Wednesday 22 December 2021


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A sandwich sign has gone up outside the door to St Joseph's Church, Central Hawke's Bay. "Kia Ora", it says, "Vaccine Pass is required for entry."

At least one St Joseph's Massgoer in good standing with the Church doesn't have any such truly pathetic piece of paper as a 'Vaccine Pass'. No faithful Catholic would touch an 'MVP' with a 40-ft barge pole. Because getting yourself injected with a substance concocted partly from aborted babies is a gravely sinful violation of God's commandment, "Thou shalt not kill."

NZ's once-were-Catholic bishops are conniving in that sin, which for them as shepherds is far more grievous than for their people, whom they should be calling to repentance and metaphorically  sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 

They say they "will ensure vaccinated and unvaccinated people can safely attend Mass"  - but St Joseph's takes medical apartheid to a whole new level by sending the unvaxxed over to the hall to hear Mass via a sound system. Money and time will be expended, probably for exactly no one. Faithful, unvaxxed Catholics will find a Mass on the telly or go elsewhere and St Joseph's will suffer.

 all puts one in a mood very receptive to the redoubtable Ann Barnhardt as she posits in: 

Open Missive to Antipope Bergoglio and Minions

Readers might find her choice of adjectives rather too explicit but what orthodox Catholic can disagree with her sentiments of rage and disgust at Bergoglio's determined demolition of Holy Mother Church?  


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE “excommunicate” me from your luciferian Antichurch. PLEASE.

So, apparently Antipope Bergoglio and his coven of apostate faggot flying monkeys have “changed Canon Law” in order to start “excommunicating” or “putting under interdict” laypeople who know what Antipope Bergoglio and his demoniac clique are, and state it publicly: criminal usurpers and apostates.

Canon 1373 has been “changed” from:

Can. 1373 A person who publicly incites among
subjects animosities or hatred against the
Apostolic See or an ordinary because of some
act of power or ecclesiastical ministry or
provokes subjects to disobey them is to be
punished by an interdict or other just penalties.


Can. 1373
A person who publicly incites
hatred or animosity against the Apostolic See
or the Ordinary because of some act of
ecclesiastical office or duty, or who provokes
disobedience against them, is to be punished
by interdict or other just penalties.

The fact that “among subjects” was removed opens this up to laypeople… LIKE ME! Or so these apostate antichurch morons think, or want to see how many people they can deceive into thinking they have any authority, or really any genuine connection to the One True Church.  What part of APOSTATE and ANTICHURCH is unclear?

We laugh.  WE LAUGH HARD.

I’ve said for many years, if I show up at my Particular Judgment WITHOUT having been “excommunicated” by the luciferian imbecile Antipope Bergoglio from the Freemasonic whore antichurch that he is the public figurehead of, I will be SERIOUSLY NERVOUS, the implication being that I didn’t do nearly enough to fight these psychopathic monstrosities and defend The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Papacy, and Pope Benedict XVI.

The only fear I have is that I’m NOT STRIDENT ENOUGH.

I want A PIECE OF PAPER. I want to matte, frame, and hang on my wall AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT explicitly stating that I am “excommunicated” from the apostate antichurch, the Whore of Babylon herself, publicly fronted by the drooling imbecile demon-worshiper and sodomite-lover Jorge Mario Bergoglio.



Please mail this document, and I expect quality paper stock and an embossed seal, to:


6834 S. University Blvd.
Centennial, CO 80122

The fact that these drooling luciferian imbeciles think for one nano-second that ANYTHING they say or do has any genuine authority, or that I would think that they have any power to sever my relationship with Jesus Christ and His Holy Church or jeopardize my Particular Judgment and the fate of my eternal soul by farting out some “excommunication” from their satanic coven is just further proof of how breathtakingly stupid these demonic perverts are.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE “excommunicate” me.  Please document that I have fought, am fighting, and will fight you, and I will defend The Holy Catholic Church, the Papacy, and Pope Benedict XVI to my dying breath AGAINST YOU and the host of hell.


St. Athanasius, pray for us.

Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Ss Peter and Paul
El Greco


  1. How very sad it is that you spend so much time on vitriolic attacks on members of the Church who have a different understanding of God and faith than you do. May Christmas bring light to your mind and peace to your heart.

  2. Sadly, this is the only way the concerned laity can voice their concerns. Letters to the Nuncio or prelates achieve nothing. Pat Dunn quoting a prayer from the founder of the UN? The Pope putting a beach ball on the altar in Brazil? One could go on infinitum. Now we have a sly change to Canon law to punish those who question.. The church is close to becoming an ecumenical theosophical cult. The church is indefectable. A remnant will survive. If you doubt what I have written study Cardinal Burke and Ab. Vigaro.

  3. this is off topic but you may want to see this as a christmas present to you all.

    though i come across as a bible soaked protestant my favourite composer is Anton Bruckner - 1824-96

    he wrote gigantic symphonies in the school of german ( or should i say germanophone? - he was austrian) romanticism.

    he was a totally devout catholic, and he views God very much the way I do.

    Every note he wote was to the glory of the Holy and Terrible (a term which though biblical i only ever heard from Ignatius Loyola)

    If your tastes incline to the classical (I was a classically trained symphony orchestral musician) and are catholic Brucker should appeal to you.

    he can be found on youtube or spotify

    Enjoy and merry christmas

  4. If i may offer a perspetive from an outsider, ie a non catholic.

    Bergoglio has indeed repudiated catholic doctrine. I am of theological inclination and I know catholic doctrine fairly well, I think.

    But he has not become a Protestant, nor an Orthodox. He has repudiated any form of christianity outright

    Be assured I am as offended as you when he honours Pachomama some meso Ameriocan nature goddess; when he tells a boy that his ddead atheist father is in heaven for being a "good man"; when he forbids evangelism; when he claims that sexual sins ( a far too narrow view of what the bible says "the flesh" is) are no bigdeal; when he says that the 12 year old Jesus would have had to ask his parents' forgiveness when he stayed behind in the Temple after the family left town to return ot Nazareth; when he consorts with false religions as if equal in truth content.

    THis last is the kind of ecumenicalism I reject outright

    he is a complete apostate, a pagan, a heretic not only to the Roman Church but to any who call themselves christian.

    He does not, as a commentator say here, have a "different understanding of God and faith"

    he denies them outright, if, that is, faith has any kind of objective meaning and standards.

    I would not stand in his shoes for anything, for he will stand before an angry God quite soon, given his advancing age

  5. I do recommend books by Malachi Martin which are in the NZ library system. The best is 'The Keys of This Blood' which lifts the lid of how the church became a tool of the new order, the satanic Mass in Rome around 1965 and the antics of Bernadin. His book on the Jesuits is great also.
