Friday 23 February 2024


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Cardinal Cardinal Cláudio Hummes with the pretender pope Francis and the Pachamama idol  

The 'two popes'. Hah

image provided by reader on FB

For millions of faithful Catholics the defining moment of Jorge Bergoglio's papacy was his worship, with Cardinal Cláudio Hummes and assorted clerics, of a pagan idol in the Vatican Gardens in 2019. 

But other, minor moments are too many and too scandalous to mention yet again. As the pretender pope comes closer to his inevitable end they seem to multiply and accelerate in a kind of terrifying tailspin for the Church. 

On this feast of St Peter Damien, Doctor of the Church and holy terror of sodomites, a reader of this blog offers an admirable summary of the multiple theories around the putative resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the resolutions that might be reached in order to rescue the papacy and restore orthodoxy and holiness in Christ's Church. 

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - a thorn in Francis' side

Is the Pope Catholic?

What’s the status of the Papal Office, and what do we do?

There are a number of theories concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on February 28, 2013, which if correct would render it invalid. Several more may apply to the ensuing conclave of cardinals and at least three more may apply to the status of Jorge Bergoglio/Pope Francis. All of which affect the question of whether or not The Holy See, the Chair of St Peter, is currently vacant. It 's most likely that at least one is correct; possibly several.

Below is a summary of the various scenarios under discussion and the current status of the Papal Office: is it vacant, or is it not ? The matrix includes suggestions of what course of action should logically follow in the case of any of these theories proving to be correct. the Pope Catholic? Conference Vigano Statement

Archbishop Vigano’s Statement 8 Dec 2023


The Formal Declaration of a Heresy, or the Declaration of a person as a Formal Heretic, is reserved for the holder of the Papal Office. This is different from a person being a “Material Heretic,” which situation arises when an individual demonstrates heretical beliefs or publicly declares him/herself a heretic.

Logically, the Pope cannot be a heretic because by adhering to heresy the Pope would automatically leave the Office of the Papacy and leave the Catholic Church. From that moment of choosing heresy over the Faith he could no longer remain as Pope. This needs to be made obvious to the faithful by his declaration or manifestation of Material Heresy - i.e. by his becoming a Material Heretic.


This problem is not one to be left to future Catholics to resolve, as souls are being lost. It has to be resolved now.


The Pachamama statue was highly visible in various venues in the Vatican all throughout the Amazon Synod. Indigenous people bowed down and said prayers before it in the Vatican gardens, in front of the Pope. Churches were re-oriented to feature the statue more prominently than the tabernacle. Cardinals and bishops carried it in a procession, in front of the Pope.

I am not a theologian, nor a Catholic scholar. This summary of the current discussions aims at assisting ordinary lay Catholics to decide for themselves what happened, and why. They can then take action proper to their station in life to help correct any error.

Christ is King and the High Priest of His Church. When the papacy becomes vacant because a heretic has chosen to leave the Church, and when the cardinals have fled - or worse, are wolves dressed as shepherds - then the responsibility to act belongs to those institutions still managed by the faithful, and to the faithful individuals who remain (the “remnant”).

There is no salvation outside the Church; there is nowhere else to go. Catholics must each defend the faith to the best of our individual abilities. As St Joan of Arc said “Act, and God will act.”      



Pope 'Emeritus' Benedict XVI 


The matrix below shows the theories currently under discussion, in rough chronological order of when each theory may have arisen, except for serial 7 - Bergoglio having become a heretic prior to 2013 and thus having already left the Church before his election to the papacy.

So what?

What happened? What is the current status of the Papal Office – is it vacant or occupied? What needs to be done and how do we do it?

Some of the theories listed below are complex and may mean people need to make further enquiries; others are fairly simple. Links are included to assist with further reading. (To see the matrix in full, please scroll down and also across.) the Pope Catholic? Conference Vigano Statement

Archbishop Vigano’s Statement 8 Dec 2023







As at 2023


Required Actions



About Bergoglio/Francis







So what

So what

So what

So What

So What



Invalid Resignation

Coerced to Resign

Any resignation forced by coercion is invalid

Pope Benedict remained Pope

Papacy Vacant now vacant as at 2022.

(As of Pope Benedict’s Death)

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador),

in your country

Call a valid Conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”.

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null and void

Not the Pope, so has none of the protections afforded to the holder of the Papal Office



Invalid Resignation

Substantial Error


Canon 188
A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

If Pope Benedict attempted to do something not in his power to do,  then it was not done

Pope Benedict  remained the Pope

Papacy now vacant as at 2022

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid conclave and select a new Pope.

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null and void

Not the Pope, so no protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office benedict-xvi_20130211_declaratio.html






Invalid Resignation

Resignation not properly manifest/lack of clarity

Can. 332.2

If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone.

Pope Benedict remained the Pope*


Papacy now vacant as at Dec 2022 upon Pope Benedict’s death

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null and void

Not the Pope, so no protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office

Pope Benedict said when he announced resignation that he intended to resign the ministerium but remain in the Munis (Office) in a new way.

The Papacy is an Office (Munis) authority to carry out the Ministerium is derived from the authority that the Office holds, hence the lack of clarity and confusion is his announcement.


Invalid Conclave

Papacy still occupied (for any reason, including any of the reasons listed in serial 1-3)

College of cardinals has power to call a conclave to elect a Pope only if the Office is vacant. Papacy still occupied as there can only be one Pope at any time.

Pope Benedict remained as Pope so conclave invalid as Papal Office still occupied

Papacy now Vacant

As of Dec 2022 due to Pope Benedict’s death,

Still vacant 2024

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid Conclave and elect a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null and void

Not the Pope, so no protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office



Invalid Conclave process

Simony (Buying votes)

(Assuming that the Papacy was empty due to a valid resignation)

Simony invalidates result of Conclave. (See Chapter 5 below )

As of Pope Benedict’s resignation the papacy would now be vacant



Call a valid Conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null and void

Not the Pope, so no protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office

People involved in the conclave said that this happened.


Invalid Conclave process

Political lobbying

(Assuming that the papacy was vacant)

Political lobbying invalidates result

(See Chapter 5 below )

Papacy would be now vacant

as of Pope Benedict’s resignation (assuming a valid resignation)

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid Conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null


Not the Pope, so no protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office

People involved in the conclave said afterward that this happened.


Material Heresy by Bergoglio

(Before 13 March 2013)

Before becoming the “Pope,” (Assuming that Bergoglio/ Francis had already manifested heresy prior to 13 March 2013)

(Assuming that the Papacy was vacant)

A heretic has himself chosen to leave the Church, (Latae Sententiae Ipso Facto), therefore cannot enter any office within the Church while still manifesting heresy. So he never became pope

Papacy would be now Vacant

As of Pope Benedict’s resignation, (assumes valid resignation)

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid Conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid, so null and void.


Explain to the faithful that as a material heretic Bergoglio chose to leave the Church,  so was ineligible to be elected pope



Not the pope, so no protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office



Bergoglio accepted the papal office with prior intent to destroy the Church (on earth) and/or to create an Anti-church (An Ape of the Church).


As described by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in his Statement 8 Dec 2023


(Assuming that the papacy was vacant prior to the conclave)


Papacy would be now vacant

as of Pope Benedict’s resignation, (assuming a valid resignation)

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid Conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”

All Bergoglio’s actions were invalid so are null and void.


New Pope formally excommunicates all involved

Not the Pope, so he has none of the protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office.

Enemy of Christ and his Church

Bergoglio would have been literally at war with Jesus Christ (with Christ’s foreknowledge) so he could not be the Head of Christ’s Church as he had left the Church “latae sententiae ipso facto”


Material Heresy by Francis/


(Since March 2013)


After becoming Pope

(Assuming that the papacy was empty prior to the conclave)

A heretic has himself chosen to leave the Church, (“latae sententiae ipso facto”).

A Pope who is a  Material Heretic has resigned the office ipso facto and has left the Church

The Papal Office would now be vacant and would have been from the moment Bergoglio manifested heresy. Heretic. (There is no requirement for anybody in the Church to judge him as he does this himself. When he chose heresy he chose to resign and leave the Church

For the Laity:

Pray for a new Pope soon.

Talk/Write to your Bishop.

Write to The Papal Nuncio, (Papal Ambassador), in your country

Call a valid Conclave and select a new Pope

Church returns to last known “good state”


All of Bergoglio’s /Francis’ actions after manifesting heresy were invalid so are null and void.


The question then is when did he first manifest heresy (i.e. chose to be a Manifest Heretic?

Not the Pope, so Francis does not have the protections afforded the holder of the Papal Office



NB: Scroll back (across) again to see image and quote below.

Final Thoughts:

Possibly the most pressing issue is that most, if not all, of the major institutions of the Church are controlled by cardinals who either attempted to remove Pope Benedict from Office, and/or helped to put Bergoglio/Francis where he is now, or by men who have been made cardinals since then and were approved by him. The legitimate authorities in Rome whom the bishops or lay faithful would normally petition for help appear to have fallen under control of those who are either faithless hirelings who are afraid of Bergoglio/Francis and/or wolves masquerading as shepherds. 


I implore all the faithful, both clergy and laity, to look at the state of the Church and to consider, reflect and pray over each of the theories proposed above. The current crisis in the Church must be addressed, now because it is creating scandal and souls are being lost. In order to do this we must determine whether Bergoglio/ Francis’ papacy is valid, and if it is not, elect a new Pope.


“Act, and God will act.” St Joan of Arc

St Peter Damian (Feb 22)
Andrea Barbiani

Truly, this vice is never to be compared with any other vice because it surpasses the enormity of all vices.... It defiles everything, stains everything, pollutes everything. And as for itself, it permits nothing pure, nothing clean, nothing other than filth.

-“Book of Gomorrah: An Eleventh-Century Treatise against Clerical Homosexual Practices”


  1. Sodomites all of them where's Jesus in all of this?

    1. The image shows the pretender pope and a prince of the Church breaking the First Commandment - and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Rather than wild and maybe groundless assertions we need to make reparation for such heinous sin.

  2. Wot about James Thomas Mcbride??
    Francis or Fransiscus was never going to be Frank.
    The story is a frayed stolen lie anyway.

  3. You're funny. If a protestant says catholics worship "mary" (real name Maria) because they venerate a statue or say a prayer or two why would it be idolatry doing exactly the same thing to a statue that probably just is a native representation of her? Either you go protestant or you become catholic. Don't cherry pick

    1. We won't quibble about the name Mary because ancient Semitic culture wouldn't. But to take that idol as a representation of Mary (or Miriam or Maria), while being exactly what Bergoglio wanted us to believe, is very naive.

    2. Pachamama isn't an Amazon representative image of God's Blessed Mother. She's known as the pagan goddess of earth and is has, no doubt been created out of man's thought and not God's creation.

    3. Even if everything you just wrote is true you're still saying veneration and worship is exactly the same thing = the protestant argument that we worship statues is true. The only difference would be you have approved of worshipping one statue but not another. And why stop there? Protestants have some very nice theories about our saints (especially Maria) being copies of pagan gods/goddesses why shouldn't we let the Church decide what is acceptable?

    4. I'm afraid you're trying to compare apples and oranges. A statue of the BVM is not an idol. The Magisterium of the Church teaches that to pray to a statue of Mary is to implore her intercession with her Son. To pray to a pagan idol is idolatry. It was not the Church which decided it was acceptable to pray to an idol, it was Bergoglio.

    5. I am correct in what I just wrote about Pachamama and Julia is totally spot on.

    6. nothing holy about an antipope

  4. Beautifully said.

  5. Exactly. Public scandal demands public penance. David publicly laid on the ground fasting for seven days repenting of his adultery + murder mortal sin child dying. Francis is due far greater, longer, more dust-covered public fasting and penance in the Vatican open air for all to see his atonement for: Pachamama + Abu Dhabi Declaration + Marko Rupnik "promotion" from excommunicated to higher than Bishop Strickland + clot shot death is an "act of love" + hundreds of cancelled bishops and priests faithful to the Mass of 99% of the saints for 2000 years + denying the sacraments and Mass for 1.4 billion Catholics for over a year for scamdemic + climate change dogma replacing the dogma of Jesus. Could it be that the divine retribution for kissing the Koran was the long miserable public demise of the dying man barely walking John Paul 2? If so, what is overdue for Francis might be hard to watch!!! Probably more gruesome than the Saw movies!!!! I pray he publicly repents before it's too late.

    1. there's no going back, he'd have to reverse everything to amend, we all only have 1 life to live on this earth... so that kind of amending would take way too long for an old man hellbent

  6. Eugenia Hochstedt23 February 2024 at 13:06

    Well laid out; well said!

  7. While I do not in any way condone the display of pachmama in the Vatican, I see no evidence that Pope Francis actually worshipped that piece of wood.

    1. Do you mean that he didn't actually go down on his knees? He couldn't. He's not capable of it.

    2. It was yet another example of his M O - Jesuitical sophistry and ambiguity allowing for confusion and disagreement among the faithful.
      Did you read the post? Cardinals and bishops carried that idol in procession, in front of the pope.

    3. Do you think for one millisecond the Jewish Priests would have allowed an idol to be brought into the Jewish temple’s holy place of worship? No, they would have dressed In sackcloth and ashes and tossed it out. Logic please. Allowing it to be placed inside the Vatican is sacrilege.

    4. I agree 100%. My only comment was that the Pope himself provided no evidence that he himself worshipped that piece of wood.

  8. Communists never resign.

  9. Dominick V Uleano23 February 2024 at 13:26

    The only way the papacy and the establishment of the church on earth can ever be saved is by wholly and entirely embracing, once more, the divine institution of Christ it was meant to protect and serve.
    It means rejecting Vatican II, it’s devilish creeds and it’s documents…consigning Lumen Gentium, Gaudium et Spes, Unitatis Redintegratio, Nostra Aetate, et a deep pit soaked in kerosene and lighting a match. Then, we must rebuild the authentic Faith, teach the Tridentine Catechism…banish the novus ordo…and re-educate the faithful and prelates alike in the fullness of the Truth.
    It will be a massive undertaking, and I can’t see it happening, short of a miracle unfortunately.
    Until then, the real Catholic Church (not the Vatican II facsimile) will be a small remnant, perhaps who will also have to return to the catacombs soon. But where the fullness of the faith is, no matter how small…there is the visible church. In the humblest of places…certainly not in the “hallowed halls” of an infiltrated institution in Rome.

    1. interesting comments indeed, but where does the small remnant get the Sacraments if not from the visible Catholic church?

    2. Here's Father Ripperger on how to survive spiritually without the sacraments:

  10. I just read an article about Our Blessed Mother saying how many Popes before the end times. It seems that the last would have been Pope Benedict. See

    1. Pray for Pope Francis.

    2. Meagen Aufrichtig23 February 2024 at 13:34

      I pray for all those who are separated from God or opposed to Him in any way

  11. Joyce Moti Stanley23 February 2024 at 13:35

    Such a time of disgrace causing us shame and fear...both of which are not of God.

    1. Shame yes, but never fear. God and His Blessed Mother will never abandon their beloved children.

  12. Judi Barenok Tischler23 February 2024 at 13:38

    Yes…this was it!!

  13. The wicked will see and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.

  14. This is were Bergoglio came from, South America, and they believe in this and many other sacrifices, even Human sacrifice, he is a Communist and was ELECTED pope just as Joe Biden was installed as president by the forces of evil. I would not be surprised if the US CIA helped.

    1. Dominick V Uleano23 February 2024 at 13:41

      of course they helped. The western powers are all infiltrated by the globalist empire. Up to and including the Vatican. The freemasonic creed back in the 1800s (their Alta Vendita) literally proclaimed their goal of taking over the church and state establishments from the inside.

    2. Of. Course. It. Did.

    3. Check out c/I/a director for YEARS and during Trump)

  15. Thank you. Prayers and only give to those who are truly working in the Lord's vineyard.

  16. He and those around him need much prayer. 🙏

  17. Pachamama was the defining moment for me.


  19. For those who don't understand (image of Francis, cardinal, clerics standing in front of pachamama).

  20. You're actively choosing the worst possible interpretation of the Holy father. And he isn't the leader of God's Church? But you are? Whenever was that the president in the Church? What's the difference between you and luther, calvin.....?

    1. Mine may well be "the worst possible interpretation of the Holy father" (sic). But note that it's an interpretation of Bergoglio, not of the Mystical Body of Christ. It is entirely legitimate to find fault with a bad pope: the Church has endured 30 antipopes and two valid heretical popes. To believe as you seem to do that a pope is infallible is the vice of papolatry. even the first Pope, St Peter, was criticised - by none other than St Paul: "But when Cephas was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. – Galatians 2:11".

  21. They aren’t Christian’s.

    1. Pardon me? Christian who? They aren't Christian's what?

  22. there they are, the muppets of religion, one must feel sorry for them they don’t understand!


  23. On another matter he supports blessing of gay marriage now doesn't he? Did he think he'd get permission from God to ignore the bible or something? Or does he just rewrite it himself.
    Very scary events for mocking God and not taking his words seriously.

    1. yes! the vatican has altered scripture many times for dark purposes and to lead us away from the truth and god's laws

  24. Who you could just close it down and wander off. Mumbo jumbo,and fables.

  25. Religion raises it's ugly head again

    1. indeed, but WHO really cares? Not me for sure! But if it keeps a few people happy, why not?

    2. At least we can presume they all have good imagination!

  26. How anybody can support a church that promotes pedophiles and covers their crimes is beyond evil. Like having sex with little kids evil.
    We know that the pope knew about these crimes and did NOTHING to stop them. In fact help move the priests around so they could have fresh meat.
    Cool hats and costumes though. Pedophile superheroes. What a cool group of people you look up too.

    1. In that statement. Is the Pope not as guilty as the offenders?

    2. It is not the Catholic Church - the Mystical Body of Christ - that promotes pedophiles. The Church is indefectible. But it's a human institution as well as divine. It's Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his cohorts in the hierarchy who promote pedophiles and tragically, by their silence it's millions of Novus Ordo ('New Mass' Catholics in the pews who allow this evil to continue.

    3. feel really sorry for people who's minds have been filled with fiction.

    4. 'Feel really sorry for people who's (sic) minds have' not 'been filled with' grammar lol.

  27. Peados and jesuits who worship Satan, and the WEF globalist cabal familys

  28. Christine Hasasquirel25 February 2024 at 12:34

    This criminal organisation is responsible for the planet being in financial servitude. They traffic and abuse children. This pure evil organization needs to be burnt to the roots.

  29. I just watched this earlier prophetic signs showing God's displeasure with certain leaders. Go to 1 min in:

  30. It will never b restored. The whole system is infused in paganism. There are a few genuine badly deceived Godly priests. And followers...

    1. "The gates of Hell shall never prevail against it" i.e. the Church, the Church founded by Christ on the rock of Petrus (St Peter) - the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    2. Jesus said to Peter, "on This Rock I will build My church." Meaning Himself.

    3. I don't see how you can get 'Meaning Himself' out of the relevant passage of Scripture:
      "And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven."

  31. very risky to accept one man's authority over the Bible,written by at least 40 authors,obviously inspired by God as all of same accord,and multiple prophecies came true

    1. Oh dear. It's not 'one man's authority over the Bible', it's the authority of the Magisterium of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ on the rock of Peter (petrus), laid down and built up over the course of two millennia.

  32. Gerard L Haverstock25 February 2024 at 17:37

    He keep on giving to the world with his lie and betraying the truth of the faith.

  33. Sharon L Dondlinger25 February 2024 at 17:38

    Fr. Pacwa talks about this fake goddess, who is viewed as above God and Jesus - That is an obvious reason why this thing should not have been allowed on Vatican grounds, let alone dedicate any time to it, to honor it like it has any value. -

  34. Sharon L Dondlinger25 February 2024 at 17:39

    This is a shorter version of the video I had posted -

  35. This is so good. Father Mitch is a treasure. And those that think EWTN are in the pocket of the USCCB never watch it and haven’t a clue.

    1. Sharon L Dondlinger25 February 2024 at 21:47

      I agree - Father Mitch is a treasure. He is quite knowledgeable about so many things and he lays things out with such a simplicity that flows so well. I could listen to him talk about things for hours (if I could).

  36. i used to be a Alter boy in late 70s, The Pagan Vatican hopefuly will be c l o s e d down as soon as possible and all the buildings in Vatican City destroyed to ashes and dust, YHWH is watching the Vatican

  37. Aaron de Souza8 March 2024 at 13:46

    However, as Catholics we do not fall into the sin omission if we have not the ability to attain the knowledge of an invalid papacy. This said, why are most Catholics not standing up? It’s not the role of the Church Laity to Elect the Hierarchy or the Pope.
    It is the Duty of the Cardinals to determine the Pope through discernment.
    Would it make any sense to be Protestant and reject an authority that is not our responsibility to reject?
    Not to be so passive, however, it is our duty to pray for the pope and to realize that God will not abandoned His Church. If God won’t, Why should we?

  38. We must resist heresy but we must never abandon His Church.

  39. Michael Jaindl8 March 2024 at 13:53

    I don't understand what you are suggesting here. I'm sure millions of Catholics denounce Francis in a million ways, and what of it? What has been accomplished? If all Catholics denounced him, what do you think that would change? The Catholic Church is not a democracy.

    1. I'm suggesting that if all Catholics recognised Bergoglio as a usurper he would ipso facto no longer be pope; a council would be called to elect a valid pope. A holy pope, we pray.
