Friday 6 August 2021




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The biggest lie ever told in New Zealand's history. And thank God, New Zealanders seem to be on to it at last. 

On March 19 2020, Jacinda Ardern  dismissed speculation on social media that the Government was poised to announce a nationwide lockdown.

"We will share with you the most up-to-date information daily. Do feel free to visit - otherwise dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth."

Six days later New Zealanders entered a nationwide lockdown (shows how right social media can be). And then 7 months later we elected this liar as our Head of Government.

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31,000 signatures to ACT's petition against Ardern,Little&Co's proposed 'hate speech' laws shows Kiwis may now repent voting for them in 2020. And if you haven't made your submission on this egregious legislation yet,  you've got till midnight. TONIGHT.

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If you haven't already filed a submission, it's easy to create one with our template say Voices for Freedom, the outfit responsible for the billboard above, one of several which have reached hundreds of thousands of Kiwis, on more than 100 screens nationwide.

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Some billboard companies were bullied into cancelling but at week's end over 65 screens were still up. A severe embarrassment, one hopes, to Ardern Little&C0. 

"Meanwhile, say Voices for Freedom, "the companies that stayed strong for freedom of speech on our behalf received hundreds of phone calls and emails in support with one saying, “We've been inundated with emails and phone messages … and over overwhelmingly - like 99% - are totally in favour of us keeping the boards up”.


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"Have no fear," say Voices for Freedom. "Just like Covid ends when enough Kiwis say it's over – this campaign stops only when we say so."

"And the disciples hearing, fell upon their face, and were very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them: and said to them, Arise, and fear not. And they lifting up their eyes saw no one but only Jesus" - Mt 17: 6-8.

The Transfiguration by Raphael
August 6


  1. 31 000. That's not a lot of voters.

  2. Helen Jackson:
    Great sign VFF, well done.

  3. Tyrone Cooke:
    There all going to prison after this video hopefully. (Link unfortunately doesn't translate to this page.)

    Raelene Beth Wendi Wilson:
    The link was down before midnight

    Jeanette Zinsli:
    How do you this in New Zealand. I have had two videos in the past year through Info wars which were banned proving Covid is a flu. There is no paperwork to prove otherwise and any fake paperwork profucedthey could be
    liable .
