Saturday 17 June 2023


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The app with the zapp: your digital passport to the gulag

Softly, softly catchee monkey: with its v....... passports the Woke Health Organisation is making a power grab by stealth on a scale never seen in history. Bye bye democracy (what's left of it). Bye-bye freedom of speech (ditto). Hello One World Government. 

We should be horrified. People without faith should be afraid. Very afraid. But no - the news that before long we'll be delivered by the devil into the hands of a very few unelected global elites went down "not with a bang but a whimper". 

It's not that we Catholics haven't been warned. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano - that hound of heaven, that thorn in the side of Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis has predicted this scenario and describes it, in part, in this video:

The proposed power grab ‘would have absolute dictatorial powers going all the way through your national legal systems to give orders to your primary care physicians’ (Professor of Law, Francis Boyle). 

(C)onsider the power and mistakes of the WHO through the recent pandemic, when it had only an advisory role. Power that was used to promote ‘narrative over science’ with oppressive public health measures despite minimal evidence they had any net impact on the spread of Covid-19 or deaths over the course of the pandemic, let alone passing any cost-benefit analysis.
Add the suppression by the WHO of cheap, safe and effective re-purposed drugs that could have saved thousands of lives in Australia while promoting costly antivirals of doubtful efficacy and unsound safety. While mandating genetic v......s that led to more hospitalisations from severe adverse events, than were reduced by v......-induced protection.

The above link is to the Australian Spectator but if it's a trifle too cerebral for you, here's the lowdown NZ-style, first from the BFD (  and then from NZDSOS: 

Oh, boy — right again. Don’t you just hate that? Us “right-wing conspiracy theorists” have had a depressing habit of being right about everything from Twitter shadow-banning conservatives, to v......s not being as “safe and effective” as touted, to Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Now, we can add “v...... passports” to the list. Not just for New Zealand, but soon, ze vurld!

World Health Organization will use the European Union’s digital covid certificate to launch a global digital certification system, thanks to a historic partnership signed on Monday.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus - would you buy a second-hand car from this man?


WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus […] explained that the European pass would be transformed into a “global public good”.

Ah, yes, the greater good. Now, where have we heard that one before?

Ah, well, we hear a lot about 'the common good' ... from Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis. Not that that's got anything to do with v...... passports, of course. Nothing whatever... 

And they’re not even hiding that it’s just the start of a global health surveillance network.

This is the first building block of the WHO global digital health certification network, which must develop “a wide range of digital products to improve the health of all”, such as digital international v.........n books.

Le Soir

Even if they let you out of your 15 Minute City, you will go nowhere unless you’re dutifully j*bbed.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said it will take up the European Union’s digital COVID-19 v...... passport framework as part of a new global network of digital health certificates […]

As part of this new joint venture, Europe’s existing framework of digital v...... passports will serve as the first building block of a global network of digital health products.

Dubbed the Global Digital Health Certification Network, the new v...... passport framework has already drawn criticism, with Australian senator Alex Antic saying in a statement that the move is “just another conspiracy theory coming true.”

Governments only got away with imposing the invasive, discriminatory v...... passports in the first place because they’d successfully scared the pants off people about a virus whose threat we now know (another “conspiracy theory” come true!) was ludicrously exaggerated. Now that a great many people have seen through the fearmongering and are trying to go back to normality, the WHO are trying to institutionalise v...... passports for good.

 As the pandemic has waned, the use of v...... passports has been limited of late—and it has declined further since the WHO recently declared an end to COVID-19 as a global public health emergency.

The EU’s v...... passport regulations are set to expire at the end of this month. Apparently sending the globalist authoritarians into panic mode.

While the global pandemic treaty is in its early stages and is still far from ratification, concerns have been raised that the “legally binding” treaty would give the WHO too much sway over sovereign countries’ health policies […]

In November 2022, the leaders of the Group of 20 (G-20) nations issued a joint declaration promoting a global standard on proof of v.......... for international travel and calling for the establishment of “global digital health networks” that build on existing COVID-19 v...... passport schemes.

“Conspiracy theorists” are on to them.

Critics have denounced v...... passports as discriminatory for facilitating denial of access to public services to the unv........d or paving the way for more intrusive health-based surveillance[…]

The announcement of the global v...... passport initiative drew a critical response from Dutch politician Rob Roos, a member of the European Parliament, who called it a “worrying development” […] Roos also expressed concern that the new initiative was being driven forward by the WHO, which is not a governmental organization accountable to voters.

“We cannot hand over national power to a private funded institute without any democratic legitimacy,” he said in an earlier post that took a dim view of the so-called global pandemic treaty, a separate but related proposal that is being negotiated within the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body.

As journalist Nick Gorbishly warns, we are being frogmarched into a “digital gulag”.

“It’s like this checkpoint society. Wherever you want to go, you have to show your mobile phone, your identity … even if it’s just to go into a supermarket or go into a shop,” he said on EpochTV’s “Crossroads.”

Corbishley described the negative aspects of a global digital identification scheme as a kind of “digital gulag” in which people could be “effectively banished from society.”

The Epoch Times

If that sounds like just another loony conspiracy theory, just ask the Chinese.

Or the Kiwis who were sacked from their jobs and denied healthcare, even banking services or the ability to buy a cup of coffee.

The Catholic Kiwis who were separated out from their Eucharistic communities like sheep with footrot drafted out in the yard. 

And now we get the medical perspective from New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science:


The World Health Organization Global Digital Health Certification Network was launched this week in partnership with the European Commission to “strengthen global health security“. Claiming to facilitate movement within Europe’s borders, the ramifications for human liberty and freedom of movement are stark. If they succeed, we can expect the rest of the world, New Zealand included, to follow suit. In the guise of a supposed ‘health passport’ this is nothing more or less than the much feared digital ID which could be used to deny less than model citizens access to services. This is called ‘social credit’ in communist China, and is coming to a tyranny near you.


The tyrant Ardern primed us for the WHO totalitarian take-over 

We are being warned by professionals with experience from within the World Health Organization (eg Dr David Bell and Dr Astrid Stuckelberger) and United Nations (eg Călin Georgescu), to technology experts (eg Dr Michael Rectenwald), financial experts (eg Catherine Austin-Fitts) and independent researchers (eg James Roguski and Simon Elmer). Detailed evidence from this wide range of sources all concurs that we are being lied to about the claims of needed health reform, with the catalyst in fact being the most powerful class needing a financial ‘reset’ to secure centralised control.

The connections between and control of industries including financial, health, social, business, agriculture, judicial and more, are explained by the United Nations themselves, in their organisational chart. If you ever wondered how every industry across the globe complied with lockdown rules, this illustration of globalisation provides the answer in a single graphic. World Health Organization are the instrument being used to cement this globalisation under the guise of public health concerns specifically relating to pandemics and climate change (that we know of so far).

Democracies have been systematically overthrown by large corporations, explained well by investigative journalist Matt Kennard. This relies heavily on secrecy because if populations understood what was happening, they would establish an effective resistance. Both propaganda and censorship are important weapons to keep the masses unaware, divided and compliant. Those of us who have researched the topic and dare to speak out are labelled “conspiracy theorists“, and worse.

Evidence for the reality of what is taking place makes sense of the nonsensical “health” interventions imposed upon societies across the globe since 2020. Destruction of the middle class – effectively a third-worldisation through globalisation – has been warned about since at least the early 1990s by credible experts such as financier Sir James Goldsmith and ex-MI6 intelligence agent Dr John Coleman.

It is a shame to see that New Zealand is so devoid of investigative journalism, that our national dinosaur news source Stuff can publish an article by Katie Kenny claiming to “fact check” Sir Winston Peters who has expressed concerns regarding the World Health Organization WHO CA+ and International Health Regulations plans. It is incomprehensible and absurd that author (we deliberately avoid the term “journalist”) Katie Kenny references the World Health Organization and their Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyseus, as the source for her so-called “fact check”!

Last weekend’s Better Way Conference featured a number of presentations discussing the World Health Organization’s monopoly of power threatening national sovereignty, free speech, the right to dissent, right to privacy, degradation of drug quality and regulation, and supporting dangerous gain of function research.

South African microbiologist Fahrie Hassan described recognising something was wrong when the science he knows intimately was being misrepresented. This led him on a journey discovering the enormous conflicts of interest, corruption and criminality that have taken over public health. His slides were a dramatic representation of the public-private partnerships robbing humanity of all autonomy, dignity and liberty. A similar presentation delivered by Hassan is available here.


World Health Organization Hassan slide


So it seems that whilst our so-called “journalists” continue to collude with those controlling this sinister agenda, our doctors and scientists must continue to do the work which we once expected from our media. Time is of the essence. We need every New Zealander with an ounce of care for the future, an ounce of decency and humanity, to join forces with The Great Freeset by speaking out. To friends and family, to colleagues, and to political representatives.

Why Be Concerned About the World Health Organization?

Former congresswoman and a geopolitical observer at the recent World Health Assembly, Michele Bachmann and intelligence analyst Brian O’Shea discussed the “alarming seizure of power” with Dr Drew two days ago. The multiple concerns relate to World Health Organization’s plans to transition from an advisory role to a global regulatory and enforcement role via a merge of the WHO CA+ (treaty) and amended International Health Regulations. Contrary to Katie Kenny’s insistences otherwise, this will cede national sovereignty to an unelected, totalitarian body led by corporate interests. Ashley Bloomfield’s co-chair on the Working Group of the International Health Regulations, Saudi Dr Abdullah Assiri has openly stated the need to restrict individual liberties.

Public health physician and global health biotech consultant Dr David Bell spoke to Leighton Smith at NewstalkZB on the threat the World Health Organization now poses to humanity, on 24 May 2023. Listen here (starts at 17 minutes).




Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us 


  1. Why isn't WHO being treated as a Terrorist Organization, because they are!
    Their Intention is not for the Greater Good of Mankind and never has been
    Their intention is about Power, Control and Greed

  2. Donna-Maree Parker18 June 2023 at 19:07

    Yep this has been coming for a long time and now it is here. I have been spreading the word for some time now. Most people listen indulgently but probably dont do as I recommend and that is dont take my word for it investigate for yourself.
