Thursday 18 July 2019


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"A quick whiparound reveals," says 'Anonymous', "that  I am only low to moderately opinionated!"

'Anonymous' had taken umbrage at my remark in A METHODIST SERMON AT ST PATRICK'S NAPIER, about 'Anonymous' getting about a bit and being extremely opinionated. Well yes, knowing this 'Anonymous' I have to say that compared with moi, 'Anonymous' is shy and retiring.

Before any other potential 'Anonymouses' shy off, let me explain that I was using 'Anonymous' as a group term: putting all my 'Anonymouses' together, one could surely say that as they come from all over they do put themselves about a bit, and putting all their opinions together they could fairly be described as extremely opinionated. 

Just a joke. My fault for not inserting a smiley face, but I refuse to lower myself thusly.

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