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Joseph Goebbels |
"A dog and pony show" was promised virtual congregants this morning at St Anthony's Priory Whanganui by American Fr Michael Johnson SSPX , and a dog and pony show is what we got. It was terrific.
This being Good Shepherd Sunday, Fr Johnson took his text from the Epistle (1 Pet 2:11-19) "Servants, be subject to your masters wilth all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
Fr Johnson defined "froward" - doubtless to suit his sermon - as "difficult to obey", and yes, he launched into a diatribe against the Gummint. Not only ours, but the whole worlds'. He said he might be accused of being too political - "but if a burglar enters my house, am I not justified in crying out? Well, a burglar has entered."
Father's 'house' is the Church, which has been entered by a moral and social climate that assists the theft, I think Father meant, of the Catholic faith. For starters he cited a Florida Protestant pastor's arrest for contravening state laws against holdng church services, while in California the government is releasing 3500 prisoners as Covid-19 spreads through state prisons.
"It is a grave matter to forbid people to adore God. The Government says the Church is not an essential service: by extension they are saying that God is not essential. This is blasphemy! The intention is quite clear: God has no part to play in or lives."
Fr Johnson, an American, quoted the First Amendment to the Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
"Governments and Prime Ministers have done that. I would be very disappointed if people didn't sue the socks off these governments.
"The bishops having sheepishly shut down, Pope Francis is blaming Covid-19 on abuse of the planet. He's saying "Nature never forgives. We should contemplate nature." In solidarity with the worlds' governments he closed St Peter's Basilica and held services of a sort just for himself and a few others.
"This assault brought against the Church is a blasphemous 60 year-old assault on the truth, on God Himself, because God is Truth. It began with the first call for aggiornamento by Vatican II, but I'm not going to get into a jeremiad.Vatican II was a massive apostasy from God and His Son, Jesus Christ. It has brought us to calamity: man's inability to recognise God. We are swimming in a cesspool of lies. Pope Francis is swimming in a cesspool of lies."
As examples of such lies, Fr Johnson cited:
- There's no Hell
- Everyone will be welcomed into Heaven
- All religions are a pathway to God
- Pope Francis erection of a statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican's Paul VI hall (Luther was excommunicated and his theses rejected by Pope Leon in 1520)
- Abortion is a "right", a "choice"
- Gender is not determined by nature
- 'hate crimes' (denying gender theory) will lead to imprisonment, fines or "anti-bias" training in Canada
"For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.(Tim 4:3). "And what have we filled our minds with during 4 weeks of lockdown?" asked Fr Johnson, rhetorically. "Fables: movies from Netflix."
Then he drew the virtual congregation's attention to a number adorning the pulpit. 239,586, being the "guesstimate" of deaths from Covid 19 worldwide this year.
"The response of governments worldwide has been unique in the history of man. In an attempt at mitigation they have locked down everyone, both infected and healthy.
"The response of governments worldwide has been unique in the history of man. In an attempt at mitigation they have locked down everyone, both infected and healthy.
"The effectiveness of these measures has been challenged by two doctors in the little community of Bakersfield California, who have been working in acute care for 25 years. The measure of mitigation by confining people to their homes is contrary to nature, how people fight off disease.
"Our immune systems stay healthy by daily encountering other viruses in other people. We produce antibodies without realising it. If you take the human body away from viruses it gets lazy. We're setting people up for sickness when we go out of lockdown. It's a poor choice. Confining healthy people makes them weak.
"Our immune systems stay healthy by daily encountering other viruses in other people. We produce antibodies without realising it. If you take the human body away from viruses it gets lazy. We're setting people up for sickness when we go out of lockdown. It's a poor choice. Confining healthy people makes them weak.
"Youtube took down that video because it "violated community guidelines" (It had 5 million views and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said videos against WHO policy "will be taken down".)
"You only have to look at previous pandemics," said Fr Johnson.
- 2009: Swine flu: it's not known how many died
- 1968-69: Hong Kong flu: 1 million died
- 1957: Asian flu: 1.1 million died
- 1918: 500 million died
- 360,812: suicide. "You are 1.5 times more likely to die from suicide than Covid-19. How many suicides have been induced by Covid-19 shutdown?"
- 454,200: motor vehicle accidents. "You are 1.9 times more likely to die in a car accident than from Covid-19. If we went back to horse and buggy, we'd also reduce carbon emissions ..."
- 565,233: deaths so far this year from HIV Aids, "which is mostly caused by sinful sexual relations. Be chaste! You are 2.4 times more likely to die from HIV Aids than Covid-19.
- 162,018: deaths from smoking."You are seven times more likely to die from smoking than from Covid-19. It's a slam-dunk: don't smoke!Wouldn't you think governments would classify smoking as dangerous to health? The price of cigarettes is hugely inflated by government taxation which is supposed to discourage people from smoking. It doesn't discourage, it capitalises on addiction. It's the sheerest hypocrisy!
- 2,763,385: deaths from cancer. "You are 11.5 times more likely to die from Cancer than Covid-19."
- 14,304,257: deaths from abortion so far in 2020."People are 60 times more likely to die from abortion than from Covid-19. It's called 'reproductive health care'. This is craven, lying, hypocrisy. Rampant lies! A woman who aborts is a murderess. These babies are condemned to Limbo for eternity. They will never see the face of God because they will never receive sanctifying grace.
"All of this demonstrates the colossal lies that our overlords and media feed us. To what end? You need to ask yourself that question."
Next up, he quoted Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler's master of propaganda: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
"Our overlords expect, they demand, that we accept what they tell us. Who or what persuaded our world leaders to lockdown? It was a smart decision in regard to subjugating people. But sooner or later people will wake up. What then? Our overlords will already have thought of the solution.
"Hannah Arendt was a Jew who fled Nazi Germany. She said, "What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie -- a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days -- but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please.”
Father pointed out that of the world's 7.8 billion people only 1.2 billion are Catholics, who know that there is another life, eternal life, which depends on the sanctifying grace which the Sacraments bring. He quoted the Athanasian Creed:
"Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly."
If we are not Catholic we will not go to Heaven. To deny that is to deny the Faith."Oh, but Father, that's unfair!"
"But God does present us with the whole truth:
"This is the Catholic Faith, which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."
Next up, he quoted Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler's master of propaganda: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
"It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
"Our overlords expect, they demand, that we accept what they tell us. Who or what persuaded our world leaders to lockdown? It was a smart decision in regard to subjugating people. But sooner or later people will wake up. What then? Our overlords will already have thought of the solution.
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Hannah Arendt |
"Hannah Arendt was a Jew who fled Nazi Germany. She said, "What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie -- a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days -- but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please.”
Father pointed out that of the world's 7.8 billion people only 1.2 billion are Catholics, who know that there is another life, eternal life, which depends on the sanctifying grace which the Sacraments bring. He quoted the Athanasian Creed:
"Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly."
If we are not Catholic we will not go to Heaven. To deny that is to deny the Faith."Oh, but Father, that's unfair!"
"But God does present us with the whole truth:
"This is the Catholic Faith, which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."
David Gianotti says:
ReplyDeleteSomeone else has the main first part on YT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJprwe_rWeM
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COVID-19 Briefing: Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science | Dr Erickson & Dr Massihi Pt1
COVID-19 Briefing: Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science |…
COVID-19 Briefing: Current Quarantine Approach Wrong Based on Science | Dr Erickson & Dr Massihi Pt1
Bob Gill says:
Thanks, David, for a more complete download.