Wednesday 2 November 2022


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We may as well call it the Synod on Sexuality. It's that bad. Actually, it's worse. It's the worst.

The Synod on Synodality will wreak such change in the Church as to be suicidal. It signals the end of the Catholic Church as we know it and heralds the New World Church of the global elite.

Whatever Antipope Francis might have said years ago about no women priests ever, he's now paving the way with women deacons for the next heterodox heretical pope to cancel his remarks - just as Francis himself cancelled Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum reinstating the Traditional Latin Mass.

With Proddies, lapsed Catholics and atheists all having their say in this sex-obsessed, non-Catholic Synod, it's hardly surprising that the spousal relationship of Christ and His Mystical Bride is totally ignored - or rather, that a lesbian alternative is offered. 

Strange that those Sola Scriptura Proddies didn't recall to mind St Paul in sacred  Scripture: "It is shameful for a woman to speak in church (1 Cor 14:33–35). And before you Catholic feminists break out in a rash, you might benefit from meditating on "male and female he created them" (Gen 1:27) and just why He did that, and how it works in human nature and in the Church. 

The Vatican has unveiled the document to guide the Synod on Synodality, which calls for more inclusion of the divorced and “re-married,” LGBT groups, and proposes a “female diaconate.”

Formation of document

The working Document for the Continental Stage of the Synod (DCS), “Enlarge the space of your tent,” will guide the next stage of the Synod on Synodality, which has been extended until 2024.

How much longer are Catholics going to put up and shut up?  

The document itself was compiled by “experts,” theologians, laity, and bishops in September. As LifeSiteNews has reported, these “experts” comprised a number of individuals who both oppose the Traditional Mass and support contraception.

The DCS is a summary of reports by 112 of 114 bishops’ conferences, 17 of the 23 Roman Curial dicasteries, and all the Eastern Catholic churches.

The authors noted that the document is not “a conclusive document, because the process is far from over,” nor is it part of the “Church’s Magisterium, nor is it the report of a sociological survey.” Instead, “it remains a theological document in the sense that it is oriented to the service of the Church’s mission: to proclaim Christ dead and risen for the salvation of the world.”

Vague enough to suit the atheists even. 

READ: Pro-contraception theologian, controversial papal biographer writing key document for Synod on Synodality

Writing that the synod has so far produced “abundant fruits, new seeds that promise new growth,” the document added that “there is no lack of clear expressions of rejection,” with “skepticism about the actual effectiveness or even the intent of the synodal process” also expressed in the quotations drawn from the examined reports.

Church must be ‘more welcoming’ to LGBT and ‘remarried’ 

The document drew from various diocesan reports to refer to groups who felt “neglected and excluded.” Among those who “feel a tension between belonging to the Church and the experience of their own affective relationships,” the document listed: 

  • remarried divorcees
  • single parents
  • people in polygamous marriages
  • LGBTQ people, etc.



The heterodox Cardinal Grech is in fact taking the position of listening to heretics and encouraging them to persist in serious sin. Like the rest of the Synod's backers, including New Zealand's Cardinal John Dew, he is a wolf in shepherd's clothing.


 Synod of Bishops' FaceBook page: Latin-language watermark of Synod of Bishops, upper left   

    Role of women and ‘female diaconate’

    Much attention is given to the role of women, including calls for female ordination.

    The document stated that there was a dual need to draw “men to a more active membership in the Church and enable women to participate more fully at all levels of Church life.”

    Addressing media, Professor Anna Rowlands said “the question of the diaconate for women came up repeatedly, across many, many reports.” 

    The text of the DCS noted that many reports:

    [A]sk the Church to continue discerning on a series of specific issues, namely the active role of women in the governance structures of the Church bodies, the possibility for women with adequate training to preach in the parish setting, the female diaconate.

    Much more diverse positions are expressed with regard to the ordination of women to the priesthood, which some syntheses call for, while others consider the question closed.

    The heterodox Women’s Ordination Conference welcomed these sections of the DCS saying that it was “encouraged” by the promotion of the “near universal calls for women in governance, women preachers, and ‘a female diaconate.’”

    Pope John Paul II had already condemned female ordination, writing in his 1994 Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: “I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.” 

    The Polish pope also quoted from Pope Paul VI’s 1975 letter to the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, in which the former pontiff wrote that “the exclusion of women from the priesthood is in accordance with God’s plan for his Church.”

St. Paul, teaching through the Sacred Scriptures in First Corinthians reads: “Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith. But if they would learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church” (DRB, 1 Cor. 14:34-35).

That must be the reason why at least one reader of this blog resigned from the ministry of proclaiming the word but 'speaks' in church now by simply walking out on heretical homilies and returning for the Creed.

    Questions of liturgy and Eucharist

    The aspect of the Church’s liturgy was also addressed, with the DCS highlighting how the liturgy can be linked to the situation of indigenous peoples. Their spirituality, wisdom and culture have much to teach us.”

'Their spirituality, wisdom and culture' may have much to teach us as individuals but pagan spirituality wisdom and culture can have absolutely nothing to teach the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.  

    Renewed calls for female roles in ministry were reflected in this aspect also. Questions ranged “from the redesign of a liturgy that is too centered on the celebrant, to the modalities of active participation of the laity, to the access of women to ministerial roles.”

Yes, it is oh-so-centred on the celebrant. Compare the Novus Ordo with the Traditional Latin Mass, which is utterly centred on God.

For nearly 2,000 years, because of the spousal relationship of Christ to His Bride and because of the male's (fatherly, priestly) role of implanting seed and the female's (the congregation's, as a figure of the Virgin Mary) role in receiving and nurturing that seed, the Church did not permit any woman to exercise a liturgical ministry in the sanctuary. The Council of Laodicea (365 AD) stated in Canon 44: “Women may not approach near the altar.”

Remember that the Second Vatican Council said nary a word about liturgical ministries for women, and expressly stipulated: “there must be no innovations unless the good of the Church genuinely and certainly requires them” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 23). Women who frolick about now in the sanctuary in various modes need to reflect on their position. They won't be popular if they resign such ministries: they'll be 'letting people down". But we must obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29).

For a good read:

The pain felt now by divorcees and polygamists is nothing at all compared with the pain of eternity in hell. 'There is no unanimity on how to 'handle these situations' because of the utter failure of the post-Vatican II Church to preach reality: the 'Four Last Things - Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell'.  

    Highlighting a report from the U.S., the document also noted that “many regret the restrictions on the use of the 1962 Missal.” This aspect, however, was not expanded upon or addressed further. 

You bet it wasn't. The Synodalists pretended the 1962 Missal no longer exists. It is the stumbling block in the way of Antipope Francis and his henchmen in the hierarchy, like Cardinal Dew, the yes men who know that the Old Mass, 'the most beautiful thing this side of heaven' (Father Faber) is still recruiting hearts and minds to Christ, especially young ones, throughout the world; hearts and minds that will remain faithful to Christ and His Church and resist the New World Church of the globalists' invention.

    Synod a continuation of Vatican II’s ‘aggiornamento’

    The Synod on Synodality has already been compared to the Second Vatican Council, and described by commentators as promoting a “parallel church.

    Such a description was supported by the text of the new document, which noted that the “conversion and reform” of the synod “translates into an equally continuous reform of the Church, its structures and its style, in the wake of the desire for a permanent ‘aggiornamento,’ a precious legacy of the Second Vatican Council to which we are called to turn on its 60th anniversary.”

    In an apparent abandonment of adherence to Catholic doctrine or principles, the document stated, when describing the way forward, that: 

    The message of the synodal journey is simple: we learn to walk together and sit together to break the same bread, so that everyone can find their place. Everyone is called to take part in this journey, no one is excluded. This is what we feel called to do in order to credibly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to all peoples. This is the road we seek to follow for the continental stage. 

No one is excluded from the Church now and never has been. It's only those who exclude Christ themselves, from their soul, by unrepented serious sin, who must be excluded, not from the Church, but from receiving Him in Communion. If only divorcees and polygamists could consider for a moment the pain of Christ Who has given them every good thing including His own Body, crucified for them, instead of bewailing their own pain which simply cannot compare.

    In what is one of the rare occasions of a description of synodality itself, the DCS outlines how the synod deals with the many “tensions” highlighted during the event: “[A] synodal spirituality can only be one that welcomes differences and fosters harmony, and that draws from the tensions the energy to move forward.”

    Next steps in synodal process

    The synod is still in a “listening phase,” said Anna Rowlands, with the next stages still being a continuation of this “listening.” 

    However, the DCS calls on the Church to already begin implementing a process of change: “All the institutions of the Church are called to question themselves on how to integrate the synodal impulse into the exercise of their functions and mission, renewing their structures and procedures or introducing new ones.”

    Following the release of the new text, bishops around the world are now to draw up their own local reflections on the document. 

    After this, seven continental meetings of bishops’ conferences will take place, to be held in Africa, Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and North America.

    With all the resulting documents from these meetings having been compiled, they will in turn form the basis of the working document (Instrumentum laboris) – finalized by June 2023 – for the Synod of Bishops to be held at the Vatican, October 4 through 29, 2023.

    READ: Vatican’s Synod on Synodality will consult non-Catholics, lapsed Catholics

    As with the original Preparatory Document, the DCS called for the future stages of the synod to give “particular attention” also to “representatives of other religions and faith traditions; and of people without religious affiliation.”

 And why should the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church pay any attention to other religions? It is the they, and people who seek for truth, who should give particular attention her. She possesses the Truth, whole and entire, in her Head, Jesus Christ. She has everything and Catholics have everything, in their Holy Mother the Church, for life in its fullness here on earth and in eternity. 


    On this day is made Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, in which our common loving Mother, the Church, having endeavoured to extol with due praises her children already rejoicing in heaven, now strives to assist by earnest supplications to Christ, her Lord and Spouse, those who still suffer the pains of purgatory, that they may speedily attain to the fellowship of the heavenly citizens 

    -Collect, Prime, All Souls' Day.


  1. For Catholics, look for information and videos on the True Catholic Church at: Vatican or in pre- Vatican ll books ( preferably 1950's or before).

    1. Please use the 1950's Mass Missal.

  2. Your post headline of ‘SYNOD'S NON-CATHOLIC, NEW WORLD CHURCH’ stood out for me and had me thinking if a current church matter authorities are not answering could be linked in some way.

    During a recent Mass/combined service at my local church in Dannevirke nearly three weeks ago the celebrant advised the congregation before Communion the process to be used in approaching for a blessing, with no mention being given that Catholics only were allowed to come forward for Communion. As expected, a certain amount of chaos then followed.

    The unfamiliar actions of some of those approaching for Communion indicated they were indeed non-Catholic. A woman seated in front of me, for example, had demonstrated her non-Catholic affiliation through her uncertainty of when to sit or stand during the service and finally consumed the Sacred Host while seated. Again, my wife noticed a man stopped by the priest who seemed to be reminding him that the Host had to be consumed there and then, not taken away. There were other obvious abnormal displays during Communion.

    Despite reporting the happenings to Cardinal Dew and others afterwards I have received no acknowledgement of my letter to date.

    What causes great concern too is that I have been advised that my experience is not an isolated case, but it is an ongoing problem that in the past was reported to our bishop who apparently didn’t implement any action plan of prevention – unbelievable!

  3. Most people will never wake up!

  4. See the special reports with Maria Zeee!
