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David Seymour really takes the cake. Not only does he bawl the Catholic Bishops out for upholding the Fifth Commandment, he bawls them out for breaking the Ninth.
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David Seymour - a twerp twerking |
We should be grateful that he doesn't bawl the bishops out for mentioning the name of God in their Election Statement 2020 just twice.
The Fifth Commandment says: "Thou shalt not kill", which is of course why the bishops had to rule out voting yes to David Seymour's wretched euthanasia referendum.
(We wonder why the bishops don't apply the same stricture to abortion, by ruling out Catholics voting for any MP who supported the Abortion Legislation Act. In the absence of any stated reason we must assume the reason is spondulicks - the millions in hand-outs the Church takes from this atheist, socialist state. BTW David Seymour, of course, was one of the large majority of MPs who broke the Fifth Commandment by voting for Ardern's Act.)
And the Ninth Commandment states "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour". In other words, don't tell lies about other people. Arbiter of public morals Seymour pronounces thus:
“The Bishops state that the End of Life Choice Act ‘reflect[s] negative attitudes towards the elderly and disabled that run deep in society.’ They must know that the Act explicitly forbids anyone being eligible to choose Assisted dying because of old age or disability.
They need to understand the End of Life Choice Act is about choice. It is about dignity and respect."
This is pure prevarication. Is Seymour claiming it's a lie to say negative attitudes towards the elderly and disabled run deep in society? Really? I guess you have to be on what society so positively refers to as "the right side of 50" to think that, and the way Seymour talks, he sounds like he's on 'the right side' of 20.
Seymour thinks he needs only mention the sacred cow of 'choice' to have thousands of fans flock to his Act banner and give him status as a coalition partner in the next government. We can kill other people all we want - by outright murder as in abortion, or implicitly by the power of suggestion that the elderly are "better off dead", as the bishops rightly say, simply because that's our 'choice'.
Mr Seymour, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Just in case you, dear reader, might be impressed by his show of respect for the Commandments, let me disabuse you of any such notion by quoting Seymour himself, as saying that his career in politics has put paid to "a series" of his relationships and he is currently single. "There are two-and-a-half million women in this country and none of them are (sic) that desperate," he adds.
'A series of relationships' means breaking the Sixth Commandment, Mr Seymour. It's fornication. Fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of God. That is to say, fornication is a mortal sin and those who do not repent of it will go to Hell.
And be warned, people: David Seymour would like to "build a consensus" so the ACT could, in future, support either side in government.
It's the stuff of nightmares. So Seymour is a potential turncoat, just like Winston Peters who singlehandedly brought this disastrous Labour Coalition Government on a nation who voted for National.
As for Seymour's religion, he says he has "respect for the Anglicans". Which explains why he hasn't mouthed off against Archbishop Philip Richardson, Primate, Senior Bishop of the NZ Pakeha Diocese, who authorised a statement against euthanasia along with 37 of New Zealand’s most prominent religious leaders which included the Catholic bishops.
But why should Seymour have respect for the Catholics, when our bishops refer to God just once or twice, perfunctorily, in their statement - and to 'God of Nations' in their appended prayer (without so much as a 'please' or 'thank you'). At least Archbishop Philip quotes from the bible, and "calls on Christians to stand firm in our understanding of human life as having a greater value than the sum of what we can or cannot do.
“As Christians, we say that our individual human life and human worth does not depend on ability, or gifts, or capacity, or even on the quality of our life, but rather on our status as being made in God’s image and likeness."
In their statement the Catholic bishops run a close second to the NZ media as propagandists for the Ardern Mis-Government. They talk about New Zealanders being 'a team of five million'. Make that 4999999, please, bishops. You could subtract quite a lot more. Two and three-quarter million would suit me.
The bishops sound more like public servants - and of the 'Yes, Minister' variety of public servants at that - than God's servants and our servants. Their Election Statement 2020 reduces Catholicism to mere moralism.
As John Dryden wrote in Religio Laici (1682) (emphasis added):
All faiths beside, or did by arms ascend,
Or sense indulged has made mankind their friend:
This only doctrine does our lusts oppose:
Unfed by nature's soil, in which it grows;
Cross to our interests, curbing sense and sin;
Oppressed without, and undermined within
It thrives through pain; its own tormentors tires;
And with a stubborn patience still aspires.
To what can reason such effects assign,
Transcending nature, but to Laws Divine?
Election 2020 fast approaches; those praying the Family Life International Novena for "wise leaders who uphold the life and dignity of all human beings" are now into the 27 days of thanksgiving to our Blessed Mother in anticipation of her granting our request.
Michelle Kaufman of FLI rightly observes that to obtain this favour, "much prayer and fasting are needed".
Fasting? It's not Lent! Or even Advent! But today is the first of three Ember Days of fasting and abstinence (Wednesday Friday and Saturday) which occur four times in the Church year marking the cycle of the seasons, this week's following the Exaltation of the Cross and heralding the equinox.
Fasting and partial abstinence during the Ember days were ... enjoined on the faithful from time immemorial until the 1960s. It is the association of fasting and penance with the Embertides that led some to think that their peculiar name has something to do with smoldering ash, or embers. But the English name is probably derived from their Latin title, the Quatuor Tempora or “Four Seasons.”
Beset by evil as New Zealand is now, and threatened by the forthcoming election with even more of the same, prayer without fasting just isn't going to cut it. In today's Gospel, in which Jesus casts out the devil, he tells his disciples, "This kind (of impure spirit) can go out by nothing, but prayer and fasting (Mk 9:28).
And in Luke's Gospel (13: 3,5) Our Lord tells us, and even repeats Himself:
Unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish.
Paul Davis says:
ReplyDeleteHell is gonna be one hell of a crowded place according to your logic! I cannot think of any single person who has only had one loving relationship in their whole lives. We’re all doomed!
For the record I consider myself a Christian but most certainly not fundamentalist.
Karen Latimer says:
Paul Davis, it says the path is narrow and few there be that find it One can always feel genuine remorse enough to beg forgiveness of God but if the excuse is everyone else is doing it then you will join everyone else on that wide road that leads to destruction.
Stella McLeod says:
ReplyDeleteI think it pays to state which version of the Ten Commandments you are referring to as the numbering is different. David Seymour calls out Catholic Bishops using the Protestant numbering and you are calling out David Seymour using Catholic numbering so it all gets very confusing. However there is one commandment that David clearly wants broken, and that is Thou Shalt Not Kill.
So for those who are not clear on the difference in numbering here are the two versions.
The Ten Commandments: Catholic and Protestant Are Different
The Ten Commandments: Catholic and Protestant Are Different
Thank you, Stella. Digits were always my downfall!