Sunday 12 April 2020


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Christ is risen! Alleluia!

The faithful Magdalen didn't let a "very large rock" stop her coming to the tomb at break of day "to anoint Jesus".

We could all follow the example of the late, great US Bishop Fulton Sheen who spent an hour in adoration with the Blessed Sacrament every day; if when away from home he found a church locked, he simply prayed "in the parking lot". 

Like Mary Magdalen we too can "anoint Jesus" with our prayer by driving to the nearest church, parking up and praying.

Ask St Joseph to go with you, as he went with Jesus and Mary into Egypt and safely returned. And if the bill stop you on the way, you could say you're a religious maniac. Say you're doing an "essential service" - worshipping God, which is the first duty of man. This isn't Victoria Australia yet; I bet they'd let you go.

Go on: I dare you. 

Someone commented that you should "make sure you don't have an accident it would give the Church a bad name  if the police knew it's (sic) members were breaking the law".

Does the Church not have a bad name already, its bishops having put Our Saviour under lock and key on the day of his Resurrection? And if you're driving to your nearest church, or biking or walking if you can, unless you're over 70 you're perfectly within the few rights left to you by this draconian Government.

I know of one other who has knelt, like Sharon Crooks, outside their locked church to pray. Fortunately there was no resident priest to shoo her away and lock the church gates, as Fr Grayland did to Sharon at Our Lady of Lourdes, Palmerston North.

Last night the chorus of doom on TvOne 'News' was enlivened by our Prime Minister announcing that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are "essential services". I kid you not. And so tonight, we were treated to warm-fuzzy clips of sweet middle-class kids in cute jarmies on a chocolate rush. Worth millions to the Labour-Coalition as campaign advertising. 

Now, I acknowledge that the PM has a special relationship with the Tooth Fairy- the latter obviously having had to pay up to little Jacinda at well over the  going rate - but really, are we living in the real world, or one of her making; a world of propaganda, fear and fearmongering in which The Lockdown of her own devising which may last, if she listens to US billionaire Bill Gates, for 18 months.

Here's a selection of the loaded words thrust at us in the 'News' - apart that is from the usual lead-in, a sinister shot of something labelled 'Dangerous'. We were told about the 'most vulnerable', 'extremely vulnerable' (i.e. old people); the 'deadly virus' (repeated ad nauseam, augmented as 'terribly deadly' - when 98% of the afflicted recover); 'victim' (an old person who's died, possibly of Covid-19); 'heartbreaking' (the death of one rest-home resident); and now the funny bit: 'kept in self-isolation'.

Then there's the warning from Ministry of Sick director-general Bloomfield, who, the lefty paper The Guardian tells us, now has a fan club: "the vulnerability of the elderly," intones Bloomfield, "underlines the necessity of Level 4 Maintenance". How long do Big Sister and Little Brother intend this virtual house arrest to go on?

Hey people, there's a war on. And ''in war, truth is the first casualty" (Aeschylus). Are we a bunch of suckers? Have 50 years of the trite and trivial texts of the Novus Ordo, and our consistently left-wing media, softened our brains?

A traditional Catholic defends The Lockdown, saying, "We are expected to accept the guidelines laid down by the Church and the Government. They are not acting outside their anointed Authority." 

This sounds like what Fr Isaac Releya of the Fatima Centre in Holy Week, speaking of the Covid-19 crisis and the Church's craven (my word, not his) response in cancelling Mass and locking Our Lord away, calls "false obedience".

"We must be obedient to Christ and His Church," says Fr Releya, "the true Church - obedient to the supreme law of the Church, which is the salvation of souls. Humility means to be grounded in the truth."

The trad (but hardly rad) Catholic continues: "an example of this is to be found in Sacred Scripture where Jesus surrendered Himself to the civil and Religious Authorities."

Jesus surrendered Himself to the Jews because He was guilty as charged by the Scribes and Pharisees: He admitted He was the Son of God, because that was the truth, and Jesus is Truth. 

Surrendering to the Government's and Church's  'guidelines' is surrendering to falsehood. The falsehood, the lie, is that Covid-19 is a crisis which demands this draconian response by Church and Government. 

How many have died from Covid-19? 20,550 deaths worldwide. In the US alone the flu has caused 23,000 deaths this season. And there are 125,000 abortions PER DAY. 

And what is the Government's and Church's reaction to those facts? Not lockdown, not fear-mongering, not screwing the economy. The truth is, those deaths go unnoticed and largely unlamented. The entire world and its livelihood, its future, are not sacrificed to the cause of the unborn. The world is sacrificed to the Goddess Coronaphobia.

And why? Because we are afraid, because Covid-19 might kill us.  And because there are demonic forces at work, using Covid-19 for their own evil ends.

What cowards we are. We're used to the flu, we're used (God help us!) to the slaughter of babies pre-birth. Oh it's a shame, we say - but abortion poses no personal threat. 

There were 777 deaths from Covid-19 on Holy Thursday in New York, where a year ago on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, 'Catholic' Governor Andrew Cuomo signed off on abortions up to birth and ordered NY landmarks like, significantly, the World Trade Centre, lit up in pink to celebrate.

Abortion murders babies mostly at around 20 weeks. Surely we need only see a baby born 4 months early celebrating its 'birthday' with the sweetest smiles for her mother, to realise what a monstrosity is just one abortion. 

"Women in New York," said Cuomo,"will always have the fundamental right to control their own body." Not, however,  when their body succumbs to Covid-19 and dies. How well is Cuomo sleeping at night now?

The idea that God is chastising New York - which has the highest rate, ratio and overall number of abortions in the US, and which is now the epicentre of Covid-19 in the States - would be scoffed at by liberal Catholics, and in New Zealand that's most of us. 

But 777- the number of deaths in NY on Holy Thursday, the day the Son of God offered the first Mass to the Father through the Holy Spirit - is believed to be the perfect number, representing the perfect Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 777 is regarded as a symbol of God. God's justice, like all His attributes, is Perfection. 

On Holy Thursday also,Fr Isaac Mary Releya, a Franciscan friar at the Fatima Centre, spoke at length of the "Mark of the Beast". "It's Scriptural," he said. And it is. The Beast  "opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. And power was given him over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation.

"And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb, which was slain from the beginning of the world" (Apoc 13: 6-9), etc.

"Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is 666" (ibid, 18).

The Douay-Rheims says this beast, the first of two, is probably "the whole company of infidels .... to the end of the world". The second beast (ibid vs 11-15), "may be understood of the heathenish priests and magicians; the principal promoters both of idolatry and persecution."

Well, I don't know about you, but the second beast puts me in mind of homosexual and abusive priests and certain hierarchy who act as PR for the Vatican, putting a spin on certain pronouncements; it speaks also of Pachamama, adored in the Vatican, and persecution in the Church today of orthodox clergy and lay people alike. 

"The Mark of the Beast" referred to by Fr Releya is "a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads." The beast "shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have (that character). 

"And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (ibid, 17). And then in the next chapter we read, "If any man shall adore the beast and his image, and receive his character in his forehead, or in his hand, 

"He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels, and in the sight of the Lamb.

"And the smoke of their torments shall ascend for ever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast, and his image, and whoever receiveth the character of his name" (ibid, 14: 9-11).

No wonder we never heard of the Beast and those verses in the NO Church of Nice.

Fr Releya, along with many Evangelical Christians, believe this Mark of the Beast to be the microchip, a tiny sensor under the skin which takes the place of a swipe card, allows women to turn their contraceptives on and off, monitor body temperature, hydration levels, UV exposure. Hospitals have begun to harness it to diagnose and treat patients.

Fr Releya identifies it as ID for the vaccination for Covid-19, for which Bill Gates (another 'Catholic'), Dr Tony Fauci, Jeffrey Sachs, George Soros, the UN, WHO, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other progressives who promote the New World Order say we have to prolong The Lockdown eighteen months. 

Dr Fauci says the world WILL NEVER BE NORMAL until he finds the vaccine. It's a poor look-out then, because according to Michael Matt of The Remnant, Fauci never found the vaccine he promised for HIV Aids.

Matt, as always, is worth listening to as he describes Fauci, Sachs and Gates as "the sorts that got beat up in high school, nerds". Gates "didn't even finish high school". 

Matt calls their use - misuse, more like, or manipulation - of the Covid-19 pandemic "The Revenge of the Nerds". They want to lower the world population; new technology they embrace is tracking down young women in Africa to find out who's on contraceptives - and who's not ...

Aw, gee! Contraception is such a Good Thing. Gates' wife Melinda - also a 'Catholic' - says she uses contraceptives. So that makes it all right, which is another Good Thing, as she claims that over 90% of American women use contraceptives.   

Of course, Pope Francis is solidly aligned with the UN, his good friend population control exponent Jeffrey Sachs, one of the Nerds. In fact, Matt calls the Pontiff "a dork", principally for claiming Covid-19 to be "nature's response to environmental damage"

The pope (or should that be 'Bergoglio' now, as he claims to be?) talks about his "dream of a new humanism". In his script for the "Global Education Compact for Youth" the Pope scrupulously avoids mention of the word "Catholicism". 

He is an embarrassment to the Church.

Jeffrey Sachs has announced that potential funding partners for Pope Francis’s May 2020 Global Education Pact to create a “new humanism” include U.S. billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, China’s wealthiest business magnate, UNESCO and other United Nations agencies, and the Islamic Development Bank.

Birds of a feather, flocking together ... 

Gates' funding of the Covid-19 vaccine, and the ID that will be required to receive it are evil tools, says Fr Releya, for governments which have no faith in God, who disobey the laws of God - and by Church leaders who have no use for the laws of God. 

He says the US Bishops have been bribed, that they receive $3 billion a year from the Government to do what they're told.

Let's face it, folks, the plan is to destroy the world economy - and that's on track in NZ - and replace it with the New World Order. This is the 200 year-old, Masonic plan to destroy the social Kingship of Christ. 

Fr Releya says we must respond with love to the perfidy of our bishops who have abandoned us in our time of need. We must repay evil with good. "Pray for them, that they may be converted ... Pray that Jesus Christ will renew His Church. This chastisement is to strengthen us; He will be victorious."

As for Michael Matt, he says, "Get ready for war. Be soldiers for Christ! Get on Facebook and say we're not putting up with this regime, this medieval psych game any longer. Write to your bishop! Demand they open their churches!"  

At least one lay person in the PN Diocese, Michael Fitzgibbon, has already done that very publicly. 

It's a psych game all right. We can't have Holy Communion at Mass, but we can have a pie at the Mobil station. The bishops can't open our churches but New World and Pak 'n' Save can open their supermarkets for the first time ever, for Easter Sunday. True, they were closed for Good Friday, but that was so they could restock their shelves.

A journo of my acquaintance, speaking of The Lockdown, complains of "occasional bouts of ennui." As the Body of Christ, we must suffer with the Head, and I have, but boredom is certainly not something I've had to endure in The Lockdown. Deo gratias.  

From the encyclical Quas Primas of Pope Pius XI: 

  “It would be a grave error ... to say that Christ has no authority whatever in civil affairs, since, by virtue of the absolute empire over all creatures committed to him by the Father, all things are in his power.”

Post Script: I'm sorry you're seeing red all over this post. It's the software. 


  1. Helen Carver:

    Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of grieving people in the world to them the tern 'coronaphobia' is an insult of utter ignorance

  2. Philippa O'Neill says:

    I know a few in Dunedin doing it too (praying outside locked churches.

  3. I left a red-daubed wreathe at my church door on Good Friday. It didn't survive into Saturday.

  4. Helen Carver says:
    "This year, Easter will be different for many of us, but by keeping apart we keep others safe. But Easter isn't cancelled; indeed we need Easter as much as ever. The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave His followers new hope and fresh purpose, and we can all take heart from this."
    Queen Elizabeth II

  5. Queen Elizabeth II yikes!! Be careful who you get your wisdom from! I mean.. Didn't HRH's dear husband, Prince Philip, state that when he died he wanted to come back as a virus and kill most of humanity?!! Whoa! That's real masonic thinking..!

  6. Philippa O'Neill says:

    Well... looks like the church will need to step up if things get as bad as we believe they will.. half of their congregations will be either super earners or unemployed! How many people are still in the joy bubble... this is just such fun... great family time... not looking at the huge big picture as to where this is taking us... prior to the last election it was a huge thing to have so many people homeless... that'll be forgotten this time around... still homeless, more unemployed... a socialist dream. Now a universal wage decreed... that's worked well in China and North Korea...

    1. Philippa, tell all that to the NZ Bishops, who to judge by their Easter 'Pastoral' Letter are loving their joy bubble and in no hurry to leave it.

  7. Bob Gill says:

    Re “looks like the church will need to step up if things get as bad as we believe they will”…I admire your ‘stepping up’ faith, Philippa!

  8. Gerard Christensen says:

    I just lost my respect for Bob (Jones) .. said he likes Jacinda!!???

  9. Brendon Lyons says:

    Thank you, very interesting, wait six months

    Helen Carver says:

    Jacinda Ardern is a wonderful person with outstanding leadership qualities- to harp on about her looks is sexist

    Bob Gill says:

    I do think "outstanding" is a bit over the top, Helen.
