Thursday 3 September 2020


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The chap pictured above is one more reason to vote Ardern and her cronies out of office. He's a 'trans man', a 'drag king'. He was interviewed on Queenstown radio in 'Pride Week' before speaking to a local school's Year 9 students about 'expressing yourself'. About debauching yourself, is what he seems to mean.


A Queenstown medical centre staffer in Pride Week

And here's another reason  (above). A normal Kiwi gone bonkers. Not just wearing a mask which has not been scientifically proven effective, but a mask advertising physically and spiritually unhealthy and life-threatening behaviour.

I've been told by a staffer at my local medical centre that at my appointment to have my face blasted with liquid nitro I'll have to wear a mask. I'll tell them I can't, I have a genetic condition. Intelligence. 

Here's Dr Simon Thornley, Senior lecturer of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Auckland:

Covid Plan B: Lockdowns are the wrong approach for Covid 19!
What we have learned in the last six months:
1. Mortality rate is 0.65% (USA CDC) not 3.4%. It is simply not the deadly disease as was originally thought.
2. Overseas evidence of widespread immunity, both in the form of antibodies and T cells is growing. In New Zealand, our politicians and health leaders have little interest in investigating this important issue. They remain vaccine-focused.
3. A vaccine is simply not a realistic proposition for at least another four years, if not ten. There is still no vaccine for SARs and MERS, the predecessors to covid, even after 18 years and 8 years respectively!
4. Community transmission is inevitable and has probably been happening in NZ judging by the current "outbreaks".
5. The end-game for the NZ government will be to ruin the economy through rolling lockdowns, waiting for a vaccine, while the rest of the world develops herd immunity.

6. Those who argue that saving lives is more important than the economy forget that poverty kills people.

Hundreds of doctors in Europe are now speaking out. Prof. Franz Ruppert is especially recommended (click on the Union Jack for English versions).

There is a reason why a WHO report in 2019 did not find much evidence for lockdowns. Someone there last year at least had the common decency at that time to consider the ramifications of the type of madness we are currently all being subjected to. (The WHO’s corruption by China in this disaster is a scandal for another day) - Jeremy Harris, a businessman and investor in New Zealand, one of the few whose businesses seems to have profited from Covid madness thus far – the advantage of being well hedged.

A pregnant woman under arrest in Victoria

And another reason for dispatching this Labour Government: A pregnant woman (above) who just might go bonkers. She was arrested in Ballarat, Australia, in her own home in front of her two children, for the 'crime' of promoting an anti-lockdown event on Facebook. (Remember Ballarat? Epicentre of the Victorian police force "Get Pell" exercise?) 

The event was described as a “peaceful protest,” with the aim of ending lockdowns and standing up for human rights.Those planning to attend were urged to wear a mask and observe so-called social distancing rules. 
Nevertheless, she was handcuffed while still in her pyjamas and taken into custody, before later being released on bail. Local media report that she is facing a $20,000 fine.

Last month Victoria police chief commissioner Shane Patton was unapologetic as he explained that police had in some instances been smashing car windows due to people inside the cars not cooperating with police or following the newly imposed health guidelines.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius recently described anti-lockdown protestors as “selfish,” “boofheads,” and “bats***t crazy.” Mainstream Australian media celebrated Cornelius’ comments, describing them as a “stunning take-down of the ‘tin foil hat brigade.’” 

Victorian police have now introduced an online system to encourage people to report on “suspected COVID-19 breaches” committed by their fellow Australians.

Just like Ardern wants Kiwis to snitch on one another in our very own Reign of Terror. Victoria's Premier, Daniel Andrews, hails  from Victoria's ruling Labour Party's liberal, socialist left. Just like Ardern in the Kiwi version.



Ardern, NZ's first Prime Minister to march in a 'Gay Pride' parade

Under this Labour Coalition Government the Ministry of Education has become the Ministry of LGBTQIA+ Education: 

  • "acknowledging and normalising LGBTIQA+" 
  • The Ministry of Education is urging New Zealand schools to better understand gender identity and be vigilant for homophobia.
  • Sexuality education in New Zealand schools supports and acknowledges diversity among students
  •  The first step to affirming diversity is to create visibility 
  • Sexuality education in New Zealand schools supports and acknowledges diversity among students 
  • Use inclusive language 
  • Make LGBTQA+ content visible 
  • Use targeted programmes
  • A four-part video series offers a glimpse into the lives of Rainbow Pasifika youth – “lifting the veil of silence so that young people could talanoa (talk/share) about the realness in society and how they overcame adversity”.
"If all NZ schools took steps to support their rainbow youth to be leaders of social change then school would be a place of empowerment rather than a space of hostility," writes Hayley McGlashan. Ms McGlashan is  'professional teaching fellow and PhD candidate at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Education and Social Work' and typifies the Marxist LGBTQ ideology of educationalists and academics.

These ideologues are out to destroy the traditional family. Already, same-sex couples are raising children conceived by tech-assisted reproduction, a process which was a major driver behind the push for same-sex 'marriage'. Now we have something called I.V.G. (in vitro gametogenesis), which could push this process even further along.


I.V.G. could allow same-sex couples to manufacture their own eggs and sperm, mixing and matching between genders and genes, and enabling more than two people to create a child together.

Think about it. What consequences await humanity in this scenario of hyper-pride? One would realistically conclude, a hyper-fall. God will not be mocked.


So thanks be to God for holy priests like Polish priest and professor Fr. Dariusz Oko, who's linking advocates of gender ideology to those who previously peddled communism.

In an interview publicized Wednesday with the Polish radio station Radio Maryja, Oko identifies those pushing genderism as communist sympathizers.

"The same people who announced communism yesterday, today preach genderism," said Oko. "The same people (or their physical or spiritual children), who proclaimed the praises of Stalinism and its communist crimes, are now preaching genderism and applying similar methods."

And in the US there's Father James Altman, who's delivered a powerful rebuke to the Democratic Party, highlighting the hypocrisy of the Catholic hierarchy, clergy, and laity who support its “platform.” 

The video of Fr. James Altman’s admonition has gone viral, racking up more than 55,000 views within 24 hours.
"When politics and politicians act in an immoral way, we most certainly do have the duty and obligation to speak up about it,” explained Altman, a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin. 

“Here is a memo to clueless baptized Catholics,” said Altman. “You can not be Catholic and be a Democrat. Period!”

Just as in New Zealand you can not be a Catholic and vote Labour, for pretty much the same reasons. 

Their party platform absolutely is against everything the Catholic Church teaches,” said Altman. “So just quit pretending that you’re Catholic [if you] vote Democrat.”

“Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell,” he warned.

Altman said Catholic clergy who refuse to speak up and condemn the Democratic Party’s support for abortion are “gutless cowards.” 

He went on to assert that in 2008 and 2012, no Catholic voted for Barack Obama to be president. "There were zero faithful Catholics who voted for that godless politician who had the audacity to blaspheme and say, ‘God bless Planned Parenthood,’ the most racist organization on the face of this planet, founded to wipe out black babies.”

Wilton Gregory, figure it out!” he urged, addressing Washington, DC’s archbishop, who had attacked the nation’s “best pro-life president and his Catholic wife,” while simultaneously supporting the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization.

“It’s no wonder the faithful have lost confidence in the bishops, because so many of them did such a horrible job on the [priest sexual predation] scandal,” observed Altman.

“The reason why we are seeing the signs of the times,” said Altman, “is that way too many people do not know God,” because “shepherds of the Church haven’t taught them.”

Exactly. As Michelle Kaufman of Family Life International pointed out, in asking us to pray a 54-Day Novena for "wise leaders who uphold the life and dignity of all human beings from conception to natural death and who seek the common good of all citizens",  the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that:

"By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God which urges him" to do what is good and avoid what is evil." Everyone is obliged to follow this law, which makes itself heard in conscience and is fulfilled in the love of God and of neighbor. Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person." 

You'll hear people say that voting for a minor party with Christian policies, like New Conservative, is a wasted vote. For a Catholic and a Christian there's no alternative. We must "do good" by choosing what is good, and avoiding the evil alternative presented by Labour or National - Socialism, Greater or Lesser.

Erica Tate-Vuyk:
A lot of people say things like, "Oh, I agree with xxxx party's policies, but I'm not going to vote for them because I don't think they'll get in and I don't want to waste my vote."

Honestly, a wasted vote is a vote for a party whose policies don't align with what you'd like to see in government.
It's wasted because it does not represent your true beliefs and values.
It's wasted because the party that does meet your criteria for what you want to see in government becomes discouraged and doesn't bother to run in the next election.
It's wasted because, if enough people think the same way, then the party you really want in won't get there.
It's wasted because it encourages the party you do vote for, and makes them believe that what they represent is truly what the voter wants.
Vote for the party that best represents your values and beliefs; don't compromise your principles. Compromising your principles is a wasted vote."

To vote for Labour or the Greens  and even National which although graced by some brave pro-life MPs (who deserve the candidate's vote) is led by the opportunist pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia Judith Collins, would be a betrayal of Catholic truth and teaching. We do what we can, which is to promote the Christian party, cast our vote, and leave the rest to God and His Blessed Mother.

We need only observe the relentless trashing of New Conservative billboards in our cities to realise that this is evil howling against good. You can watch a video of a demented teenage girl hurling rubbish at a New Conservatives sign on Facebook if you wish, or just eyeball the disaffected youth below - both brainwashed by a socialist, Marxist education system backed up by a socialist, Marxist Catholic hierarchy.

As Ardern and her allies in the mainstream media lead the New Zealand public like terrified lemmings towards the brink of Election 2020, we desperately need priests like Father Iko and Father Altman. Pray for them and pray to Our Lady of Sorrows, in this decisive month of September, for priests like them in our land.


"For wise leaders who uphold the life and dignity of all human beings from conception to natural death; and who seek the common good of all citizens" - Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.



  1. Amazingly, Judith Collins was a Labour supporter for years. Got sholdar tapped for the Nats and never looked back. This seems to be reasonably common: poaching of talent across parties. Sincerity means NOTHING in politics.(with the exception perhaps of the New Conservatives) It's a game played with high stakes and the participants must be cunning, ruthless and vexatious. They need to be able to flip-flop like Shaw or distort and evade like a lot do. Sadly, I knew people very active in the Christian Party years ago. Capill went before the courts and it imploded. I vote but will never work for a party again.

    1. That Collins was a Labour supporter doesn't amaze me. She changes her spots with her 'principles'.

  2. Speaking of wasted votes, there were never more wasted votes than those cast for National in 2017.

    1. More likely National in 1990 which resulted in the Bolger, Richardson, Round Table dictatorship.
