Monday 28 September 2020


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Pope Francis has no right, as a Jesuit, to be pope. 

The pope who made a secret deal with the Chinese Communist Party

So says Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano as he zeroes in on the ironically-named Society of Jesus, founded by the incomparable St Ignatius Loyola, and the order's accelerated degradation in this century to the extent of being paid 2 million dollars in 4 years by the pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, pro-Hillary Clinton, pro-Black Lives Matter, pro-narcotics billionaire plutocrat George Soros. 

The modern Jesuits, by following their vow of loyalty to the pope I suppose, have become a travesty of the magnificent men who soldiered as missionaries for two hundred years, serving the Vicar of Christ. 

+Vigano now considers the Jesuits' reconstitution in 1814 to be a mistake.

Basically the objection to Francis being pope is that he took a vow to obey himself. A Jesuit's fourth vow reads: "I also promise that I will never strive for or ambition any prelacy or dignity outside the Society; and I will to the best of my ability never to consent to my election unless I am forced to do so by obedience to him who can order me under penalty of sin” (he "who can order me under the penalty of sin" now being himself, as pope.)

Of course it's mere coincidence, but keen-eyed readers may have noticed that the adjective 'Carmelite' has vanished today from the masthead of this blog. That's because the Order of Our Lady of Mt Carmel has demanded that I delete it as being in contravention of the order's statutes, and as a fully-professed member of the order, I have obeyed. 

But given the Carmelites' 'great sadness' over my views which they say are 'not in communion with Pope Francis and the magisterium of the Church', it remains to be seen how much longer they will tolerate me.

  • "In the process of dissolution and self-demolition to which the entire ecclesial body is subjected, the contribution of the Jesuits has been – and still remains – decisive", writes Archbishop Vigano.
    "It is no coincidence that since 2013 even the highest throne has been occupied by a Jesuit, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, even though this is in violation of the Ignatian Rule that forbids members of the Society of Jesus to take up positions in the hierarchy.

"... The ideological closeness of the Society of Jesus to left-wing revolutionary movements dates back to ... 1968, which Vatican II laid the ideological foundations for and which found their greatest expression in the theology of liberation, after having removed the condemnation of communism from the preparatory documents of the Council. It is significant that many of the protagonists of that unfortunate season in Latin America, after the indulgence and moderate sanctions imposed by the Holy See, have been rehabilitated and promoted by an Argentine Jesuit."

+Vigano speaks of 

"...the heterogeneous bestiary of progressivism in the name of Malthusian environmentalism, the indiscriminate welcome of immigrants, gender theory, and the religious indifferentism sanctioned by the Abu Dhabi Declaration. The Assisi Conference – Economy of Francesco – and the coming Encyclical Fratelli Tutti confirm the anthropocentric imprint and the green shift of the Bergoglian church, which instead of the courageous and “politically incorrect” proclamation of the Gospel to all the nations has preferred the easiest environmentalist and immigrationist claims of the globalist agenda, which are dramatically risky for our Western civilization.

"And President Trump has understood this all too well.

"(s)o-called Catholic personalities like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Andrew Cuomo ... proudly support abortion and gender indoctrination, and ... the Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements that are setting entire American cities on fire. An equitable and honest analysis of the international sponsors of these parties, these “spontaneous” movements and Catholic progressivism reveals a disturbing common thread running through all of these so-called philanthropists who manipulate the political and economic fortunes of the planet with enormous funding.

"It has been reported ... that the Jesuits in America have received grants of nearly two million dollars (over four years) from George Soros, and it seems that the same agreement between the Holy See and the Chinese Communist regime has been financed by large annual donations from Beijing to the Vatican coffers that are in a disastrous state.

"The fact that the Church fell prostrate before the lockdown, suspending liturgical celebrations and closing churches all over the world, has led to considerable collateral economic damage, for which Chinese donations and the lucrative business of welcoming immigrants represent an obvious compensation.

"(T)he highest levels and centers of cultural influence of the American Catholic Church (are) shamelessly siding in favor of the Democratic candidate.

"The Deep State, Trump’s sworn enemy, is joined by a Deep Church that spares no criticisms and accusations against the incumbent President while winking indecorously with Biden and BLM, slavishly following the narration imposed by the mainstream. It matters little that Trump is openly pro-life and defends the non-negotiable principles that the Democrats have renounced – the important thing is to transform the Catholic Church into the spiritual arm of the New World Order, so as to have an imprimatur from the highest moral authority in the world, something that was impossible with Benedict XVI.

"Secretary of State Pompeo did well to censure the renewal of the secret agreement signed between Bergoglio and Xi Jinping! His lucid denunciation brings to light the aberrant Vatican attitude, the betrayal of the mission of the Church, the abandonment of the Chinese Catholic community out of sinister political calculation and the way it is in accord with aligned thought.

"If Bergoglio can affirm with impunity that “Trump is not Christian”, evoking the ghosts of Nazism and populism, why would the U.S. Secretary of State not have the right to express his opinion ... about the connivance of the Holy See with the communist dictatorship that is more ferocious but also more powerful and influential than ever?

"Why does the Vatican, which is silent in the face of the Democratic party’s support for abortion and the violation of the most basic human rights in China, consider the Trump Administration to have no right to interfere in an agreement that has obvious repercussions in the international political balance?

"(T)he parrhesia in political confrontation that is called for in words is contradicted in fact by those who see their wicked plans brought to light. And it is unclear why an agreement presented as absolutely transparent and devoid of any obscure points has been kept secret and cannot be read even by the well-deserving Chinese Cardinal, Joseph Zen.

"(I)f we consider that among the people who dealt with the drafting of the Agreement between the Holy See and the Chinese Communist Party there was then-Cardinal McCarrick, who was sent by Bergoglio on his behalf (see here), we will also understand the reason that the acts of the canonical process that led to the powerful prelate being reduced to the lay state remain shrouded in secrecy: in both cases an operation of transparency and truth is urgent and necessary, because the honor and moral authority of the Catholic Church in the sight of the whole world is at stake." 

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

22 September 2020

In New Zealand we see the same malign influence of socialist ideology, of the 'Deep Church' tending towards "transformation into the spiritual arm of the New World Order"

  • In a parish priest who forbids dissemination of information unfavorable to the Labour Party ("Did your MP vote for Abortion up to birth?"). 
  • In almost every issue and every story in 'Cathnews', the Kiwi Catholic version of Red Flag. 
  • In that rag's campaign against Catholic Tradition (the tradition of Ss Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier) specifically against Communion on the tongue, specifically in which rants against this symbol of the Mass of the Ages as 'selfish' and 'a very serious embarrassment for priests'.
  • The priest in the ironically-named St Francis Xavier Parish, a Marist domain, who reduced a parishioner to tears (actually to "a train wreck", her friend told me) by refusing her Communion on the tongue after she'd waited till last in line. "Take it up with the Bishop," he told her. St Francis Xavier is a parish which is, the SMs say: 

  • Welcoming and sharing.
  • Caring for one another.
  • Encouraging and respecting Maori, Pakeha and all ethnic groups.
  • Providing ongoing formation and prayer opportunities for all groups so that by living our faith, we grow closer to Jesus Christ.
  • Pursuing fairness, equality and peace.
  • Interacting with other denominations.

  • St Francis Xavier Whangarei

The last line of their 'mission statement' is a give-away. The Marists are into false ecumenism. The priest would have been on very safe ground, telling the poor woman to "take it up with the Bishop". Can you imagine Bishop Pat Dunn censoring a priest for upholding political correctness? Can you imagine any NZ bishop censoring any of their priests publicly, for anything? I suppose we should be grateful they're not into censoring priests for preaching the Gospel, as in the US. But maybe that's simply because our bishops don't know of any such priests....
  • There's the priest in Otara who appeared at a public rally in support of Mangere Labour MP William Aupito Sio, who voted for the Abortion Legislation Bill. He needs censoring too. How about it, Bishop Dunn? 
  • Cathnews gets even bolder in its support of the left in its story describes pro-abortion fanatic Nancy 'late-term abortion is sacred ground to me' Pelosi, a Democrat, as 'a practising Catholic'. Well, we may live in hope and prayer that one day her practice will make her perfect. Before she dies. She criticises her brave Archbishop, Salvatore Joseph Cordileone of San Francisco, for promoting the Mass instead of following 'science'. "He should not be putting people’s lives at risk", she said. 

The lives at risk here, the lives that should concern the clergy, are our lives in eternity. What would an emaciated 10 year-old suffering agony from purulent pleurisy, little Jacinta Marto of Fatima, have to say to these priests and bishops? 

The movie Fatima has been in the cinemas recently. At least it reminds us of the greatest miracle ever to be witnessed publicly, by 70,000 people, in human history, but it also reminds us of the spin, the escapism that is now universally preferred to the unvarnished truth.

  • Jacinta and Francisco and their cousin Lucia never rode in a cart behind a pony. Even when  taken to the train station for her last trip to hospital, the best Jacinta's father could manage was a donkey. 
  • Nothing was shown of the hours the children continually spent in prayer, Francisco on his knees with his forehead to the ground until he became too weak and would fall over. 
  • The saturated clothing, after torrential rain, of the 70,000 was shown as still wet after the terrifying plunge towards earth of the sun which dried them all completely.
It was obvious in the first few minutes that the movie's makers had fallen for the faux narrative of the false 'Sister Lucia' who supplanted the real one in the early '60s, when post-Vat II the real message of Fatima became an embarrassment to the hierarchy, the false version of the movie being confirmed by a photo of the false Lucia in the credits.

Left, the real Sister Lucia. Right, the fake Sr Lucia as shown in the credits for the movie Fatima

It's enough to read Jacinta's comment, "In church, we must be tranquil and not talk ... Our Lady does not want people to talk in church!" to understand why the Church tried to suppress her cousin Lucia's evidence, revealed and repeated by her up till the time of Vatican II, to realise why the Church then tried to suppress her evidence of the reality of the message of Fatima, of our overwhelming need for prayer and penance.

Now with her brother canonised, Jacinta was obsessed with the terrifying vision of Hell shown them by Our Lady, and consumed with the desire to suffer and sacrifice for sinners. Of World War II, prophesied and shown the children by Our Lady, Jacinta told her cousin Lucia:

"So many people are going to die, and almost all of them are going to hell!"


  1. Teresa Coles says:
    It is a sad world we live in...

    Philippa O'Neill says:
    Signs of the times! 🙁

  2. Teresa Coles says:
    How sad is that (being refused Communion on the tongue). I would just crumble...

  3. Monica Devine says:
    I know that priest.

    I say: I think there are three priests in Francis Xavier Parish so I couldn't name and shame him. With three priests you'd think they have time to give Holy Communion to everyone. Obviously time wasn't the issue, it was ideology.

  4. From memory, MP Sio voted AGAINST extending abortion. He was/is a Mormon bishop. Best check...

    1. I had checked, but I checked again. Sio voted for the Abortion Legislation Bill in the Third Reading.

  5. Bob Gill says:
    Yes, Philippa, I don't know why Rome doesn't 'keep us safe' (as Cardinal Dew loves to say) by permanently banning Communion in the hand - seriously. Of course, lay ministers (if we must insist on keeping them) would need to be trained to distribute on the tongue and we would need to use a kneeler to help the distribution of Communion correctly. Doing away with the chalice would help speed up distribution too - which is a bit of an over-kill anyway.

  6. Bob, Rome wants to keep us ecumenical and dialogical. = in dialogue.

  7. ower and control... no compassion at all.
    · Reply · 3d
    Janferie Kelekolio
    She was last he could have done it and gone and washed his hands... how sad.
    · Reply · 3d
    Bob Gill
    He would only want to wash his hands, though, if he felt he had touched her tongue, which an experienced priest surely is unlikely to do. Would that same priest have washed his hands after the possibility that his fingers had touched someone's hand? I … See More
    · Reply · 2d
    Janferie Kelekolio
    Bob Gill definitely
    · Reply · 2d
    Philippa O'Neill
    Bob Gill hands are the most dirty... they pick up germs constantly. She probably was best not taking communion from his dirty hands that had touched all those other hands... unless of course he drops Our Lord from above! God forbid.
    · Reply · 1d · Edited
    Janferie Kelekolio says:
    Maybe it's time to do it like the protestants..... small glass of wine and a rip of bread....all blessed on the altar and we come one at a time and take from the table...... (I am kidding but I kinda like the idea more I think of it)

    Bob Gill says:
    Well, at Sunday Mass this morning at St Joseph's Dannevirke the collection basket was passed around the congregation (bearing in mind we are still at Level 1 and supposed to be following the Cardinal's safety recommendations). Cardinal Dew's 'keep us safe' was not evident. And because we don't have a bishop, I can't "Take it up with the Bishop" I did kind of rebel, though, by making no effort whatsoever in ensuring I was last going for Communion on the tongue! When will the fiasco end?
