Sunday 3 April 2022


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The Ugly Blisters

Ugly Blisters Helen Clark and Jacinda Ardern have been very mean to the world's Covid Cinderella, New Zealand. Just when we thought we were off to the Ball of Normality with the rest of the world,  the wicked stepmother, the WHO's General Tedros, has waved his wand.

His advisor Helen Clark wants lockdowns. Masks. Social distancing. Contact tracing. Testing. Isolation. Quarantines. Greater surveillance powers for the WHO. A "one size fits all" for global health architecture costing $31 billion per year. 

So the next plandemic will greatly aggravate the chastisement Our Lady prophesied at Fatima if we failed to pray and do penance for offences to her Immaculate Heart. We failed, so all the consecrations including Antipope Bergoglio's sorry attempt, have failed.

The W0rld Health Organisation - which you'd think by now would be an international laughing stock but apparently not - intends to take complete control of world health spending, funded by the G7 countries to the tune of $US19 billion for "the strengthening of health systems" - meaning more power to Dr Doomfield/Bloomfield/Gloomfield and Ardern's apparatchiks - their moment to swoop on the nation with the COVID-19 Response Act, and lock us all up and jab the lot of us to their hearts' content. 

That's integral to "the Great Reset": Tedros reckons the world needs "stronger government" (aaargh! Ardern et al, even stronger?) and "a common approach".  According to Helen Clark, we "have a proven menu to stop transmission". Could she possibly be referring to the clueless, catastrophic carry-on conducted by Dr Bloomfield/Doomfield et al? Yep, yep, she is.

Clark wants the WHO to have authority (we've got the chills already) to publish information on"outbreaks with pandemic potential" (could be the whanau at a tangi feeling a bit off-colour) immediately "without the approval of governments".  As Ardern probably wants Clark's job at the WHO or something similar, she won't be making any objection. "The WHO should be given authority" (that word again) "to set benchmarks for healthcare around the world."

Imagine it. Tedros in charge of your healthcare. 

The WHO has plans for the plandemic

Clark's wishlist is a long one. "A universal health and preparedness review to control healthcare in countries." She means all countries. She wants pathogens shipped to a biolab in Switzerland. 

The WHO has failed to recognise vitamins and minerals especially Vitamin D and zinc, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as the best treatment for Covid-19 - and cheap, and not controlled by or profiting Big Pharma and the likes of Bill Gates and Dr Fauci, described by Fr Paul Kramer of the Fatima Centre (Our Lady of Fatima being extremely relevant - sorry, Proddies) as "disciples of Satan".

The WHO has failed to address the deadly side effects of the approved drugs Remdesivir and Midazolam. Not to mention the sudden-death and/or collapse syndrome of sports players and Tv hosts worldwide. The huge increase in deaths among younger people generally, worldwide. It's not the World Health Organisation, it's the World Sickness Organisation. But Helen Clark wants the Secretary-General of the WHO to have authority to unilaterally declare (what authority can she herself have, a woman who splits infinitives on telly?) an international pandemic - without any peer reviews or democratic process.

That last bit won't bother Kiwis; except for the heros at the Occupation of Parliament, no one seems to realise our democratic process is all but gone. 

The WHO still believes that ventilators saved lives. That Covid-19 gene therapy bioweapons are "safe and effective"and in "equity" in distributing poisonous drugs and deadly injections is more important than freedom of choice.

Just where are all the fems and their chorus of "My body, my choice"? Where are they? 

The WHO and Helen Clark pretend to be unaware that lockdowns and devastation of economies have caused an enormous mental health catastrophe. The WHO and Ms Clark won't accept that determining "cases" via RAT/PCR is not a valid diagnosis of Covid-19. The WHO is in denial of the fact that the number of people dying with Covid-19 were fraudulently included in the overall death totals. The WHO thinks early detection, not early treatment, is the best way to prevent pandemics. The WHO could perhaps be given authority to enforce daily RATs worldwide? Why not? 

Why do the WHO and Ms Clark think they know what's best when for two years they've been proved horribly wrong?

The "disciple of Satan" Dr Faustus/Fauci says measures should have been MORE restrictive, earlier. Locking down is good if you're overwhelming the health system and to give time for the vax to work (but not so much time that adverse events and deaths become horribly apparent). As an aside, an immediate means of underwhelming the health system would seem to be the immediate abolition of abortions. Think of the money and services, not to mention the innocent lives, that would result. 

"The more vaccinations, the less the virus can do," says the disciple of Satan. "All nations should pull together to get the entire world vaxxed." He speaks with forked tongue. He  means, to get the entire world depopulated. Big time.

Then he tries to cover his back. "Nothing I've said is out of line with very good health public health practices. It's not encroaching on liberties. I can only advise." Yeah, Dr Fauci. You're an angel. Of the fallen variety. 

One wonders, if the WHO have billions in a slush fund and as New Zealand's been stowing people in motels and hotels for lack of MIQ facilities - do you reckon Ardern will build concentration camps on WHO money? Why not?

To revert briefly - in the meantime because believe us, there's a lot more coming on the subject of Our Lady of Fatima - to the faux consecration by the faux pope of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: She called for reparation for sins, especially the sins and crimes of Russia - and we should make reparation for the sins of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, especially the very successful, so far, attempts of the antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio to transform the Catholic Church into a Masonic One World Church. 

Russia is still not consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the chastisements Our Lady warned against, like the Covid-19 plandemic and the scenario heralded by the WHO's General Tedros and Ms Helen Clark - the entire world under surveillance and its healthcare amounting to permanent, perennial vaccination, resulting inevitably in the suffering and death of millions (billions? trillions?) - will only increase.

Ss Jacinta and Francisco Marto said that in Her apparitions the Blessed Virgin Mary was always "very sad. She never smiled." Even their cousin, the third seer of Fatima, Lucia dos Santos, rarely smiled - which is only one of several reasons to believe the "Sister Lucia" wheeled out by the Vatican after 1960 to say Pope John Paul II's consecration "satisfied heaven" was a fake, a fraud - like Bergoglio and like his Vatican II Church of the Novus Ordo. The fake "Sr Lucia" was a jolly, chatty type. How could anyone have believed she was for real? The same way they believe the vaccine is for real, we suppose.

This is the hour of the laity, Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said. We should not wait for Bergoglio or his modernist bishops, especially New Zealand's, to call us to penance and prayer, especially to the devotion to the Rosary and the Five First Saturdays asked for by Our Lady Herself. We have to save our souls, and we must influence others for good, and the Holy Rosary is our best means. 

One day the Mass will vanish from sight.The Rosary will be all we have for the saving of our soul.

 "Thus the devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God, because in this way he will succeed in leaving the souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, therefore the more easily he will seize them" - Sr Lucia.


  1. Hell and Sinders, I call em. Two spooky females. Hubble bubble toil and trouble.

  2. Sobering, what they plan for world control, Savonarola.
