Monday 24 June 2024


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The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is teetering on the brink of schism; the Catholic world is in a ferment.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - Antipope Francis' most pertinaceous critic and arguably the most prescient prelate in the Church - has been summoned to Rome to be charged by the Vatican with schism, excommunicated and even perhaps, defrocked. And all indications are that next month the Vatican will ban the Traditional Latin Mass from diocesan churches worldwide. 

Why has Francis waited till now to excommunicate (effectively, to silence) Archbishop +Viganò? Formerly papal nuncio to the US, he's been calling Francis to account since 2019, when he blew the whistle on the manifest sex abuse of seminarians by the notorious Cardinal McCarrick, and until now he's avoided official censure. 

But. Two weeks ago he stated on X (Twitter) that “Bergoglio himself committed the same abuses when he was Master of Novices of the Society of Jesus in Argentina, as personally confided to me by one of his former novices." 

Need we say more? And why did the Jesuits' America Magazine report that Archbishop Viganò had presented himself, as bidden, in Rome, with his lawyer?Viganò himself has explicitly denied it. He refuses to communicate with the corrupt faux church of the Jesuit Bergoglio (and who would blame him?). Doesn't it sound as if America was tipped off, expected the archbishop to comply, and now has egg all over its editorial face?

Faithful Catholics worldwide are quite rightly in an uproar. First. No pope has any power to cancel the Latin Mass anywhere. The papal bull Quo Primum (1570) granted to all priests of the Latin Rite the right to celebrate the Roman Mass in perpetuity. "If anyone should presume to attempt this" (oppose this Bull) "he must know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of his Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul" 

Traditional Catholics must thwart Francis' schemes to divide and conquer

Second. Francis is not a pope. He's an antipope. He was illicitly elected by the machinations of the 'St Gallen Mafia', a group of liberal prelates acting in concert with the Obama Administration to remove Pope Benedict XVI. The Body of Christ, as represented by Benedict, was the greatest obstacle in the way of the liberals' plan to dismantle the Church from the inside - which coincided nicely with the US Democrats' ambitions for socialist, globalist domination in their New World Order.

Third. Antipope Francis - Jorge Bergoglio - has, to quote Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the Vatican's doctrinal chief replaced by the tawdry Cardinal 'Tucho' Fernandez, "uttered plenty of material heresies" (vide the Pachamama idol worship in the Vatican, same-sex (sodomitical) blessings, Communion for adulterers). Even though his heresies don't rate as "formal", what moral right has he have to excommunicate +Viganò? Without allowing him any defence or due process of law? So much for his pontificate's vaunted openness and transparency. 

Francis with his statue of arch-heretic Luther: who's the schismatic? Francis or+Viganò?

Francis had every reason to excommunicate the appalling Jesuit Fr Marko Rupnik, and he did - but then lifted the excommunication and reinstated him with extra privileges. Who could not suspect blackmail to be the reason for this egregious episode, and for ignoring or befriending (importing transvestites to the Vatican by the busload) any number of sodomites and sex abusers, while cancelling holy clerics like "America's Bishop" Joseph Strickland, and now telling this archbishop (by email - how rude) to turn up in Rome  

In his statement on X, +Viganò went on to say,"Bergoglio does not want to oust homosexual seminarians and priests: he rather wants to complete the work of infiltration and corruption of the clergy through homosexuality and pedophilia, so that by declassifying the serious sinfulness of sodomy and corruption of minors, the door opens on the civil front to decriminalization of these crimes. 

"On the other hand, the same scurrilous terminology typical of the environments that the Argentine Jesuit deplores in words betrays his familiarity with corrupt people accustomed to speaking to him in this way." The archbishop is referring to 'Pope Francis' - the supposed head of the Catholic Church - offhandedly remarking about 'faggotry' in seminaries. 

The Vatican has cited +Viganò's public statements which have “resulted in a denial of the elements necessary to maintain communion with the Catholic Church.” But the literally disgraceful acts of this pontificate clearly demonstrate that it's Francis and his disgusting entourage who have not maintained communion with the Catholic Church, which now resides precisely in the traditional orders they have strenuously tried to eliminate. The Vatican has pointedly not cited +Viganò's foundation Exsurge Domine, his work for the Benedictine nuns of Pienza, or training new priests for the Church, and is not about to disclose any ulterior motive on their part, of cutting off support for +Viganò's venture.

The Mystical Body of Christ possesses the Truth, Jesus Christ who is Truth Itself. It follows that satan, the father of lies, hates the Church and inspires the world (especially English Protestants, for some reason) to hate the Church. The globalists wanted a pope who would win the world with his liesand they got what they wanted in Francis and his hierarchy.


The Church has been on this trajectory, heading for inevitable schism, ever since the Second Vatican Council unleashed the 'Spirit' which weaponised all the ambiguities and loopholes sewn into its fabric by an organised group of 'progressives' who outmanoeuvred the traditional faction and ushered in the heresy of false ecumenism.

Their most evident triumph was the Novus Ordo Missae, designed by a Freemason (+Annibale Bugnini) to dumb-down the faithful, to make them malleable, socialist - and Protestant. The plan was to replace the One, True Church with what Venerable Fulton Sheen in the '50s called an 'Ape church', which by now has morphed into the 'synodal church' of Francis and friends. They worked from the inside with Freemasonic and Communists influencers, and with Francis they have achieved their goal - it seems without arousing suspicion, much less indignation, in the pews of the Novus Ordo.

Which is why the Antipope has tried and is trying again to exterminate the Truth, Christ the King Who resides, and will always reside, in the Traditional Latin Mass and in the Church.  The Vatican must know the statistics: if the TLM continues, even in its currently restricted form, traditional Catholics will outnumber NO adherents in fewer than 50 years. 
We see why Francis and his heresiarchs want to get rid of the TLM! 

But traditional Catholics, priests as well as laity, have the Magisterium of the Church assuring them that the Latin Mass will continue throughout time, celebrated if necessary in private garages (like the SSPX Mass attended by a reader of this blog yesterday), in gymnasiums, in cinemas, if not on rocks in the countryside which once served as altars for priests in Ireland. But it won't be necessary, because Francis has no power to ban the Mass of Ages and any further pathetic attempts at overruling the Deposit of Faith should be ignored.

Old Mass Rock near the Iron Mountains, Ireland; it won't be needed

Catholic lay people are vital to the survival of the Traditional Latin Mass. "Hundreds of thousands of priests", to quote the commentator Father Charles Murr, "are confused" by the direction taken by this papacy, so-called. Ask a Novus Ordo parish priest how things are, and the answer is likely to be, "terrible!" Our Lady of Fatima calls the laity as well as priests to prayer, penance and sacrifice. Traditional Catholics know that, but likely not Novus Ordo-ites, whose priests are inclined to think of Fatima as pre-Vat II and just for fuddy-duddies. 

Priests aren't just confused, they're demoralised and fearful. Fr Murr and Dr Robert Moynihan, the founder and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican threatened for his traditional views, admit as much here:

Prelates and priests are afraid to speak out under this totalitarian diktator antipope, for fear of losing their heads - being cancelled like Bishop Strickland or excommunicated, like Archbishop Viganò. That's a scandal, right there. But nothing like the scandal of Freemasonry in the Vatican, investigated and reported to Pope John Paul I by Archbishop Edouard Gagnon in 1978, with every expectation of a full enquiry. Within hours, John Paul I was dead. 

Lay people have nothing to lose in this world by defending the Social Reign of Jesus Christ the King and his priests in this world, and everything to gain by it in the next. They need to be aware of the Vatican's hopes of dividing traditional Catholics into pro-Viganòs and anti-Viganòs - slim hopes, if social media are to be believed, with a marked dearth of antis in evidence.

Bergoglio and his affiliates have constructed "a network of lies, intrigue, espionage, mistrust and, more effective than anything, fear. Bergoglio is a person who above all knows how to generate fear."

Corroborating Archbishop Viganò's statement on X in regard to Bergoglio's sex offences with seminarians is Gene Gomulka, a retired (O6) Navy Captain/Chaplain, author, investigative reporter, and screenwriter. He also works pro bono as a sex abuse victims’ advocate. 

The protection and promotions granted to countless corrupt and perverted cardinals, bishops and priests; the busloads of transvestites invited on several occasions to the Vatican; private hearings for transsexual and homosexual couples in concubinage; the scandalous LGBTQ+ media spotlight granted to James Martin, S.J.; the shameful promotion of Tucho Fernandez to Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; the recent appointments of two Canons of Santa Maria Maggiore who are known throughout the city of Rome as homosexuals, all confirm Bergoglio’s membership of the lobby to which he owes his nomination (and I am deliberately not calling it his ‘election’). 
While Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI covered up abuse before and after their papal elections, I found no proof or even allegations that either of them abused seminarians or had sex with other priests or bishops.
I argued for some time that Francis cannot discipline the some 150 bishops credibly accused of abusing minors and vulnerable adults because many of them know that he, Jorge Bergoglio, was reported for having sodomized novices in places like Cordoba like McCarrick abused seminarians and young priests in NJ and elsewhere.
This has been covered up for some time just like the fact that at any given moment in time less than half of all priests are practicing celibacy, and over 80% of US bishops and Vatican officials are homosexuals. 

Ann Barnhardt was right!

Catholics will never learn this from the mainstream media or many Catholic publications.  I would bet my military retirement that former Jesuit Marko Rupnik is also knowledgeable of the pope’s past sex life. 

Thought for the Day: “If the pope can get away with screwing novices, why can’t Rupnik rape nuns and force them to drink his semen out of a chalice?”  P.S.  Might this have something to do with the pope being subject to blackmail? See: 

Beware of papabile who can be blackmailed

READ: Six cases where the sexual abuse scandal touches Pope Francis

In my work as a sex abuse victims’ advocate, I find that most victims report their abusers to the Church because they are deceived by prelates’ empty pledges of “transparency.” These victims come to regret ever having approached the Church with their complaints after experiencing how bishops gaslit them, ignored or whitewashed their reports, and kept credibly accused predators in ministry. In a similar way, I believe that both Viganò and I trusted our superiors (Francis and O’Brien, respectively) to act on our complaints against homosexual predators because we were not aware that they themselves were homosexuals accused of abusing their power over seminarians.

Francis’ shielding of gay priests would come to light some two months later when he responded, “Who am I to judge?” when asked not about “the sexual orientation of priests” – as incorrectly reported by the Associated Press and other news agencies – but about his sexually promiscuous gay friend, Monsignor Battista Ricca. any kind of damning discovery Viganò might produce to the Vatican in his defense (e.g. the testimony of informants who have already gone on record corroborating the abuse allegations Viganò reported against Francis) will fall upon deaf ears.

No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this “Bergoglian church,” because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ. Viganò, Invoking Lefebvre, Faces the Vatican Summons - OnePeterFive

Archbishop Viganò has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Holy Catholic Church.

Is this post beginning to look like a pile-on? Good. Because that's what it is. A pile-on.

A senior Archbishop is going to make an unprecedented appearance in a British court to be cross-examined over a £350m London property fraud case that saw Pope Francis authorise wire-tapping.

In previous British legal proceedings the Vatican has claimed diplomatic immunity and refused to allow officials to appear as witnesses.

But now Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, a close aide to the Pope, will make an appearance in the Vatican’s ‘trial of the century’.

At the heart of the trial is the 350-million-euro purchase of a luxury property in London which used to be a car showroom and garage for Harrod’s.


Luca Roma SJ with one of his 100+ indigenous child victims

The Society of Jesus in Bolivia has admitted that its handling of the pedophile case of the Spanish priest Lucho Roma - who abused and photographed at least a hundred Indigenous girls and detailed his actions in writing - “were negligent, indolent and disastrous.”


Today the Church celebrates the birth of St John the Baptist. No other saints are commemorated on their birthday, but as St. Augustine explains, the Baptist was freed from original sin in his mother’s womb at the greeting of Mary. 

The parallels between the fate of "the greatest saint born of woman" - his beheading by Herod Tetrarch of Galilee - and that of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò are obvious. If Antipope Francis and his Vatican want to make a martyr out of the archbishop, they're going the right way about it. 

We must pray and sacrifice for Archbishop Viganò, and for 'Pope Francis', Antipope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (or what you will). 

The Beheading of John the Baptist

But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you (Mt 5, 44). 


  1. Come on we all know why now the poop must go after the catholic. the closeted secrets of Jorge are being revealed. the sweet sugar in Jorges shoes are being exposed. can we all say homosexual???

  2. Finbarr O'Regan24 June 2024 at 16:15

    You are spreading rumours and conjecture be careful you are playing with your eternal soul I wonder who is promoting you

    1. The silence of lay people in the presence of such evil is complicity in that evil. And by wondering who is promoting me, are you yourself not spreading conjecture? In the interests of dismissing any rumours, may I say no one promotes me and I earn absolutely nothing by my blog.

    2. Finbarr O'Regan24 June 2024 at 16:32

      we as catholics are bound by our pope not by you or previous popes this nonsense about the Latin mass being the only way to hear Mass is complete nonsense after the crucifixion when the apostles came out of the room they were hiding in after being receiving the Holy Spirit the went into the squares of the villages and spoke to the people and the people heard them in their own languages and as for getting the host in the hand didn’t our saviour break bread at the last supper and gave it to all in their hands and finally our lord said when he was here it is not what goes into a man that makes him unclean it is what comes out


    3. Julia du Fresne
      Finbarr O'Regan 1. I'm really not aware of ever having said that Catholics are bound by me or by anything but the Magisterium of the Church.
      2. One can't compare the great miracle of Pentecost, and the Apostles speaking in tongues, with priests and people in the Church of the present day. But when Latin was the universal language of the Church in the universal Latin Mass, it was so familiar to Catholics it was as if they heard it as their own tongue.
      3. Our Saviour broke bread and gave it into the hands of His newly-ordained priests, not to queues of lay people (many not even in a state of grace).
      4. What goes into a man's hands in the Novus Ordo is the Most Sacred Body and Blood of our Saviour Who falls to the floor in tiny particles - each one His Body and Blood - to be desecrated by dirty feet.
      5. It's when what comes out of our mouth is not the truth that we are unclean.

    4. Finbarr O'Regan, "we as catholics are bound by our pope not by you or previous popes this nonsense about the Latin mass being the only way to hear Mass is complete nonsense after the crucifixion when" etc, etc ...
      We as Catholics are bound by all current and past Popes' formal decrees when they are ruled Ex Cathedra, past and present.
      Popes are simply ruling that something is true, or that it is not true (as is the case with Pope Pius X's encyclical, Modernism is a Heresy. Something that is true is and was always true. Hence Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1908) binds all Catholics forever, including all future Popes.


      At the end of The Council of Trent Pope Pius IV gave the Church the (Latin or "Trad" Mass) Mass for all time. This is binding on the Church and can not be changed or revoked by future Popes.

    5. Michael, Pope Francis has shown he is not effectively bound by doctrine or scripture. He can make new rules that violate doctrine and scripture, and if the majority of Catholics accept them, his new rules stand.

      For example, Pope Francis has enabled the blessing of sodomite couples, while at the same time condemning sodomy. His new liturgical rule simply ignores scripture and doctrine. He can have his cake and eat it, if the majority let him. He has made the Church an effective democracy, it's no longer a theocracy that faithfully follows the teachings of God.

    6. Finbarr O'Regan24 June 2024 at 20:35

      yes he gave it into there hands ordinary men fisher men and other ordinary men from different parts of life Yes I can say Pentecost was an example he was saying go to all parts of the earth and tell them not in Latin but their own language so they could understand his words I was an alter boy and served the Latin mass but it was parrot fashion a lot of what we repeated we didn’t understand it was only recently that I had an interest and could paste together different words that i understood different prayers. Latin was only preached because of Constantine who allowed the church to exist after winning a battle which after a dream he saw the cross he put it on their shields saying in this sign we conquer ( in signo vinces) and at that time Latin was the language of the known world but there is a lot more of the world today that was not heard of then and the they must hear the good news in their own language so they can join or not by choice there are things in every generation that are going to upset certain people but we must stay true to our leaders especially our pope who was elected we must have faith all will be as is ordained by god our pope is the anointed one and our leader

    7. Have you heard of English/Latin hand missals? Have you heard of the St Gallen Mafia who illicitly engineered Bergoglio's election? Did you read the post? Evil is not ordained by God, but inspired by satan.

    8. Finbarr O'Regan25 June 2024 at 16:43

      yes of course there are English / Latin hand missals but you’re missing the point the Elephant in the room as for the Mafia rigging the vote i haven’t a clue and neither do you or anyone else more you should pray for our pope instead of listening to rumours about him more damage done by miss. Information than the truth that’s how the devil works after all his name translates into the scatterer for if you divide you conquer don’t feed into his turmoil stand firm have faith

    9. I assure you I pray for the cleansing of the Church, for the pope, cardinals, bishops and priests, every day. I should perhaps pray every day for lay people too, to be woken up.

    10. Finbarr O'Regan26 June 2024 at 01:25

      keep praying and that is enough leave the rest in the hands of the almighty for as you should know all will be correct in the end nothing more is in our hands just place all our trust in god as Israel years ago were facing the Persian army in yesterday’s gospel

    11. Yes, all will be correct in the end but in the meantime how many souls are heading for hell. misled by the terrible heresies of the current pontificate?

    12. Finbarr O'Regan26 June 2024 at 01:26

      that’s not for you or I to judge Trust in god end of ( judge not lest you be judged yourself)

    13. Please understand that I am not judging Francis. I am judging his deeds, as Catholics are all called to do. We must judge deeds (especially our own) as right or wrong, day in, day out. In regard to our own deeds that's called examining one's conscience. In regard to others it's called discernment, or right judgment and Catholics must be guided in it by Sacred Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church.
      It seems, as you cite the Persian army in Sunday's Gospel, that you attend the Novus Ordo. I strongly advise you to find a traditional Latin Mass, where you will find the real food for the soul that sustained the saints throughout the ages.

  3. Graham Houghton24 June 2024 at 16:17

    Who cares it is so deceptive full of lies and choose what books to include in their version of the bible and more importantly what books to leave out, so they could deceive you.

    1. That's very funny. The books of the Bible were chosen, assembled and published by the Catholic Church. It was Martin Luther, who led the Deformation of Christendom, who cut out of Holy Scripture the seven books he didn't like.

  4. Graham Houghton24 June 2024 at 16:19

    The schism started when this satanist based church was first formed and they have and are one of the greatest deceiver's of our time

    1. This 'satanist based church' was formed by Jesus Christ Himself, on the rock of Peter, the first pope. Formed, that is, by the Son of God. Whereas EVERY other church in the world was formed by mere men, long after Christ formed His: so the Reformation, which began the zillion different brands of Protestantism, was the greatest schism.Think about it, study some non-Protestant (i.e. unbiased) history and stop deceiving yourself.

  5. I honestly think the US ELECTION has something to do with it. AND, I don’t think I’m wrong.

    1. I agree with you: the US election has a lot to do with Vigano's excommunication. As always, Bergoglio is serving the interests of globalism and all which that implies.

    2. Yup yup YUP.

  6. Deeanna Maria Pierrepont-Bottsoe24 June 2024 at 16:51

    I’m standing with Archbishop Viganò.

  7. Raewyn Coulter24 June 2024 at 16:54

    I read this pontiff was in charge of moving pedo priests around and paying off victims with hush money before he became the pope,
    Many nuns lost their homes as he sold them for money to pay out victims.

  8. GOD BLESS HIM. I hope he is GOD’S choice to remove francis and his hierarchy, and the Freemasons from HIS CHURCH ❤️🙏❤️

  9. Deanna Maria Pierrepont-BottsNN24 June 2024 at 17:07

    I have been reading, paying attention, and putting the pieces together for quite sometime now! Banning the Latin Mass also has me very sad! It is a bit of Heaven on Earth & I sincerely want it to stay in our Catholic Church! I do believe Archbishop Viganò is a true man of God, loves our Church & wants to see it thrive in all beautiful ways! About the accusation. I truly do not believe Archbishop Viganò would be making this claim if he did not have strong evidence or documentation. The whole situation is not good for our Church!

  10. Kristian Keller24 June 2024 at 20:37

    Oh so you want to call "council" to "depose" Francis... Burke has no flat, and Vigano "Summoned to be excommunicated".
    Don't you see O FOOLISH antisedevacatnists, that Francis has no authority since he is a heretic, and if he for sake of argument had authority, that the first see is not judged by anyone? Heretic cannot judge anyone, heretic has no jurisdiction power in Church. (Also both Vigano and Burke are long term compromised).

    1. I'm not aware of having called a council. Did you read the post, which states that Francis has no moral authority, by reason of his not being a pope but an antipope, and of being a material heretic? I'm interested in your references for +Vigano and +Burke being 'long term compromised' but thank you, I'm not interested in an ENDTIMES. video.

  11. Carol Kleinert24 June 2024 at 22:49

    Absolutely I do!!

  12. He might excommunicate Cardinal Vigano from the Church but God will not excommunicate him from Heaven l !

  13. Archbishop Viganó defends his accusation of being a schismatic by declaring himself one. He rejected His Holiness Francis, the Catholic Church, and Vatican II. The above post deals with rumours and conspiracy theories. Archbishop Viganó is by his own admission a schismatic.

    1. Tom Leighton +Viganó has risked his ecclesiastical career - and perhaps, given the current Vatican mindset, his very life - in defending the Catholic Church AGAINST Francis and the errors, explicit and implicit, of Vatican II which denied the truths of the Deposit of Faith. The material heresies of Francis are neither rumour nor conspiracy theories but fact, and a man of God has no choice but to reject them and with them, Francis himself.

    2. accusing a lawfully elected thus valid pope of a nefarious mortal sin is quite mediæval of you and a Borgia-esque.
      Please enumerate the errors of His Holiness, complete with references to dogma, canon law, and the like.

    3. He was not lawfully elected. That's my point. Please refer to my blog posts for the information you require. Or read Ann Barnhardt. Or OnePeterFIve. Or Lifesitenews. Or Crisis Magazine. Or watch Michael Matt on Remnant Tv or subscribe to the Remnant newspaper. God bless you.

  14. Patsy Schembri25 June 2024 at 22:48

    Prayers for the whole Catholic Church !…

  15. Evangeline Tordo Ruso25 June 2024 at 22:49

    Lord, have mercy on us. Amen.

  16. What's wrong with the Pope taking aw a y the Latin Mass is he liberal? What's his agenda?

    1. He can say he's taking away the Latin Mass but he has no divine, magisterial power to do so. Have you read the post?
