Wednesday 29 April 2020


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St Peter's Basilica Rome, closed for the Easter Triduum
 although Pope Francis could have kept it open

"If Christ is the Head and Our Lady is the neck, would it follow that His bishops and priests are the spine of the Mystical Body of the Church?  Who are you bowing to?  Why do you not fight to gain an 'essential' status for the Church you were indelibly marked to serve?"

MaryAnn Keenan of St Mary's Palmerston North is imploring her bishop - who at the moment (+Charles Drennan having done a runner) is Cardinal John Atcherley Dew - to re-open our churches. 

Her emailed letter is a model for all faithful NZ Catholics to emulate. Please email or phone your bishop, wherever, using her plea to inspire your own words, your own viewpoint.

"I am writing from isolation," writes MaryAnn, "beseeching you to implement the strengths and faith that raised you to your position as leader in Our Lord's Church, to bring a hasty return for us to our Mass and Sacraments.

"This time has been a real test of patience and endurance for us, with deep lows of spirit in being separated from loved ones, from our faith community and our Lord Jesus.  

"But the pain and anxiety could be easily alleviated by some simple communication from your end.  It feels like we are living in a spiritual eclipse with no idea when this darkness will end. 

"There are only a few who can light-foot it through life. The rest of us carry weights, griefs and concerns which only the Lord can salve. We need the reassurance of the sanctuary light, to tell us He is truly present there for us.  We need His sacramental food and grace.

"It's only going to get harder from here on. There will be many struggling because of the economy and God knows what else is coming ... We need the spiritual strength and moral support of the Mass and our faith communities! 

"Why have you shut us out?

"If Christ is the Head and Our Lady is the neck, would it not follow that His bishops and priests are the spine of the Mystical Body of the Church? Who are you bowing to? Why do you not fight to gain  'essential' status for the Church you were indelibly marked to serve?

"At the end of your life it won't be the government who will reward you. Make the decision now to stand faithfully in persona Christi or you may lack the grace and courage to do so later when things get really serious.  

"There is no allegiance between God and Satan. The House of God must stand united against the storms that are coming.  We will be sifted like wheat ...

"Leadership is the position you have been given. LEAD US! Through Him, with Him, in Him! Communicate with His faithful, console us, feed us - strengthen what remains! 

"The antidote to fear and grief in this mess of a world is HOPE, and that is what our sacraments offer us. The hope of salvation, hope of eternal life, hope of freedom from slavery.  He holds His Pierced Heart out to us, but you have shut the doors and we can't receive Him! 

"We are not asking for much. We just want to be with our Lord.  We want to pour out our hearts and worship Him. The acute danger of Covid 19 has passed; we are not without commonsense and there are protocols which can be adopted to keep us safe.  

"Is it not more 'essential' for us to receive the Bread of Life than government-stamped junk food?  If we can click n' collect retail goods, can we not be absolved of our sins in a compliant fashion?  

"BECAUSE THIS MATTERS! The strongest defence we can mount against this pandemic is prayer, contrition and PENANCE, the greatest prayer being the Holy Mass.  

"Our government has deceived us by slipping the new abortion Act through while the world was so distracted by the germ. We are skating on thin ice.  

"In Jesus' Name, fight like a victor!  Do your part. Please. Just open the churches!

May God bless you and keep you safe, 


MaryAnn Keenan. 

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Pope Francis has called upon Catholics to pray for the “grace of...obedience” 
regarding Phase 2 of state lockdown regulations.

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The Catholic bishops of the United States and Canada are joining forces in reconsecrating their nations to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking her to intercede in the battle being waged against the coronavirus global pandemic.

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Two weeks ago on Good Friday a small group of Catholics prayed outside Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago as a way of expressing their desire for churches to be deemed “essential” during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Italy’s Catholic bishops have rebuked the Italian government after it announced new lockdown guidelines that permit various social and commercial activities but not public worship.

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It’s essential that churches be reopened. Our psychological, spiritual, and in some ways physical health, depends on it.


  1. Teresa Coles says:

    Good on her...

    Bob Gill says:

    I hope this good woman gets a response to her plea, at least an explanation as to why the churches are closed when the government says they can open. If there’s a genuine reason, Cardinal Dew, why the churches are not open, we’d all like to know.

    I say: Thank you, and have you emailed your bishop?

  2. Teresa Coles says:
    Heather and I were asking or hoping the doors of our church (in Taupo)could be opened to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and here is the reply.

    "As per Sunday’s newsletter the church will remain closed until level 2. I know this is a difficult time, especially for those whose spiritual lives and practices have involved daily mass (sic) and regular visits to the church. But to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable parishioners, this is a sacrifice we are called to make. God willing, we will be able to return to mass (sic) in only a few short weeks, as long as we all continue to do our part. Blessings on you both!!"

    It is one of our Parishioners that has written this, as she has been doing a lot for the Mons (Trevor Murray) n helping him when he goes online to say Mass...I am assuming that the Mons has helped in this reply...

    So sad and I know and feel the immense sorrow the woman in Palmerston is feeling at present.
