Saturday 3 February 2024



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The man they call Pope holds hands in public with Don Luigi Ciotti (2014)

Striving to overcome the sham and shame of the Vicar of Christ on earth abusing St Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles. in his own birthplace and basilica by praying Vespers there with Archlayman and Gentile Justin Welby (aka Archbishop Welby, head of the Anglican Communion), faithful Catholics ask "Is Francis a liar, a heretic - or both?" Pope Francis and the Anglican Bishop Welby: is Francis a Liar, Heretic, or both? (

And not unreasonably, they want to know why he stage-managed such a charade (adorned with lots of the lace he says he deplores). And why a Kiwi Catholic bishop (+Michael Gielen, Christchurch) was - presumably - press-ganged into this psyop. 

A reader of this blog believes Francis intends the Catholic Church "to slide into Anglicanism". Not on your nelly. Wouldn't Jorge Bergoglio, SJ, consider the Anglican Church an also-ran, and beneath him? The only reasonable explanation for exposing himself in this ceremony, at St Paul's Without the Walls in Rome, as a liar and/or a heretic - and his indecent haste to perform the Last Rites for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church - is his vaulting ambition to lead the New World Church, the Deep Church, acting under orders from the Deep State. 

Do you doubt it? Consult Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - who's smarter by far than anyone in the Bergoglian hierarchy - not to mention holier.

The spectacle (above) of the Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church holding hands in public with a fellow priest is not published on this page for purposes of scandal. Not to shock or to arouse prurience, but to alert the faithful who are still trying to pretend there's nothing seriously wrong with the Church. Because if they don't know that - or are wilfully blind - they won't be praying for our Catholic priests.

It would be easy to ridicule Jorge Bergoglio and friend. But we must reverence the sacred office of the priesthood, even as we expose these men as wolves in sheep's clothing who are desperately in need of our petition, prayer and penance. Not only the Fernandezes, McCarricks, Cupiches, and Rupniks but the millions of faithful priests who are daily hurt and embarrassed and ashamed of this pontificate, many of whom admit they are dangerously close to throwing in the towel.

And we who are faithful to Holy Mother Church and all that she has taught us; we need prayer - especially Holy Mass and especially the traditional Latin Mass, the Mass for grown-ups, where Almighty God is honoured, praised, thanked and begged for His assistance. How many millions have left the Church by now, in disgust and disillusionment? We cannot follow them. 

"Then Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away? 68{69}And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life" (Jn 6:68,69.)

We could remind ourselves, in the case of Don Luigi Ciotti, pictured above, of the words of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. Quite possibly, Novus Ordo Massgoers have never heard her warning that Russia “will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church,” if God is not obeyed. God and His Mother have been disobeyed, the Queen of Heaven most egregiously by ignoring her instruction for the Secret of Fatima to be published in full in 1960, and the truly pathetic pretence of the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by Bergoglio in 2022. As a result, since Vatican II we've seen the worst kind of persecution against the Church - that which is inside the Church.

But +Ciotti is known not only as a homosexual sympathiser, he's also a Communist fellow traveller who confirms, for those with eyes to see, the pretender pope Francis' not-so-hidden leftishness (socialism having been denounced by several popes and Catholics forbidden to have any truck with it). The Church now stinks of the smoke of Satan, all the way to the papacy.

Ciotti is a strong promoter of homosexuality and many other "social" causes that affiliate him with Communism, as was his great friend and mentor, Fr. Andrea Gallo, who often sang the Communist song "Bella Ciao" at his Masses. Incidentally, Gallo's funeral Mass, where Ciotti gave an impassioned panegyric, allowed free manifestation for homosexuals and communists (here). 

Thus, Francis' affection for Ciotti has two meanings: on one hand, it serves to express his discordance with the Mafia; on the other hand, and perhaps principally, it expresses his complacency with homosexuality and his approval of ecclesiastical support for Communism, which in the last 50 years has been the most efficient way to spread the ideas of Marx and Lenin.


Don Ciotti publicly supporting the homosexual agenda (top) and with Gallo and Francis 

Cardinal Anglo Bagnasco gives Communion to transgenders at Fr Gallo's funeral

The Communist salute and colours at Fr Gallo's funeral 

                , inr

More images, from top to bottom: 

Fr. Luigi Ciotti delivers an inflamed panegyric of Fr. Gallo's life at his funeral Mass of May 25, 2013. He was chosen to speak because of the very close relationship the two priests shared in the causes they defended.

Cardinal Bagnasco reads a prepared sermon.

The communist friends of Gallo, with raised arms and clenched fists, sang the communist song Chiao Bella, which the priest used to sing often inside the Church at his Masses.

Gallo at a communist demonstration with his clenched fist and wearing a red scarf.

Gallo's coffin leaving the church and heading toward the cemetery. The two symbols chosen to define him were his red scarf and the rainbow flag.

Francis embraces and kisses Cardinal Bagnasco upon receiving him at the Vatican.


Oh God, who seest that we put not our trust in any thing that we do: mercifully grant, that by the protection of the Doctor of the Gentiles we may be defended against alll adversities
- Collect, Sexagesima Sunday





  1. Powerful!! So glad to have found your investigative writing.

  2. Something just not right about this pic and I can't quite put my finger on it. Help?

  3. Why are they holding hands


    1. Louise Gonya Good buds, I guess!

    2. Kristy Schortgen4 February 2024 at 13:35

      Louise Gonya pretty sure it’s photoshopped

  4. Very interesting article.

  5. I don't think that the Pope can walk unassisted.

    1. His usual assistance is a walking stick or even a wheelchair.

    2. Erika M Vandiver4 February 2024 at 13:43

      but does holding hands like this really assist him with walking? I’ve never seen anyone assist an adult in walking by holding hands below their waist/hips. If holding hands is a part of steadying someone with difficulty walking, the elbows are usually bent and the hands are up around waist-height with the assistant’s arm being held somewhat stiff. This does not look like that to me at all. That being said, I’m not going to make this a hill I die on…we’ve got so many more issues with this Pope.
      FWIW I need steadying quite a bit myself and I’ve never had anyone, not my husband, my dad, my mom, or my children hold my hand to steady me. They always bend their arm with my hand on their arm and their other hand sometimes covering my hand. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    3. my mother is 88 years old and has difficulty walking on her own. A simple holding of her hand goes a long way for her to be mobile.

    4. yeah. No. I take care of old people and have for 20+ years. People with hip problems - holding hands is useless.

    5. well there you go. The expert had spoken. Case solved. Thank you for your medical expertise input in the matter. God Bless.

    6. Holding hands does nothing for the infirm.

    7. I think holding hands may give moral support and comfort to the infirm, but on the other hand they may feel insulted by it. Discernment is called for.

    8. Holding hands? Maybe he's afraid the Pope will fall?

    9. Julia, yes. Not handholding.

  6. thanks. I’ll be here all night. Be sure to tip the bartender and waitstaff.

    1. Dominick V Uleano4 February 2024 at 13:49

      “Some folks here ” can have truth presented right to their face in lurid detail and they still refuse to believe.
      A real trip, isn’t it? living in the 21st century with all these “oh so formally educated people” that can’t put two and two together where logic is concerned.
      Between social media lies, the fake news media, and the poison jabs up their arms…we’re dealing with zombies!
      God bless, my friend..keep up the truth speaking!! ❤️

    2. Dominick V Uleano4 February 2024 at 13:52

      And I took care of an uncle and two grandparents…you don’t merely “hold their hands” to keep them steady. I’d be the first to tell you that one.
      But it’s amazing how much people are willing to believe, any lie imaginable, one after the other, rather than to admit the truth.
      I feel badly for them…it must be exhausting to continually sugar coat the nonsense (and the smell of garbage still comes through anyway) 🙄

    3. I'm sure you will be there all night and that tips ARE recommended. But thank you I'll pass. I'll Pray for our pope instead of judge him.

    4. since you’ve only been here 3 months, I bet you haven’t read the ABOUT section. Instead of JUDGING who we are - have a look.

  7. I don't believe in social media, I don't believe in fake news and I've NEVER had the jab. All I have is my Faith. I'll be praying for you, everyone else here being judgmental, and our Pope. Since your take that social media and news is fake like you say, then where are you getting this "truth in lurid detail?" - please provide (reliable) source.

  8. that smell is your sin and all of ours. Stop trying to create division in HER Church. Stop doing the work of the enemy.

    1. Do you know what he’s doing to tradition? Do you know what he’s doing to cloistered NUNS all across the world ? Do you know what he’s done in the Vatican gardens?

    2. I'm glad that you do and I don't doubt that one bit. But it's the slamming and insults that confuse me. When we are commanded by HIM to love our enemies and PRAY for those who persecute you. For HE makes HIS sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on just and the unjust.
      Like the TRUTH in the Bible says: for if you love those who love you what reward will you have?
      So be perfect just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
      The difficult task is following this command by our LORD & SAVIOR. I strive at it. I fall short. I pray. I confess and repent. I fall short again. The more I pick myself back up with HIS grace I'm redeemed and I start anew with what HE has commanded us to do.

    3. Robert - you are a Marine. We do not keep quiet when the world falls down around us. We pray we fast and we expose evil and corrupt everywhere - including the Vatican. Are you a new Catholic? Are you a recent revert? You are aware of what PF has and is continuing to do to our Church - to our WORLD - ? Just like in the secular world we EXPOSE corruption everywhere. My motto has ALWAYS BEEN - Catholic men will save the world!

    4. Shields up!

  9. To be Catholic is to recognize the pope as the successor to Saint Peter…let you without sin throw the first stone

    1. Are you saying the pope is infallible and indefectible? That's papolatry.

    2. Julia, nfallible in faith and morals only but the sinner as you and I are

  10. I'm the first to say, I've never been happy about this pope, but let's be careful, there's a lot of photoshop going on.

    1. Dominick V Uleano4 February 2024 at 14:13

      Photoshopping didn’t give us Fiducia Supplicans, didn’t ban and cancel many instances of the true Tridentine Mass, didn’t worship pachamama, didn’t promote harmful poison shots (firing people in Vatican City who refused them).
      Photoshopping didn’t ban and cancel traditional prelates, fight against tradition, and bless the homosexual James Martin.
      Modernism is the synthesis of all heresy. And wilful heresy puts you outside the Faith.
      Those outside the Faith cannot be priest, bishop, or pope.
      Non habemus papam.

    2. Infallible in faith and morals only when he speaks 'ex cathedra' which thank God he has never done.

  11. The Church is in it’s Passion many say. God help us!

  12. Lord, have mercy on us! He’s ramping up to warp speed on killing the Church.

    1. But of course he's doomed to failure.

    2. yes, he will fail because God said , “the gates of hell will not prevail.” However, it’s going to be some pretty rough sledding in the meantime!

  13. All religions have been infiltrated but yes this pope is part of the unholy trinity
    They are the antichrists
    Catholics should have been questioning the pope when he lined up for the evil jab and coerced all cathol8cz to do so
    Other religions were also culprit
    Many have been caught up in the child trafficking
    Most leaders police, judiciary, ot etc are not there for their skills but for their evilness to carry out the evil cabal plan
    Screw balls are placed into high ranking positions (Cindy, Robinson, Maori party) with the sole purpose to destroy our country
    To prevent evolution
    This country has drifted slowly backwards for decades and we now find ourselves in a position where the inmates are running the prison
    We are in prison
    We are unsafe to roam the streets
    Wasn't ever an issue 40 years ago
    We can drink the water and it's full of chlorine anyway to block ouf 3rd eye
    We can't swim in the ocean
    Can't get to work
    The roads are blocked with traffic and pot holes so they shut down alternative transport like ferry service and trains
    We now have indigenous people who didn't exist 40 years ago a fake treaty and new fake history books and its all thanks to these 1% psychopaths who are directing and manipulating the greedy but sadly the greedy are such narcissists that they don't care who gets hurt so long as they get a few perks but they haven't figured out that they are not included in the long term plan either


    1. I sympathise with you and agree with you (especially that Catholics should have questioned the pope on the jab - I did, publicly) but although the Vatican has been infiltrated and infected by egregious evil the fact remains that the Catholic Church is and will always remain, indefectible. She is the Mystical Bride of Christ.

    2. no jesus did not ever ask us to set up religious churches
      Jesus went to a quiet place and prayed directly to God
      He could be considered a spiritualist not a religion
      The infiltration started soon after Jesus death when the original Bible was written
      Are you aware who wrote the original Bible?
      It has been changed many times with parts removed like the book of Enoch
      So don't feel sorry fof me
      I was born and raised catholic and was stauch most of my life
      It wasn't until I started seeing the corruption and filth within the Vatican that I started researching further and started praying directly to God that things started falling into place
      I worked as a social worker for the catholic church for 5 years with dedicated catholics
      I was employed by bishop pat and met with him regularly
      They were all the most dedicated beautiful people imaginable bug it's like Freemasonry people within the congregation don't have a clue just like the lower level of Freemasonry
      Through all of this and now on reflection I question subtitles happening while I worked there and I now totally question bishop pat
      Did you hear about that poor st Mary's girl who died after receiving the jab ?
      St Mary's covered it all up and lied and said the girl was on the pill
      I know all of this because my granddaughter went to that school
      They lied and continued to cover ig up
      I also heard the young girls familys version and she was NOT on the pill at all it was the jab but Cindy continued to silence them blocking their msm accounts and she even offered them $100,000 in dirty money to silence them
      The girls father is a lawyer and he refused to take the money and swore to make her pay
      There is so much evidence out there but too many are looking the other way
      Not me but don't feel sorry for me I'm find and wouldn't want to be any other way

  14. He claims to be Antichrist. He declares hr is on earth in place of Christ (not representing). The word Antichrist means to be in place of Christ!

    1. Can you reference Francis' claim to be Antichrist, please?

    2. it's in the Roman Catholis tenants of faith. It's been the claim of the Reformation fir hundreds of years, which the Jesuits responded by torturing to death millions of Protestants who refused to repent of this proclamation.

    3. So is it in the Roman Catholis tenants (sic) of faith, or is the claim of the Reformation? It can't be both.
      I asked for a reference, not unsubstantiated opinion.


    4. Is the pope the Vicar of Christ? |

  15. Jenny Strickland4 February 2024 at 14:26

    The Vatican is satanic.

    1. Under Bergoglio's pontificate the Vatican certainIy seems satanic and it's useful for Catholics who still cling blindly to a mistaken idea of papal infallibility, or who have been led unsuspectingly, slowly, into apostasy and loss of faith, to see reactions like yours from non-Catholics (which I assume you to be). Protestants are often too conversant with Scripture (or rather, the Protestant version) to be diddled as millions of Catholics have been.
      The Church is enduring her Passion and is temporarily in eclipse, just as prophesied by many mystics. But as the Mystical Bride of Christ she remains indefectible.

  16. Brian Keith Kravec4 February 2024 at 14:40

    Michael, but is it by punishing her that the law is to be fulfilled by those that ought to be punished? Let each of you consider himself, let him enter into himself, ascend the judgment-seat of his own mind, place himself at the bar of his own conscience, and he will be obliged to confess himself a sinner. – Saint Augustine, Commentary on the Gospel of John, Tractate 33, 5

  17. Diane Blaney Tobias4 February 2024 at 14:41

    We also are obliged to recognize contradiction to Church teaching. Bergoglio cannot be a true pope for he is teaching contradiction to what God promised a true pope could do.
    To be Catholic one must submit to the teachings of a true pope.
    We must reject all imposters.
    This is not a matter of anyone’s personal sins. This is a matter of adherence to Objective Truth and recognition of that which opposes it.

  18. Dominick V Uleano4 February 2024 at 14:43

    Being a sinner who sins through weakness and frailty is one thing we are all guilty of. Direct and wilful heresy, banning and restricting the true Tridentine Mass, traditional teachings, truth speakers, and promoting modernism, idolatry, and false ecumenism is a whole different ball game.
    A successor of St Peter cannot be a valid one and a wilful heretic at the same time. It’s absolutely impossible by reason and by definition of the Faith.
    And liberal modernism is the synthesis of all heresy. Being a learned man/theologian and deliberately cancelling tradition and sidelining truth speakers makes this wilful heresy.
    And wilful heretics, being outside the Church, cannot be prelates of any rank.
    All of the above is truth, and any deviation from it is an error by definition of the Catholic Faith.
    Which is why, as bad as things are in the mainstream church, even a few mainstream priests have been waking up and saying this very thing.
    There is no such thing as a “heretical pope” for it is a paradox. And we know that both ends of a contradiction cannot simultaneously be true. You’re either one or the other.
    And Christ’s promise of indefectibility would be totally false if the faith permitted a heretic to be a valid pope. It would also mean that truth (which comes from Christ), is a total lie.
    And if the truth is a lie, and can allow for contradictions like this…then what is reality itself?
    What is real?
    This is the rabbit hole folks! And this is a perfect example of how allowing for one impossibility makes everything else fall apart. It kills faith in God and in absolute truth in the hearts of many.
    We see this same domino effect in the outside world. Truth has been cast out to such a degree that we don’t even know what a man or a woman is anymore.
    Who would have thought we’d have gotten this far.
    But when we make reality subjective instead of absolute…everything crumbles!

  19. You should check out Pinesap, Christian B Wagner and Classical Theist on Twitter. They're very good. God bless. I love Pope Francis.

    1. In the scriptural sense of the word we should all love him. We love him by praying for his repentance, healing and conversion.

  20. He is a criminal, a pedophile, child traffikkers and on it goes

    1. You don't have evidence for any of those claims.

    2. go and undertake a deep dive ....all roads lead to Rome.

  21. It's all a lie.

  22. Carmelita Espinoza4 February 2024 at 17:55

    Are they holding hands?

    1. Cindy Roder Hughes4 February 2024 at 17:55

      sure looks like it.

  23. Rosemarie Parrish Wurtz4 February 2024 at 17:57

    the Pope needs help walking. Don’t fall for making an issue of something that’s not an issue. I held my mom’s hand. I hold my sisters hands.

    1. Nancy McKay-Rosa4 February 2024 at 17:58

      usually holding an arm for help walking. But in any case, that we don't know,, they are holding hands.

    2. Yeah. No. I take care of elderly. That’s not how it’s done.

    3. Kathleen Hedrick Murphy4 February 2024 at 18:04

      Holding hands???

    4. What do you expect?

  24. Karen Boyle Collins4 February 2024 at 18:00

    This is an older picture and I don’t think he was yet needing hand held assistance. It is to send a signal.

  25. Not my pope ! ! !

  26. What does it mean when it says “…indecent haste to perform Last Rites for the One,Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.” What kind of ceremony went on in St. Paul?

  27. Bergoglio is not Pope according to the canon law.
    Based on the article 77 of the Universi Dominici Grecis, the resignation of the Supreme Pontiff must take place in accordance with can. 332, § 2 of the Code of Canon Law and can. 44, § 2 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches.
    According to article 76 of Universi Dominici Grecis, if this is not done the abdication is invalid.
    Based on the article of can. 332, § 2 of the Code of Canon Law, Benedict XVI should have renounced the Munus Petrino, instead in his declaratio he renounced the Ministerium. Ergo Bergoglio is antipope.

    1. Beg your pardon, that comment above came from Antonello di Sotti, not from moi.

  28. The Pope is 100% Catholic lol

  29. Gerard L Haverstock5 February 2024 at 13:46

    Gerard L Haverstock
    He we go again,One more this man is taking the church down the road, Where he thinks we should all be on the same page is himself and his Cardinals, All ready to open the church up to follow the Church of England that his betrayed the truth of the gospel to make is self more open to the world and how are they going on with that, Empty church and women misters, And the church in Africa does what to know them.

  30. AnneMarie Walker5 February 2024 at 13:47

    From the very beginning of his pontificate, he has been doing and saying things that would be scandalous for any supposed practicing Catholic.

  31. Cathy James Browne5 February 2024 at 13:48

    Wow how Christian of you.

    1. Catholics should be aware of just how Christian is head of their Church. So that they pray for his conversion.

    2. Don't believe what this site post. Very deceptive.

    3. An obama plant.

    4. Diane Pascaretti5 February 2024 at 18:22

      Beware of AI.

    5. what if its an accurate photo? What if all these masonic leaders are all united in their goal which transcends loyalty to nations

    6. Beware those who search and find it other places.

  32. Arm and arm, not hand and hand. Thats how you assist.

  33. But when we know he is a heretic we pray for his soul

  34. how much longer O Lord must Your Church suffer?


  36. What is happening to my One, Holy, Apostolic Church. Jesus, please heal your Church.

  37. I don't think that the Pope can walk unassisted

    1. Freddie Kirschman6 February 2024 at 18:48

      this pic was from 2014. He could walk just fine
