Friday 29 April 2022


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“The wily devil, when he loses, what can he do? Only destroy.” — Father Ruslan Mikhalkiv on the strange pattern of destruction at his seminary in formerly Russian-occupied territory outside Kyiv

Don't lose any sleep over Ukraine and the failure of Jorge Mario  Bergoglio's "consecration" of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It failed because like its perpetrator, that "consecration" was a fraud and bound to fail.

But it did remind the world of Our Lady of Fatima and her "Third Secret"- which encapsulates the COVID plandemic, the Great Reset and Bergoglio's demo job on the Church. That scenario is wicked enough but what's coming is worse.

If we don't do as the Immaculata asked (prayer and  penance) we must expect "a global Auschwitz", "fire falling from heaven", inundation of countries and continents, a massive depopulation of the planet, disappearance of the Church and assassination of the true pope, Benedict XVI. 

Note also that in an interview in 1946, the seer of Fatima Sr Lucia confirmed that Our Lady had revealed that if Russia were not consecrated to Her, every country in the world without exception would be overcome by Communism - as New Zealand has been already in fact, if not in name.

But hello! The modernist Catholic Church in New Zealand thinks Fatima is just for pre-Vat II fuddy-duddies. A devout NO priest (imported) admitted to a reader of this blog recently that he didn't know how many  First Saturdays Our Lady requested (five). Most homegrown priests wouldn't condescend to discussing this devotion at all. Perhaps that's for fear of exposing their ignorance. 

But Our Lady of Fatima was, and still is, a time bomb. 

Her prophecies reveal that it will be the legitimate successor to Pope Benedict who will consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart - but not until after the Third Secret of Fatima is revealed during the course of a major war, according to the "Fatima Priest", Father Nicholas Gruner. 

And the Secret will result in a cleansing of the Church.  "The disaster of Vatican II," said Fr Gruner, "will be stopped in its tracks."

Traditional Latin Massgoers - especially in the Wellington Archdiocese where arch-modernist Cardinal John Dew has cancelled the Mass of Ages - can't wait. But barring Rock Masses, wait we must. Fiat voluntas tua.

Why did Pope John Paul II not reveal the Secret? Because Our Lady prophesied the invasion of Western Europe by Russia, and JPII didn't want to encourage Russia "to make certain moves" Our Lady revealed to Sister Elena Aiello, who died in 1961 renowned for revelations she received from Our Lady, and greatly esteemed by Pope Pius XII, that Russia would wage a sudden war, would overrun all of Europe. This, it would seem, is clearly what Pope John Paul II wanted to avoid by not divulging the Third Secret, because it would encourage the communists to make certain moves - in other words, to wage war against the West. 

Behold the futility of opposing God's will: through His Blessed Mother, God declared the Secret should be made known in 1960, and 
without any such encouragement, all these years later President Putin has begun precisely those "moves" by invading Ukraine. 

Jamie Glazov - a riveting interview

In his fascinating interview  ( with  a close collaborator of Fr Gruner's, Russian-born Canadian author Jamie Glazov inadvertently shows he is under the influence of the mainstream media by calling Putin "a monster". 

"That's the West's propaganda, the black-out in the media of Russian news," replies Father Paul Kramer, author of several books including To Deceive the Elect, a treatise on Catholic doctrine on the question of an heretical Pope.

Fr Paul Kramer

"Russia has sought partnership with NATO and has met with aggression. They want Russia dismembered and partitioned. The predatory West has turned Ukraine against Russia."

To Glazov's question, "Is this war in their (the globalists') interests?" Fr Kramer replies in the affirmative. "Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are cheering on the Ukraine. They want to reshape the entire world, so that they can then bring "order from chaos" ("ut ex chao"). Klaus Schwab" (a mentor of NZ's PM Ardern - ed) "is intent on transhumanism and a digital economy. 

"We should be looking for solutions! This confrontational approach will lead to World War III. We know from prophecy that when a disaster strikes Iran World War III is very near."

We suspect that such is the indifference to Fatima in the Church - or even downright hostility, at least in New Zealand - that very few people know any such thing.


  • Russia invades Western Europe
  • the pope releases the Secret
  • the pope goes into hidiing
  • the pope is assassinated
  • "a disastrous 2 and a half years or whatever", says Fr Kramer, ensues
  • a new pope is elected
  • he consecrates Russia (whew! finally!).                           
Bergoglio could not possibly have consecrated Russia to Our Lady, for the simple reason that he is not the pope.  Fr Kramer: "The resignation of "Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was canonically invalid." 

A pope, Fr Kramer explains, must renounce his "munus", which is the papacy itself, a permanent office received directly from God. He must renounce his pontificate by name. Unlike a bishop who is always a bishop (which in the case of Charles Drennan, ex- Palmerston North, hardly seems fair), when a pope relinquishes his munus he is no longer pope; he reverts to being a cardinal, like Gregory XII. 

Benedict's was "a qualified renunciation of the Petrine munus, not a total one," says Fr Kramer. "He thought he could expand the munus" - that he could share it to some extent. The munus cannot be expanded. It's all or nothing." Benedict did not compare his resignation to Gregory XIII's but to a pope of the first millenium, Benedict XIII, who did not leave office but resigned the exercise of governance of the papacy temporarily, and resumed it when the dispute over that governance was resolved.

In his resignation - a canonical, juridical document defined in law - Benedict XVI mentioned both the munus of the papacy and the ministerium of the papacy, which are differently defined, says Fr Kramer. The ministry (ministerium) of the office of the papacy is not the exercise of the office. It can entail the exercise of the office (the munus) but it is not the exercise by definition. The munus is the office (the papacy) itself. It is not the ministry itself. In his resignation, Benedict stated that he could not perform the ministry, and resigned the ministry

In a discourse in Italian soon after his resignation, Benedict explained that although he had renounced the active exercise of the papal ministry, what was "given" to him was "for always". The munus, says Fr Kramer, is connected to the exercise of the ministry but it is not the same as the exercise of the ministry.

"He renounces the ministry! In speaking of was given to him on his election he said, "that is for always"."

Venerable Fulton Sheen

Labouring the point perhaps, but it's of critical importance to the Church. If Benedict XVI is still the pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a counterfeit, faux pope who is erecting a counterfeit, faux Church: just as Venerable Fulton Sheen prophesied back in the '50s: 

The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit (Catholic) church. Christ’s (true Catholic) Church will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist. The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops.”

What further invalidates Bergoglio's "consecration" is that all the bishops of the world, as requested by Our Lady, did not take part. Tragically and deliberately, Bergoglio has ensured that would be an exercise in herding cats.The world's bishops should have been ordered to take part, but they were not. Did even New Zealand's bishops all voluntarily perform the consecration publicly, in their cathedrals?

The Third Secret of Fatima revealed apostasy in the Church: a counterfeit pope who will take away the Transubstantiation, a counterfeit Church and a counterfeit Mass (for which Catholics since Vatican II have been groomed by the Novus Ordo Missae, a protestantized concoction which although it's still the Mass in essence is a dumbed-down, tarted-up similitude of the Traditional Latin Mass - ed).

Fr Kramer affirms that what "Pope Francis" has done to change the Church and take away  Transubstantiation is "the very heart of the Third Secret", which reveals:

  • there will be a movement in the Church which seeks to abolish the Sacrifice of the Mass
  • it will become very difficult to find a valid Mass
  • there will be an antipope, a heretic
  • eventually, the consecration will prevent "annihilation of many nations.

    "If it were only that!" was the reaction to that statement of famed exorcist Fr Malachi Martin, who learned the contents of the Secret from sources such as St Padre Pio, and while never explicitly revealing them himself would confirm statements in regard to the Secret that matched what he knew.

    In 1980 in Fulda, Germany, Pope John Paul II said it is enough for you to know that entire regions of the earth will be inundated, with water overflowing large regions of the earth, and millions will die from one moment to the next.

    Fr Kramer cites promotion of the upcoming Synod by "Pope Francis" by the erection of a statue of Martin Luther - whose stated ambition was to abolish the Mass - in St Peter's Square. Fr Kramer also mentions carabinieri preventing entry to the Square of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. He believes the Synod is a front for abolition of the Mass, in spite of t
    he Council of Constance (1414-18) having declared it to be beyond the power of the pope to alter even the texts of the Mass.

    "This is an Article of Faith! We are bound by the Catholic Faith to profess this! A synod cannot change the wording of the Mass or the Sacraments. No synod has that power. Neither can a pope change what is essential.

    "That seems to have been lost on Pope Paul VI, who said of the New Rite (NO): "We used to think the Mass is an untouchable expression of our Faith which could not be changed." "But the pope," says Fr Kramer, is bound by the Council of Constance."

    "Masonic documents and "Pope Francis' "reforms match perfectly. He is taking a major portion of the hierarchy into apostasy, into a simplified synodal Church which is dogma-free and not infallible, a Masonic reform which will constitute a defection. Catholics who follow Bergoglio will follow him into apostasy." Pope Francis has assured a Jesuit superior that he will not leave the papacy until his reforms are irreversible. 

    "It's a diabolical disorientation. The devil's influence has twisted his mind in this manner. He knows what he's doing. That's the very heart of the Third Secret: a counterfeit pope, a counterfeit Church.

    Freemasons paid for Ardern's degree; here she's presenting the Freemasons' awards for 2016 

    The stated aim of Freemasons in the 19th century was a simplified Christianity which consists of doing good works, a one world religion - an ecumenical church towards which "Pope Francis" is now moving the Catholic Church. Fr Kramer says Freemasons will gain power over world governments and the administration of the Church - but not over the Divine Constitution; that is beyond Satan's power. The Church will go underground.
         Fr Kramer quotes St Hildegard of Bingen, who prophesied that one day people would             prefer their own country's bishops to the pope. (For instance in New Zealand: "we do               things differently here" - ed.)
Jamie Glazov asks whether in today's "Deep Church" it would not seem impossible that the "Sister Lucia" (presented in company with Pope Paul VI as the seer of Fatima) was a fake.


Paul VI with the jovial, photo-opping fake "Sr Lucia"


"That seems to be the case,"says Fr Kramer. Forensic examination of her signature proves it was not the seer's, and her refusal of a cardinal's request to autograph a book for him bears that out. "The only thing they (the two Lucias) had in common, says Fr Kramer, was their religious habit."
Fr Kramer sees a relationship between the "Deep Church" and the Covid pandemic, in the prevention of gathering in churches for worship (that relationship is still evident in New Zealand in the continued insistence on masks in church but not in nightclubs - ed).
"The "deep Church" and the "Deep State" are working together, says Fr Kramer. The followers of Satan will gain power all over the world and in the infrastructure of the Church, which will go underground - as Cardinal Manning foretold in 1861:
"Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible, hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church" - Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See. Supporting Cardinal Manning's prophecy is St Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, who stated that the Church might be reduced to only "one province of the world".
"Russia will overrun Europe and then will be invaded by China," says Fr Kramer. "China is more dangerous than Russia. But after the consecration of Russia, the East will save the world.
"Putin is not a monster. He has tried for partnership with NATO, but NATO wants the US to dominate. The globalists are manipulating the situation, distracting us from something else, in the interests of the Antichrist. The blasphemous counterfeit consecration  of Russia by "Pope Francis" will make things worse. The Ukraine has been turned into a stage for aggression against Russia.
"Klaus Schwab has said that by 2026 everyone will be digitised, with vax passports, a digital economy and chipping.You're going to need that chip in your hand to buy anything. It's the Mark of the Beast. No one will be able to buy or sell. This is how they will gain power over the whole world - but but there are those who won't take the chip at all. As Christians we should never take something like that into the body. 
"Yes, they will just switch you off the system. You won't be able to make any financial transaction without their approval. This will be the hill that I die on.
"Their agenda is one of massive depopulation, massive genocide. That was always part of the agenda, even for Robespierre in the French Revolution. 


  • Le massacre de Machecoul by François Flameng (one of the first events of genocide in the Vendee)

    Quoting Our Lady of Akita (Japan), in revelations closely allied to those of Our Lady of Fatima, Fr Kramer goes on to say that the globalists want to reduce world population by about 90%, as planned by Freemasonry long ago. Our Lady of Akita said to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa on October 13, 1973, the very anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun:
    "If men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.  The fire raining down from Heaven will be a supernatural event, as foretold by both Sr. Elena Aiello and Blessed Anna Maria Taigi..(See Rev 9,15: And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year: for to kill the third part of men).

    "The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests. 

    "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres ... churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."

    Our Lady of Akita 

    "It will be a global Auschwitz. They want to turn the world into a death camp. The Luciferians, the Masons are using vaccines as devastating bioweapons. In terms of Fatima, Bill Gates and Fauci are disciples of Satan. With all their money and technology, if they're given the power they will do it. 

    "Money will be used to corrupt the whole world. It is the dream of China to invade the whole world, especially the Philippines. China will invade Russia and the West, and that's when the pope will consecrate Russia. God will save Russia and then Russia will save the world.

    ussia will be the agent for converting the world to Jesus, as has been prophesied by many saints: Arabs and Jews, England, Germany and China - their conversion will be brought about by the conversion of Russia after the Church emerges from hiding following World War III, when both Russia and the West will be beaten.

    "We should rejoice when we see these things happen, because it means our redemption is at hand. Christ is near. People must not be discouraged by the failure of the consecration. There may be a cessation of hostilities, but we cannot expect anything. We must maintain our faith.

    "We must have great devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We must listen to Our Lady of Fatima. We must be penitential and pray the Rosary. This is what will defeat Satan: victory through faith.

    " "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph". We must have full confidence in these words because in the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse she is depicted in the full splendour of her triumph. 

    "It's summed up in the words of Jesus Christ: "Fear not, I have conquered the world".  ("These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world" (Jn 15:33).

    The Virgin of the Apocalypse
    Miguel Cabrera


    "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph."


  1. Deiu le Roi!

  2. Well put together ! Our Lady conquers. Spiritually rivetting ! Teresa.

  3. Mark says:
    Julia your article above is very compelling reading. One question though, if a great man had been elected to the Chair of Peter when Benedict XVI stepped down would he also be invalid? It seems like Pope Benedict has his cake and ate it as well. Not the same thing but If Queen Elizabeth steps down for Prince Charles would she be able to claim her throne back in a couple of years or so, doesn't seem right. Benedict is too old to ever consider active ministry again and an election was held when he stepped down for all the world to see. So where to from here?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A "great man" could never have been elected while Benedict was still pope. Great or otherwise, his papacy would be invalid. The election that was held for all the world to see was part of the diabolical agenda for the destruction of the Church, and according to what's been revealed of the Third Secret, Benedict will be assassinated. I believe that without massive penance and reparation through prayer and fasting "the where to from here" will be so horrible we won't have time or inclination to worry about the papacy. Our only recourse will be to Divine Mercy.
      12:34 PM

  4. Tessa Sugden says:
    Excellent article. Great to see you back (on FB - ed).

  5. Didn’t God say he would never again destroy the world by flooding and gave us the rainbow as a sign/covenant

    1. I say:
      Yes, God did say that. "Inundation of continents", however, doesn't mean the destruction of the world.

  6. I agree w everything except Fr. Kramer saying Putin is not bad. US gave $ for Russia to be more democratic but Putin was put in power n he has always preferred authoritarianism under him n the oligarchs who have contributed to Putin’s trillion much of which was taken fr the Russian people.
