Wednesday 17 July 2019


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"Around 1978 the Italian police  raided a Masonic Lodge in Rome and got a list of Masons in the Catholic Church at the Vatican ..

In response to Monday's post, A METHODIST SERMON AT ST PATRICK'S NAPIER, Tony Keenan has  reminded me of 'Pecorelli's List' of supposed Freemasons highly placed in the Catholic Church. 

Tony might be chiding me, I think, for saying I was 'in doubt' that the architect of Vatican II, Monsignor Annibale Bugnini, was a Freemason. 

It's not so much that I doubt it,  it's just that Freemasonry - up until Paul VI's papacy the avowed and oft-declared (by several popes) enemy of the Catholic Church - is so famously secretive, it's almost impossible to prove that Bugnini or anyone else is/was a Freemason.

Tony goes on:

"A journalist named Pecorelli got hold of the list and published it, and was riddled by machine gun fire in 1979. I have read, but I cannot verify, that all the police involved in the raid met untimely deaths. The list is known as "the Pecorelli List" and is on the internet. 

Cardinals were apparently named on a list which was left beside  the bed of Pope John Paul I, ready for him to act on it the following day, but he was murdered that night. 

Bugnini's name is on that list. He "wrote" the Novus Ordo Mass in collusion with Protestants and a Jew, as I have read. 

Cardinal (actually Monsignor) Pinto, one of the current  Pope's right hand men, is on that list and  has expressed vehement opposition to the "Dubia" (the five 'doubts' submitted by four cardinals to Pope Francis following the publication of Amoris Laetitia).

There are 120 names on the list, the date they were inducted as Freemasons, their code name and the position they hold in the Catholic Church. If you are not aware of the list, you will be quite shocked. If you have seen it you will not be surprised at the state of the Church, and it will get rapidly get worse until we arrive at the 'Abomination of Desolation'. 

Julia, are you aware of the Alto Vendita, the Masonic blueprint for the destruction of the Catholic Faith. They have certainly succeeded."

Yes Tony, thank you, I am aware of the Alto Vendita. But strange to say, not a lot of the faithful are, so for the benefit of the majority, it's a document written in the early 19th century which mapped out the subversion of the Catholic Church, and I quote:

"Our ultimate end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution - the final destruction of Catholicism, and even of the Christian idea." 

The Alto Vendita was regarded at the time as the powerhouse of Freemasonry in Europe, and their goal was modified from the destruction of the Church (because they knew that was impossible) to infiltrating it in order to obliterate its influence in society and use it by "renewal", "progress" and "enlightenment" to further Masonic ends.

Which were the election of a liberal Pope and hierarchy, an upheaval and updating; a new theology contradicting doctrine and dogma; equality of religions, the secular state and pluralism. 

Two Popes - Pius IX, who guaranteed its authenticity and Leo XIII - asked that the Alta Vendita be published. Way back in 1884 Leo XIII wanted the hierarchy to "tear off the mask from Freemasonry and make plain to all what it really is." So does it strike you as strange that Catholics now have never heard of it?

We've all heard of the Freemasons; they're in every town, advertised by their cute little insignia, usually alongside Rotary (with which its said, the Masons are tied up), but gosh, Masons are nice people who go around doing nice things in "the community". Mention Alta Vendita or Masonic designs on the Church to certain parties and it brings them out in boils; a reminder to Father that one of his  flock is a self-confessed Mason and so automatically excommunicated, is dismissed with a "there, there, diddums" sort of response.

However, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan is on to it. He warns that Freemasonry is an "instrument of Satan seeking to destroy the Church". He says the goal of Freemasonry is to eliminate the entire doctrine of God, especially Catholic doctrine, the corruption of morality because they can't defeat the Church by logical arguments. 

'"The nature of Freemasonry is anti-Christian. They deny Christ. Freemasonry is another, anti-Christ religion. It is a mortal sin to become a Freemason - even Pope Francis has not changed this law. 

"It is difficult to demonstrate concretely, to identify, who is a member. It is very difficult and dangerous. The secrecy and esotericism of Freemasonry makes it very difficult.

"One can assume that a cleric, a priest, bishop, or cardinal, has some connections with the Masons by his speech. We hear clerics speaking like Freemasons, clearly, when they open their mouths they use terms and concepts that are typically masonic. Maybe he is not a formal member, but some bishops and cardinals speak clearly with a Masonic spirit."

Nearly 60 years ago St Padre Pio entreated one Fr Luigi Villa to devote his life to fighting Ecclesiastical Masonry. The saint met with Fr Villa three times, saying at the close of the second meeting, "Be brave now … for the Church has already been invaded by Freemasonry! Freemasonry has made it into the loafers (shoes) of the Pope!" That Pope was Paul VI.

By the bye, it's said that Fr Villa - who was given a Papal Mandate for his work by Pius XII - survived seven assassination attempts. And the newly-elected Pope John Paul I passed away in unknown circumstances before he had time to do anything about Pecorelli's List. Carmine Pecorelli, an investigative journalist and member of the elite P2 Lodge, was murdered.

Some of the bigwigs in the Church he named as Freemasons were Jean Cardinal Villo, Agostino Cardinal Casaroli, Ugi Cardinal Poletti, Sebastiano Cardinal Baggio, Joseph Cardinal Suenens, and Archbishop Paul Casimir Marcinkus. And Msgr Pinto.

Strange to say, Pecorelli's List passed without comment by the hierarchy. No one denied being on the list and no one was sacked for being on the list. Monsignor Bugnini was sent off to Iran as pro-Nuncio, but only after presentation to Paul VI of evidence that he was a Mason.

So I was wrong to have "doubt" about Bugnini.

I mentioned yesterday on the website 1 Peter 5 that at St Patrick's, the main city church in Napier, a Methodist minister had given the sermon at Sunday Mass while the PP was doing the same at the Anglican cathedral. Voila!" It's the "equality of religions" sought by the Freemasons 200 years ago. Hey people, here in the Church of Nice in New Zealand, Freemasonry has succeeded!

A chap responded to my comment from England, saying he lived in Wellington for a year. "It's a wasteland," he said. 

Has the Church in New Zealand been laid waste by Ecclesiastical Freemasonry? Are there priests and even bishops here who while not perhaps being formally members of a Lodge, sound like Freemasons? Like for example Pope Francis, who bandies Masonic terms about: "a family of broad horizons and fraternal loyalty … that Greater Fatherland …"

When Jorge Bergoglio was elected Pope the Freemasons were happy as sandboys: "The Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy expressed his joy regarding the election of Pope Francis: "With the election of Pope Francis nothing will ever be the same again. (emphasis in original). Can a Mason be a prophet? Sounds like it.

I'd say that given the impossibility of identifying Ecclesial Masons, we might well be guided by the duck test. If your priest or bishop sounds like a Mason and/or acts like a Mason, then he probably is a Mason.

Ergo, avoid him, his sermons, his newsletters, his retreats, and disavow his press statements. 

Pray for him. But never confess your sins to him. 


  1. A bridge too far implying that Pope Francis is a mason just because masons heralded his election. The LGBTQI community were happy about his election, does that mean he is gay?

  2. See above: "Pope Francis … bandies Masonic terms about: "a family of broad horizons and fraternal loyalty … that greater Fatherland".

    Pope Francis doesn't talk like a 'gay', or act like a 'gay' so going by the duck test, even if the LGBTQI community were happy with his election, one could hardly conclude that meant he is 'gay'.
