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In Palmerston North Father Joe Grayland tendentiously denies the Catholic dogma of the Real Presence."Christ", he quotes an Aussie theologian chum as saying, "whom we receive as bread and wine from the table of the Eucharist".
In the US Father James Altman, who faced sanctions in the election campaign for preaching that you couldn't be a Democrat (a socialist that is, like NZ's 'useful idiots' who voted for Ardern) and a Catholic, who now preaches against Biden and accuses US bishops of 'an abundance of cowardice' (just like ours) in their Covid response, is targeted by the MSM who falsely accuse him of "flouting COVID protocols" and sharing "vaccine misinformation".
Staying with the States, US bishops will shortly have to stop dithering, and decide whether politicians like Biden who tout policies denying Church teaching can receive Holy Communion (as if the bishops don't know already). As Right to Life says, “Biden’s evolution into a virulent supporter of abortion on demand has been solidified by his record number of pro-abortion executive orders and reversal of pro-life policies.”
In California a child murderer on death row is awarded sex-change surgery.
'Skylar' Delion after his sex-change surgery at the taxpayers' expense |
In Rome we find that the Holy See’s investment management and real estate office (APSA) invested for 20 years in pharmaceutical companies that produced the abortifacient morning-after pill.
And that Jorge Bergoglio has visited homeless and needy people getting a free COVID-19 vaccine shot - which he says all Catholics are 'ethically' bound to have - from his Vatican charity.
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do they need a vaccine that doesn't work? |
In Canada, a bishop )+Ronald Fabbro, London, Ontario) says "baptisms should be discouraged". He’s responding to the latest draconian lockdown orders, but that cowardly response can surely only 'discourage' baptisms permanently. Which would be in line with Bergoglio's policy of non-conversion.
In Germany Catholic leaders support blessing same-sex couples with a massive service scheduled for May 10 in direct opposition to Rome’s chief doctrinal office.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx wants these guys to be blessed |
In New Zealand: Cathnews (haha) devotes several column inches to the liar Terry Bellamak (whose ALRANZ cronies now call themselves 'Abortion Rights Aotearoa', wouldn't you know it) and her preposterous version of what happens at prayer vigils outside NZ's babykilling facilities.
And that's just this week.
Quite evidently, it's chaos in the Church and in society, all around the world. And while some commentators (who, moi?) would like to sheet it all home to Jorge Bergoglio, the rot set in decades before his riggedelection to the papacy - even before the Second Vatican Council.
And now Father Joe Grayland at the PN cathedral can take licence with the truth of the Real Presence. In saying, at the 150th Jubilee of St Patrick's Waipawa, that we were there at Mass "to celebrate each other' (sic) Father took licence with the truth of the Eucharist. In dishing out Covid jabs Jorge Bergoglio takes licence with the health of the "homeless and needy" and with the generosity of those who donate to that Vatican charity.
A case could be made for the Novus Ordo Missae (New Mass) and the licence with the truth that it permits and encourages being a prime mover in the licence taken with God's truth throughout the Church and in society. We all acknowledge, and not so long ago bowed down before, something alluded to as "the spirit of Vatican II" which manifested itself in liturgical licence worldwide: altars and altar stones with the relics of the saints, altar rails, kneelers and altar rails all gone.
“According to the almost unanimous opinion of believers and unbelievers alike, all things on earth should be related to man as their center and crown.”
Now, that's not something Fr Joe Grayland said (although it could have been). That's something the Second Vatican Council’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, said. Truly. Such was "the spirit of Vatican II." We may hope it's a thing of the past.
It was the Novus Ordo that embodied and enfleshed that 'spirit'. Concocted within 5 years by a committee with a Freemason in charge and Protestants advising - their non-scriptural addition to the Our Father, which wild horses wouldn't drag out of me personally, was inserted as a sop to the false ecumenism that the N O encourages - it gives Father free rein to do as he pleases. And has taught us that 'communidy' (as Stalinda calls it) comes before God.
The traditional Latin Mass allows no such nonsense. In the TLM we worship God, not man. The First Commandment comes first. The priest faces God, not the people. "Say the black and do the red" is the rule. The texts are printed in black, the priest's actions are printed in red. There's no gainsaying the Latin Missal. Orthodoxy, not heterodoxy, holds sway. As Cardinal Pie once said, "There's no sanctity without orthodoxy". Behold the reason why sanctity is belittled and scorned by the Graylands of the N O persuasion.
And then there's the question of the Latin Mass texts - or rather, the N O texts, which omit almost all the former's scripture and prayers which refer in any way to sin or the wages thereof. Is it any wonder that after 50+ years of such anodyne blathering as 'the bread of life' and 'spiritual drink' that Father can get away with saying we're at Mass to "celebrate each other" and implying that there's no such thing as hell? And that attendance at Mass and reception of the Sacraments has plummetted?
The traditional Latin Mass in New Zealand needs to be restored to more churches, and to city churches, and we need more faithful, orthodox priests to learn how to celebrate it.
As a conversation starter on this question, here's the opinion of the Lion Rampant of Benneydale, aka Leo Leitch, who'd like to see the Novus Ordo celebrated in Latin.
"Well, Julia, the first thing is that Latin is a universal language, only appropriate for a universal Church. It was a marvellous thing that Catholics could wander the world and attend Mass anywhere, just as if they were at home. It would again be marvellous if Catholics could wander the world and attend the Novus Ordo in Latin anywhere.
You’ll know that Vat II directed that only some parts of the Mass be in the vernacular; Latin was to continue to be the first language of the Mass. Vat II also directed that Latin continue to be taught in seminaries.
The second thing is that our priests are incapable of improvising in Latin, so fidelity to the “script” occurs. I’m not sure whether a Latin Novus Ordo would discourage altar girls, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers et al, though.
The third thing is that the Novus Ordo is a dialogue Mass, even in Latin. I very much prefer joining in the congregational responses. I prefer a Latin Novus Ordo over an Antiquus Ordo.
I perceive that many adherents to the non-dialogue Antiquus Ordo have embraced a hostility towards the Novus Ordo because they associate it with the marginalisation of the Antiquus Ordo, rather than because of some theological or liturgical defect in the Novus Ordo."
Other contributions to this debate are welcome - as long as they're not in the order of Facebook responses to the post about the priest in Columbia whose mystical experience during Mass compelled him to state that in future, Communion would be given only on the tongue while kneeling, which at last count had risen well over 60.
But I needn't worry on that score: it's Protestants who are stirring that pot. Post-Vat2 NZ Catholics - even faithful ones who read this blog - aren't likely to get that worked up over religion.
From world-renowned Catholic historian Roberto de Mattei -
tps:// ”The eve of possible schisms is not the time to divide the Catholic world but to unite it on the basis of the Tradition of the Church.
"... In these difficult times, “a new more compact front of orthodoxy” ... is needed: a convergence and alliance of different initiatives of clergy and laity, each at their own level and according to the possibilities available to them, to confront the chaos that threatens us, entrusting ourselves and the success of our battle to the help of God, without Whom no success will ever be possible."
Christ Asleep in the Boat, Eugene Delacroix
Anne Greef says:
ReplyDeleteEach of us will stand accountable before our Lord.
Gruesome decision from Vatican II .....each to their own. Choose yr church & priest wisely. The faithful are the church not the buildings.
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, I Peter 1:3'
Having worked in a Catholic school I can assure you they are very corrupt. Run as a branch of the National Party the Princip often lied to the staff but got a papal knighthood as he was useful to the Auckland Bishop. Would love to know how much money this diocese gives the Nats. A priest here has strong connections to the club.
ReplyDeleteI agree. St Athernatius made similar points. The Arian heresy lasted 100 years. We may have another 50 to wait.