Thursday 23 February 2023


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Church Militant's image: militating against a pope who militates against Holy Mass 

Rome has lost the faith. Pope Francis proves it by pursuing his cruel persecution of Traditional Latin Massgoers on the paper-thin pretext that they are a cause of division in the Church, sooling his singularly unattractive adjutant, Cardinal Arthur Roche, on to the world's bishops who must now go cap in hand to the Vatican for permission for the Mass of Ages to be celebrated in their dioceses. 

"A community is calling its very being into question when it suddenly declares that what until now was its holiest and highest possession is strictly forbidden and when it makes the longing for it seem downright indecent. Can it be trusted any more about anything else? Won’t it proscribe again tomorrow what it prescribes today?” - Cardinal Josef Ratzinger.

We may live in hope that tomorrow FrancisChurch will proscribe the Novus Ordo. Because as its prescribed choice the N O continues its inglorious descent into the dustbin of history, its adherents dying off rapidly under the influence of the so-called vaccine that Pope Francis promoted from its pulpits, while the Latin Mass where grudgingly admitted flourishes with new, younger adherents and vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Which is precisely why Pope Francis, jealous of that post-conciliar creature, the Novus Ordo Missae, is determined to do the Latin Mass down. It has very little to do with a very few Latin Mass extremists who call the Novus Ordo invalid and the Seat of Peter vacant, and everything to do with the popularity of the Latin Mass with the young and fecund (as the latter prove by plenty of pious progeny).

Novus Ordo Massgoers, by the way, who feel uneasy or even queasy about their Sunday liturgies, might find that this "Group of Roman  Theologians" ( can put the finger on their pulse and diagnose their worrying condition.

Bear in mind that this Pope Francis is the very same who swore at some seminarians from Barcelona, flinging the 'f' word about with fine disregard for the sacred nature of their calling (not to mention that of his own). 

Yes, that was back in January (and a similar incident with South American seminarians in November) so it's an old story but one you're not likely to have read in NZ Catholic or Welcom, or heard from the pulpit.  

The pope shares another joke

Seminarians from Barcelona say they were scandalized when Pope Francis reportedly used the f-word and other expletives at a papal audience in Rome. According to testimonies from the seminarians, Francis ranted against "f***ing careerists who f*** up the lives of others." The pope criticized "those who climb to show their a**," the Italian media outlet Daily Compass reported on Monday. 

The trainee priests were shocked when Francis also reportedly insisted that priests should never deny absolution to penitents in the confessional under any circumstances. 

Eyewitnesses describe how the pontiff, at the audience on Dec. 10, tossed his prepared speech aside, saying that "it would have been boring." Instead, Francis told the seminarians to ask him questions. "We can never deny absolution, because we become a vehicle for an evil, unjust, and moralistic judgment," Francis reportedly told the seminarians, who were accompanied by the auxiliary bishop of the diocese, Javier Vilanova Pellisa.

Priests who deny penitents absolution are "delinquents," the pontiff allegedly stressed. Francis told the Latin American rectors and formators that priests "have to ask the permission of the bishop"  to withhold absolution in the case of mortal sin. 

"This happens, please! Our people cannot be in the hands of criminals! And a priest who behaves like this is a criminal, in every word. Like it or not," the pope emphasized. 

At the same November meeting, Francis also insisted that priests and seminarians must practice "closeness." The pontiff elaborated, "This must be contagious, that is, the priest, the seminarian, the priest must be 'close.' Close to whom? To the girls of the parish? And some of them are, they're close, then they get married, that's fine.

"With the Barcelona seminarians, however, it seems that the joke (hardly a joke - ed) with an inappropriate double meaning was turned into language that would embarrass even a sailor," Daily Compass commented. Sources who live in Casa Santa Marta in proximity to Francis told Church Militant that they had witnessed outbursts of foul language from the Holy Father when he loses his temper.


In his bestseller The Dictator Pope: The Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, author Henry Sire (whose pen name is Marcantonio Colonna) records several instances of the pontiff exploding with expletives. 

According to Sire, Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former superior general of the Jesuits, wrote a damning report on Fr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 1991, accusing Bergoglio, who required a dispensation to be appointed auxiliary bishop, of "a series of defects, ranging from habitual use of vulgar language to deviousness." 

"When the publicity cameras are off him, Pope Francis turns into a different figure: arrogant, dismissive of people, prodigal with bad language, and notorious for furious outbursts of temper which are known to everyone from the cardinals to thechauffeurs," Sire wrote.

Sire quoted other commentators to confirm how "Pope Francis' outbursts of temper, his rudeness towards subordinates, and his vulgar language have become notorious throughout the Vatican."

Was the pope drunk at the time, perhaps -  or actually, both times? 

 He directly contradicted the Council of Trent:
(A)ffirming that absolution can never be denied, even if there is no repentance and intention to amend on the part of the penitent, goes diametrically against the Council of Trent, which teaches that contrition, that is, "the sorrow of the soul and the reprobation of the sin committed, accompanied by the intention not to sin again in the future [...] has always been necessary to ask for the remission of sins" (Denz. 1676). Which is rather obvious, if we do not want to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation a farce and God's mercy a pass for sin.

Latin Massgoers take the Sacrament of Reconciliation deadly seriously. At a recent celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass at an undisclosed location (called by the initiated the 'Celatus Chapel') in Hawke's Bay, spared - unsurprisingly - by Cyclone Gabrielle, one contingent who'd driven some distance turned up as late as 4.45 for confession before Mass at 5 p m. The last into the box (a spare bedroom) got a good ticking-off for lateness and keeping people waiting for Holy Mass). She was quite gratified. "He's a disciplinarian," she said, approvingly. As a Latin Massgoer she'd learned that God's offendedness at even the smallest sin is infinite. 

Latin Massgoers have the benefit, you see (if you're not one yourself) of the original, millenia-old Mass texts which were bowdlerised by the devil's henchmen who invented the 'New Mass', who took their scissors to those Scriptures in the Mass which dwelt uncomfortably on the Four Last Things and what awaits every one of us at the moment of our death when we stand before Jesus Christ as our Judge.

Latin Massgoers will also, by and large, for the same reason at least try to welcome the evil persecution of Pope Francis and Cardinal Roche, for the sake of the Mass, "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven", and for themselves personally. Because persecution is the seedbed of martyrs.

"Many follow Jesus unto the breaking of bread, but few unto the drinking of the Cup of His Passion. Many revere His miracles, but few partake of the ignominy of His Cross" (The Imitation of Christ).

The Mystical Body of Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, is undergoing crucifixion at the hands of Francis, Roche et al, just as Christ Himself underwent crucifixion at the hands of the Roman soldiers. 

"If thou trust in the Lord, strength will be given thee from heaven, and the world and the flesh be made subject to thy will. Neither wilt thou fear thine enemy the Devil, if thou be armed with faith and signed with the Cross of Christ" (ibid).

St Peter Damian, Confessor and Bishop, Doctor of the Church

"Truly, this vice" (clerical homosexual practice) "is never to be compared with any other vice because it surpasses the enormity of all vices.... It defiles everything, stains everything, pollutes everything. And as for itself, it permits nothing pure, nothing clean, nothing other than filth"
- St Peter Damian

St Peter Damian, on your feast day please pray for the Church

1 comment:

  1. Pope Francis is hammering bishops now, by removing more of their discretion, in his efforts to kill the Latin Mass. Apparently it's not just Latin Mass faithful who need re-education, it's bishops as well. The Pope is losing control of his bishops. Having to exert his failing authority in this way proves it. But I would guess the bishops are really defying him because of his new age church agenda, rather than the Latin Mass. Who will make the next move?
