Friday 3 March 2023


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SSPX founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with Pope Pius XII

"The SSPX is completely Catholic regarding the truths of the Catholic Faith", says Bishop Athanasius Schneider. "Therefore, it is surely not schismatic."

Music to the ears of the millions - at a guess - of  faithful Latin Massgoers worldwide who are now, following the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes of 'Pope Francis' and Cardinal Roche's rescript weighing up the pros and cons of the Society of St Pius X as a safe haven for truly Catholic worship of their good God.

Given the reputation that the SSPX enjoys in the Francis church as alien, somewhat sinister or even creepy, and the belief of the few NO Massgoers who still think there's a hell that SSPX adherents are well on their way there, a good number of those millions will be reassured by the assurances of the saintly Bishop Schneider. 

It's to be hoped that "driven into the arms of the SSPX" as some pundit put it, they will take their wallets with them. Let Jorge Bergoglio, aka 'Pope Francis' and his hierarchy find funding for their schemes for completion of their take-over of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church elsewhere.

St Anthony's SSPX Whanganui 

Bishop Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop for Kazahkstan and internationally known and respected for his polite, patient and entirely proper resistance to the plans of 'Pope Francis' to turn the Catholic Church into a New World Church under the direction of Herr Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum, was speaking to Michael Matt of the Remnant newspaper.

Matt had posited that if it can be permissible for faithful Catholics to attend a formally schismatic liturgy according to the Code of Canon Law and only in certain extraordinary circumstances, then obviously it would be permissible to attend Masses offered by the priests of the SSPX for the same reason, provided one does not do so with schismatic intent. 

"Do you agree?" Matt asked +Schneider.

Bishop Schneider: "The situation of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) cannot be compared to an Orthodox church, since the SSPX is completely Catholic regarding the truths of the Catholic Faith, they recognise the current Pope, they mention the Pope and the respective local bishops in the Canon of the Mass and pray for them even publicly.

"Therefore, the SSPX is surely not schismatic. The situation of SSPX consists in a deficient canonical status within the Church, and this is not because of their own will or evil intention, but uniquely because of the extraordinary grave crisis of the Faith and the Liturgy within the Church, a crisis promoted or tolerated by the Holy See.

"The conditions which the Holy See requests from the SSPX for a full canonical regularisation are ultimately difficult to accept, since they demand the SSPX to recognise the goodness of the New Mass and the II Vatican Council as being as a whole a part of the Catholic Tradition, even though this Council had by its own declaration and that of the Popes John XXIII and Paul VI a primarily pastoral character and had no intention to propose to the faithful its own teachings with definitive character.

That seems to be pretty clear. Latin Massgoers - or Novus Ordo Massgoers seeking to escape - will perhaps want to view the video "Loyal Opposition" - Michael Matt's interview with +Bishop Schneider. the Catholic Identity Conference 2022,

The Transfiguration

This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him. And this voice we heard, brought from Heaven, when we were with Him on the holy mount (2 Peter 1: 17, 18).


  1. Imagine this conversation for a laugh:

    Pope Francis - I tell you SSPX, you must come back in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

    SSPX - OK, we agree.

    Pope Francis - Good, your latin mass is banned henceforth

    Its not going to happen is it, Pope Francis has burned all the bridges.

    1. This comment comes from 'Anon', not from moi and my response - after a haha - is we must wait for a good pope to see the SSPX in full communion..

  2. An eagle-eyed reader says he is complete agreement with this post - except for its having put Archbishop Lefebvre in a pic with Pope Paul VI. It was actually Pius XII (in whose company the Archbishop would have felt much more comfy). Mea culpa. Put it down please, to bad eyesight.
