Thursday 1 February 2024



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Ngarewa-Packer defends Maori's "strong culture" with the Marxist salute

The mainstream media really do seem to believe their God-given vocation in life is to tell New Zealanders (including MPs, even or especially the Prime Minister now that the PM happens to be right-wing) what to think. Not just to say what's happened, and when and how and how often it's happened, but to instruct us on the politically correct, woke interpretation of events. Perhaps that's why the coven of Parliamentary 'reporters' (hah!) such as Tova O'Brien, and the hyphenated one before her, remind us irresistibly of head mistresses - of a type which unfortunately is now extinct. 

But PM Luxon does seem to be asking for it. Because he says the Treaty of Waitangi is "a partnership". It isn't "a partnership" - or so says the widely-respected Elizabeth Rata, academic and sociologist specialising in Maori education, whose PhD was in the philosophy of education, her thesis being an investigation of Maori revival and retribalisation.

The whole vexed question of the Treaty and its likely hi-jacking for exploitation by the Marxist Te Pati Maori on Waitangi Day serves as a cogent argument for a restoration of the Sovereignty not of Queen Victoria or King Charles but of Jesus Christ and His Social Kingship. 

Elizabeth Rata 

Within a day of becoming the National Party’s leader in November 2021, three of the nation’s most influential broadcasters — Ryan Bridge (The AM Show), Lisa Owen (Checkpoint) and Jenna Lynch (Newshub) — asked the new Leader of the Opposition whether he viewed abortion as tantamount to murder.

Christopher Luxon acknowledged that was his view but insisted the abortion laws were settled and he wouldn’t be revisiting them in government.

He was clearly uncomfortable being put on the spot over his religious beliefs and it must have felt like an astonishing coincidence — if not a stitch-up — that three senior journalists should ask him much the same question so soon after his promotion (and moreover on a topic that wasn’t even in the news). However, it undoubtedly taught him an important early lesson — given any chance at all, the media were going to crucify him. A honeymoon was definitely out of the question.

Subsequently, as a new leader finding his feet, Luxon shut down debate on several controversial topics just as soon as they appeared so journalists couldn’t exploit any chink in his armour or that of his party.

In February last year, National MP Maureen Pugh told journalists she had yet to see evidence humans have contributed to climate change. By that afternoon, after a media pile-on, she had publicly recanted, repeating the climate-change catechism in the hope of forgiveness: “I accept the scientific consensus that human-induced climate change is real and there is a need to curb greenhouse gas emissions.”

Pugh claimed her heretical words that morning had simply been misunderstood.

The speed with which Luxon closed down that honest expression of opinion was a tacit acknowledgment of the brute power the media will happily wield to destroy politicians who are critical of the media’s sacred causes — which include any criticism of anthropogenic climate change and transgender ideology. No doubt, for that reason, he steered clear of these topics on the campaign trail.

Another sacred cause being demonising of the tobacco industry, newbie MP Casey Costello has the MSM pack baying at her heels

Ironically, the media’s determination to subject Luxon to a baptism of fire in his earliest days as leader has probably done him a favour. As the newly elected Prime Minister, he will have no illusions about how relentless his second baptism of fire over Māori issues will be.

However, this time he is no longer the newbie trying to establish his authority. He is the leader of a popular coalition government in which all three parties campaigned on winding back co-governance.

He now also has the support of two formidable Māori politicians on either side of him in Winston Peters and David Seymour. Perhaps for that reason, he appears confident he can handle whatever journalists throw at him over the government’s position on Māori issues.

That was apparent at Ratana last Wednesday when he was repeatedly pressed to rule out supporting David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill beyond a first reading and the select committee stage.

Despite having been accused on the marae of leading a “three-headed taniwha” and being “an enemy of Māori” — and Winston Peters and his deputy, Shane Jones, being called “taurekareka” (slaves) — Luxon exuded bonhomie in the stand-up press conference in the afternoon sun. He reassured his audience: “I don’t mind the provocation, I don’t mind the challenge.” He also repeated his mantra: “No intention, no commitment to take [Seymour’s bill] beyond the first reading”.

This refusal to play the “rule-in, rule-out” game seemed to discombobulate Newshub’s political editor, Jenna Lynch, who had asked him directly if he would “categorically rule out supporting the Treaty Principles Bill past first reading”.


Lynch - told by Winston to "Naff off"

After once again being denied her “gotcha” moment, Lynch tried to work out why the Prime Minister was so unwilling to do what she — and her fellow journalists — clearly expect. After all, they have made it crystal clear that a referendum is completely unacceptable to them. They seem to find it outrageous that Luxon won’t meekly agree that the right thing to do is to quash it — and that he intends to do just that.

Confounded, she tried to resolve this conundrum on air, thus revealing her gloriously muddled and presumptuous thought processes to Newshub’s evening audience. Lynch decided a firm hand was required to bring the Prime Minister into line and issued a stern warning:

“Christopher Luxon’s language around that Treaty Principles Bill needs to be refined. He needs to communicate clearly either why he is not categorically ruling out supporting it past that select committee process, or, if not that, why he was even open to it in the first place if it was never going to result in a law change or referendum as the Act Party intended it to.

“Letting it go through these stages just to be killed in the process could be seen as a total waste of Parliament’s time but, not just that, it’s sparking a heated, divisive debate for an unclear outcome.”

It obviously hadn’t occurred to Lynch, as she ruminated directly to camera, that perhaps a national debate, however divisive, is needed to sort out what sort of constitutional future might be best for New Zealand and that such matters lie properly within the remit of voters. And someone should break the news to her that the Prime Minister doesn’t need to “refine” his language just because she can’t read between the lines.

Most of her viewers will be able to work out that Luxon is waiting to see how the debate progresses — and assess just how popular a referendum might be — before he decides exactly how to proceed.

Lynch put the same question about the future of Seymour’s bill to Winston Peters, who was far less diplomatic than his leader. As he walked past her, he responded: “I said I’ve had enough of novice day. Naff off, for goodness’ sake, I’m not wasting my time.”

When she asked Seymour how he felt about his colleagues’ stance, he replied jauntily: “They’ve said they have no commitment to go further. They’ve also never ruled out going further so that’s good enough for me.”

Just in case Lynch and her viewers might be left in any doubt about the depth of his confidence, Seymour signed off with a snappy grin directly to the camera.

Weirdly, after demanding Luxon specify the limits of National’s support for Seymour’s bill, Lynch described it as “dead legislation walking”. If she is so sure the legislation has no future, why ask Luxon repeatedly to be more precise?

Of course, Luxon has every reason to look relaxed and unperturbed by the media onslaught. His first few months in office have met with public approval. The results of a Curia poll published on January 16 showed National hitting 41 per cent, up from the 36.5 per cent it scored in the December poll.

And for the first time since February 2022, more people said the country was on the “right track” than the “wrong track”, with a net 4 per cent saying New Zealand is heading in the right direction.

It’s also a safe bet that internal polling is showing that the coalition’s willingness to stand up to the Māori nationalists — whose cause thrived under the Ardern-Hipkins government — is a lot more popular than the mainstream media would have us believe.

Luxon’s sunny response to the barrage of insults, petulant queries and barely veiled threats of civil disruption over the suite of policies rolling back co-governance could be accurately described as “Keep calm and carry on.”

With both the Kingitanga hui and Ratana now behind them — and the Prime Minister still unrepentant — journalists look to be pinning their hopes on the annual gathering at Waitangi on February 6 to bring him to heel. Consequently, Newshub’s anchor Mike McRoberts opened a live cross to Lynch at Ratana with a leading question: “If the government got this response at Ratana, what’s Waitangi going to be like?”

Lynch explained that Ratana was traditionally a polite affair but the gloves would really come off at Waitangi. The government, she predicted, will be in for a “right dressing-down” when it heads north.

Lynch is not alone in her desire to see Luxon taught a lesson. In a column published late last week, Stuff’s chief political correspondent, Tova O’Brien, related how Luxon had defended the divergent views between the government parties on the need for a Treaty principles referendum at his post-Cabinet press conference: “Yes, there will be differences… but at the core of what we’ve got in this government is massive alignment around the things that matter most to New Zealanders.”


O'Brien savaged MP Jami-Lee Ross for misleading people about the pandemic: the pot calling the kettle black?

O’Brien recommended — in her best impression of an imperious headmistress — that the Prime Minister should take “the week and a half before Waitangi to reflect on that statement and how much Māori rights matter”.

In short, Luxon needs to stand in the corridor outside Ms O’Brien’s office until he comes to a full understanding of what he has done wrong and can present himself to her with a much more contrite and respectful attitude.

At some point journalists will really have to accept that Luxon is now the Prime Minister, and no longer someone they can try to push around just because they feel like it. He’s wise to their tactics. Furthermore, his coalition government was granted a solid majority in October — including a mandate to reverse the push by the Ardern-Hipkins government to insert co-governance everywhere in the nation’s laws and institutions.

Just a year ago, the media were shamelessly fawning over “Chippy from the Hutt” when he was handed the role of Prime Minister in a desperate attempt to save Labour’s fortunes. Against reason, they treated the shop-worn Hipkins as if he had descended fresh from the heavens in a selfless bid to restore the party’s mana — and polling — after Jacinda Ardern had decamped.

Luxon knows only too well he is not a media darling. So if he occasionally takes some small pleasure in making fools of journalists in public and watching them stamp their feet in frustration when he won’t jump when they say jump, who would blame him?

Graham Adams is a freelance editor, journalist and columnist. He lives on Auckland’s North Shore. This column was first published at The Platform


Anna the Prophetess by Rembrandt

And after the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord: As it is written in the law of the Lord: Every male opening the womb shall be called holy to the Lord: 

-Luke 2: 22-24


  1. the media do not run this country parliament does and it has been elected to do so no co governance with unelected with appointed people . if these others want a seat at the table then theh

  2. C....., just look at her, what a bloody moronic tosser..

  3. indeed, it was never a 'partnership', Maori chiefs pledged allegiance to the Crown and what we are seeing now is actually treason...but tell me, what were/are Maori obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi, I keep asking this question but get no replies...

    1. they are just taking in every way they possibly can. Bleeding everyone else dry.

  4. If they persist in saying they did not cede then let us just rip up the Treaty and move on all as Kiwis - No more Claims no more settlements ever!

  5. Maori seeded (sic) sovereignty to the crown. End of story. No partnership was ever mentioned.
    Bring on the next civil war. I will Not be found wanting. 🤬🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿

  6. Luxon is too soft.. doesn’t want to upset the trough feeders. Needs to realise that it wasn’t the maoooris who put him in, it was New Zealanders.

  7. Luxon is just filling a seat......he has No Political experience......he needs WORK experience in the job , you CANNOT learn a PM job 'on the run'.

  8. If her hand was held flat palm down instead of a fist she would be making a Nazi salute

  9. Stephanie Harrison2 February 2024 at 15:41

    I am very concerned that Luxon is going to let us down and give in to the rowdy rabble because it's easier. Should he do that I am sure he will be a one term leader.

    1. fortunately Peters and Seymour make it 2 against 1.
      He alone can't make any decisions ...
      It's a coalition.

    2. he will do what the WEF tell him to do. He's just a puppet .

    3. Stephanie Harrison2 February 2024 at 15:43

      yes and why he missed out on 6 votes in my family.

  10. We all know the racist Maori party have hi jacked the treaty. The vast majority of us are not interested in their claims of co governance and partnership. Any political party who sides with them will be quickly voted out.

  11. Jennifer Jackson2 February 2024 at 15:53

    hat ‘fisted hand’ sign is ‘The Communist’ sign made ‘here in THIS picture’ by Packer. Waititi in one of his pre-election statements in The Small partys’ debate stated “I do ‘not’ like democracy!” Well Waititi ‘without’ democracy YOUR voice, ‘your opinion’ is SHUT DOWN! These people are ‘very dangerous people!’
    Our WW1 and WW2 men went to ‘war’ ‘to preserve’ Western world democracy so WE have ‘rights to free speech’ and ‘rights to job choice, living choice and more!’
    The opposite is ‘total DICTATORSHIP/ Fascism/ Communism!
    TPM is a ‘very dangerous political party’ out to ‘destroy’ New Zealanders’ rights.

  12. This other pretend ethnicity buffoon in an Australian parliament seems to be her inspiration.
    Interestingly, while this communist salute of oppression appears acceptable, in Victoria they have made it a criminal offence to make the same salute with an open hand...the salute of the communist contemporaries...the Fascists.

  13. When the left wing media dies a natural death when the funding runs out and no one buys their papers they won't receive any sympathy from the public. ....if it was up to me I would hire some right wing reporters to prepare for the lean years ahead


  15. Hi there what is msm please

    1. media slimy mongrels

    2. it’s main stream media.

  16. Black power sign

  17. Is that a nazi salute?? Or a salute usurped from Martin Luther King?
    Either appears to be inciting racial disharmony as a politician...I hope the police are monitoring her behaviour.

    1. Jullie Allison-Hohaia2 February 2024 at 16:05

      That was my thought when I saw it then I saw your comment a nazi salute for sure

    2. No, the Nazi salute is made with the hand flat, not in a fist. This salute is Communist.

  18. Poor excuse for a maori (irish)

  19. Sadly I don't think Luxon is going to be the answer and came to that conclusion long ago, he and his wife weren't learning Te Reo for nothing, doesn't have what it takes to stand up to Maori, knock them off the pedestal that Ardern put them on, National are still peeheeing to this primitive and primal race..

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Lesley Kathryn Barrett2 February 2024 at 23:02

    Please God!

  22. Richard Middleton3 February 2024 at 13:27

    The more attention and consideration is given to these rabid radicals, the more extreme their behaviour and demands will become. Treating them with disdain and ignoring them is what is needed, not glorification.

    1. Yes, I agree. Social media must counter TV1Spews et al and their screen and air time with facts to alert 'she'll be right' Kiwis to the facts of the matter and a correct perspective.

  23. I think the idea of partnership is pretty embedded by now, but really clause one guaranteed property rights to Maori, clause two said they were agreeing to sell land only to the British, and in return clause three says that Maori were granted the rights of British subjects in consideration of clause two. So at best, it's an agreement that allowed self-determination and property rights for Maori and had obligations on both sides. This included political representation and enfranchisement as this was based on property ownership (and at the time being male) and Maori owned land collectively. Hence the Maori seats
    I think it's time to at least talk about the principles that have been introduced and how all that other stuff like co-governance fits in (which appears to be not at all). These are said reciprocity, active protection, partnership, equity, and equal treatment.

  24. Jackie Patterson3 February 2024 at 13:34

    People getting tetchy about something that is not even completed on paper yet. And really constructive threatening violence. Very grown up. The discussions are yet to come, there are others in this country besides Maori who make good contributions every day to the wellbeing of us all, possibly around 80% of the population. We all have an interest in the happiness and wealth of the Country, so lets just wait and see what its all about. Just because I don't belong to an Iwi does not mean I don't care about the same things others do.

  25. Gabriella Alessi Petrie3 February 2024 at 13:35

    the Treaty is white enslavement. Wise up partnership here

  26. The Maori issue is a serious constitutional problem that was caused by inept politicians 30 years ago when MMP was set up. The commission advising on MMP was very, very clear, if the Maori seats were not abolished Maori would have too much power. Bolger ignored the advice. Now we have Maori way overrepresented in Parliament, the so called Maori caucus is 20-30 strong and has huge sway in every government. This means Maori effectively have had a veto in EVERY government formed for the past 30 years. This is why we have Maori culture, language and objectives forced down our throats. We have Maori corporations worth billions that pay no tax, our main stream media, schools, universities and government are pushing the Maori agenda everywhere. It's not because Maori have so much popular support, it's because of a gravely distorted parliament. What the public discussion is now revealing is that the voters are sick of the propaganda, and want a say. Maori activists are fighting like heck to prevent that discussion. We can't start to fix the problems till the Maori seats are abolished.
