Vicar of Rome, Angelo Cardinal De Donatis, with Vicar of Christ (as was) Pope Francis |
"The worst possible example came from the Vicar of Rome, the centre of Catholicism. After consulting Pope Francis, he closed all churches."
Why would the Pope be in such an all-fired hurry to shut Rome's churches?
"In applying restrictive measures, the Catholic hierarchy was another social group", says the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, "that contributed to the mass hysteria (around Covid-19).
"They often anticipated civil authorities or went beyond what these required." Too right they did. It was only to be expected that New Zealand's bishops would fall over themselves to follow the example set by Rome and close churches here.
The question really is, why should Pope Francis think closing churches, right on the cusp of the Easter Triduum, the biggest celebration in the liturgical calendar, that closing churches was such A Very Good Idea?
The question really is, why should Pope Francis think closing churches, right on the cusp of the Easter Triduum, the biggest celebration in the liturgical calendar, that closing churches was such A Very Good Idea?
The petition states that The Lockdown is:
- a violation of the autonomy of the Catholic Church to govern, worship and teach;
- a violation of the rights of Pastors to decide autonomously on the celebration of Mass and the Sacraments;
- a violation of the inalienable rights of citizens - freedom of worship, expression and movement;
- a pretext for supporting the hidden intentions of supranational bodies that have very strong commercial and political interests in this plan;
- an obrogation of governments' political responsibility by 'experts' who can claim a kind of immunity from prosecution;
- penalizing the weak and elderly, forcing them into painful separation from their families;
- a threat to the global economy;
- a prelude to interference by foreign powers;
- a conspiracy to separate families;
- criminalization of personal and social relationships;
- a pretext to manipulate and control people through panic;
- a pretext for abolishing the right to worship God in any religion;
- a pretext for measures requiring vaccinations;
- a pretext for worldwide contact-tracing devices.
Sign the petition here:
And did we know that "the Roman Catholic Church has joined up with IBM and Microsoft to work on the ethics of artificial intelligence"?
I didn't, until I heard Fr Francois Laisney SSPX, in his sermon at Mass at St Anthony's Priory Whanganui this morning.
It puts humans at the centre of new technologies, asking for AI to be designed with a focus on the good of the environment and "our common and shared home and of its human inhabitants". Oh, right. Now where have we heard that before?
From the erstwhile Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis, that's who. Note that AI is to be designed for the 'good of the environment', not for the good of our eternal souls.
"Framing the current era as a "renAIssance", the speakers said the invention of artificial intelligence would be as significant to human development as the invention of the printing press or combustion engine."
Take it away, Microsoft!
Fr Laisney was at pains to point out that AI is simply a tool; it has no intelligence; God alone can create intelligence; AI can be a tool for evil people who want to is a'
Just as the lefty media in NZ played their demonic role in distracting our attention from Ardern's infanticide law, the press worldwide have dragged the red herring of Sarah v. Vigano across the headlines to divert us from the sinister scenario behind The Lockdown, one erected with the eager assistance of what the petition calls "the media's alarmism".
Isn't this exactly the ploy we'd expect of Satan? Furious that at last someone in the Church has exposed the manipulation of Covid-19, by persons unnamed by the petition (but painfully obvious to those with eyes to see) for a world government and a world Church, two of the most courageous and outspoken prelates in the Church are set at loggerheads.
Divide and conquer. It's an oldie but a goodie. Cardinal Sarah obviously signed the petition, as +Vigano - by now a veteran in dodging media bullets - proves by his record of their telephone conversation.
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Cardinal Robert Sarah, Head of Congregation for Doctrine and the Sacraments |
And while all this is going on, Down Under, here in La-La Land NZ's bishops dither over "safety regulations to keep Covid-19 at bay and to keep us all safe", as poor Cardinal John Dew puts it, in the latest edition of Welcom.
"We do not know what we can expect in terms of where we are," wails the Archbishop of Wellington Archdiocese and - while the faithful of Palmerston North wait (we hope not with bated breath) for the appointment of a bishop - also Apostolic Administrator of Palmerston
North Diocese.
Where we lay people are, dear Cardinal Dew, is totally at a loss:
- at a loss to know why our bishops and priests are acting like lackeys to a government which enacted possibly the most horrendous abortion law in the world while the media were busy getting the electorate hyped-up about a sickness no more dire than annual flu;
- at a loss to know why the Church allowed that Abortion Legislation Act to pass, with barely a murmur of dissent;
- at a loss to know why the NZ Bishops' Conference did not get up on their hind legs the moment 'The Lockdown' was announced, to say that no government has power to abolish the worship of God, which is the first duty of man;
- at the loss of the inestimable graces conferred on us by our presence at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass;
- at the loss of reception of inestimable graces conferred by the Body and Blood of our Saviour received physically in Holy Communion;
- and at a loss, most of all, to know why the bishops' 'safety regulations' insist that when at last Ardern et Al let us out of our homes and into our churches, there will be no Communion on the tongue.
I admit that my last point is somewhat disingenuous. Many bishops and priests, most notably Bishop Athanasius Schneider, have vowed and declared that in their experience Communion on the tongue is more hygienic than Communion in the germ-laden hand. So it's pretty clear that the explanation for our bishops' fixation can only be determination to stamp out the 2000-year Tradition of receiving Communion which is still the norm for the Church.
There's at least one other explanation of course, and that's sheer stupidity and certainly, to be fair to the bishops, on the evidence we can't rule that one out. That's kinder surely, and more explicable, than concluding that they are collaborating with the motivations which Archbishop Vigano and assorted cardinals, academics and journalists say are behind COVID-19 lockdowns around the world.
And why would promoting Communion in the hand make our NZ bishops unlovely handmaidens to the evil one? If for no other reason than that Communion in the hand, by making the communicant complicit in sacrilege by the danger posed to our Eucharistic Lord by fragmentation and falling, to be trampled underfoot, gravely lessens the faith of those receiving. There are other reasons, but let's leave them for the present.
It should go without saying that when our faith grows weak, as you might logically expect it to do after four weeks of no nourishment in the Mass and Communion (but God has His own logic) our ability to recognise evil and to fight it is lessened. If we don't believe in something, we're not going to fight for it. So the devil enjoys a walk-over.
To paraphrase the rest of the petition:
"Public health must not become an alibi for infringing on the rights of millions, let alone for depriving the civil authority of its duty to act wisely for the common good. ...
"Growing doubts emerge about the contagiousness, danger and resistance of the virus. Authoritative voices in the world of science and medicine confirm that the media’s alarmism about Covid-19 appears to be absolutely unjustified.
"We have reason to believe, on the basis of official data on the incidence of the epidemic as related to the number of deaths, that there are powers interested in creating panic among the world’s population with the sole aim of permanently imposing unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, of controlling people and of tracking their movements. The imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.
"We also believe that the closure of shops and businesses have precipitated a crisis that has brought down entire sectors of the economy. Those with governmental responsibility must stop these forms of social engineering.
"We ask that every effort must be made to ensure that shady business interests do not influence the choices made by government leaders and international bodies. It is unreasonable to give priority to treatments or vaccines which guarantee pharmaceutical companies far greater profits, and exacerbate public health expenditures. For Catholics it is morally unacceptable to develop or use vaccines derived from material from aborted fetuses.
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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano |
"We also ask government leaders to ensure that forms of control through tracking or any other form of location-finding, are rigorously avoided. The fight against Covid-19 must not be the pretext for supporting the hidden intentions of supranational bodies that have very strong commercial and political interests in this plan.
"Citizens must be given the opportunity to refuse restrictions on personal freedom without any penalty being imposed on those who do not wish to use vaccines, contact tracking or any other similar tool.
"The State has no right to interfere, for any reason whatsoever, in the sovereignty of the Church. Ecclesiastical authorities have never refused to collaborate with the State, but that does not authorize civil authorities to impose any sort of ban or restriction on public worship or priestly ministry. The rights of God and the faithful are the supreme law of the Church. We ask that restrictions on the celebration of public ceremonies be removed.
Jacques Attali, advisor to all French presidents from Mitterand to Macron, said way back in 2009 that the H1N1 virus could make it necessary to “establish a world police, world stocks and, therefore, worldwide inspection. That way, one would arrive much faster than mere economic convenience would allow, to lay the foundations of a true world government.”
We seem to be approaching the fruition of Freemasonry, a child of the French Revolution - which coincidentally also featured social contagion by panic in the period named Grande Peur ('The Great Fear'), just as we are now with Covid-19.
Although let's be clear about this: it is not Covid-19 which is engendering panic, destroying the economy, condemning old people to end their days in isolation. No. It's governments around the globe, mainly left-wing socialist governments like ours in NZ, which are responsible for the chaos caused, not by the pandemic' but the draconian measures they've taken to fight the pandemic'. And let's be clear that that scary word 'pandemic' simply means a disease that's gone a long way in a short time.
Scary-Mary Media have a lot to answer for. A teenager earnestly told me yesterday that children can die of Covid. Nah, said Heartless Hannah, it's only a worry for old people who are going to die soon anyway. I don't think he heard me. Because he'd heard somehow of the April 4 BBC report “Coronavirus: Five-year-old Among Latest UK Victims.”
Turns out that little girl had an underlying health condition. The virus is actually almost completely harmless for children.
And Scary-Mary Media have an unlikely ally too, in - of all the things - the Catholic Church. Not so unlikely, however, when we consider that Freemasonry has infiltrated the Church to the extent that as St Padre Pio stated, after the election of Pope Paul VI: "Courage, courage, courage! For the Church is already invaded by Freemasonry ... Freemasonry has already arrived at the slippers of the Pope (Infiltration, Taylor Marshall).
"Three years after Pope Leo XIII's vision of demons gathering on Rome, the Freemasons erected in Rome a statue of Giordano Bruno of Nola, a Dominican friar condemned by the Holy Office and executed in 1600.The writers of the Freemasonic Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita wanted eventually to elect a pope in the mold of Bruno: pantheistic, relativistic, and universalistic."
In 1918 Cardinal Felix von Hartmann wrote to the Apostolic Nuncio in Germany, Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli to warn Rome against the Masonic plan behind the revolution that was taking place in Germany and Russia and their fight against monarchies and the Catholic Church.
"His Majesty the Emperor that the Grand Orient has just decided first to depose all Sovereigns – first of all him, the Emperor – then to destroy (?) the Cathol.[olic] Church, to imprison the pope, etc and, finally, to establish on the ruins of the former bourgeois society a world republic under the leadership of American Big Capital. France and America, are said to be under the full influence of the Grand Orient [Masonic Lodge].
It's taken the Freemasons some time, but they're getting there.
Bob Gill says:
ReplyDeleteDisappointed to read here…/church-state-deal-means-mass-will-be…/ that when Italian churches likely re-open on 18 May that apparently Communion in the hand is being ‘requested’ by Rome. Hopefully it is being requested only and people still have a choice. Should it be disallowed, then I can imagine the tack that will be taken by NZ Novus Ordo bishops when we re-open. Thank goodness, of course, that Ashhurst and Wanganui Latin Mass is nearby to some of us.
Italian bishops announced Thursday a deal with the government to resume public Mass on Monday, May 18, which means the first Sunday Mass to be reopened will be May 24, which in Italy is the Feast of the Ascension.
I say:
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it show attachment to Communion in the hand may be demonic? I mean, who opens the loo door with their tongue?
Teresa Coles says:
ReplyDeleteGoing back over 30 years ago when we welcomed Saint John Paul 11 to Wellington every person receiving the precious body was told to receive in the hand ..I was very sad at the time as I was 7 months pregnant and could not go ,but Peter and the 3 girls went on the train to Wellington and I watched on TV..I always received our precious Lord on the tongue up until this visit..It is what is in your heart at the time of receiving and knowing it is truly Jesus..Admittedly there are those that receive without the reverence that Jesus deserves..Being a extraordinary minister I do know there are not many particles left ,unless the Priest has to break the Precious body then it is up to the minister to consume any particles left behind. I would definitely go back to receiving on the tongue if I knew it was evil to receive in the hand.
Bob Gill says:
I believe studies have been done that microscopically show particles of the Host remain on a person’s hand after receiving. Contaminating the Blessed Sacrament, then, is unavoidable with this method. I understand too that most people receiving that way don’t hold out their hand in a flat position, so the priest has difficulty placing the Host without his fingers touching the receiver’s hand. Ongoing contamination when distributing to others, then, is unavoidable.
I believe you know people by their actions.
More than 99% of the parishioners in my parish approach and receive Communion in the hand, and most receive in a casual manner. My wife, a non-Catholic, is not convinced from her observation that many of those Communicants believe in the Real Presence – and I would second that. The distribution of ‘Communion’ at a Protestant service I once attended many years ago was more considered and appreciated.
Only a handful of parishioners genuflect on entering my church at Sunday Mass. All of the school children and all teachers, except one, never genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament before entering the church pews for a school Mass.
I think the lack of reverence and casualness associated with how the Blessed Sacrament is treated generally, and accentuated through Communion in the hand, should be avoided. The reverence associated with receiving on the tongue would, I believe, help restore people's reverence and belief in the Real Presence.
Sue Novak says:
Also, our loss of priestly vocations can be attributed to such practices. If anyone may touch the Real Presence, it's pointless ordaining a priesthood to the service of that Real Presence.
I say:
ReplyDeleteAll that you say, Bob and Sue, about the effects of Communion in the hand would confirm that attachment to it which is so hard - some would say impossible - to shake, is demonic. In fact I believe because of those effects it was demonic in origin. Remember that originally almost all the bishops of the time were opposed to Communion in the hand; it began in defiance of the magisterium in Holland and a weak Pope found himself powerless to stop its spread.
Sharon Crooks says:
ReplyDeleteJulia, your post confirms that my fears during Covid were very well-founded: I had zero fear of Covid but a fear of the police patrolling the roads, enforcing our loss of freedoms. I fear the consequences too of the NZ bishops who went on 'retreat' failing to put up any resistance to the government's declaration that our faith life is 'non-essential'. A diabolic consequence of their lack of resistance is that they have consequently brought into a whole new process of subjugating "Cindy's citizens" through surveillance of who worships. By letting the Roman Catholic Church in NZ be treated like an ordinary business, they have now got Parish Councils and parish secretary's everywhere preparing themselves for the task of taking down our names and phone numbers before we can enter the House of Our Lord when Level 2 comes into force. In doing this, one must ask whether or not the 'Church' are now betraying Our Lord in giving the Parish Council the 'right' to enforce a loss of freedoms, empowering the parish council to act like guards in the Panopticon tower, monitoring every sniffle with a 'mark' and enforcing the proverbial sacrilegious 'act' (Communion in the hand) upon the 'prisoner of worship' by monitoring and ensuring no Holy Communion on the Tongue. This really puts good priests in a precarious position because the Congregation for Divine Worship in 1999 determined that Communion on the tongue could not be restricted in places where it is offered in the hand, and as such, it confirmed that the instructions given in the1969 'Memoriale Domini' were stand, confirmed by Canon Lawyers in Covid. Would it be fair to suggest that the NZ Bishops have not only snuggled up to Cindy but are putting the parish council into bat for her too, given who will actually be per-mission-ed with the task of policing parish and priest? And make no mistake, fear will see to it that the priest is policed as must as parishioner. Has their been an even more explicit change of guard for the Church during Covid?