Wednesday 7 September 2022


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The enemies of 'Pope Francis' and Cardinal John Dew look like this

"Faithful Catholics," says US Cardinal Raymond Burke, "should work from within the Church for a much-needed ecclesiastical reform, even should it require openly correcting bishops when they betray the faith."

So here goes. Once more unto the breach, dear friends! In placing their imprimatur as it were, on the national Synodal Synthesis, New Zealand's bishops betray the faith, betray Christ and betray His Church. For its parade of the heresy of Modernism, our SS is up there with Germany's Synodal Weg. 

Simply put, it's for Catholics who don't want to be Catholic any more. They don't have to pin their theses to the door of a cathedral like Martin Luther - not when they have bishops like ours who are willing to do their dirty work for them, and an Antipope like Jorge Bergoglio who isn't a Catholic any more, lurking spider-like in the middle of his evil web to seize on their souls and press them into the service of Satan.

Perhaps it's only to be expected, on a traditional, faithful Catholic blog, that a piece describing this blueprint for the global elites' New World Church (which has all the charm of a supermarket) as 'Slow Burn Schism' (Sep 2) should pass with barely a remark. 

Most faithful, Latin Mass Catholics are far too concerned, in this La-la Land Down Under - specially those languishing like lepers in Cardinal John Dew's spiritual desert, the Archdiocese of Wellington - with attaining personal holiness, with saving their souls and their children's, to pay any attention to the synodal charade which exists only to rubber-stamp the Great Reset's agenda for take-over of the One, Holy, Catholic  Church. 

The so-called Catholics whose demand for female priests, LGBTQ blessings and 'inclusion', Communion for adulterous couples and for laity to call the shots - especially in  choosing bishops - has gone to the Vatican purporting to represent the NZ laity, have utterly disqualifed themselves from any such role. In calling for such fundamental changes to the Magisterium they have in effect excommunicated themselves, and the idiocy of their position is only magnified to the ultimate by the fact that their shopping list will be solemnly received in Rome by a non-Catholic 'pope' and hierarchy who have themselves long since deserted the Barque of Peter.

The sinfulness of this Silly Synodal Synthesis was predetermined, anyway, by the global elite whose useful pawn Jorge Bergoglio is, by means of a corruption of the Delphi technique in which participants are guided towards a consensus. In the Synod however, the 'consensus' was already decided and easily reached by targeting the lower common denominator, IQ-wise. You have only to glance at the primary colours, the stick figures and pre-school layout of the Synod bumf to realise that no one reasonably educated AT ALL, let alone educated in the Catholic Faith, would want to waste time on such an enterprise.

See what we mean?

Conservative Catholics especially, educated as they are by the Traditional Latin Mass and the sermons - as opposed to the homilies of the Novus Ordo are repelled by such imagery - as the Synod's crafty architects knew they would be.

So things have reached such a point that the conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke ( Cdl. Burke: Faithful Catholics Must Remain In The Church, Hold Bishops Accountable ( )is flushed out of his cover into openly encouraging faithful Catholics to OPPOSE their faithless bishops, ripping the masks off their faces and so also literally, one hopes, off the Synodal sympathisers in the pews busily breathing in their own germs. (A reader of this blog, recently returned from time with his family in Australia, reports that the only place he saw any masked muppets was at Mass.) 

There is a glimmer of hope however, on the horizon, a glimpse of the eventual triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.

A group of young Belgian Catholics have written an open letter to the Apostolic Nuncio protesting the national synthesis of the synodal process in Belgium, saying it goes too far in questioning the “magisterium of the Church”.

More than 200 young traditional-minded Belgians (aged 15-42) signed the letter saying certain issues, such as the ordination of women, go way too far and are against Church teaching.“Calls are coming from all sides to open ordained ministry to women and married people.” 

'Traditional-minded' is as close as the 'progressive' publication Cathnews would come, one suspects, to admitting that these young Belgians with such love for Holy Mother Church are Traditional Latin Massgoers. 

The document’s drafters say that it reflects the views of 2,000 to 4,000 people who participated in the synodal consultations.

However, the young Belgian Catholics argue there is “a discrepancy between some of the demands made in the synthesis and the reality” they are living.

 Naturally. That age group is far too young to be ready to enter second chiludasdhood. Young Belgian Catholics contest synodal survey - CathNews NZ Pacific

Yes, the young Belgians would be representative of young Traditional Latin Massgoers throughout the world, and a premonition of the eventual Resurrection of the Church once Bergoglio and his pack of Judases have completed her Crucifixion.

And that's exactly why Antipope Francis and Cardinal John Dew et al have cancelled the Latin Mass.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death


  1. Your posts are becoming more and more unhinged Julia. They no longer focus on the church or the issues it’s facing. These are just now the rantings of a mentally unwell woman. Inclusion is important in the church. Let’s not forget that Christ would have been down with those who are downtrodden and forgotten. I suggest if you don’t like how the Vatican is doing things go to an SSPX church and don’t be in communion with the catholic faith or Rome.

    1. Julia's posts are spot on. Maybe you need to look in the mirror if you think she's unhinged or mentally unwell. How rude. Why do you read the posts and complain? With all due respect, if you don't like this blog, go read America Magazine or something you feel more comfortable with. I can assure you that come the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, (Which is assured as Our Lady said so) the Church will not be rebuilt on the mess and rubble that the Vatican has now created, or the "modern" direction in which we are being led, she will go firmly back to her roots and Tradition! Vatican II will be swept away as the worst insult ever inflicted upon the Bride of Christ. It really doesn't take much knowledge of Holy Scripture and numerous Marian apparitions to understand what God the Father Almighty, Jesus the Son of God and Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth expect from the Church. (Hint - It's not the direction in which the Vatican is taking us)

    2. It seems that you are the one, who is unhinged. The author is kind enough to allow free opinions on her posts. If you do not like what is being posted, do not comment. Are you from Tradicat ?

    3. Correcting individual "Bishops" and others, will do nothing to change anything. The entire false Vatican ll sect is at fault.

  2. Do not worry about the false Vatican ll sect. The people in it, go along and allow the false "Church" to get worse and worse. Whereas, the True Catholic Church and its teachings are consistent and stay the same.

  3. Anonymous: Julia’s posts precisely back up the sentiments expressed by the likes of the long serving, good Cardinal Raymond Burke and those expressed by youngish-minded Belgians, to name just a few of many of the world’s Catholics concerned about the current Church direction.

  4. Canon. 212 §1. Conscious of their own responsibility, the Christian faithful are bound to follow with Christian obedience those things which the sacred pastors, inasmuch as they represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith or establish as rulers of the Church.
    §2. The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires.
    §3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons

    1. Most "Bishops" and others in the Church, do not really care what the few people think. Most people just go along. It is very difficult to correct the "Bishops" and others in the Church or effect any real change for the better.

  5. You don't need to post this Julia, just thought you would find it interesting.

  6. Most people had problems and allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the agents of Satan and their system. People en masse, have turned away from God and His Truth. They only do lip service or a show. If people could not be changed before, most people can not be changed now. The Covid control fraud has proven, that most people do not even think or mention God, and are lost. Only very few are saved. People only care about themselves, to shop and their jobs! You can not tell them about anything, even about church.

    1. Most people are a joke and only fool themselves.
