Wednesday 8 February 2023


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Coming to a PN DIocese school near you? It's just a matter of time

Looks like it's official. Catholic schools - at least in the Diocese of Palmerston North - are no longer Catholic. They're something else. For lack of a better word, let's say Protestant. 

Parents, why are your kids in Catholic schools? Because you want them to get to heaven? Forget it. Maybe for the social cachet or because Catholic school children are 'nicer'? Okay, you're on to it - because what PN Catholic schools teach is niceness.

But niceness won't get them to heaven. Forget it. To get to heaven you need Baptism, actual grace, good works and the Sacraments - none of which is taught in PN Diocese. So think about it: there's only one ultimate alternative to heaven. Hell is where your children are headed. 

Children - and teens especially - have a keen nose for hypocrisy. If this is really "Te Ariki, e te Atua ora tonu (Almighty and ever-living God)" that the resources for PN's Catholic schools talk about (and we'll get to that later), then why is this God handed out to them at Mass in a queue like a bun at a barbecue? Why do their parents turn up only for 'school Masses' and often not even then? 

'Be the Light - Liturgy for the Start of the School Year', sets the tone, somewhat infelicitously, with "regonising (sic) God in our midst". (Grammar and syntax throughout leaves something to be desired.) The reading "You are the light of the world" (Mt 5:14-16), "reminds us that… Jesus is like a light to show us the way!" Er - Jesus is the Light, surely? 

"How," our children are asked, "can we let the light of Jesus shine through us this year?" But they are not told how.

"Thank you that we can live in Your light and walk in Your truth." They can, certainly - but they may not, unless they are in a state of grace. "Dwell in our hearts" they are asked to pray, presumptuously. Presumptuously because they are being taught to presume that Jesus will dwell in hearts that may, for over-sevens, be seriously sinful. 

The children's understanding is helped along with a video of a prancing lightbulb singing "This little light of mine ... 'I'm gonna run around, stomp and shout!'""Jesus’ light can shine through YOU!" enthuses the reflection. But there's no  teaching - in any of the resources scanned over a couple of hours - of what actually causes the light to "shine through YOU!" 

Instead, children are taught (per kind favour of Cardinal John Dew, quoted at an interdenominational church service at Waitangi in 2020) "diversity ... religious tolerance, religious inclusion and religious acceptance". In other words, our children are taught the heresy of indifferentism - that all religions have equal value - with a nod in "diversity" and "inclusion" to the heresy of sodomy. All taught within the context of an interdenominational church service, thus promoting the heresy of false ecumenism. 

Three heresies wrapped up and presented to our children by a prince of the Church. This is a scandal. This is not Catholic. Maybe that's why, in all the resources scanned over a couple of hours, the word "Catholic" was glimpsed just ONCE. It's an embarrassment, like saints and angels are an embarrassment. None of them - not even the Mother of God and Mother of the Church - rates a mention.

In these resources we don't read about the little Church of the family, we read about "relationships".


We read of: 

  • a shared spirituality of our Christian tradition (indifferentism)
  • All your people are our people, (indifferentism again)
  • Our spiritual wellbeing refers to the spiritual essence of a person. This essence determines who we are as individuals and as a collective: who and what we are, where we have come from, and where we are going (gobbledegook)
  • when we feel comfortable (is "comfortable" Catholic? How comfortable is it to carry the cross without which we cannot be His disciple?
  • As Catholics, there are various beliefs, values, traditions and practices that we live by because of our faith and this becomes a significant part of our spiritual wellbeing. "A significant part". As Catholics we are to become "other Christs". That's not a part, not even a "significant part" but our whole being.
  • Reflections for leaders consist of a series of questions but no answers

  • lead us all to a fairer world (but nothing about the next one) .

  • turangawaewae are our foundation (and there were we all thinking Christ and the Church are our foundation)

But no. We're getting too dogmatic here by halves. Because "the overall concept of spiritual wellbeing is broad and open. Investing in this part of ones wellbeing might be about:

  • taking notice and appreciating the beauty around us" (but not thanking God for it). 
  • "rediscovering things that make us feel awe, hope, strength, unity and connection": it's all about feelings, not about facts of the Faith. . 
  • your relationship with the environment, other people or your whakapapa." The "environment" had to get in somewhere, of course. And isn't the whole of Scripture and Church teaching about "your relationship with.... other people"? Isn't this reductio ad absurdum? And New Age? 
Pope Francis weighs in with the observation that "(T)he Church tells us that Jesus is present in the Scripture, in His Word.” Nothing, absolutely nothing as far as we can recall, on the Presence of Jesus in the summit and centre of the Catholic Faith, the Most Holy Eucharist.

You might think they're getting warm with "a mental health examen for teenagers" but it doesn't mention sin or anything like it, it's about being kind.

The use of Te Reo is interesting, to say the least.

 "E te Atua o te katoa (God of all)" is indifferentism, yet again.

E Te Ariki, e te Atua ora tonu (Almighty and ever-living God): "Te Ariki" means "the chief". According to Wikipedia "Te Atua" means an ancestor with continuing influence, a god, demon, supernatural being, deity, ghost, object of superstitious regard, strange being - although often translated as 'god' and now also used for the Christian God, this is a misconception of the real meaning."

The Diocese of Palmerston North is teaching our children to recognise a chief or ancestor or demon as God. Unfortunately, there's more. Such as the bikini worn by the owner of one of the videos used in these resources. But you're surely sickened already by the appalling treatment accorded our God and Saviour Jesus Christ by the PN Diocese and so also to the children of the diocese, so we'll say no more.

Except that our hierarchy are hellbent on demolishing our Roman Catholic religion, relinquishing it in favour of a one-size-fits-all sham which will serve as 'spirituality' for the leaders of this world and their shaman Pope Francis, and on obliterating God from human consciousness. 

But they are doomed to fail, because "behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world" (Mt 28:20) -which is nearer than we think). 

Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat! 


  1. Donald McLenaghen8 February 2023 at 17:21

    They’re trying to avoid the pornographic sex education.

    1. Are they? Shows you the fruits of state integration ...

  2. Donald McLenaghen8 February 2023 at 17:24

    Well it shows me that they care about what the children are taught. But I hear what you say. But none of the churches have been totally honest to their congregations for an awful long time

    1. Yes teachers do care about what children are taught, but they were so poorly taught the Catholic faith themselves that they can no longer discern the truth, and have largely been captured by the socialist ideology of our education sector, of which Head Boy Hipkins is a prime example.

  3. Very sad that the foundation teaching Western civilisations, Christianity, can be so corrupted by post modernist "everything is arbitrary" ignorance. That empty ideology is the antithesis of Christianity. LGBT is self indulgent hedonist sodomistic evil. Promoted by marxist wokes with the intention of destroying existing positive social structures in order to impose their own tyrannical dominance.

  4. The devil keeps stirring the pot!


  5. Tūmanako is a pastoral initiative from the Diocese of Palmerston North. That means it’s more than a website, collection of articles, or online presence. This website is just the beginning. Tūmanako is envisioned as a hub for all pastoral work (ie prayer, ministry, formation, evangelisation) across the diocese.

    This is all news to me. I thought we had holy priests who taught us Sacred Scripture, Church doctrine and the Catechism. I doubt this new web stuff was written by holy priests.

    I have heard so many parents say, if you want your kids to grow up Catholic dont send them to a (so-called) Catholic school. The tragic lack of youth in our pews is testimony to decades of liberal Catholic teaching (with the exception of the Asian and Indian families that make up most of our congregations, but will the faith of their next generation survive so they attend the new age church?).

  6. Good works, sacraments will not get you into heaven! They amount to self righteousness, the ability to see yourself into heaven nullifying what Jesus did for you on the cross! Repentance(that means rethinking literally) of your ways and stopping sin in your life is the first step! Self justification is also a sin! Repent and be baptised(not water sprinkled on you as a baby as a baby cannot understand what is happening) and then you must be born again as Jesus said!(John 3:7) Religion is sin too as you're binding yourself to a set of man made rules instead of God's commandments. Religion is a word derived from the Latin word religare which means to tie or bind. Jesus came to set us free from the penalty of sin which is death and your religion would take that away again! Catholicism, Protestantism, buddhism, islamism whichever religion you choose in this world are all man made and satan controlled! Only through Jesus can you have true freedom but not as churches and the like preach but as the real Word of God states! Read John 3:5-7 and learn truth instead of religion!

  7. ALL churches are man made Jesus created the Ekklesia NOT the church, that was man made and is satan controlled as all compromise with the world in some way or other! Jesus' Ekklesia is live and well and ONLY being led by the Holy Spirit not by mankind!

  8. "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." End of story. To argue against the words of Christ in founding the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is, I'm afraid, playing the devil's advocate.

  9. I think parents put their children in Catholic schools rather than state schools because the calibre of education in Catholic schools is far higher & better than in state schools. I think the religious side of Catholic schools is not a consideration at all for most parents.

  10. Those parents don't seem to realise that the calibre of Catholic education is higher simply because of the legacy of Catholic tradition, dogma and doctrine now rapidly being jettisoned by Francis and Friends.

    1. I’m not Catholic so I’ll have to take your word on that, but the most successful people in almost every field had a Catholic school education. Maybe it’s just that those people were taught to strive for excellence & learned a good work ethic from those schools.

    2. And why did Catholic schools teach excellence and a good work ethic better than other schools? Because of the tradition dogma and doctrine they had inherited.

  11. People should worry about their own pathway, and not bother with making others more difficult because you really don't understand or have a bias or fear. If more children could find their own path than following the mistakes of the past generations this would be a better place, more loving and caring. Spread messages of love and positivity not fear hate and ignorance. Did Jesus do that?
