Monday 18 January 2021


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A reader of this blog who - like moi - is inclined to take a rather jaundiced view of things in the NZ Church of Nice in general, offers the following reflections (I hope he won't object to the p c terminology) on liturgy at Hamilton's Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Hamilton's Catholic cathedral, looking like a 'community centre'
- so to correct that impression they stuck crosses on 

"I attended evening Mass at Hamilton Cathedral today. I was refused Communion on the tongue. I refused to budge for a while, and caused the priest some angst, so some good might come of it.  

"The Kiss of Peace was left out of the Mass, no doubt as a genuflection to child murderer Cindie (our glorious leader, Jacinda Ardern), but that in itself is a good thing.

If you ask me, the 'Kiss of Peace' should be abolished altogether, or at least moved elsewhere, like the opening prayers, where it doesn't distract everyone horribly from preparing to receive their Lord and God in Holy Communion. 

"Incidentally, there was no alert given before Communion.

That's most unfair to shy, humble, retiring communicants (unlike our reader) who might die a thousand deaths of embarrassment. Or is this part of a campaign to put people off receiving on the tongue, as they have a right to do?

"I guess they presume that all congregants will have been watching Tv news avidly for rules applicable to Catholic Mass attendance. 

At least, unlike the rest of Tv 'news, such rules would surely be factual, non-propagandist and non-emotive.   

"There was holy water available at the church entrance, though. These guys are really on to it, and entirely consistent in their zealousness to protect us all.

In my parish church of St Joseph's Waipukurau there not only is no holy water, the very fonts have been removed; unscrewed from the wall. One wonders whether such an overtly Catholic item will ever be restored to us. After all, it might make our Proddy guests at Requiems feel uncomfy.  

"I might have mentioned previously that, when I attended the cathedral  November as a Confirmation sponsor of a far-too-young boy, I encountered Stevie Wonder (Bishop Stephen Lowe) in the foyer.    He steadfastly refused to shake my hand, tried to get me to knock elbows with him !!!  I told him to grow up.


Bishop Stephen Lowe, who was led to Hamilton by uncertainty

 "At that First Communion and Confirmation event in November, the Cathedral was packed, of course, with relatives who never otherwise frighten a church mouse.

"I was very interested to notice that there were congregation counters in action.

My experience is that the annual Mass count is an October affair.    But, you know the old song – “Don’t you ever let a chance go by.  Oh no, don’t you ever let a chance go by.” 

"Especially when you can make out that the counting personnel were all laid low by the China virus in October."

As a post script, I add this item from Rodney Pelletier of Church Militant:

 Lowe (Bishop Lowe) was present at the Aotearoa Catholic Youth Festival on December 2–3 (2017)and, along with other homosexualists Cdl. John Dew and Bp. Patrick Dunn, spoke to young New Zealanders and answered some questions.

He said the issue of homosexuality may be a ‘Galileo moment’ for the Church. Galileo Galilei was convicted of heresy by the Church in 1633 for teaching that the earth is not the centre of the universe but actually revolved around the sun. 

“‘The psychology is still up for debate but the Church has got to engage with the science and engage with the experience of couples with same-sex attraction,’ he said.”

I offer the following verses (Heb 13:7,8) for Bishop Lowe's consideration (mind you, like every good priest and bishop he reads them regularly in his Divine Office so maybe it's ignorant lay people like you and me to 'reflect' on these words of St Paul:

"Remember your prelates who have spoken the word of God to you; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation, Jesus Christ, yesterday, and today; and the same for ever. Be not led away with various and strange doctrines." 


  1. I imagine the Apostles are now thinking how they wasted their time suffering for the gospel when their progeny today (the bishops: RC and Anglican) seek to appease rather than challenge the government at every turn. We know the left crumble in the face of stern public resistance...and there are sufficient Catholics and Anglicans to make them very worried.

  2. Teresa Coles says:
    You should have received Our Blessed Lord on the tongue if you were at the end of the line ,as you can do here...We do not have Holy water though.

    Bob Gill says:
    Teresa: Ensuring you are at the end of the line to receive on the tongue is not easy. I have jumped the queue a couple of times myself because people have been slow to come forward; so far this has not created any problem, but I can imagine a time when I would be refused Communion. Remember too that Cardinal Dew has left it to individual parishes to decide their own Communion practice, which could have you being denied on the tongue at times.
    If I have understood Father Bryan Buenger correctly in correspondence, he has wipes at the ready should he inadvertently touch someone’s tongue during distribution (a rarity). It’s unnecessary, then, for certain communicants to be relegated to last in coming forward. I wonder why Cardinal Dew doesn’t adopt this simple strategy in NZ churches instead of creating strife with his existing strategy?

    Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    Banners at STM church, Mt. Maunganui.
    On the right we have the Holy Family, with the star above.
    On the left we have the three wise men and shepherds, ie society.
    Society should be marching towards the Holy Family. But in fact these figures, like society today, are marching ever leftwards towards oblivion, following not the real star, but the faint rays of some distant idol. And ever further from the Holy Family.

    David Gionnotti says
    I think some muppet, either ignorantly or purposefully, got the banners on the wrong sides. But felt banners...?

  3. David Gionnotti says:
    Here you can show them this and hopefully correct this error. Lex orandi, lex credendi.
    I say:
    David, yes indeed, felt banners - a dead give-away of a modernist parish. Ugh.
    · Reply · 2h
    Mike Kuipers von Lande
    David Gionnotti I thought the way they were spoke volumes for the reality.

  4. Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    In December, our parish priest gave a sermon comparing the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary (the Annunciation) to the government announcing the arrival of a covid vaccine.
    He directly compared (favourably) the government to God. Mary accepting and agreeing to become pregnant with Jesus was directly linked to the public agreeing to take the vaccine. Her trust in God was offered as an example we should use when wondering if to trust the government and pharmaceutical companies. Implicit was a condemnation for those who refuse. The suggestion was that refusal puts the salvation of mankind at risk in a similar way that a refusal by Mary would have put the salvation of mankind at risk.
    I kid you not.

    I say: Government propaganda.

    David Gionnotti says:
    Mike, time to change parishes methinks.

    Jan Stevenson says:
    Mike, wondering if he is on Gates’ payroll?? Disgusting. Did you make your views known? Or to the Bishop?

    Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    Jan, our bishop is a neo marxist. He would have approved the message.

    Coral McIntosh says:
    As with their pope.

    Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    David, I don’t know of a single parish in NZ that is different.
    The entire hierarchy is neo marxist and pro separatist, and the average priest either supports this wholeheartedly or tags along.
    Last year for example, when Ardern was pushing through her abortion bill, the church did nothing, nothing at all.

    I say:
    Mike, I agree with David. Vote with your feet and tell the PP why. Can you name your parish, as a warning to faithful Catholics to steer clear? I gave up making my views known to our bishop years ago; a waste of time. But if and when PN gets a new bishop, and the need arises, I'll certainly try again.

    Stella McLeod says:
    Attended a Mass on the West Coast (town withheld in case this isn’t the norm) - it was like old times; Holy water, sign of the peace and communion under both kinds!

    I say:
    Stella, yes, I believe the West Coast is something of a stronghold of the Catholic Faith.

    Noels Famularo says:
    My question is.
    Has the Communion Host actually been truly consecrated if the Priest is part of Bergolio's mission to destroy God's word? It seems to me that it would be just the same as receiving communion from a CCP appointed bishop or priest in China. What is the difference between the two?

    I say:
    Noels, I hope that if we receive the Host in good faith - especially when we have reason to doubt a heretical priest's intention to confect the Eucharist - God will honour our faithful intentions. But we should seek ways to make our faith known, and when and where we can shake the dust of a doubtful parish from our feet and flee to the Latin Mass, we should do so.

    Krauss Miles
    Shows how left is the RC church.

  5. Noels Famularo says:
    Julia I definitely see your point. I just remember Our Lady's warning of many many souls being led away from the truth.

  6. Philippa O'Neill says:
    No worries with communion on the tongue here.

  7. I say:
    Where is here? And is it a diocesan priest?

  8. Philippa says:
    Dunedin and yes re priest. Never been turned away yet. Been to Auckland just before Christmas and no prob there either and plenty holy water too.

  9. BOb Gill says:
    The medical profession advises us that pathogens are present on the hands through touching our bodies and other objects while in church. The Church tries to counter this by doing away with the Sign of Peace, but fails to stop passing around the collection plate!
    It’s during Communion time, though, when we really see the Church’s flawed strategy in action: such is the speed of distribution most of the time when giving Communion in the hand, the fingers of ministers likely touch the hands of Communicants on a regular basis. Let’s not forget too those ministers' hands that still insist on touching others during blessings! All of those germs are then passed on to those lining up last to receive on the tongue.
    So much for the slip-shod strategy of keeping us all safe! Communion on the tongue for all would surely be a safer strategy.

  10. Bob, you remind me, too, about filthy lucre. Nothing more certain to pass on bacteria than banknotes, and I notice plenty of those (well, some ��) in the collection plates.
    Haven't heard any priest warn congregants against donating banknotes !!

  11. Bob Gill says:
    I find the double standards of our bishops throughout NZ churches pathetic as regards how the Mass is celebrated during the so-called Covid issue. You'd think there would be uniformity in parishes as to how church services are to be conducted.

  12. David Gionotti says:
    Mike, truth be told. I'm a Catholic iconographer and I was once delivered a sermon on the icon of the holy trinity except the pastor swapped the Father and the Son around in his exposition. I couldn't tolerate it and wrote him a genteel letter lovingly correcting him and even gifting him with a print of one of my icons. Never got a response or a thank you and had to press the point, "did you get my letter?", after confession. I got a "yes" and a long awkward silence. Too proud to be corrected by a lay person.

    I say:
    I guess you're still praying for that priest. For his repentance, healing and conversion.

    David Gionnotti says:
    Julia, every evening in our family rosary and a perpetual novena to St Joseph.

    Hannah Dawson says:
    Mike, maybe it's after they presented their gifts and are leaving..?

    Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    Hannah, haha yes. Was waiting for someone to suggest that 😀. The rays of light they are following will still be problematic.

  13. Janet Curran says:
    A friend and I were at that Mass at 6.00 pm. We didn't go up for communion because it was Fr Darren who refuses to distribute communion on the tongue. Other priests in Hamilton do thankfully.

    I say:
    Fr Darren Who, please? I admire the SSPX priests, who DO NOT go in for the palsy-walsy Fr First Name style of the Novus Ordo (exemplified by Cardinal Call Me John). Respect, reverence for the priesthood requires the formality, I believe, of addressing them, unless you're close friends, by their surnames. A priest and a religious of the SSPX of my acquaintance address each other - at least in the presence of others - as 'Father' and 'Brother'. They accord each other the respect due to their vocations. I applaud that.
    And I deplore the fact that in effect you were refused reception of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
    This is persecution. It's an underhand attack on the Immemorial Latin Mass. I pray for Fr Darren and all other priests like him who have been deluded and misled by NZ's modernist, socialist hierarchy.

  14. Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    It’s Father Darren McFarlane. He was pp at Mt. Maunganui before the bishop took him to Hamilton. Nice guy, but I can’t imagine him rocking the boat.

    I say:
    Oh yes, he'd be a nice guy - usually by definition one who does not rock the boat.

    Philippa O'Neill says:
    I've noticed at a certain church here, at daily Mass, the priest no longer gives out communion at all, he has others do it for him. I'm wondering if this is after Pope Francis made it illegal for priests not to let women be eucharistic ministers?

    I say:
    Are the 'others' who do it for the priest - btw in contradiction of the magisterium - male, then?

  15. Bob Gill says:
    Philippa, he could have a physical problem. Any priest who does that and is in full control of his faculties, though, I would be tackling after Mass. If he didn't offer a reasonable explanation, I wouldn't be able to stop myself giving him a mouthful.
