Monday 16 August 2021


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Where are we? 
Give up?

We're in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North. It's the Vigil of New Zealand's patronal feast, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, and this is how the cathedral parish celebrated that Solemnity.  

Saturday 14 August–Come and See a special Light and Sound event inside the Cathedral. From 6.30pm hot cocoa will be available before the show.  Please be seated  before the 7pm starting time. It will be approximately 1 hour long and will feature the intricate details of our stained-glass windows displayed in larger-than-life movie form accompanied by surreal music. This will be a fabulous event – bring your family and friends!


It was advertised in the cathedral newsletter: Newsletter - Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North (

It was advertised in the public domain with the tag 'Concert and gig guide' via the PN City Library Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Light and • Palmerston North City Library (

Last Thursday after midday Mass, someone was handing out flyers.

 A reader of this blog comments: 

The stained glass windows of the Cathedral are beautiful; however their projection like this makes for a chaotic worship space. By its very nature surreal music is typically considered a 'new age' genre, and so not suitable for a cathedral - not ever. 

The triangle features in many of the event photos uploaded on Facebook. My first impression was their satanic nature. The triangle (similar to the Freemasonic compass) under the arc or a circle seems to be a  'stable' component in the light show.  A triangle in a circle is a widely recognised satanic symbol. 

The Freemasons' square and compass emblem

The Cathedral has not been beautified by this light and sound 'show' but is exhibited as in a state of chaos, set to a new age sound track.  

This 'show' has been passed off as entertainment, as evident in the references to offers of hot cocoa and your seating time. 

No doubt the 'audience' laughed and chatted even more than they do at a regular Sunday Mass. Another reader assumes that the Blessed Sacrament would have been removed before the event took place, but given that most cathedral goers behave as if the Lord were not there at all, that might be described as galloping assumption.  

There is a clear need for some spiritual direction regarding the use of liturgical spaces and it brings into question an exorcism, as actually the most prudent course of immediate action to remedy any repercussions? 

What confidence can we have that all this did not 'open up' the sanctuary to the demonic?  

We may have no such confidence.The cathedral and especially the sanctuary should be exorcised, and there is a priest at hand in the diocese who is specially trained in exorcism. He should be approached forthwith. 

Another reader chimes in:

They are setting up the new world religion so anything authentic that would lead to a closer relationship w God is not desired.   

The adjective they chose says it all..  That's what they are bringing into the Church with the NWO religion.  A freak show. Just got to clean out the remnants of tradition then it's all go. Distorting the stained glass window images is satanic. What do we do when we next go to the cathedral - no Holy Water there!  BYO? 

 SURREAL -.adjective: having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre,unreal, freakish, dreamlike, phantasmagorical.

It seems to have been a calculated insult to the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The lay faithful of this diocese are entitled to ask who stumped up for this event. There's no mention in the advertising material of door charges. So who paid for it? The Freemasons, perhaps?

Their chief dogmas are so greatly and manifestly at variance with reason that nothing can be more perverse. To wish to destroy the religion and the Church which God Himself has established, and whose perpetuity He insures by His protection, and to bring back after a lapse of eighteen centuries the manners and customs of the pagans, is signal folly and audacious impiety.
Neither is it less horrible nor more tolerable that they should repudiate the benefits which Jesus Christ so mercifully obtained, not only for individuals, but also for the family and for civil society, benefits which, even according to the judgment and testimony of enemies of Christianity, are very great.
In this insane and wicked endeavor we may almost see the implacable hatred and spirit of revenge with which Satan himself is inflamed against Jesus Christ. - So also the studious endeavour of the Freemasons to destroy the chief foundations of justice and honesty, and to co-operate with those who would wish, as if they were mere animals, to do what they please, tends only to the ignominious and disgraceful ruin of the human race - HUMANUM GENUS, ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON FREEMASONRY
Pope Leo XIII - when popes were popes and Catholics were glad of it 

Together with the painful wait for a decision on the future of the Traditional Latin Mass in the diocese, such degradation of our holiest place goes to prove how dire is the need of the Palmerston North Diocese for a holy bishop

We may safely say that this eerily Masonic event must have cost a bundle to produce. The use of the possessive pronoun, as in " 'our' stained glass windows" suggests it was hosted by the Cathedral Parish Priest, the very innovative and somewhat heretical Father Joe Grayland. 

Fr Grayland's fave pic  

Come to think of it, is Father Grayland's photo, featured on the cafhedral website, not eerily Masonic also? Look at the symbol behind him and ask yourself, what is it? Is this the reason for Father Grayland's innovations and heresies? Is Father Grayland a Freemason?

To enrol with the Freemasons brings automatic excommunication. As of course also does obstinate persistence in heresy. 

"O, if only all souls knew who is living in our churches, there would not be so much disrespect in these holy places!" - St Faustina

St Faustina, pray for us


  1. Re “Another reader assumes that the Blessed Sacrament would have been removed before the event took place…” I don’t think that was the case because the light (on the lower left of the picture) for the Blessed Sacrament’s presence is switched on.

  2. Anon says:
    People laughing, chattering and watching light shows in our cathedral. I expect the same people would observe quiet and reverence if they were invited into a mosque.

  3. Vaughan Alexander Jackson:
    No surprise to me at all.

  4. Sharon Crooks:
    The light show in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit on Saturday night ‘speaks’ for itself, set as it was to new-age ‘surreal’ music.

  5. Peter Grace:
    I don't know Fr Grayland, but I am horrified at the defamation of him. No proof is offered supporting the condemnation of him.
