Friday 15 April 2022


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Good Friday ceremonies outside the Basilica of Santa Croce, pre-Vatican II 

"I just shut myself in my room to pray Vespers this evening", says a reader of this blog, "and read that “on Good Friday Vespers are not said by those who are present at the postmeridian liturgical action”.

 "Anyone else get the impression," she remarked, "that literacy standards have fallen somewhat?"

"So much!" was another reader's response. "Today in the Gospel they replaced guards with police and praetorium with headquarters. Can't say I've ever heard police mentioned in the Bible."

Once again, it's the Novus Ordo effect. Does anyone else with no option but to attend the N O "service" for Good Friday yearn for the Improperia (Reproaches)?

"Oh my people, what have I done to thee? Or wherein have I afflicted thee? Answer me. Because I led thee out of the land of Egypt, thou hast prepared a cross for thy Saviour" - and so on,  twelve instances of God's infinite goodness and mercy towards his people Israel, and his people's iniquitous response, ending with "I exalted thee with great strength; and thou didst hang Me on the gibbet of the Cross".

And then the Great Intercessions, dumbed-down and sanitised in the Novus Ordo to exclude "Deacons, Subdeacons, Acolytes, Exorcists" (WOT? exorcists??? Who needs them, in our enlightened times?) Lectors, Porters, Confessors, Virgins" (what smutty remarks sotto voce that might give rise to, in the N O), "Widows, ... heretics and schismatics"  and above all, "the devil" (who believes in the devil, in the N O?)

And Intercession "for Conversion of the Jews": gone by the board. The Novus Ordo prays for "the Jewish people", as if the word "Jews" were a slur. You know, like "Maoris" is a slur (okay, it should be "Maori" and have that fancy accent) ma, or "Pakeha", or "Chinese". 

Same with "Conversion of Unbelievers" whom the pre-Vatican II Church called "pagans" and prayed that they put aside their idols. Apparently there are no idols to be worshipped any more. Like, not the idols of sport, of food, of technology, or of Covid, for instance. 

Thank God that the Novus Ordo spares us all that tedious kneeling down and getting up again, too, after every Intercession.  "So tiring," we remember a rellie complaining, years ago. What she made of the comeback, "I suppose Jesus found it tiring to hang on the Cross for three hours too", we can't remember.

As antidotes to an impoverished Good Friday "service", we could listen to what another reader (there's a lot of them about) says is "a very good and very sobering sermon on rash judgment and back-biting.  Something I struggle with, as we all do at times."

Or ("The Jews still don’t ‘’get-it’’  that Jesus  was their Messiah").

Or Stop World Control <> (Why did George Soros, one of the worst criminals in the world, set up his foundation in Ukraine? Of all the hundreds of nations in the world... why there?).

Or the Divine Mercy Novena, which starts today (Good Friday)

Or from Michael Matt at the Remnant,a short video on Good Friday:

From Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano: l

 fr Or Revelaciones Marianas  <> :

"Our Lord Jesus says, 

'Pray, My People, pray; famine will increase, plague will advance, coming from hands marked with the suffering of their brothers and sisters; confinement will be applied again.'  

St. Michael the Archangel: 

'War is being presented as a fight for territories, keeping hidden the reality that it has been programmed as part of the arrival of the Antichrist. 

"The blood of a powerful person will be shed; war will spread. How many "woes" (Rev. 8:13) are and will be heard all over the earth, the present time being one of lamentation. Powers will confront one another with unknown weapons and humanity will be astonished."

THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN (06.12.2018): 

"Humanity will continue to suffer because of Nature; in one of its solar storms, the sun will bring down communications and man’s despair will be immense." 

 Our Lord Jesus:  

"Pray, My People: whatever happens, keep the Faith. Pray with your heart and you will be heard. 

"Be merciful; maintain your trust in Divine Protection and in the guardianship of My beloved St. Michael the Archangel and His Legions. 

"Come to Me without fear, with Faith, Hope and Charity. 

Do not despair, I remain with My People whom I will not leave on their own. 

Receive My Blessing. 

Your Jesus." 


  1. And sin has been replaced with '' Human failings'' at the last novus ordo I attended. Sounds like secular humanism to me.

  2. Revelaciones Mariana's does not stack up.For one, they are widely predictive with so many possibilities - they are simply looking downstream. Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser says the Antichrist does not come on the scene at this period. By his prophecy, we are now at the end of the 5th period of the Church. The Antichrist does not come onto the scene until the end of the 6th period of the Church. Venerable Bartholomew is one of the many accredited prophets of the Church. Some of the 'apparent' visionaries of our time are not all they seem. They can easily misinterpreted be especially if the foundation is wrong, no matter who the spiritual director is. Even they can get it wrong if they're not thoroughly researched. Zachary.

    1. Thank you.
      This blog's policy is to quote prophecies when they are, on the face of it, in accord with Church teaching and are helpful to readers' meditations and understanding of Christ and His Church.
      A quote from Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser:
      “The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars, famines, plagues, epidemics, and other horrible calamities. He will also afflict and weaken the Latin Church with many heresies. It is a period of defections, calamities and exterminations. Those Christians who survive the sword, plague and famines, will be few on earth. Nations will fight against nations and will be desolated by internecine dissensions…”
