would do if Almighty God walked into the room, said "I would stand as a mark of respect".

That remark made a truly converted Protestant fall all about the place laughing. It was the funniest thing, she said, she'd ever heard. Wonder what she'd think of Cowley's "greater reality".

One doesn't begrudge Cowley her fame and fortune as a story teller. But one does begrudge her souls lost for eternity by heterodox, heretical canards accepted as truth by sincere Catholics because of her fame and fortune as a story teller, and the fact that she identifies as Catholic. And because she makes people feel good.

Sincere Catholics who've fallen for Cowley's smile and story-telling need to learn what the Catholic Church really teaches, and practise what She teaches before it's too late and they find themselves cut adrift from the Barque of Peter and lost in schism on a sea of apostasy with that wily old arch-deceiver, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. 

Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis, with protégé +Fernandez

  1. They need to realise that a pope who promotes such a man as Cardinal 'Tucho' Fernandez - a man committed to 'gay blessings', accused of covering up sex abuse and who hints at an end to priestly celibacy - to the role of defender of Church doctrine as head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, fully intends to destroy the Body of Christ. Bergoglio is a bad pope.

Try saying it yourself: "Bergoglio is a bad pope." There. It didn't hurt, did it? 

The truth never hurts.  Only falsehood fails us.


St Lawrence (August 10)
Gian Lorenzo Bernini

"It is incumbent on all Catholics who are anxious to approve themselves genuine sons of Mother Church, to adhere henceforward to the holy faith of the holy Fathers, to be wedded to it, to die in it; but as to the profane novelties of profane men - to detest them, abhor them, oppose them, give them no quarter"

- St Vincent Lérins, Church Father


  1. People have discovered that regions create wars as their beliefs are unbending.

    1. Unbending as in 'rigid' and 'traditionalist', do you mean?

    2. yes, and talking about religions not regions. More people have been killed because of religion than any other thing.

  2. Under anon please:

    Let's try and visualise a few aspects of what responsibilities Catholic parents really have.

    1) Catholic parents are protectors of the 'domestic Church'. Their home and family is a sacred environment to raise and nurture children in the Catholic faith.
    2) Catholic parents should aim to maintain their marriage as a model to their children for their future marriages.
    3) Catholic parents should raise their children in the Catholic faith by example and proper teaching.
    4) Catholic parents, with their children, should be engaged with the Church (going to mass on Sunday and much more)
    5) Catholic parents should train their children about the dangers and temptations of the secular society and train their children to follow their Catholic faith first.

    I could go on and on.

    Joy Cowley does not come across as a Catholic parent who would have much success raising her children in the faith. So why is Joy and others like her given so much space in our Catholic media?

  3. I don't go on retreats led by women.

    1. Neither do I. Perish the thought. Libs who'd like to be priests ...
