Tuesday 20 September 2022


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Queen (then Princess) Elizabeth at her initiation into Druidry, 1946

Picture, if you will, the arrival of Queen Elizabeth II at her particular judgment before Almighty God, Who is no respecter of persons. ("The Lord both of them and you ... in heaven; and there is no respect of persons with him' (Eph 6,9). 

Maybe the Queen's suffering - which seemed serenely, courageously accepted - over Charles' and Diana's separation, the latter's tragic and untimely death, and the loss of her beloved husband Prince Philip had perfected her in in the eyes of God, and she was admitted immediately into heaven. Otherwise, imagine the angels ushering her into Purgatory and her reception there. No one, surely, would have bowed and scraped; no one would have given two pins. Because the suffering souls in purgatory are entirely absorbed in longing for God. As the Queen would be, too. 

The world loved Queen Elizabeth II. Almost idolised her, it seems. 
But following her 'final farewell' - TvOne's oft-parroted, tautologous comment - we should remember that the world hated Jesus Christ. And He said the world would hate His friends, too. In the interests of counter-balancing the worldwide hysteria, almost, paraded at her passing, we offer a supernatural perspective and some unexamined aspects of her reign.

Was 'our beloved monarch' something other than she seemed?

Queen Elizabeth II, head of the Church of England, was also a Druid. That is,  she belonged not only to an heretical religion - Anglicanism - but to a pagan sect which specialised in child sacrifice. 

Princess Elizabeth initiated into Druidry, Wales 1946

She queened it over billions of dollars worth of property, most egregiously abbeys, churches and erstwhile monasteries where once the Body and Blood of Our Lord and Saviour (and her Saviour too), was offered in propitiation to Almighty God for ever-increasing crimes against His laws, like abortion and same-sex marriage.

Westminster Abbey, where with all pomp and splendour the nation bade her farewell, was once a Benedictine monastery. https://catholicism.org/westminster-abbey-was-stolen.html 

Antipope Francis has abjectly begged pardon of the Canadian natives for having brought them the Catholic faith and the Sacraments, an heroic endeavour in the frozen north which made martyrs of many priests, but seems relaxed about with the terrible persecution of the One True Church by Anglicans in Britain, including the bare-faced, criminal theft of all her properties - and her subsequent humiliation, in our day, by their transformation into eateries and watering-holes for the wealthy

Surely more than one reader of this blog has been inveigled into being wined and dined in restaurants where once it was the sacred Body and Blood of Christ which was on offer - for an eternal reward. It's enough to make your own blood boil. 

And what's more, the Catholic Church worldwide has had to cough up billions in compensation for sex abuse and/or alleged sex abuse but in the United Kingdom the Anglican Church continues to sit tight in all its stolen property, and no one seems to say a word. Is that Christian? Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, says absolutely not. But then, he was a Catholic, of course.

Early in July the bishops presented their complaints to the Diet [of Augsburg: 1530] of the plundering and destruction of churches, seizure of monasteries and hospitals, prohibition of Masses, and attacks on religious processions by the Protestants. When Charles called upon the Protestants to restore the property they had seized, they said that to do so would be against their consciences. Charles responded crushingly: ‘The Word of God, the Gospel, and every law civil and canonical, forbid a man to appropriate to himself the property of another.’ https://www.patheos.com/blogs/davearmstrong/2015/12/reformation-theft-of-thousands-of-catholic-churches.html

A word on Druidry:

(E)arly historians also took note of what they considered to be the Druids' barbaric religious practices. In particular, they were appalled by the use of human sacrifice. The Romans reported that victims were tied to wicker effigies and burned alive, a report substantiated by archaeological remains. Further evidence has been found of 'triple deaths' where a victim was simultaneouslystoned, drowned, and impaled on a spear.https://britishheritage.com/history/history-druids-britain

And for anyone who thinks we're making this up - well you couldn't. See https://youtu.be/2WUtGN2rdyw


Mary, immortal Queen, pray for the soul of Queen Elizabeth II


  1. She signed abortion into UK law.
    Is Frances an antipope? I will not deny that he looks it, but will wait for the college of Cardinals to make that declaration.

  2. Yes she signed abortion law and same-sex marriage too, I believe. But she had no power to do otherwise. The British monarch may exercise power of veto only to prevent the collapse of democracy, See https://onepeterfive.com/catholics-monarchy/
