Friday 2 September 2022


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The Synod was a set-up; we've been had

There, there. We know. You faithful Catholics out there are sick to spiritual death of  Antipope Francis and his Synod. So we won't waste words.

Except to say the Synod is a straw man, the blueprint for the globalists' New World Church. The outcome was predetermined, and you priests and lay people who 'participated' simply rubber-stamped it. 

Bergoglio and his henchmen, like Cardinal John Dew and New Zealand's modernist bishops, have created a non-Catholic Church. They still call it the Catholic Church. But it isn't. It can't be.

Because the Church can't change, because she is founded on Christ Who is Truth, Who is God. God cannot change. Truth is truth. It never changes. But the NZCBC's 'Synodal Synthesis' demands women priests, destruction of the hierarchy and admission of serious sinners to Communion - all of which is utterly opposed to the Gospel, to Church teaching and to Christ Himself.

The Synodal Synthesis is not about God. God doesn't even rate a mention. It's about US. It puts the Second Commandment before the First. 

Ever since Vatican II Catholics have been groomed, by decades of poor catechesis, for the mass apostasy evident in the Synodal Synthesis. It's an example of the Delphi technique, employed here to embed apostasy and heresy in a faux church, and the souls of those who suck it up are in immortal danger, of hellfire.

It's really very simple. Either you believe EVERYTHING that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church believes and teaches, or you incur excommunication latae sententiae - automatic self-excommunication. Meaning that if you don't repent of your own personal preferences for the Church over Almighty God's perfect design for His indefectible Bride, you'll be consigned to the 'everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt 25,41))

So if you want female priests, women choosing bishops, adulterers receiving Holy Communion, abolition of the death penalty etc etc, you're no longer a member of the Mystical Body of Christ.

And you'd have plenty of company. Starting at the top, the Bishop of Rome himself, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who gushed over the child-killer Suprema, US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, receiving her with open arms at the Vatican straight after her own Bishop Cordileone publicly admonished her  as a sinner and a scandal, and allowing her to receive the Eucharist refused her at home in California.

Closer to home, Palmerston North Diocese has its own resident heretic (or two). Father Doctor Joe Grayland opines in the latest Cathnews (where would this modernist Marist mag get its copy without the eager effervescences of +Grayland and its eminence tres gris Bishop Emeritus Cullinane?) that there's no need to ask Rome for a better translation of the liturgy because NZ's bishops already have authority to do this deed themselves - the implication being that they have authority to do much else besides. 

“Synodal feedback calls for reworking the current Roman Missal to provide better, more straightforward and accessible liturgical language. Sadly, this request reads as if this change were not already possible,” Grayland writes.

He says that straightforward and accessible liturgical language has been available since Pope Francis published Magnum Principium (The Great Principle).

He says the Pope has already given individual Bishops’ conferences permission to work on and issue modifications to liturgical texts.

Carry us home to die.  MORE changes to liturgical texts! If the thought of rotting in hell as an unrepentant apostate doesn't worry you, then perhaps the prospect of another depressing, shabby little booklet will prompt you to tootle off to the nearest Traditional Latin Mass.

And if you have the misfortune to live in Cardinal Dew's Land of Mordor, you coul find a 1962 Missal and read that immortal liturgical text during the Novus Ordo.The 1962 Missal takes a great deal longer to read, of course, than it does to get through its flimsy, fabricated modern imitation, but you can catch up during the homily and the Prayers of the Faithful.

And you'll discover what you've been missing all these years.

St Solomon Le Clerq
Feast day September 2

As for us, we hold to what we believed ten and twenty years ago; to what our forefathers believed one hundred years ago, and one thousand years ago, and to that which the whole Catholic world has always believed. - St Solomon Le Clerq


  1. It is a long known fact, that everything about the counterfeit Catholic Church is wrong and evil. Yet, nothing is ever done about it, except talk about it in limited publications, videos and venues. We have only ourselves to blame!

    1. We must blame ourselves for and repent of our false obedience to the stooges who fall in behind Satan's stooge-in- chief, Antipope Bergoglio, and our failure to pray for their repentance, healing and conversion, especially in offering on their behalf the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, especially in the 'Extraordinary Form' which should rightly be termed the Ordinary Form.

  2. Anonymous is right, the lack of response from Catholics in general to the incredible changes underway is scary. I think it stems from Catholics still trusting their priests, bishops, cardinals and pope, and just wanting a quiet life of going to Church on (some) Sundays.

    When more Catholics truly see the massive changes that our shepherds seem to be encouraging, most parishioners will get a huge shock. We will be like the parishioners in so many Protestant churches, which have been torn apart, particularly by the sodomy issue. Painful times await us.

    If sacred scripture on sodomy can be ignored or manipuated by our shepherds, can these words of Christ also be ignored "on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." I don't think Christ is saying He will fix everything and we laity don't have to do anything. I think Christ is relying on us laity to stand up for His Catholic Church, even if it means sometimes openly disagreeing with our shepherds. There must be a change of attitude amongst the laity.

    PS if you want to see what we should be afraid of, have a look at the NZ bishops synod submission to Rome at:
    I can find almost no Catholic who has actually read it, but when the contents are described there is general dismay.
