Wednesday 16 November 2022


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Pope Francis is 'given to a lot of daft un-papal pap' - Irish artist Eugene de Leastar

"There are now two Churches in existence which both intend to occupy the same physical and spiritual space here on earth. Both call themselves the Catholic Church. One is the Bride of Christ, created by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. The other is Satan's anti-Church."

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò's brilliant mind, displayed in his reply to a cloistered nun in Monday's post "We Reign with Christ only on the Cross" ( is a tad too hard for some to follow. So a reader of this blog is fronting with a bit of explanation - and helpful advice.  

'Michael' says the anti-Church is "currently being completed and launched probably via the Synod on Synodality", which he sees as "Satan's minion Francis asking mankind" for their wish-list for his anti-church. He goes on:

+Viganò's reply to the nun's letter is spot-on but - typically - hard to read. Breaking it down to his key points, his comments are shown in italics.


  • "But are you and I, and the many priests, religious and faithful, part of that church(Bergoglio's - ed) or of the Church of Christ?"
  • "To what extent can we superimpose the Bergoglian church and the Catholic Church, (accepting that they are superimposable in some aspect?)"
  • "The problem is that the conciliar revolution has torn the bond of identity between the Church of Christ and the Catholic hierarchy."

There are currently two Churches trying to occupy the same physical space, each calling itself the Catholic Church. One is The Catholic Church, the Bride of Christ created by Jesus 2000 years ago, and the other is Satan's anti church currently being completed and launched (probably via the Synod on Synodality - Satan's minion Francis asking mankind what man wants in his anti-church).

  • This rupture, this violent tear, was consummated on the spiritual level at the moment in which the authority of the prelates was secularized, just like what happened in the civil sphere.  
    • Wherever authority ceases to be sacred, sanctioned from above, exercised in the place of He who combines in himself the spiritual authority of Supreme Pontiff and the temporal authority of King and Lord, it is there corrupted into tyranny, sold with corruption, and commits suicide in anarchy."

     I.E., that person or organisation ceases to have authority.

     By my assessment, the faithful Catholics who are left and anyone who wants to follow Christ in His Church, (Novus Ordo, Trad, Orthodox I'm not differentiating between them at the moment. Just people who love Christ, believe the faith (the logos, if you like. Because His Church and Christ are one, hence in a sense the faith is the Logos, just as the Bride and the Groom become one).


    The faithful currently find themselves in one of three situations:

    1. Those lucky few who are currently in a Diocese run by a Catholic Bishop, ie one who both believes and teaches the Faith.

 Rather than 'lucky', we'd call those privileged Catholics 'blessed'. There's no such thing as luck, only God's wonderful Providence. 

2. Those faithful who have a good or mostly "okay" bishop/priest who at least tries to stay with the Faith and fight off or ignore the woke modernist attacks.
3. Those who find themselves - while still sitting in the same pews they've occupied for 30 years - now sitting in Satan's anti-church of modernist, woke paganism. In the Land of Mordor. (And these days it could literally be a satanic Church even though it physically has not changed in decades. Any "balloon Masses" or Pachamama Idols? Gay 'weddings' during the Mass?) 


Novus Ordo 'theatre'

So, what do we do?
Each person needs to assess which of these situations they find themselves in, and then make a decision to take action. The goal is eternal salvation and the Beatific Vision. For that you need to get into the Barque of St Peter, Christ's Church, and stay in it.  
If you are in situation 1) then please explain the situation - and your privileged position - to all and sundry, and protect your bishop and parish priests.
If you think you're in situation 2) then make a choice. Either you can stay and try to fix it (by fighting off the hordes of Mordor and working with others, if you can find them, to re-catechise your diocese/bishop/local priest, bringing the faith back and like St Patrick expelling the snakes), or do you need to move to a Catholic diocese/parish.
If you're in situation 3) then either immediately move to where the faith is, or bring the faith to your diocese. Think "Rock Mass" or the underground church in China today.
In New Zealand I suspect most will be in situation 3, whether they admit it or not. However even in the "Land of Mordor" (the Archdiocese of Wellington) there may be one good priest.
It's best to prepare your Rock Mass locations and priest holes now, while you can. (Noah built the Ark BEFORE it rained.)
Get together with other faithful in your area (if there are any), and come up with some plans. Just what plans exactly will depend on which situation you think you're in (remember it WILL get worse, so plan for that).
You need access to the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Mass and Reconciliation, and so you will want at least one good priest. Ideally, a bishop. For now, you can move but consider the 'what if.' Relocating or traveling may not be affordable or even possible in the future.
The loyal Shepherds are going to be moved around and kicked out of their homes so have a plan to house them when that eventually happens.

Our reader has "the beautiful name Michael", as Bishop Athanasius Schneider comments to Michael Matt in the Remnant (September 30), in his feature article "Role of the Angels". +Schneider assumes that Matt has "a special devotion to the Holy Angels", and we may reasonably assume that our reader does too. 

+Schneider goes on to quote St Padre Pio: 

"This is the hour of the angels." Our time. Especially in this time of an extraordinary crisis of the faith within the life of the Church, I think we greatly need a new awareness of the Holy Angels in the Church and of their work in the Kingdom of God. We need to invoke them, to engage them in order to glorify God in Christ and to spread the reign of Christ the King over creation and in society, and also to have the spiritual weapons to fight against the Fallen Angels. We cannot do this effectively without the presence of the Holy Angels and especially St Michael the Archangel.

Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places (Eph 6:11,12).

The Church on earth is therefore appropriately called Ecclesia militans - the fighting Church, the militant Church. ... Every true Catholic has to be a soldier of Christ. The Church is the Churxh of Christ the Invincible King of Kings, and the true victory over the world, as St John says, is the faith. Which faith? The Catholic faith. And St Michael and the Holy Angels are our brothers and fellows in the worship, in the fight, in the victory of the Lord, of the Heavenly Army. ...

The traditional Roman liturgy (the Latin Mass - ed) is the clearest voice of the Bride of Christ and of the Holy Angels - a voice that was heard and experienced by our forefathers for over a thousand years. The traditional Roman liturgy is a treasure that belongs to all saints and to the Church of all time, a sacred treasure of which no fallible administrative ordinances of Church authorities, even of the pope, can rob us....

St Francis de Sales said: "Seek to be familiar with the angels. Learn to realise that they are continually present, although invisible; especially love and revere the guardian angel of the diocese in which you live, the guardian angel of those of your friends who surround you, and your own Guardian Angel. Commune with them frequently, join in their songs of praise and seek their protection and help in all that you do, spiritual and temporal.

Let us be confident and invoke the powerful help of the Angels that they may come and set free the seat of St Peter in Rome, the apostolic see. Let us invoke the Holy Angels to set free the Holy See from the chains in which she was put decades ago by high-ranking Churchmen who were consciously or unconsciously acting acting emissaries of the anti-Christian powers of our time. ...

I would conclude with the words of St John Chrysostom, a great father and doctor of the Church, who himself passed through so many trials and troubles and was persecuted.

"If the very air is filled with angels, how much more is the Church filled with Holy Angels? The Christian has nothing to fear from the Devil, because the angel of the Lord shall encamp round about those that fear Him, and He shall deliver them."






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