Tuesday 21 February 2023


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Mahuta's not under a bridge. She's somewhere swanky

Friends, time is short. It's short in spiritual terms, in physical terms and even or especially, political terms. 

So short, and the list of Horrible Things Really Happening so long, the only way to let Joe Public - who believes what he sees on the telly - is occasionally to resort to bullet points.

Here are today's items (in no particular order of Horribleness):

  • It will come as no surprise that DON BRASH reckons the Labour/Greens' new "history" curriculum is CRAP and Josef Goebbels would have been proud of it. New Zealand's children will be taught in class that:

    1) Maori were the first inhabitants of New Zealand 

    2) they lived more or less peacefully together until nasty British colonists arrived

    3) the Treaty of Waitangi created a partnership between Maori people and the  Crown which successive NZ governments have violated

    4) British troops committed ghastly atrocities on innocent, unarmed Maori women and children

    5) the arrival of European colonists was a huge disadvantage to Maori (ha ha hah!) and

    6) and "Aotearoa" was this country's first name
    New Zealand’s History Curriculum: Education or Indoctrination? by Roger Childs (a teacher of history) exposes this latest pack of lies from Labour.  

  • The reality of politics is you have to be trusted by the voters and likeable. On those scores Christopher Luxon is failing dismally. Poll results show that 52.9 percent – a majority – said they trust Hipkins, while 26.9 percent didn’t trust him. For Luxon, only 36.9 percent said they trust him, while 43.8 percent said, no they don’t.

    There isn’t enough of a distinction between Labour and National. On Three Waters Luxon just has a slogan. “National will repeal, and replace”. But there is no detail on what that replacement looks like. He’s clearly not opposed to Three Waters.

    Cam Slater (BFD's chief pundit) had lunch the other day with a group of "seriously wealthy business people". Many of them were significant donors to National under John Key. To a man, they said their wallets are closed to National.

    ACT and National are the only options unless we want a return to Ardern policies if Hipkins wins because only a total moron would be fooled by his ‘U turn'”.
    The voters will be fooled, Labour has command of the Treasury benches, so the budget will be a lolly scramble that will make National look miserable in comparison. People really are that fickle. Ignore that at your peril.

    The major problem we have in New Zealand politics is the willing acceptance of the average, the ordinary and the inept

On Facebook during Cyclone Gabrielle:

  • Having massively increased the risk of strokes and heart attacks among the gullible millions who trusted the Government, the queen and ignorant celebrities and allowed themselves to be jabbed with a toxic pseudo-vaccine, the NHS (England's National Health Service) can no longer cope with the number of patients who have had strokes and heart attacks.
So it has downgraded strokes and heart attacks, and in future they will be treated in the same category as headaches. NHS England is now asking telephonists and ambulance crews to ignore these patients and tell them they will receive a phone call instead of an ambulance.

The new advice is that patients who think they’ve had a heart attack or a stroke will be told to get in touch with their GP or a pharmacist.

Read that line again. And then, because you don’t believe me, check it out.

If you have a heart attack or a stroke you’re supposed to ring your GP and make an appointment for three weeks on Friday. Or drag yourself to the chemist and queue up for advice from a 16-year-old girl with O-level gymnastics and too much makeup.

The 16-year-old girl at the chemist does not yet do home visits, unless she moonlights as a hairdresser or nail varnisher which is perfectly possible.  How I hope to survive the NHS’s latest attempt to kill me – The Expose (expose-news.com)


  • Racism rampant in Cathnews:Two countries overlapping in time and space – New Zealand and Aotearoa. Honouring Te Tiriti then asks those of us who live in New Zealand to honour what happens in another country, Aotearoa.https://cathnews.co.nz/2023/02/16/a-growing-number-of-non-maori-new-zealanders-are-embracing-learning-te-reo-but-theres-more-to-it-than-language/

  • NHS ambulance crisis sparks an 80% spike in serious safety incidents - with heart attack victims still waiting an HOUR for paramedics to arrive. Safety incidents logged by paramedics England skyrocketed 77% in the last year. The figures include 201 deaths, more than double the 78 logged two years ago.Health chiefs warned thousands of patients across the country could be affected".

Extrapolate these findings to the populations of countries such as the UK and New Zealand and I'll tell you what: Young people are dying when they should not be; people are dying suddenly while in the prime of their lives, while the elderly are dying several years or a decade or more before their time. Not to mention that our health services cannot cope.

Death Signal: 

Canadian Doctors Are Dying at 4x Prior Rate Under 40, 8x Prior Rate Under 30

“Most doctors by now have had four COVID shots — some have even had five.”

... “This is not just unusual. This is unheard of,” noted renowned health researcher Dr. Paul Alexander, speaking to Canadian physician and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis.“Initially, there seemed to be a tremendous pressure for doctors to take the COVID vaccines,They were the first ones to take the COVID vaccines. They were also the first ones in line to take the booster shots. I started noticing the doctors dying after the booster shot because some of those deaths occurred right after the booster shots were rolled out. We had some very high-profile sudden deaths. McMaster University admitted they lost three of their young residents, medical residents this summer — died at age 25, 27, and 32. 93 sudden deaths of actively practicing Canadian doctors who didn't have any obvious prior conditions prior to the vaccine rollout. 


Meanwhile, politicians and health experts worldwide look the other way, lying and ignoring the obvious while demanding we take more of these harmful jabs and grant them more control over our lives.https://www.garymoller.com/post/all-causes-deaths-crisis

  • Amidst growing concerns in the United States over the safety of Covid-19 vaccines, a shocking report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals the devastating impact of the injections on children and young adults.

The data shows a staggering increase in mortality rates among vaccinated children, with triple-vaccinated children being 45.23 times more likely to die from any cause than unvaccinated children. Meanwhile, mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds and highest among vaccinated 19 to 39-year-olds.

This alarming trend is echoed by a secret CDC report, which confirms that half a million American children and young adults have died following the Covid vaccine roll-out, resulting in nearly 118,000 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.

These staggering figures raise serious questions about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines, the impact they are having on our youth, and why they were ever granted emergency use authorisation for use among children and young adults in the first place.

Tragic Cost of Profit, Secrets & Lies: Half a Million American Youth have “Died Suddenly” due to COVID Vaccination; Secret CDC Report Confirms – The Expose (expose-news.com)

  • The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post blasted the Biden administration over a leaked anti-Catholic FBI memo. The FBI singled out "radical-traditionalist Catholics" as a possible threat for adhering to "anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology." 

    Washington Post columnist Hugh Hewitt revealed his Catholic faith and tore into the FBI's woke warnings:

The memo - withdrawn amid a storm of criticism last week - warned of extremists being drawn into "radical-traditionalist" Roman Catholic organizations known primarily for their love of the Latin Mass and the relatively few churches where it is celebrated.

I know many "Rad Trads" and find the idea that they might be dangerous so laughable that at first I didn't believe the report. Church Militant is listed in the FBI memo.

Meanwhile, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued no response to the anti-Catholic FBI memo. The Federalist published an article blasting the bishops for their silence: "What has the Catholic Church hierarchy had to say in the seven days since the slanderous leak? Nothing." The Federalist author fields an educated guess on why the prelates are silent:

The FBI's association between Church Militant and so-called violent white supremacists was unfounded and embarrassingly badly sourced, and it would be easy for the Catholic hierarchy to come to their defense. But Church Militant is known for stridently reporting on the corruption, sexual abuse, and wokeism infecting the USCCB. Anyone familiar with the USCCB's disdain for Church Militant knows the bishops are more likely to revel in its slander than to rebuke it.https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/media-blasts-fbi

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent (Pieter Breughel the Elder)

 Grant, O Lord, that Thy faithful may begin the solemn days of Lent with fitting piety and may persevere therein with steadfast devotion.

-Collect, Ash Wednesday



  1. The 'in' word at Waikato University is bi-Jural. One nation two justice systems. Spooky!

  2. "Or drag yourself to the chemist and queue up for advice from a 16-year-old girl with O-level GYMNASTICS and too much makeup."
    HAHAHA. I don't know if the GP's that are left are any better!!

    On the story of the truly massive amounts of strokes & heart attacks everywhere: Here they still think it's a good idea to push bivalent boosters!!! They must either be brain-dead or they think we all are!!
