Monday 28 August 2023


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Our hearts bleed


Jacinda Ardern's 'Be Kind' thing wasn't just nonsense, it was the Greatest Lie Ever Told in New Zealand history. Her 'be kind' was a mask for cruelty the like of which this country had never seen.

Cam Slater of the BFD isn't one to gloss over politicians' hypocrisy, especially not on the monstrous scale of Ardern's. We suspect he's dismissing it merely as nonsense because he's salivating at Labour's expense over the prospect of wading into a "nasty, negative", disgusting election campaign.

And Heather duPlessis-Allan climbs into Labour too, speculating on just how low Hipkins et al can go in the polls. Not low enough, you chorus, and fair enough. The defeat of every single Labour MP would not satisfy the Kiwis whose careers, health and lives have been lost by this Godless, gutless, neo-Marxist Government. 

Chris Hipkins has declared that Labour’s campaigning this election is going to abandon the “Be Kind” nonsense of Ardern and go negative. We are going to see a resurgence of the Nasty Party. Negative campaigning is something the left loves to do. All I can say is ‘Bring it’.

Political commentator Bryce Edwards says political parties are running the risk of turning the New Zealand public “away in disgust” if divisive tensions continue to rise.

The 2023 election campaign is heating up and tensions are rising both within Parliament and on the campaign trail.

Joining AM Early on Thursday, Edwards said he’s witnessed politics become more tense and divisive over the last year – something he’s not seen for a “long, long time”.

“It’s out there in society and the public with a lot of discontent. Polls show that people think New Zealand is heading in the wrong direction.”

He said with the visible “social dislocation” and polarisation – politicians are picking up on it

“Essentially, they’re trying to get votes out of this.”

Edwards pointed to some of the political parties’ campaign slogans: New Zealand First’s ‘Let’s take our country bget New Zealand back on track’.

Edwards said the mood is “looking much worse than we’ve seen in a long time” and also pointed to Labour already talking about running a more negative campaign to highlight what it believes a National-ACT coalition might look like.

He believes the current type of political tactics used by parties could turn the public off and “away in disgust”. He told AM Early it “tends to produce a decline in voter turnout when things get nasty like this and polarised”.

“Culture wars are a big part of it as well because you have minor parties, especially from left to right, Greens, ACT, New Zealand First that are really pushing, you know, sort of stuff about race andack’ and National’s ‘Let’s condemnations and ethnicity. It really can turn people off,” he said.

“So I think that’s the real danger we’re at at the moment.”


The usual theory is that negative campaigning lowers the turnout, but the turnout of the left is lowered by the largest amount.

So Chippy can go negative all he wants, it won’t help him. But it will really reinforce with voters that the last six years have all been a massive charade and will reveal the true nature of Labour, nasty, vindictive, spiteful and jealous.

Labour’s support will tank, and all the opposition parties will gain as people turn their backs, literally, on Labour.

Only two questions remain for me… are Labour working hand in glove with Nicky Hager on their own Dirty Politics plan, and can Labour beat Bill English’s record low score of 20.93% for a major political party?




 More good news, this time from duPlessis-Allan:

After that poll last night - another one putting Labour in the 20s - the question now is: How low is Labour actually going to go?

And I reckon it’s gonna be low enough to hurt them.

They will keep falling from here, I think, for two reasons. 

1- There is a downward trend already, Labour has fallen in every 1News poll this year. All the other public polls back up that decline trend. 

2- They’ve now hit the 30 percent psychological barrier where voters start abandoning them,  because they don’t want to back a loser.

And that’s real in politics. Most voters, with the exception of the rusted-on diehards, do not want to support loser parties. So they leave, making it worse for the loser party.

That 30 percent barrier is a line, for some reason, and this is now the fourth poll in two months that has Labour below the 30 percent line.

So, how bad does it get? 

Well, the answer to that question is- how many rusted-on diehards does Labour have? How many voters do they have who will never vote for anyone else and stick it out?

Officially, 24 percent is the low mark. That's where Labour slumped in two TV polls in July 2017, just a few days before Jacinda Ardern took over as leader.

But there was a lot of talk a few weeks before that of a New Zealand First internal poll which had Labour falling to 19 percent.

I don’t know that we’re in 19 percent territory right now - and I don’t know if that poll ever existed. But 24 percent? Not impossible.

Voters have gone, and I don’t know what they can announce that will make voters come back.

The GST policy was supposed to be that big announcement, they genuinely thought it was going to be huge. But this poll captured voters’ reaction, and it wasn’t good - it drove Labour under that 30 percent mark.

So brace yourself, because Labour might be about to take a historic - or close to historic - spanking.


The Triumph of St Augustine (Claudio Coello)


St Augustine of Hippo, on your feastday please pray for us 


  1. All the be kind propaganda everywhere in the world ..was designed to stifle freedom of speech .. suggesting that anyone speaking against their unkind and untruthful!

  2. Alex Szalontay Wales28 August 2023 at 16:48

    I can see that ardern and other fake WEF leaders will from now on havwe to watch their backs, they will never be safe for what they have done!!
