Saturday 19 November 2022


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Our dishonorable leader, the traitor Jacinda Ardern

At last someone proposes to Do Something about the disaster inflicted on our nation by Ardern, Jackson, Mahuta & Co, that thoroughly disreputable gang of Commies who got themselves elected by lies.

The BFD's Cam Slater

The BFD's Cam Slater is a man hated by many. The way we are now in New Zealand, perhaps that's a compliment.  Slater "doesn't do quiet and, as a result, he is a polarising, controversial but highly effective journalist who takes no prisoners" - the BFD.

Slater and a bunch of good guys have decided the only way out of this hell-hole Ardern has created is by petition. The so-called Opposition couldn't oppose a pawn on a chessboard. We have to find big enough numbers of good guys out there to do her and her evil crew down, for good. Otherwise we're down for bad, badder and the worst. 

On the Vigil of the Solemnity of Christ the King we pray we may marshal the great forces for good which we had in New Zealand before Stalinda the Kind and her Covid scheming came along. 

The Labour Government has legislated constitutional change and they’ve done it without the consent of New Zealanders. They have promoted a move away from one person one vote to a co-governance system where Maori votes are worth far more than Non-Maori votes. They are essentially supporting a race-based, apartheid system.


Willie Jackson and Jacinda Stalinda Ardern: institutionalised apartheid 

They’ve done it in Health; they are proposing to do it again with water assets that councils already own, and their plans go even wider than that. We need to just say no to co-governance.

These changes have been made without our consent. They didn’t even have the temerity to campaign on the changes in either the 2017 or the 2020 general election. They’ve just decided to ram it through and they don’t care two hoots for what voters think about that. We need to tell them, No!  


The ACT Party has talked a big game on co-governance, saying they want a referendum. But they haven’t bothered to put those words into action. By not taking action they are letting the government have a free hand to embed these racist policies for more than a year. It will take even longer than that to reverse them, even if there is a referendum AFTER the next election.



National are even worse. They have put up billboards and have promised to repeal Three Waters, and also to replace it. With what we aren’t even told. Just that they would repeal it and replace it. They too have sat on their hands. They set up a petition, but that is just to harvest your email details to send you other stuff.

But there is a way to force the politicians’ hands.


We can force a referendum if we collect enough signatures in a year to have a referendum put on the ballot paper at the next election.


A few of us got together to do what the opposition parties should have done. We’ve applied to have a Citizen’s Initiated Referendum. We’ve had the question approved by the Clerk of Representatives, and we are ready to go.

The purpose of the Citizens Initiated Referendum is to show the liberal elite in Wellington that they are out of step with what many New Zealanders think, and what may be acceptable in government departments is not acceptable to a great many of us in the rest of New Zealand.

The question that has been approved is: "Should New Zealand implement a form of co-governance where 50% of elected representatives to Parliament and local authorities (including community boards and local boards) be elected by voters of Maori descent, and 50% by non-Maori?”

To download the approved signature form to collect signatures please go to: Just Say No!

You can also download the form here.

Petition for a citizens initiated referendum. To the House of Representatives, we, the undersigned, pursuant to the Citizens Initiated Referenda Act 1993, ask that an indicative referendum be held on the following question: Should New Zealand implement a form of co-governance where 50% of elected representatives to Parliament and local authorities (including community boards and local boards) be elected by voters of Māori descent, and 50% by non-Māori? Please write neatly in BLOCK LETTERS and fill in all necessary information.



Start collecting signatures today. Help us get the necessary signatures so that we can tell the politicians that we don’t want co-governance.

Only signatures collected using this form will be accepted by the Clerk of the House. Once you have completed a form, scan it and email to the referendum team.

To support the referendum financially please go to Just Say No's donations page.

Follow on Facebook and Twitter.

Your support matters. We are fighting against the huge budget of government, government agencies and the disgraceful Public Interest Journalism Fund that mandates media to promote the government’s policies using your money.

This is a David vs Goliath battle where Goliath has vast sums of taxpayer money to oppose what many of us think is a fair and reasonable question to be put to the public.

Donations of any size will allow us to fight back against the giant we oppose. They will help us send a message to Wellington that they have moved too far and too fast on co-governance. They will help us tell Wellington that making the vast majority of New Zealanders’ votes count less than Maori votes is unacceptable to true democrats across our country.

Send the Government a message – Just Say No!




The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, formerly referred to as "Christ the King," was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 as an antidote to secularism, a way of life which leaves God out of man's thinking and living and organizes his life as if God did not exist. The feast is intended to proclaim in a striking and effective manner Christ's royalty over individuals, families, society, governments, and nations. - Rt. Rev. Msgr. Rudolph G. Gandas

 plans go even wider than that. We need to just say no to co-governance.

1 comment:

  1. I hope this referendum flies because we are having a major constitutional change forced on us without our consent.

    We have to ask why National and Act are not taking the appropriate action against this constitutional change being inflicted by stealth. I can only guess they are being fed handy amounts of treaty settlement money, like Labour. There is no way Labour is doing this for nothing, you can smell when secret cash or favours are driving a deal that can't be reasonably explained any other way.

    The apparent complicity of our Catholic bishops in this pro-Maori political agenda is a worry, are they on the gravy train too? The still secret deal brokered for the Vatican by the rampant homosexual rapist Cardinal McCarrick with the Chinese Communist Party must have had lots of Chinese cash behind it, you cant by any other sensible means explain why the Chinese Catholic faithful were sold out. 500 years ago the Church raised money by selling indulgences, the game is more sophisticated now.

    Our main stream media was bought off for only $55 million.

    It seems there is a ready market for selling political favours for cash.

    Please sign the referendum!
