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Sunday, 5 February 2023
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All those deaths and she's still smiling
In 2021 New Zealand suffered 2,169 excess deaths. By week 49 of 2022, 5,286 excess deaths.
If you're unv*ccinated that will shock and appal you. If you're v*xxed, that will shock, appal and TERRIFY you. If you're not v*xxed but love someone who is, ditto.
Or - maybe not. Maybe you think the government elected by New Zealanders to serve us but does its best to harass, bully and gaslight us into accepting a poisoned needle up our arm is quite within its rights to kill and maim its citizens.
After all, it's by the same token that the government coughs up for contraceptives to stop us making babies, and pays to murder babies who get made by mistake. It's all to reduce the planet's population, to make it a nicer place for Herr Klaus Schwab, v*x trillionaire Bill Gates and Green Party voters to live in.
Maybe you believe Jacinda Ardern has earned that plum job at the UN or wherever, for smiling at us so winningly, ad nauseam, while we were already beginning to die.
Let's hope and pray you believe in God and His mercy. Because v*xxed or unv*xxed, in the coming months you're going to need it. So ask for it, on your knees.
The following story comes from the UK's Exposé, described by Wikipedia as "a British conspiracist website known for publishing COVID-19 and anti-vaccine misinformation." That's almost a guarantee, isn't it, these days, that this story is correct - and as the NZ Government handed them the figures, it's only the Gummint to blame if it's not.
These are terrifying figures for a small island nation with an estimated population of just 5 million.
'Team', Expose, 'team of 5 million'! Get it right!
Especially when compared with 2020, when no excess deaths were suffered and 160 fewer deaths were actually recorded than expected, at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.
This means New Zealand suffered 3,203% increase in excess deaths in 49 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.
The figures have been provided to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) by the NZ Government. So these are not independent estimates. They are official Government-authorized figures. And they show that the Covid-19 vaccination campaign has been an absolute disaster and official UK Government data support this.
The very thing that you were told would end the alleged pandemic and put a stop to the alleged colossal rise in deaths across the world in 2020, has had the opposite effect.
Instead of reducing deaths, COVID vaccination has increased deaths exponentially.
Guilty parties (some of them): Dr Siouxsie Wiles, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Dr Michael Baker and Dr Shaun Hendy
Table 2 of the report contains the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status by age group for deaths per 100,000 person-years in England up to May 2022.
And that table reveals that mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among the unvaccinated in every single age group.
All you lepers who withstood the Gummint's blandishments and bludgeons, stand up and take a bow!
The following two charts show the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non-Covid-19 deaths in England between January and May 2022 for each age group –
Click to Enlarge
(You can read a full investigation of the above figures broken down by age group here.)
These figures prove that the Covid-19 v*ccines are not effective and cause side effects so severe that they result in increased mortality.
This should be of grave concern to everyone, especially those who have been v*ccinated.
And it should be on the front page of every newspaper, and the main topic of discussion on every news channel.
The science is definitive, and authorities and Governments should withdraw the Covid-19 v*ccines immediately from future use.
If they do not do this then they are proving to the public that they have an ulterior motive - to reduce the world’s population.
Because this is precisely what will happen if the rollout of these experimental and dangerous injections is allowed to continue. https://expose-news.com/2023/02/02/ardern-caused-33x-increase-excess-deaths-with-mandatrory-covid-vaccination/?fbclid=IwAR32jL1mraNm0_QcmJMgBsUVrbtw3kUtaPnH836epqp1o0uwuLYpkrt_dRE
Sts Timothy and Titus, on your feastday please pray for New Zealand
Sometimes it seems that there are only people left who have nothing to do with it,,, the indifference drips from it, I don't understand people anymore... (translated from original Dutch)
What she forgets to tell you here is that those excess deaths are counted weekly not over a whole year but weekly excess deaths in NZ alone over 5000 more people dead than normal figures for all cause mortality.
Please note that Facebook - for obvious reasons - is not allowing comments on this post, so in the interests of free speech, use my email address if you have it or can get it, or gmail. Or use Twitter. Thank you.
Any political party that draws from these excess death statistics for the purpose of demanding accountability, deserves our votes at the General Election.
Matt, but is there any political party in NZ that’s even expressed concern about excess death statistics? The only comment I’m aware of comes from one of our epidemiologists in that the excess deaths are Covid related.
Sometimes it seems that there are only people left who have nothing to do with it,,, the indifference drips from it, I don't understand people anymore... (translated from original Dutch)
ReplyDeleteWhat she forgets to tell you here is that those excess deaths are counted weekly not over a whole year but weekly excess deaths in NZ alone over 5000 more people dead than normal figures for all cause mortality.
ReplyDeleteWithout trawling through posts I think I can say that has been previously reported on this blog.
DeleteCommenting has been turned off for this post.
ReplyDeletePlease note that Facebook - for obvious reasons - is not allowing comments on this post, so in the interests of free speech, use my email address if you have it or can get it, or gmail. Or use Twitter. Thank you.
DeleteAny political party that draws from these excess death statistics for the purpose of demanding accountability, deserves our votes at the General Election.
ReplyDeleteMatt, but is there any political party in NZ that’s even expressed concern about excess death statistics? The only comment I’m aware of comes from one of our epidemiologists in that the excess deaths are Covid related.
ReplyDeleteFive minutes after putting the following on Julia's Facebook page, Facebook deleted it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNT-YNLhprw
ReplyDeleteNZ needs to address the problem of excess deaths, like they seem to be starting to do in other countries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNT-YNLhprw