Tuesday 27 August 2019


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"Women", opines Hon Clare Curran, MP for Dunedin South, "should have the legal right to bodily autonomy, and should not feel criminalised for having undertaken what is a health procedure".

Last week I'd sent Honourable Clare a one-line email, stating in the subject line, KILL THE BILL. Honourable Clare was not won over: today I received a nice reply stating, in effect, KILL THE BABY.

Honourable Clare thinks - nay, she "firmly believes" - that the current laws on abortion are "40 years old, and not fit for the modern era". Ah! She's a Modernist! I might have known. I've seen a lot of them around in the Catholic Church.  

Honourable Clare needs to know the dictionary definition of the feminist catch-cry of 'bodily autonomy'. In this context it means a woman's right to control her own body. Her own body, not someone else's, such as that of the baby in her womb. 

And before she starts on 'bodily sovereignty' which in her email she did not, perhaps I suspect because she doesn't know the meaning of the word 'sovereignty', she does not have absolute sovereignty over her body and anything within it, either. If you have sovereign ownership of a property, that doesn't mean you can kill someone who enters it. Not yet, anyway (watch this space). 

Honourable Clare needs to know you can't tell a woman what she should or shouldn't feel. A woman is responsible for her own feelings. Honourable Clare ought to know women were never 'criminalised' by abortion; women have been diddled into thinking that by irresponsible politicians. 

Honourable Clare needs to realize that 40 years ago when the current laws were introduced, a mother was a mother and an unborn child was an unborn child. 40 years has made no difference. 

Anyway, enough of  Honourable Clare. I sent her a link to enlightenment in the form of an interview with Dr Norman McLean NZOM of Invercargill, recorded 2 weeks ago.

I must add however that Honourable Clare is "confident that there are sufficient safeguards in place to ensure women have adequate advice and support before, during, and after their abortion, including counselling if needed."
Like for example, the 'counselling' Anonymous received (see HOW TO SURVIVE ABORTION COUNSELLING). When she said she wasn't going to have an abortion, the counsellor said she'd burnt her bridges and no other man would have her ...


I defy anyone to watch this interview with Dr Norman McLean, a former abortionist, and continue to support the Abortion Legislation Bill. 

To do so would simply not be Honourable. 


  1. We have been trying to get a meeting with Clare Curren for ages.. never get a reply from her office. A member of the Voice for Life committee actually managed to get a meeting and was stood up. This mum has 3 children and had arranged child care for them (solo mum) and was stood up! She needs to resign. She is less than effective here.

  2. Cheer up; 'im indoors, who knows an awful lot about a lot of things, reckons the Honourable Clare is about to resign. She's on the list of MPs I'm praying will change their vote on euthanasia and I'm thinking, no vote's as good as a no vote. God works in mysterious ways.
